Show cot cost of or it I 1 16 later little A contri contributor buto to the country gen gentleman tie abo watto from dodge county N 1 i ya ran enins n ether I 1 t 1 70 0 o aad its 10 44 new now lork ork paper eiarl ballig nallig doubt ot of the be profit ot at beet culture to farmers at 13 5 per ton there ii Is ilia dhuet resign la in the cott of net culture aud and barrist per acre to different buffi trent individuals but la in nebraska farmers learn very rapidly rap tilly to 0 o reduce cot coal when rent and anti t ia cuter luto into the ack ach such items i ott last IM ba separately bat but for were item of culture it in Is possible for a fanner to do the work at very small 11 expense I 1 people who bare laid the alicas by including every item of farm varl foi fat 4 I 1 I 1 cr 1 IJ J au an acre I 1 believe 25 5 an acro t 11 I 1 bo a very able lie fair price after laud land is I 1 in rood good cultivation aud and reasonably free from wood weeds for en an average figure for oil all the coit cost of bets per acre in clu CIO ling harvesting aud delivery to f fao do tory 1 |