Show 2 land onica salt lale city ituk july 15 5 1904 to whom it may coi concern cern Tha state of utah having elected selected a put of lt ILI brant grant for forthe the establishment of permanent perm merit water reservoirs for under tinder the twelfth noo see dionot alor of the ltd of congles con gres lo 10 1894 the following follo winK winic described tract tracts I 1 by the united stated surveyor beneral as inin 1 enil eral lands notice if jj hereby ilven that the raid said late will submit proof wo to the character of aid land before tho the regi register 1 ter ind receiver at teli office ace on mond sy the 3 fat day of october 1004 1904 at 10 it m ralz itz aki st leion sek on 1 7 11 south i ia n ge 12 bikit 1 Ls salt lake meridian embraced 1 in n L list no 2011 reservoirs all claiming any portions of batilde scribed tract an mineral land or desiring deil rin kopro to protest or object to the election 11 thereof by the at t te to are herebic hereby I 2 so to appear on that date and submit testimony in support of their clair claims or objection objections FRAIK D ilonis register gl 1 0 A I 1 tc lver first FIrt pub aas 4 last sept 29 19 |