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Show 30- 0- FURNISHED 310-HOU- SES After a piaco? chock with Ron- fa Information Sorvico. Fo $35. Ogdon'i porionalizod referral, wo escort and negotiate 7 Cloarfiold homo with 4 IV baths, family room, stove, refrigerator included. Family up to 5 persons, no pets, $3o5 month. References and security deposit required. Good central Kaysville location. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, din- area, garage, large yord $350, plus deposit. Coll after 1 or 4, Loose a 4 bedroom Homo 2 1 baths 2 car fireplaces, garage, near HAFB $500 mo plus utilities, $200 deposit, af- ter 5 Log homo in Liberty, 3 bed' room, 2 bath, 1450 sq. ft. plus full basement, $475. mo. WE MATCH YOU IN MINUTES! I CLOSE TO HILL Just $300 for this spotless bedroom, fenced for kids and petsl 0 ALL BILLS PAID Cozv bachelor pad, WONT LAST LONG1I 0 $125 $225 FAMILY SIZED Roomy 2 bedroom with large garden areal 3 BEDROOM $275 I 0 $160-- 2 BEDROOM go sunny plex, perfect for all family 0 ROY $200 Dynamite 1 bedroom with I 0 CLEARFIELD $260 Charming 2 bedroom cottage with garage, children welcome! 0 Call Rental Data Today for all the current vacancies that fit your needs. PLACEMENT GUARANTEED 707 W Riverdale Rd. advance fee Open 7 days bedroom home, $195 month. $50 deposit, 253-30t- 3 bedroom, 2 bath, double garage, view deck, N. Ogden 0 bench $475mo. 3 bedroom homo; patio, garno pets. 531 E. 2nd. S. Kay- age, sville. 4 bedroom near West Gate 3 bedrooms near South HAFB, Gate. Call after 4pm MOBILE HOMES 14x64 mobile homo, 2 bedroom, large living room, $270 Rlus $100. deposit, located at Terrace, lot 46. Call 7 or ask for manage- 3 bedroom unfurnished with 1 V baths, and 1 bedroom furnished with washerdryer, $150 deposit Rents $275. 3 370 TORAGE Lorge 2 bay storage unit, off Pennsylvania $100mo. Call Ralph days or Ave Vacuum, $325 with 390 -- WANTED TO RENT Want to Lease: 10 acres or more, good farm landirriga-tiofor 5 yrs. or longer. Call J.R. at 0 ext 471. af4 ter 5 call 440 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Atlas chain drive Briggs & Stratton, two horse power, roto-tille- r, never used, $220. Baby items for sale-cri- b with mattress, play pen, walker, car seat, also queen size water bed. Bedspreads, full size, Navy $15. Bunk plaid, almost new 2 for $15, push lawn mower $25. 4 DEMOLISHING MUST GO! Ducan Phy-f- e toble6 chairs, appliances, furniture, dishes, double garsaw, age door, electric table exercise equipment, iron-rit- e, 4 dishwasher etc., or biko, mag whoots and pads, excellent condition. $75. Dirt Save Energy. Save Money on on neating 80 Up to 40 air conditioning. Free informa- tion No Obligation 3 Fireplace, zero clearance, tri- ple wall pipe, 4 ft. sections, storm collar, triple wall pipe with cap, brass glass doors, brass fireplace tools, onyx cut stone, enough for a 10 ft. x 2.5 ft. heart ana IV baas of light cement mix. Make otter on all LOOKING FOR A JOB? Even in these hard times our students are in demand. At Stevens Henager College you can srepare for a good job with a bright future a very short time. All your classes ore job related. in Our Programs Include: Call 1 or tale, 1 970 Glastar ll boat, 1974 Nova, tape deck, hope chest, stereo console. Kids, toys, tires and household For 451-22- FOR SALE . 394-779- serging sewing machine, overcast and cut material in 1 operation. New $369, will self for $199. Cash or easy monthly 1 or 268-(segments, speakers, Basic Language 2. Computer Accounting Marketing and Sales Secretarial with Medical or Legal Options Word Processing Additional Features: Day and Evening Classes Financial Aid Placement Service 1 or part. Fooseball table, championship model, excellent condition $150 or reasonable offer. Fiesta gas grill, like new. natural gas hooxup $100. For home items. For ealo, 9 drawor motal dosk $70. 1 pair Marantz bookshelf Accounting Business Management Business Machines Computer Training visit $40. 546-490after 6 pm. Mens golf clubs and cart $25.00, stadium 2 portable seats $3.00 each, baby swing $3.00, Car seat $2.60, large oval kitchen table $25.00. For XL-7- 0 sale-Hon- 5464-458- COLLEGE excellent condition. living room excellent condition, drapes, window size 8x10, Greenish-gol- T out- 580 -- HAY, GRAIN fits. Was $310 on sale now for $165! While supply lastsl Ogden Welders Supply 4948 do 1050 W. sewing machine $50 3 Exercises tense muscles. 59- 0- FIREWOOD ond relaxes Electric, good condition. $25.00. Portable, invalid potty commode. Brand-ne$50.00. FIREWOOD, POSTS, POLES, SOD AND LUMBER Now taking order, for tummer firewood deliveries at Off-Se- a ion Price. I Di TIMBERTOWN 804 W. 17th St. Ogden, Ut. 600 9 FREE Purebred Basset puppy. triChampionship bloodlines, console TV $250, excellent, high chair $9, Mixmaster with juicer $1 8, sewing machine with case $69, 4 chrome padd5 ed chairs $15 each. 25 color $150. Phone Fireking wood burning stove, never been used, deluxe stove, train door, must sell $150 below retail. bed tumbler couch bed, chest freezer, girls 3 speed bike, rocker, table - 4 chairs, a lot more. 1948 W. 4400 S. 61 lathe with tools, 2 bar stools, baby seing, clothing, all items like new, 825-056- URNITURE sofa, like new $285 77 Bedroom size bed with bookcase 6 drawer chest, antique white, $125, full size walnut headboard and frame $50. d 7 Limousin Bull 1516. Also have semen from full blood. 1 3 yr. old registered appaloo-s- a mare, gentle, well broke. Used English, western and 3 jumping. 6 Walnut Wardrobe Chest 60x3$. 5 drawers 16x6, dress section 52x16, $100. Antique 25in. color TV, now picture tube, works fine. 30 day 4 guarantee, $249. 460 -- APPLIANCES, TV, STEREO Electric dishwasher for sale, built-i- n or free block top. 773- - General 0 Amplifier and matching tuner, excellent condition $400 for both. Call 630 -- FARM IMPLEMENTS Small tractor, 16 h.p. Wisconsin Engine Air cooled, $600. 192-2- 1 89 660 -- AVIATION ap- - 30 day guarantee. up. Phono 546-313434 Owens St. Layton ap- 30 day guarantee. $139 and up. Phone 546-313- 4. 434 Owens St. Layton Sears Refrigerator 14 cu. ft. white, less than 1 yr. old. 5 $275. pliances, - 670 BOATS A MARINE Don't lot the year prevent you from taking a look. Outstanding condition, '72 Fiberform 1912 ft. Continental 320 hardtop, Mercury cruise, 782- 4562 Sailboat, 22ft. Catalina, mint Windrose 20, sleeps 4, 3 sails. Trailer, outboard, galley, extras. Appraised at $8,000. Will sell for $6,500. or trade for property or valuables. Call 7 after 5, 2 H.P. Johnson Trolling motor, less than 10 hrs. Perfect for raft cost $450. sell $350. after 5 7 p.m. 1917 Enfield stackable, WasherDryer, washer needs work, dryer. gas Whirlpool or Kenmoro only bought and sold. Expert overhaul or repair service. Good selections of rebuilt washers and electric or gas dryers. Everett Oison 731- - Whirlpool white 30 in. kitchen, range, 4 yr. old, perfect condition. $350. 23 cu. ft. Chest Freezer, $200. Call After 6. 25 color TV, now picture tube, 30 day guarantee, works fine. $270. 30 in. White Electric range $50. 2 & Winchester 12 gauge shotgun, like brand newl $100best 2 700 -- SNOW VEHICLES Two 440 Coleman Snowmobiles, covers and trailer, $1600. Call 1980 Kawasaki Invader 440, liquid cooled, $1600. 1980 Kawasaki Intruder 440, $1300, Two-platilt trailer $250. Excellent condition. Sell Separate or whole package. $3000. 4 place tandem axle, snomobilemotorcyele trailer, 6 heavy duty, $900. 75 SkiDoo 440 liquid Chapperal, good condition $600. CLOTHING Sandak Sandals, new styles and colors for Easter, guaranteed, water proof, work play or dress. 480 -- MUSICAL - 8581 Genl SB great sound and rhythm. Cal Randall PA system, 4 channel, 240 watts with two 5ft. speaker columns, eight lOin. speakers, $600. Also, Bundy Alto Sax2 500 -- BUILDING MATERIALS Railroad ties for sale, all sizes, oil grodes, oli shapes, will de6 liver, will cut to size. or A&K Railroad offer, 8 710-TRATRAILERS For Solo: 1972 Travel trailer 1912 ft., self contained. Phone 1965 travel trailer, 16 ft. full self contained, sleeps six, $1,200 or best offer. 292- 2690 79 23' Nomad, electric jack, 731-19- - MISCELUNEOUS TRAILERS Must sell 12xB utility trailer, oil steel, fully enclosed, roll up back door, $975best offer, Phono 825-41- 16 ft. trailers, tandem flatbed, 3 ton payload, $1 190-u8 or 19S2 Van trailer, 6x12, fully enclosed, weather tight, hydraulic brakes, easy tow, like new, $2800. 6 Must sell. Phone lots of extros. $2300. Parts Headquarters, 0 of Kays-vil- rack, windshield, excellent 8 $500offer, 1977 Honda 750, good condition, $1,100. 1976 Honda 250 Elsinor, strictly off road $400. 1978 CX500 HONDA, good 0 condition, low mi. $1,490 after 5 weekdays. XL 19S0 Honda, 185 S, lest than 1000 miles. $750. $75. Call Rupp 6 Honda GL1100 Interstate, with radio and guages, 9B1 1 low mi. 8 T981 Kawasaki GPZ 1100, like new, 400 miles, $3,000 8 after 5, '72 Suzuki 750 cc recently rebuilt engine, asking $700. Call Dean. 78 HONDA XL350, like new, helmets, shop manual, $800. 5 770 Sandrail, ALL TERRAIN Chenworth frame, Make Volkswagen engine. fer. Call 546-183- wheels. $6900. 970 -S- PORTS 920 -- AUTO SERVICES PARTS & ACCESSORIES Fiberglass bed cover for Subaru Brat, with rear window 5 louvers $75. after 6 -C- LASSIC Mazda GLC 1 Soort, 16,000 miles, air conditioned, stereo, call 544-B25- For 1 Sale-198- 979 Datsun 280ZX, blue and silver, GL package, air conditioning, 60,000 miles. Must sell, make offer. AUTOS FOR SALE Audi 5000 ?7S, sun roof, AMFM, power windowlocks- steeringbrakes, well maintained. book $5400 asking $4900 394-372- 0 1 979 Datsun 210 Wagon, air, imAmFm Cassette, maculate, regular gas, snow 8 tires, $3,425. 1 j?76 Datsun B210, recent am leavpaint, good rubber. 544- ing the country, 38 mpg. 1982 Honda Civic 40 MPG, like si I, $500 under 0337. '74 Honda Civic, super 88 hardtop, good dean body, low origiai miles, 70,000, needs transmission repaired, only $850. or offer. rust-fre- e 40 VANS 977 Dodge Maxi Van, automatic, roof top carrier, power brakes, power steering, air, AMFM stereo rodio, 8 track and CB in overhead console. $4,000 or will deal on 75 to 80 pickup. '76 Dodge Tradesman, air, automatic, camper conversion. 752 N. 400 W. Koysville 77 Fully Custom Dodge Van, new rims, new tires, new front end. $5000. AUTOS POR SALE - 782 Toyota Tercel, 4 door, deluxe 5 speed, AMFM stereo, mint condition 9 $5895. 1 977 Toyota Celica good condition low mi. 9 $2,800. 1 973 Volkswagen Bug, groat condition, see to appreciate, $1795. 1 AUTOS POR SALE 990 -- AIL MAKES 982 Chevette Diesel, 5 speed, AmFm cassette,' rear window defroster. paint. Averages 40 mpg, 8 after 6 $6,000 1981 Chevette, 2 door, new low tires, mi., Call $3400. 4 '81 Chevrolet Citation, 4 cylinder, 4 door, hatchback, power steeringbrakes, air, 2, b00 miles, never been hurt, garage housed, see to ap1 CLEANI CLEAN! preciate. CLEANI 7 980 Chevrolet Malibu Classic Wagon, AmFm Station Tape, luggage rack, speed control, rear window defogger, power door locks, estate pack-og- e, low mi. $5700. 123 22nd '80 Chevrolet Citation, 5 door, excellent condition. Automatic V6, options, low mi. low book 4 or or make offer. 621-78- '79 Caprice Classic Landau, loaded, immaculate, $4995, trade considered. 1978 Camaro Rally LT, tilt Brown, air conditioning, wheel AMFM Cassette, er, excellent condition, Reasonable Offer. and own- 1 Best 7 9 1 978 MONTE CARLO power brakesSteer-in- g, air cruise. 1 owner, low mi. like newl Plus 2 radial snow tires. $4,350. 9 or 4 76 Vega GT Wagon, 5 speed, wheels, clotn interior, rally condition 6 $650 good '73 Monte Carlo Dependable Phone '68 Camaro, excellent condiall original interior, in 3 condition. 327, good speed on the floor, runs great. $1600 8 before or best offer. after 5.. 8 5, 1976 Datsun 280-Z- . Air, cruise, casstte, much more. Excellent condition, best offer. tion, 197S Chevrolet ton Scottsdale, excellent condition 454 engine, automatic, power double tonkt, groat, power steeringbrakes, 6 ai, $2,200best offer or 777-202- 3 TSgt. Harrell '79 Mustang, power steering- vinyl brakes, automatic top $3800. '69 Mach I Mustang, 67,000 miles, needs engine work $1 100offer. Perfect condition, '65 Falcon Country Squire Station WAaon 289, automatic, $1,900. low 6 GREAT BUY 1974 Chevrolet Vi ton pickup, with camper shell, extra 30 gol. Gas tank, utility box, 0,000. mi. rum great, best 4 offer 6 1962 Ford Fairlono 4 door, needs work or sell for parts. Make offer. Mercury Cougar XR7, 1979, air, rear defrost, AMFM power brakessteering, cruise, stereo, tiit wheels $4200best offer, 1 977 Lincoln Mark V, excellent condition, loaded, $7200. 6 '72 Plymouth 1960 Chevrolet V ton, 6 cylinder, 4 speed, only 15,000 miles. $5,000 or offer. 479- 8885. $2600. 544- book, good condition, rebuilt engine, good tires. 0 Best offer. Call 950 -T- RUCKS mi. new, must '79 Pinto, looks good, runs Oldsmobile Holiday throughout, GL, average CARS & PARTS 1 full low mi., excellent paint, excellent condition, best 7 offer. after 5pm '76 Corvette, excellent condition, 4 speed, glass and metal $9995. 776- 3113 after 5 1979 280 ZX, 2 2 5 speed, black, grand luxury package, very good condition, $8,200. Coll otter 5:30 p.m. 7 1978 280 Z, excellent condi- tion, 5 speed, air, AmFm stereo, louvers, like new radial tires. $6499. Call after 6 p.m. Landau, HEAVY 1961 CARS power, of- EQUIP- MENT 978 GMC Astro, single axle, 318 Detroit, air knife deflector, Southwind pre heater, AMFM cassette, excellent condition. $16,500. 01 0 930 1 Corvotto 1977, SANDRAIL Chenworth Frame, Volkswagen engine, Make Offer. 546-- 1 837 1 4 980 Toyota Landcruisor. 35,000 mi. new tires and 1 1 1971 Honda 350. new paint, tires, recent overhaul, luggage beMint condition fore 8 ameveningsweekends 720 8 Clay's Three Wheelers collect offer. 1978, 8 $1200. Must sell! 1981 Yamaha Midnight Maxim 650 cc. Limited edition, beautiful black and gold. 2,000 mi. $2,600make Wanted: Browning Medalist's 6 or any other quality gun, 8 con479- 1903-$17- 5 M Springfield Garand $800, some Ruger after 6 pm, immediately Materials. Model $200, Springfield Earth Station, $195. Projection TV systems under $1,000. ORGAN-Lowor- y RS 1981 driven only 00mi. perfect condition. Registered for 1983. Will sell for $550 including accessories, wind shield, 3 7 baskets, bell helmet, GOODS SAW ING Model Satellite INSTRUMENTS Bundy Flute, used, good dition $125. Cali Cindi at C- - t. Coll SAW - SHOES Ultra-ligh- model, many extras, low time, for sale or trade for big motor-cycl- e. 745-660- 9 Sliances, 5 Honda C70 body stylo ATV condition, main, jib. 170 jenny, 7 Vi mere., kitchenette, sleeps 5, many extras. $95Q0offer. Pionoor Price break through! 6 FOR 1971 Suzuki 125 Trail, good condition, $300.00. 1973 Honda 250 trail, good condition, 7 $350.00. Duane Larson 9 work, 2 Woodhopper, & SUPPLIES ATC 185 Honda 1982, like new condition, $1075. 9000 mi. fantastic shape, with windshield and other extras. 1 Coll large goid sofa, $300. lamps, $50 pair. Coffee and 2 end tables, $75. Chandelier $50, Swag lamp $40. Green Rocker $15. Green Love seat $25. and 760 -- CYCLES Kawasaki KZ650B, Stud Service, AQHA Registry, ROM Producer, 2 Call Beautiful blue Kroehier with engine, 3 speed of- Chevrolet 980 -I- MPORTS Check classified for whatever you need it's a grat way to save money. pony cart and harness all for 1 between $600. p.m. ask for Brent, 8 overdrive, $1,100 or best 7 fer. after 4 pm. '75 Trailduster 4x4, $2700. POULTRY & CARPET TV camper, 225 mpg, excellent condition, New Engine, asking & up 825-90- 1 Kids pony, gentle and very well broke, 5 years old, also or 0 '72 Volkswagen pop top GOATS Milkers, bred Does, kids, $15 '78 Honda trail 90, power best offer. 1952 Willy's 4x4, 1964, 283 5 1464 N. R.V. Sales, Main, Layton. Toy Poodles, 7 weeks old 3 cnampagne, 2 black, 1 party, $125 4 sale: bunk beds, full size Reconditioned 876-311- SERIOUS HUNTERS, 5 English Setter Pups, among finest in West. $200 each. Also stud 0 service. or 1979 CJ5 Only 30,000 mi., very good condition. $4300. or 8 1979 Moroco 23V ft. bunk model, cab air, roof air. Dodge 440 chassis, 15,000 miles, extra clean. Steve April Wurlitzer programmable digital orgon, TV years old, to or 0 Adams, Ready or 2, no papers-$10- 0 trade for? Also AkC stud avail- able. Poodles AKC registered, black, male ond female, 3 years old, has had 2 litters of pups, $100 0 eoch. Main, or 546- - Steve Adams R.V. Sales 1464 N. Main, Layton KITTEN Lhasa Apso Puppies: N. 1464 0 1979 Monaco 23V ft. bunk . model, cab air, roof air, Dodge 440 chassis, 15,000 mi. extra clean and white tiger striped. Cali 544-336- As seen on TV. Discounts extended to 41683. Free Bonus Gardening Gift with purchase. Ail models in stock and available at Garden Country in Orem at better than factory 8 prices, Call Collect 470 394-226- 0 Free Kittens to good homes, all black, 4 males, 1 female, TILLERS $50 both. WashorsDryors 0 8 or 1978 Brougham 25 ft. bun- khouse, front air, rear air, low miles, very dean. Steve Adams R.V. Sales, Layton. 1 AUTOS FOR SALE 0 or 5546-070- 8 1978 Brougham 25 ft. bunk house, front air, rear air, low mi. very dean. English Pointer, IV yr. old. 2 mixed hunting puppies. Cali Call AMFM stereo, desperate sell!. Best offer $5500. clean very 7 '80 CJ7 Golden Eagle, 43,000 mi., excellent condition, must Steve Adams R.V. Sales 1464 N. Main, Layton Steve Adams R.V. Sales 1464 N. Main, Layton Female German Short Hair Stereo, AMFM radio, turntable and 8 track, comes with 2 wood grained speakers $75. Cali 7 TRAINING CENTER 1481 Gibson '72 Ford 4x4 good condition, $1850. or 460 Chassis, $14,500 644-987- 9 and 1977 Ford Chaateau motor home, 8 sleeper, 23V ft., Ford 460 chassis, very clean. $14,500. Steve Adams R.V. PETS & SUPPLIES IDLEWIRE 0 TV from June 8th to June 16th. Must be 27 feet ond in excellent 2 condition. Call or Motor Home, 8 sleeper, 23V ft. Ford NOVICE OBEDIENCE ADVANCED OBEDIENCE PUPPY CUSSES SHOW HANDLING Call to STAINLESS STEEL water conditioner Reconditioned want to rent 2 motor hornet 0 DOG TRAINING Small dinette set 4 green flower chairs, $45. -F- HOMES '79 Dodge Mobile Traveler, I 979 Ford, FI 50 4x4, excellent 5 or condition $6,300, 1 Call 740 -- MOTOR 1977 Ford Chateau excellent hunter. off of discontinued items on hand. 1359 Marilyn Drive (behind Stimpson Market) Layton. 546-04- 8 New phone T 0700, ft. Security Camper, half cab over, stove, ice box, aas light, excellent condition. 72- - jB 1980 Dodge 150, 4x4 short bed pickup, power steering-brake- s, 4 speed, spot light ond headers, 318 engine, runt on propane or gas, $4,975. Sales, 1464 N. Main, Layton. AKC BEAGLE PUPS 3 (4) $75. eo. AKC Brittany Pup., dual champ lines, sire field Champ, born 2183, male and female, Reva Thomsen invites you to a Paint Craft Sale to be held Friday, March 25, 12 -- 7 p.m. and Saturday, p.m. March 26 10 a.m.-- 5 p.m. Exnew products available citing ond "Shimmering " are Sherbets" plus morel Get a fun filled Paint Craft Catalog to order from thru July 1983. Special Sales with up to 50 450 - WHEEL DRIVES Scotsdale V ton, automatic, power steering & brakes low mi. excellent 1 $4,995 '79 Chevrolet Luv, 4X4, powder blue, new point, good condition, Must Sell! $3,600. 544-108- 3 (960- -4 very 0 8 or j?78 Teton Traveler, V slide-ifurnace, Ice cabover, box, 2 burner stove, very 1 1 8 36 PRICES ON SAME LOW Baby crib. stove, 318 low mi. not seif contained. 1138 5th st. $7850. WE'VE MOVED AUTOS FOR SALE '79 Chevrolet clean. Steve Adorns R.V. Sales, 1464 N. Main, Layton. 546- - TOP DAIRY HAY Also horse hay ond straw before 8 5 1 head Cam 4, sleeper included. 7 Phone after 5 pm. cab, Steve Adams R.V. Sales 1464 N. Main, Layton & Quality Alfalfa, barn stored, or $3bale. Phone Passive exerciser. $2, 20a Mazda B2000 pickup, over 8 0 or 1978 Teton Troveior, Vt cabover, slide in, furnace, FEED $25, hanging lamp ophone, $275. 2 Good quality Mack nowgahy- de couch and love seat, $375, black plaid rec liner chair, $75, bumper pool table, $75, all in 2351 Grant Avenue Ogden, Utah 8 101 FREE MANURE, West Point area. Phono 731-48- p.m. Steve Adams R.V. Sales 1464 N. Main, Layton 2 burner Truck, 972 Ford Custom 4x4, good condition, short bed, must sell, 1 0 or 1978 Leer 8 ft. cab, furnace, dean icebox, 6 Dodge Pickup Ford V ton pickup, 1973. $800. 390 engine, See at 676 21st St. 6 between 5 ond 7 clean. Steve Adams R.V. Sales 1464 N. Mam, Layton dean. 6 New welding and cutting motor- cycle, 1977, low mileage $275, Magnavox console color d TV 25 $73. queen $150, bookcose divider, 5', 0. $250, phone Full size mattress and box, $40, twin bed set with heod-boar- d $100, 7 piece dinette selood condition $100. 292- FULL SIZE MATTRESS In good condition, $20 STEVENS HENAGER Kirby Phone Mediterranean living room, 8 - 1978 leer 8 ft. Vi $325. Motorcycle 1951 6 & 4 0 7 -P- UNTS-TREES 950 Ton Pickup, '71 Dodge $1,200 And '73 Yamaha excellent condition, $1500. TOP SOIL Now Traditional l. Older 8 or 1 0 ft. Cabover camper in fair shape. 1 0 Mike or 1971 iVT. galaxy camoer, jocks, many extras. Full cabov-e- r, SHRUBS Blue Spruce Trees for sale. 3 to 2 7 feet, $20 and up. Call 1 340 -S- 550 see call 627-222- 0 2 utoh $50, 2 automatic lawn mowers as is $50, lawn spreader $10, 2 tires and $10. 2 Mediterranean wall hangings, make offer, 17' chain saw $150. Has Fireplacel Family Room! 0 kids and petsOkl! HEAT PAID! Custom Meats-Ar- t Daley, Manoger, 10 years of honest, satisfaction, guarantee work. Custom cutting your beef, lamb, port-- 1 5 LB, aged, cut, double wrapped, flash frozen. 300 E. Gentile, layton, wedding dolls by Peggy Nets-be- tt $125. Phone 392926, Revo's Quilts 'N' Things is now open Thursdays 10 a.m.-- 5 p.m. Fridays 12 p.m. 7 p.m. ond Saturdays 10 a.m.-- 5 p.m. Come on in and see the beautiful handmade items that are available far you. 1359 MariDrive (behind Stimpson lyn Market) Layton, new phone APARTMENTS Mon.-Fr- Wanted: Tom's Mens Prince Charles and Princess ALL AREASI ALL SIZES ALL PRICES Quality Beef Bros. Beef Slaughtering 0 Call evenings 7 2 HOUSES-PLEXE- S SCHOOL BUSES-- 1 968 Interna-tiono- l, wth 1978 running condition. 1969 Contact Mr. Stan-ge- r Dodge-run8 a.m.-- 5 p.m. 0 8 $15, 2 glass displays $100pr. dining table 4 chairs $200, THE COMPUTERIZED RENTAL SERVICE WE HAVE 100's OF HOMES APARTMENTS 1 $1.20 per Pound Includes cutting - Wrapping Largo swing sot, slid, glider $50. 3 gallons paint, Snerwin Williams finest interiorexterior $12 per gallon. Yamaha organ, like new great sound, $600. Looking for Watkins premium quality spices or extracts? Coll Nice 2 bedroom homo above RENTAL DATA Peterson bakeries, good condition, other misc. doughnut equip7 ment otter 4 p.m. Kenmoro sowing machine, includes cabinet and accessories. $75 or best offer. Camper for long bed import truck. Many extras. Like new. BEEF HOBART MIXER, Model H600, 60 qt. bowl, paddle, great for restaurants or velvet chair, $40. Orange Green chair PLACEMENT GUARANTEED only at TO EAT Automatic roll wheels. Adjustable shelves $400. Antigue wagon wheel $50. Portable Oh 'mpia typewrite $50. Coll Nicomodern, carpets, drapes, built-in- s, West Weber Area. Harrison, fireplace, carpet, drapes, stove, refrigerator, double garoge, patio, nice area, 479-513- ' Electric refrigerator Frost fret freezer above. 16-- RENTALS ing 540 -- GOOD THINGS General 1,2, and 3 Apartment, studio, Somo bedroom, $100-$37with utilities paid. Ogdon area 6 4 and Studio, 1 and 2 Apartments $130-524bedroom Many with ail utlitiei paid. Ogdon 394-96- 9 4 7 area. Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, Mar. 23, 1983 5C AUTOS POR SALE 730 -- CAMPERS Beautiful Cobover Trophy -T- RUCKS I FOR SALE APTS. & DUPLEXES for you. - MISCELLANEOUS 440 RENTALS ask for Anna Fury III, well $500. '66 Chrysler 9 $400 runs. runt 976 Grand Prix, Pontiac, removable glass top. Leather 0 soots, many extras. r7J Triumph Spltfireor '8C Capri, both Qood condition. low mi. Now 19S2 Volkswagen Jettal Diesel. Under Warranty, low mileage. Air, rodio, cassette. 1 Coll Truck for tale, 1978 half ton, $4500. Call after 5 pm. 479-095- |