Show united still baluci e i L land and OM office ce salt lake city stati ut a h july 14 19 0 4 ti to whom it jimay limay may concern notice Is hereby given S th it the state 0 9 utah has tiled in this 4 office a list no 55 of laudi selected by the aid said 1 t 16 t e for the P establishment and maintenance of a school e hool 0 of mines 1 under section hot 12 of ire tt e act not of approved ipp roved july 16 10 1194 1894 ful lowina tract tracts embraced in ma said ld its blat t are in a township containing mineral claims or decord lec oril vir na nt sa W i NIK NI K SW SIVI SH 84 0 eli lection on 31 bk NYs sq anekt L N 1 u n d ab nb N abw 4 3 township ow p IS 5 bouab th hange 14 1 I at ast sat salt lne lake meridian 1 ra nta A copy tit aid said list no fo fur far aa asit it rela testo to suld bald tracts by nil has been xon in tills this office offic elot lora Inspect inspection iren by arty person interested and by t ile 1 talla irk ne rally fi t i thu the next sixty dare days following the or of this notice under departmental in of Noi november 17 ZIL CI L I 1 I 1 44 cote or contest contests against tho claim of f tho ho to any of tho the tracts or sub ab on hd he I 1 tuat that he saine is 1 more valuable for mineral thai for agricultural purposes eee will bo received ind and note noted for report to the general ire noral land at V ahlston D C 1 so in to or content contest within tho the time I 1 be considered sufficient evi collence lence nf of the miti mineral eral character of raid paid tract tracts and the thereof ther eor balmir e free from objection will wit 1 bu be recommended for fp franki hogua obo OLO rint pub july 31 21 |