Show CRUSHED TO DEATH A fatal Acol accident dent occurs occur in canyon last thursday afternoon a gentleman named phillips who resided at heber hebar vity city was waa atch county met his hai death in provo cation canon a lew few wiles miles above what to is known as hailstones HaUs Hall tonett stones ranch A short time ago he made ft a contract with a sawmill in the cation for feet of lumber with which to erect a dwelling house tor for his bis family to in heber thursday he be took the first arst load and started for home the road through the cation canon bad been practically washed out in places by the recent rala rain storms and was pretty rough when assing over one of these rou rough h places mr phillips was thrown from from his bis waon wagon b by a jolt olt and fell in front 07 of the wheel which passed over his breast there were several other loaded teams coming down the cation oue one being but a few rods behind mr phillips As foott as the teamster realized what had happened he hurried harried up to the prostrate man but he had bad ceased to breathe death having been instantaneous the body was tak taken e n u up placed laced on en ahr wagon and cr carried down to ft a cabin in the cation canon on oa thursday night on friday it was taken home to the sorrow stricken family |