Show rrie rl told tint ran war movement friday evening the hotchkiss rapid fin fire grin guit reached price froin from the poet past with iti its gun on carriage and cala ca sons it bad had been expected for aeril several boon hours and county clerk donaldson and nd seargent argent Be wm wall rali W rd tastefully doo decorated orated W 9 W 4 car upon which the gun wa was to mobile alk 1 with bunting of the coloru colom earty saturday morning a istria force of men mounted the gun and loaded it upon the flat ear car four bearing abo the maine I 1 1 1 I TW 1 the tile maine lef feIr moana doerine Do Orine and cuba libre libra were hong bang oa on the idea sides of the carriages the lett MinK and decoration decorations bobea the work of artikis and no donot doubt the car will attract much attention oo 00 its it route the car left a t td saturday |