Show A serious fracas A very serious fracas occurred on the ath in which edward craig formerly a miner on snake river rec received deiv an injury which may prove fatal it appears from what we can learn that A craig was having a game of cards in 1 the saloon of wm win tonkins jenkins when some lorne of the malad boys are said to uve have crowded around the table this i 1 irritated craig and he lirose arose from the i uble table and struck fred thomas jr g tad and they began fighting they were I 1 soon boon pur surrounded rounded by a multitude of malad a boys who crowded them to the outside of the saloon and in the fight craig braig r received a very dangerous wound on the head about four inches bo bove thel th eleft left ear from a half brick aich h was thrown by some one iv io the ra his skull was badly crushed ad d he was knocked senseless sense lebs and retained in that condition for several purs urs during which time be lost con Id d erable brain matter drs aber aaa a and drake were immediately called to his bis assistance and rendered all the aid they could they pronounce it a very dangerous case howser bowser hower bower district er attorney standrod imme allely nied filed a complaint before justice and warrants were bissu issued d for the arrest of all the parties coi COB bectel with the fight for the purpose ot of ascertaining who threw the brick a protracted examination and thorough 0 investigation anve iti gation by district at 14 afley e y standrod wm gleed was held ai the action of the grand jury in 15 abolds bonds and fred thomas was released idaho enterprise july ath |