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Show 4A Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, May 4, 1983 Page 4A North Edition Lakeside Review Wednesday, May 4, 1983 Starts May 5 Auditie me Will, Be IPmt Davis PTA Ceremony Is Set f or Tonight IPfay A play offering LAYTON comedy, drama, tragedy and, best of all, audience participation is scheduled for May 5, 6, 9, 12 and 13, in the Little Theater at Layton High. According to the director of the play, Ronald E. Peterson, a long time Layton High director, members of the audience will draw to have first row seats in a built-i- n jury box to decide the fate of the accused murderess, Karen Andre, played by veteran fb - A Davis regBOUNTIFUL ion PTA awards ceremony will be held tonight at Bountiful High School at 7 p.m. All principals in the district and all PTA presidents and their spouses will attend the ceremony, according to Del Jean Cook, region PTA president. All the 25 region PTA Reflections contest winners and their parents will also be at the ceremony. Also many Davis School District officials will attend. Mrs. Cook said the region this year will give an award for outstanding community service, a new award. h Layton High actress Shelly Potter. Peterson said that the play e murrevolves around a der trial in which witnesses are called and examined and the fate of the defendant is left up to the audience-jury- . If she is found guilty, the play ends one way, if not guilty it has another ending. The audience participation routine really adds drama to the play, said Peterson. The prosecuting attorney is played by Shane Fricks, a recent finalist in the state Sterling Scholar drama competition. The defense attorney is played by Lon Simmons with Sabora Parry as the judge. Other members of the cast portraying witnesses and court personnel are Darin Stone, Liz Pudlewski, Julie Thompson, Eric Dean, Steve Schmidt, Kris life-lik- erm Wave Special 1000 Cid. Perm Wsve AN AUDIENCE participation play is being by students of the drama depart- ment at Layton High. Acting out the parts of a defendant, judge, witness and attorneys Hawthorne, Marlena Barnes, Peter Asplund, Larry Yanez, Tavia Thoreson, Jake Smith, Anderson, March Le- - are (from left), Shelly Potter, Sabora ' The cad perm wave is the f finest perm wave money can buy in salons for 130.00 Par-present- ed ry, Lon Simmons, Shane Fricks, and Natalie ' Anderson, Clerc and Martin Sanner. Tavia Thoreson is the student director and Dennis Perrin is the set designer. Why pay more (we guarantee our work) The show will begin each night at 7:30. Cost of the tickets are $2.50 per adult, $2 per dent and $1 per child ages Hair Coloring stu-Natal- 3. WEDDING THIS SUMMER? f? Our hair coloring staff is the very finest. All Specials Good Through Fri May 6th, 1383. Bring Ad for All Specials. Roy, 5523 S. 1900 W. The CHMZfAHI Ph. 825-380- 6 Shampoo & S6t SUPERVISION BY: Rita Painter (Hoy) C.H. Punter (Ogden) COLLEGE college that places their students in the best salons. Call Norm Haugen 7 or 3 Dave Steele &nr Camera Three Productions an academic scholarship, has been secretary for the Academic Senate this year and served on the Student Activity (across the street from Dee Event Center Sign) inni - WE SELL ONLY 1 JlVi iversities. AA VwwLI TAMMY POULSEN REGIA I) of the five finalists for the Personality of the Year Award. The winner of this campus honor will be announced at the 26th Annual Robins Awards monies on May ' l: !) 7 We do not have ungraded, or our personal brand of beef, as most of the ADVANTAGE: 1 . More Effective 2. Equipment Will Last Longer Cere- in Logan. iit.jr. chain stores have. you are buying these special house brands of beef, it is nothing more than a generic or no name 3. Peace of Mind Dll U.S.D.A. CHOICE v r i All Chains Enlargad Shaw Exquisite Datail NORMAL CASH CALL Special WCoupon aoisio Mu Coupon Good Thru May HIM; P J:u f ,:E TRIMCOOL I 9 Sleek New Design 1 9 Roof Mounted 9 Low Profile 60 o0tt From Italy Hitt Lao... InportU Oiractiy M Naga Savings! 1 SMUttml silKttea it hibmis sink Cohris, stjOsk Harrlag-huMC Ckiiu, Eoptiu Ckiiu, BraiM Harrlagbaiias, Waits, Bar links and niny mra. Ill nut fiskisuM Italian Chain stytings diSCNItld ii the wield. Ml 11. T & T JEWELERS ..Bit dMt dilay! This PtICE U wltt list Fin Points Mall 1630 South Main, Bountiful Layton Hills Mall 2071 Layton Hills Mill (uppit litsl) naar tndit tirds in icciptid silts tu whirl applicibla tir 7 days only. Make Your 11 Salaction V Call (601) (601) ' Call Rentmeisters for complete installation of your cooling needs. THI TECHNICIANS ARE AT HEATING A AIR CONDITIONING. CUALITY INSTALLMENT AND REPAIR. BEST QUALIFIES RENTMEISTER IIEATIKG-AI- R COKDITIOHIKG FCRFRXS ESTIMATE CALL: 1953 West 2253 South 212-72- 546-41- i why we choose to offer you only. OFF Jl If grade of beef. That's CC'JPC MSlIIMi (MOM U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF Kl ITI A Add 4421 Harrison Blvd. Ogden, Utah 84403 . 479-645- 3 Gamma Sigma, honorary business scholastic fraternity, and has recently been listed on the National Deans List of Un- high honor graduate of Lay-to- n High School where she was a recipient of the Noall Z. Tanner award, she was a member of the Layton High Pep Club, Lancel-le- s Drill Team, National Honor Society, yearbook staff, and served as publicity manager of the student body. She has been selected as one" t clC3YTT2 " Board night club committee last year. She is a member of Beta Ml mat er on lifcltt- 392-575- 773-409- junior majoring in accounting - Ogden 2971 Wash. Blvd. 7 Ph. Scrapbook 825-303- first-quart- $050 .... a lifetime of treasured memories. for Presidents Miss Poulsen, a .. Keep a video Tape LAYTON Tammy Poulsen, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A.L. Poulsen, Layton, has recently been elected cultural vice president of the Associated Students of Utah State University in Logan. With this position she will Cabinet. Col-iar- le coupon r? .aar t.ry Layton Graduate Elected As USU Student President serve on the The three recipients of the award who will be honored at the ceremony are Davis Sheriff Brant Johnson, Bountiful Police Sargeant Bill Collard and Ray Irvine from Irvine Printing. d Sheriff Johnson and Sgt. will be honored for their outstanding contributions in Red E progstarting up the BigThe program ram in the county. is a kidnap-preventio- n program. Irvine will be honored for donating materials and printing services to produce thousands of Red E posters, Mrs. Cook said. 773-69C- 3 - Syracuse, , Utah I BEEF ' |