Show PEABODY ISSUES STATEMENT 1 colorado governor declare declares he Is iv not waging war on labor union governor james it peabody ot of colorado has his issued an address addres ex pla ining and vindicating his acta acts hi dealing with tho the labor troubles in colo rado lie ile refutes the contention thai that the strike inaugurated by the western federation of miners at the ore deduc uon works in conrado Coi Co orado city was called because of the failure of to t o legisla turo lure to enact an eight hour law Is pointing painting out that it waa was called on the at of february some five or six weeks before the adjournment of the logis legislature latura which then had under con sider atlon on an eight hour law later a sympathetic strike was declared by the federation in cripple crock creek to cut off the ore supply of ot the mills mille governor peabody then goes into tho the history of the western federation of miners which he declares has been replete with assaults dynamite outrages and murder in affording protection to men who desired to ia bor the governor explains it became necessary in my judgment to confine certain men in military guard houses as ono one of the deafest and moat most expeditious method of restoring ord order er governor peabody denies the charge that he be Is waging war on labor unions gene generally mIty |