Show SR N ROOT WORM WO A blob arre le kit abhors cru rol R ol W onu the tile farmere unil rn cu of ut tho states bare have loua long known diablo kioa tlc lons loonile pay the western boru 0 ru worm vF NA cue che of the orrt I 1 Is os mill with which they have to deal deals and its M progress cz stwArd bai has been a of con li terret IL D writing itri ting from coin awty 1 N Y university to roan mao the ilia life history ft of till title ewt 1 aud kill the remedy with il 11 lust rations the eggs are laid la in the early fall falls within a few inch of the tha stalks frola frou ono one to alto jeep it thestil li mil the larra batch from june to augort august anil and at crt rut tile small root foot let 11 to entire and then borrow burrow lag fog audr the outer layers of the a root roots it ua on a rih fit h alcum till bauo the stalks to lo 10 11 LI ll iu u orar or small en ears pud and a genital 1 nt of tile plant if it on poorer laud land to tim adol adall won orm li iq nearly maite with brown leal heal a little let IM bait half an all inch byle by let I 1 tanu cue one beuth of o 0 auch lu ter abrea pair pairs of short legs ere are found on oil the segments BC immediately tack lack of the giai bot but the long appears perfectly ninoth to the unaided eye tr ti rugh seen tu to have lairs and bristles bri itte under tile micro mope before tho color become becomes lightly slightly darker nud and the body shortcut cu d 2 C 31 1 wittens WEST cora ROOT wo Ile coming lucre like a common grub they then leave the root roots form a email small oval oral cell la in the roil roll to papa and lu in a hort short time carno forth as a adult beetles tho beetles are of n greenish or gret u tell yellow color aej about cue fourth of an inch long 1 in form the coin mol striped squash beetle the adults are aro faund lu to tho the field fields from the latter part of july until the corn milk become becomes brown and dry and often latch feeding upon the an I 1 pollen thu thus doing moro or lere less damage though slight when milen compared with that of the larva larre the remedy Is 0 so o simple and effective that it conid seem eliat no one ought to ender suffer from their injuries jarice In As far ci as known they have never been Injo to corn after a previous crop of wheat rye or barley though tho field beld may have been infected before that and a crop of corn is then bufo for at least two W a years thus a timple simple rotation which it if also to be recommended ou on many other grounds gronn du ie Is entirely effectual though corn ie is usually almost ite its only food it has been recorded eating marioo weed clover boons ru cumber and squash ginev apples of the olin ha has been broken cotton flowers pumpkins pum plina and various dougl the 13 12 spotted distinguished froni from the above by being larser larger and having three transverse rows of four black pot spot en on the wing cov t arx whose whoso larva ha has very verv similar injurious by eat cat 1 ing the corn roote roots tho the south mouth has no leen L to do so in the berth bat Is every j where exceedingly abundant and tn tot food of abo adult Is most va ried the beetle it ie is probably r known as attack K log squash mel ROOT on ars cucumber 1 om vines of which it cats eats voraciously both leaves and fruit but lia has aim aleo been no owl as injurious to clover 1 cabbages cauliflower beang beans beets bop hops cotton and various fruit arms in the first cut an am shawna shown sh owna beetle b larva western corn cc root worm vorm c r pupa d egg d portion 0 of egg en on barred barged c e bandille man diLle ot of larva f bead lead of larva from above uerino at sides natural size zo in the icona cut ie is represented au enlarged beetle of the onta mouth ern corn worm |