Show till bloc lloc callock li tINI floetl 4 1 to f r remoler 1 re aad J 1 IL at I 1 bof a TO tb the north 0 of paradox oine same twenty mike milt slid go i state rat I 1 by a high inva i the new mining country known at it lie cl citak k this di hittlet is I 1 orty toll inline from aboab just across ill utah line lits and the tb route from train moab wool I 1 be thron gla the geyser pass the firt location waa was made ia in may lay 1697 in and ia is now known A the sierra arau urau le RA 1 by A E abson U of cleveland CleT Clevel claid aad II 11 weert of white rocks L I 1 jerry hatch ut of vernal A force of six iz WOO bare have been engaged la to d development work for about six iz months A 60 0 foot toot intend bu has been driven anil and chrt three abasta of thirty leet feet each baa bog been unk bank there them it is a W toot telu veto of carbon ate at a of copper which averages arera gc 31 per cent cotar 11 1 in gold and 17 cancers in silver the ore boly body lie lies between time stone anil and quartzite and dips about clity degreed deg reea the velas ran enat east and west the ure ore is similar to test of the tb big in dim than which Is probably ten tea miles to the southeast except that the dig indian li is in deposits depo alta and the roc roe creek ore i is in well defined efus the hoc creek will in a tine ti ne be bade aa a ciu in eg rg jilt mud u there li is good yr pats for a number of pay log ing mine to be opened the coming season the owner owners of the sierra orande expect to incorporate in the near future and erect a adelter gordon grdon kimball has ba taken ninety dy day options on two we prospects one belonging to J N doling for tr WOO and the other belonging to A P miller for tsow W it at the end of this time the took look favorable faro rable he wl wi i A the purchase and erect a le welter he ile abo also took an option on air mr millers r ranch such for which whit h will be oil ad a townsite A big rush la is expected to the roo creek bud Para lox valleys this stromer much development work baa has been don done 9 in the paradox country the ore being 1 ballar I tri t that of the bou roo creek country |