Show A song of life LIN praised be the up lips of the mom tor por their musical message of L debt ht for their bird chanted bierden ot of vang conr praised be tui tas young barth reborn A for F or tte its freshness and glory and might if iwa and the thoughts of hiah solemn d i light r tt that at flah flash of its fix purity throng thron praised be tl ti e 1 alps of the day for their elar clarion ion call to the held field i chere acre the glattle of life must be foucht praised b be the fit of the fray V here the Is 1 benned and annealed vs and the spirit heroic revealed a A ki and ad pure kold gold from lae lase substances t 1 hii broucht li praised be the th lip lips of the night TU for their murmur ou rn orage ef of nit for their lullaby motherly swett praised be he the dreams of delight while tired life in 1 asleep 1 in loves neat nest f and in harmony tender and bleet blest 1 heaven leaven a calm and arth earth i tov ellems meet israel zangwill |