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Show Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, July 27, 1983 3A TMJUIWM SAVE ON: GREAT SUMMER FASHIONS FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN THAT YOU CAN WEAR RIGHT NOW! PLUS ACCESSORIES, LINGERIE, CHINA, GLASSWARE, ELECTRONICS, HOUSEWARES, LUGGAGE, SMALL ELECTRICS, FURNITURE AND MUCH MORE! 28th July 31st July Jc&tFOR th:-- orange dot and tr 3 X. i ni'Jv rv--i kf, t iW y1 Hd K 'f S It H Vv is, y.. , c ' n y 4 VL x fe n. , r - '' n f' V t' J "f. N ' - JV The Bon store nearest you on July 28, 29, 30, 31 and look for the price tags carrying the bright dots. The color of the dot tells you what percentage you will be saving. Savings will be taken by the salesperson at the time you make your purchase. 2ZZEE easy! Visit CHARGE IT ON YOUR BON OR AMERICAN EXPRESS ACCOUNT LOGAN 753 6130 LAYTON TO ORDER, CALL: OGDEN ALLIED STORES A UNIT OF IL9 546-246- 399-418- J i n P $U v-- v t,V It's v y .An; vjy T t,n f'-s ; . ' ; J T vV r vy |