Show unite I 1 state land rand domce sat lake city ulab utah july 25 1804 1904 lo 10 whoa whom it may concern notice Is hereby given that tbt state of 0 utah bas tiled in thin abl 4 ace a n ut list no of lands elected selected by ther raid mate tute A for ibe the of permanent water 1 for purpose under sec tion IS bof of the act of con grewn approved july ag 1894 ilia following fol lowin tracts embraced la in at lint list are in township containing contu laing mineral claims of viz nea bec bention tion lown alp it south flange 12 last bait lake Merl dlan A coopy of aad said lilt list so 0 o far r t relate relates to euld suld tracts by descriptive atoo 1 has been con q inthis in thi om oblee lor for impe any berwa interested and eaby by the public rall within LK the next sixty day days following the date of this notice under under departmental instruction 8 st of november 27 1890 23 L D 15 protests 1 or content against the claim of the state to any of the tract tracts or sub divisions hereinbefore d on the aroun I 1 athe the same 1 14 more valuable for mineral than win for agricultural pur purposes poes will be received ond and noti not I tor for report to the land office at on D C k allure no so to cotest or contest within the time specified will til bo be con coo ideres evidence of ot the con non mineral character of 0 the tracts and the selection there of being belair otherwise it free from will be recommended for approval roval IF HANIC D honna register OFU UFO A SMITH 11 receiver firt fir t auh acx 4 last apt pt 21 29 |