Show t 7 the wearing it the road aint half so handsome hard some if you wear an easy shoe ro we sell itsou buy ii it result two satisfied pleased persons our shoes for men women and ch children 1 are sensible in construction and pleasing to the eye and are destined in theatrical i parlance to have a long and successful run we dont re sort to fooling to please aur customers our goods and prices make you light at tit heart 4 il 9 trading co the store where you get bargains 4 x V WOO volt SAL SALL BIL J millburn B Tl burn price utah hintington miNT HUNTI INGTON NOTON FLOUR IS STANDARD BECAUSE OF QUALITY the tho best product from tho the growth 0 roah of ft heat to the perfection under tho the bakers balcers skill the bet best for I 1 leasing eating and for health to say you like it and would bo be glad to havo have you tell us when it izeer ev er it falla to come up tc bour A our ex 01 all the food value of the whole wheat roller ff fills 0 if utah LEVI N HARMON 0 J HARMON president manager the pioneer livery and feed stables it 1 ID D ELLIOTT prop limp r south of R 0 W depot pl ice utah P gal rigs and 4 ardful driven amainte ATa ac acquainted Inte d with ass the country hed w fsr aaby be jolted jotted about tn in hough staga stage loache I 1 1 bhea hen elliot will need mend you out for the same p money or less aa in a private coure conveyance special t x kates rates to oil men ken mining men and commercial Tra velem i v al t ajit ft insurance n W crockett Croc kott icett sick head headache results from a disordered ortle red condition of the stomach and Is quickly cured by chamberlains stomach and liver tablets fur sale by nil all patent med medle leins inc dealers how till wo we offer oco ane hundred dollar dollars rewa r for aar cake ca ke 1 that cannot be cured by hall a womb ure uro I 1 i keva toledo 0 we te und remd have haie known I 1 J C ch 0 uey nc fur for the lift is 1 earan and believe h him M r r estly ho norahle in all business bux inee tranise ro t n ablo tocarra out any ob ratio no male ma le by bir their fim t toledo n vald R I 1 I 1 nar hinr finran an marria wholesale drair r I 1 SP to 0 hall I 1 flata a rrb cure Is taken ienir directly upon the blood and faces or of the system prim io per bottle sold ida all kamily 1 pills aro the best SS rj dr prices P t acu eaps CREAM baking powder HIGHEST IN STRENGTH AND auliff improves Ini proves the flavor and adds to the healthfulness of the food fool price lakind powder gas G CHI ON TO IMAMS COMM AMU AND DIA minorA Ith MEUY this lart is well known to druggists everywhere and nine out of ten will give their customers this preparation when the beat boat la is asked for mr obe witmer Wt traer a prominent druggist of joplin mo no t ina in a circular to his tits cue cus joiners to tor iners ners says there Is nothing on the tile market in ane way of patent med fohne which equals chamberlains colic cholera and diarrhoea remedy for bowel compla luto we sell and recommend this preparation for salo sale by all patent medicine deal ers after august 14 1904 0 o will adopt the cash system and sell and buy only for cash thereby saving the consumer from froin 10 1 to 20 per con cent wo are aro corn coin selled pelted to till tako cc this step in ill or dor r to continuo business and also to prove to the trade that it is the only way to conduct the samo same wo we NN ill TAKE ORDERS and deliver in helper on tuesdays thursdays and saturdays and at tit castle gato gate on wednesdays a ii d FrI fridays Lays CIRCULARS quoting prices N ill bo be distributed each month beginning august aust a 0 14 watch for them 08 HELPER UTAH TS I 1 the kind of millinery that will suit your ideas of style and worth and abd something you can afford we zake them to your liking give us your ideas and an tell us the limit wel well provide a hat that will just suit yo you u and have it ready on time MRS THOS P MURPHY o 0 4 4 I 1 hotel clarke price utah best table in eastern utah and clean and comfortable rooms d commercial men are mak ing in this house their head quarters since change of management I 1 U E culi jl TS proprietor RATES reasonable 2 4 fe am i THE WAON AID IMIA 1111 08 have just receive received d P car load of t mccormick binders B n d e r s terms reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed also have on liand hand plenty of the gent genuine itne RED TAG TACA binding TWINE at at 15 cents F FOB 0 B price will be able to supply carbon and emery counties for terms term write or call W IF 0 OLSON kp k P S 0 N locel local agent price utah |