Show PUSHING WORK AION surveyor general anderson talks of progress TOTAL OF TOWNSHIPS and of which twentynine twenty nine have up to this time been completed by his office Stir eor general andera u n not of the tile united land off leant salt lake cit makes tills this statement concern lug ng the opening of ot the uintah reser atlon which ie Is to talo talc WACO in murch march next wo we ilao been doing a large amount of work ork it in a short time to prepare for this opening hie ifie reservation contains cont alna n total of it u bundled and beut alvo towns liipa of theao these vo NO dilvo completed our work upon thirty nine anti sent them on to washington for the inspection of the department officials we have hae on hand in our here the tile survey reports of thirty one townships these we are working on and will have them ready to bo be forwarded in it n few das reports for tho tile remaining fifty live townships have not botet 5 et been filed by the sur surveyors cy although the work of all engineering parties parti eson on the reservation rese ration Is finished except in the case ease of one party and the engineers engl neora aro are now working up their reports fur filing here on the reservation there aro arn four parties of government inspectors going ever the work of tho the surveyors ors and they will ill probably finish by the middle of november of actual eur sur vey work the tha only thing that remains to de do is to establish the boundary line of a section of the tile reservation |