Show for cholera Cb elera diarrhoea dysentery inflammation ol of the bowels or collie colic take internally from five to ten d drops r 0 p s of dalbys prophylactic fluid in a babl tablespoonful W a of water every hour or two tily till improvement takes place there is no danger in taking more of it and more frequently if occasion requires in ila chronic cases or when the stomach refuses to retain anything else use injections of the fluid and water we have never known a case that did not readily yield to such treatment and it saved the lives of many coughs and colds those who are suffering from coughs colds sore throat etc should try browns bronchial troches sold only in boxes yes tea utterly 11 impossible when all mal malarial rial poisons are re driven drie out of tb the system leaving leav ifft the blood new rich elch and aad pure pare no place for eruptions ulcers or rheumatism when all rood blood taint has been eradicated by the use of lot and aad dandelion with iodide of rotas inia aluin of witnesses among them thein the tee beat druggists and physicians testily testify to the wonderful cares carea wrought aught by boam ROW ARILLA all of the blood liter and use ur only al the won aenni W D hoyt co wholesale and retail dr druggists u bg g ests of rome ga say we have been e en selling dr kings new discovery electric bitters and buck leus lens arnica salve for two years have never handled bandied remedies 1 that sell LS as well or give such auch universal satisfaction there have been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city several cases of pronounced consumption have been entirely cured by use of a few bottles of dr kings new discovery taken in with electric bitters we guarantee hem always sold at Z C M I 1 druz storo store I 1 Azzi afla left collve iv axx BEST in the world fox for cuts cuta bruises Br ulies soren bores ulcers salt bait rheum fever sores yetter tetter chipped hands chilblains corns coma and chapped all skin eruptions and positively cures piles or no pay required it to is guaran guaranteed teea to give perfect sattel faction or money refunded price 25 cents per box FOR FOB SALZ at Z C M K A 1 orm store stora beuve abut pushing and ami reliable XU abl Z C M I 1 can always be relied upon to carry in stock the purest and nd best beat goods and sustain the th reputation 0 af f beling bedink active pushing and reliable by recommending articles with wen well established merit and such as are pop ular Havin having uthe the agency for the celebrated dr kings gs new ew discovery Dis covelly for consumption colds and coughs will sell it on a positive guarantee it will surely cure any and every affection of 0 throat lung or chest and in order to prove P rove our claim we ask you to call and get a trw trial bottle free I 1 do not forget to add to your drinking water lemonade or soda 10 drops of angostura Ange stura bitters it imparts a delicious flavor and pr prevents eveRts malaria and all summer diseases pe be 11 ure sure to get the genuine angostura manufactured only by or dr I 1 G B elegert sons soldiers attention attentions I 1 SOLDIERS ENTITLED TO PENSION alion ALL INCREASE commutation restoration or to arrears of pay flay ana and BOU bounty lItY Lor of muster removal of charge of desertion or to a duplicate dis cis ella charae can 1 41 have their CLAIMS PROMPTLY ATTENDED 1 N DED TO by addressing the un der signed special attention will be given to CLAIMS OF WIDOWS AND MOTHERS AND REJECTED CLAIMS with merit and especially especial it when new evidence can be furni furnished she Special specialty fy made of INCREASE BOUNTY LAND DUE TO SOLDIERS 0 the old wars and three months extra pay and PAT FOR fok HOUSES turned over to the government during daring the last war can sull be collected the add ress and service seree of old mexican Nold holti lera lers wanted the undersigned undersigner under signed has had bad 14 years experience patience peri pari ence in in government CLAIMS AT TIM THIS NATIONAL CAPITAL address m A mm i co 62 OF F street freed N X W A J G U draw down with high prices 1 80 TO 70 PER CENT OFF ONE THOUSAND DIFFERENT ARTICLES sold direct to consumers the little detective I 1 ii D postal hosul elves cives postage in weighs from IX oz to 25 IDS ibl FAMILY ramn Y SCALES 2401 lbs bs 5 platform scales 11 to 20 I 1 fories and tools Pr PAP mert forse force 10 forge and kit or of tool S farmers can do odd jobs saving amo and nd money advas v albes lobs see ac c ac WACON SCALES only manufacturers in ameri america using nothing but the beat of E englum stee for bearings of all scala Sc alej 2 ton ax 12 40 3 ton ax 13 80 50 4 4 ton ax 14 CIO i beam nox box and brass beam with mch Scale apol trucks wheelbarrows Wheel barrown corn erg cre feed 7 mills fuls copy presses money e drawers clothes wr wringers Wring ingers cra and a all hardware specialties SAFES ofell OF ALL SIZES I 1 I 1 no 4 weight 1100 lbs ibs sa 50 PRICES REDUCED SOS TO is A beautiful machine per factly finished improvement eident on the sinker singer pattern black walnut e ed contain 1 etain ing a full set sel of late latest 9 6 liw proved attachments war ranted perfect save money send for circulars chicago ChI scale goi coll W fifa l for mv bvm wl d 0 eipl 01 wL acine in the wrol lit tehal will cure as bada bad fi ease case of and maedl bleeding n vile i as 48 will one lift fifty rent box of ur dr i emails g I 1 rills magic halm balm of I 1 caling I 1 ointment it II acts asa as a soothing soot hinc lubricator lubria tor absorbs the tumors and allays the intense itching at once as nothing else will no pilo pile cure ever acquired so I 1 carpe arge a sale in so short a time sold at every drug store or sent by mail address zions operative cooperative co oo mercantile n tile ansti Institution Salt lake city ant cleve laud land ohio january bend me ine livo live pross gross emails magic balm soon as possible 0 lis ible T this will make nearly one hundred d and fifty dozen I 1 have bought since july 15 I 1 now sell more of your B balm or ointment at retail over my counter than of 0 all al other balms baling and ointments combined it sells better than any medicine I 1 have in my store y P churchill 30 euclid avenue daw 1 I 1 |