Show NEWS SUMMARY A letter received from ascuncion rara paraguay guay says that several cases caes of 0 bubonic hav appeared there general parico saravia Sar avla tho the chief of the uruguayan revolutionists la is dead and peach negotiations have been bogin general kuropatkin earlma eat lma the russian losses from august 28 to september 6 5 at 4 acil ed and wounded james dritt britt has agreed t to fight light joo joe gane gans alter after he ha bas disposed of the corbett affair both boxers agree to scale pound pounds five children were burned to death and their parents mr and mrs jesso jesse sapp lacally injured at roily rolly adair county ky all were asleep the triennial etta catalogue logue of yale un university ver sity issued last week shows that there are ming graduates and dead graduates graduate a of yalo yale a total of edward johnson a member of the oak park chicago baseball team was killed by a batted ball during a game the ball struck him just below the heart to put to night flight a crowd ot 01 boy boys and girls who had bad been annoying him AI 1 lert bert marek an aged bohemian of chicago fired into the crowd killing david durham aged 10 harry buckner aged 15 years shot oad and killed his father at stockton cal because the latter struck the boys boya mother tho the young patricide bave ave himself up to the authorities two germans one ono of whom had been in america only a few low weeks hire hare fought a street duel in brooklyn ono one of them Is now in tho hospital seriously wounded in the shoulder 6 in a friendly frien div lv boxing bout t atlantic 0 city MY N J alexander tilghman f waiter has received a body blew which was followed by almost instant loath ilia ills opponent waa was a fellow waiter elijah gore a negro preacher who it ie to charged Is tho the leader of a be fore day club which has plan planned neil it Is in alleged the murder of prominent white men of hamilton ga baa bas been captured the white star line steamer celtic which galled sailed last week from queens town towa for new now york carried souls believed boll eved to be the largest number ever taken in one vessel from a british port alvo luvera rivers waa wait instantly killed while robbing the bank at warsaw 0 friday night the village marshal manhal emptied a shotgun into him ills two companions escaped but are being followed by IL a posse A dispatch from aklo klo arn announces ounces that disturbances hae occurred throughout chili province threatening tho soeur security ity of the from peking to dankow which Is a french belgian concession according to dispatcher dispatches received at buenos ayres ay res the revolutionists of paraguay aro are concentrating their land forces at towns parallel with the railway and have cut off supplies and communication muni munt cation with in endeavoring to turn out to avoid a farmers wagon an automobile con tilling two men and two women was precipitated down a thirty foot embankment ban kment near ballwin baldwin Ba llwin mo killing one of the occupants and the others it hae ban been recommended that the fore of american soldier soldiers in the philippine islands bo be reduced gom IN present standing of four regiments of cavalry and nine of 0 infantry to regiments of cavalry and seven of in fantry in a riot in the foreign colony of 0 portland station ohio one man wab beaten almost to death white while othera others bad their cars ears chewed off and noses names smashed pistol Pla tc knives and clubs were used freely nineteen of the rioters ere arrested rev albert reinhard aged 38 pas tor of holy trinity church at somer got ohio and editor of the rodemary a church ni magazine agazine publish ishol by the dominican broer waa stricken with just as he had finished mass ams still sull at the altar J S potter former united states consul in prussia who was widely known in circles in theunis the unit od d states and abroad Is dead at faeh inston aged 62 mr wr potter wa was the drat person to introduce in this coun tw the tho culture of ilk worm worms |