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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH EAT CRUELTY CALLED EMANATION 3flflCAnONI L. rfgj V ' XT Vl MY.ngMATUf'v 'f J HIGH OF IflILTUR imnncuii. General Von Bissings Defense of German War Practices Is Significant. The chief value of penmanship with some young men is that it them to write home for money. enables INNOCENT NOT TO BE SPARED Colds Cause Headache and Grip LAYATIVB BBOMO QUININH removes the cause. f here Is only one "Bromo Quinine." B. W. UBOVUS signature is on box. 80o. Proof Positive. "Is that purse of yours real alligator skin? "Is it? Just listen to It snap. Governor General of Belgium Declared They Must Suffer With the Guilty Irvin Cobb Tells of Responsibility of Kaiser's High Command. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas The Committee on Public InformaCounty Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is tion, appointed by the president, and senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney consisting of the secretary of state, & Co., doing: business in the City of Toof war, secretary of the ledo, County and State aforesaid, and that secretary said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNnavy, and George Creel, official censor, DRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of has made public a mass of evidence HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE. dealing with German war practices FRANK J. CHENET. which shows the kaisers leaders in the me to In subscribed before and Sworn field and in command of captured my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. points to be directly responsible for A. W. Gleason. Notary Public. (Seal) the beastliness which has characteriHALLS CATARRH MEDICINE Is taken Internally and acts through the Blood zed the operations of the Huns, in on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. the present conflict. Quotations from Druggists, 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. die pamphlet follow: This Interview was reproduced in Overcoming a Difficulty. the Berliner Tageblatt of November Reference at a social affair was W, 1914. made to the ingenuity of school chilMr. F. C. Walcott of the Belgian redren in getting around difficult questlief commission tells in the Geographions, when Representative Frank Lesical Magazine for May, 1917, of meetter Greene, of Vermont, recalled a fiting Gen von Bernhardi : ting anecdote. As I walked out, Gen. von BernOne afternoon the teacher of a public school was instructing a juvenile hardi came into the room, an expert class in geography, and after others artilleryman, a professor in one of I met him the had answered various questions, she their war colleges. next he and asked me if I morning, turned to a small boy named Jimmy. had in the his read book, Germany to me describe said James, she, the route you would take If you were Next War. I said I had. He said: Do you going to Bermuda. know, my friends nearly ran me out lit"Yes, maam, returned Jimmy, a tle doubtfully. I would go to New of the country for that? They said, You have let the cat out of the bag. York and then and then I said, No, I have not, because nobody Yes, Jimmy, interposed the teachwill believe it. What did you think er. What would you do then? of It? Why, I would get on a steamer, I said, General, I did not believe a Inanswered Jimmy,' with a happy of It when I read it, but I now word "and leave to rest the the spiration, feel that you did not tell the whole captain. truth; and the old general looked Would Save the Cake. actually pleased. Speaking on August 29, 1914, at Johnny had often seen the new food signs posted up everywhere, telling Munster, of the extreme measures people not to waste food and use what which the Germans felt obliged to take is left. One day he was invited to a against the civil population of Belbirthday party. In a short while the gium, Gen. von Bissing said: The innocent must suffer with the birthday cake was cut up and each child had a piece, and there was a guilty. . . . In the repression of big piece left. The maid was going to infamy, human lives cannot be spared, take this piece away when Johnny calland if Isolated bouses, flourishing viled to her and said, I think I can use lages, and even entire towns are annithe piece that is left. hilated, that is assuredly regrettable, sentibut it must not excite mentality. All this must not in our Youngest British Soldier. The youngest soldier at the front eyes weigh as much as the life of a and the youngest N. 0. 0. in the Britisingle one of our brave soldiers the sh army is a lad of eleven, who Is attrigorous accomplishment of duty is the ached to an A. S. 0. unit. He was emanation of a high knltur, and in specially enlisted to act as Interpreter, that, the population of the enemy as he speaks English and French countries can learn a lesson from our fluently. He was made a sergeant and army. is now Officers Encouraged Atrocities. regarded as a mascot. Gen. von Bissing, after his appointSome Exceptions. ment as governor general of Belgium, Does like always produce like? repeated in substance the above opinNot always. Rich food often proion to a Dutch journalist. The Interduces poor health. view is published iu the Dusseldorfer Anzelger of December 8, 1914. Irvin S. Cobb states his conclusions on the responsibility of the higher German command for the atrocities : But I was an eyewitness to crimes which, measured by the standards of humanity and civilization, impressed me as worse than any Individual excess, any individual outrage, could ever have been or can ever be; because these crimes Indubitably were instigated on a wholesale basis by order of officers of rank, and must have been carried out under their personal supervision, direction, and approval. Here a a new one a most Briefly, what I saw was this: I saw delicious desert that can be wide areas of Belgium and France In which not a pennys worth of wanton made in a hurry. destruction had been permitted to ocTo one and one-hacur, in which the ripe pears hung untouched upon the garden walls ; and I cups of milk add one saw other wide areas where scarcely cup of one stone had been left tostand upon Grape-Nu- ts f another; where the fields were ravnd one level table aged; where the male villagers had shot In squads ; where the miserbeen of JPoonful sugar, bou six minutes, cool able survivors had been left to den in nd serve with mill; boles, like wild beasts. Taking the physical evidence offer5 cream. Add rai ed before our own eyes, and buttressems if desired. us, ing it with the statements made to solGet a German but natives, not package of Grape only by from your grocer and diers and German officers, we could juts 7 this pleasing reach but one conclusion, which was recipe. that here, In such and such a place, those in command had said to the troops: Spare this town and these And there they had said: people. Waste this town and shoot these people, And here the troops had discriminate spared, and there they had wasted, In exact with the word of their supe ss. ill-tim- 6 Six Minute Pudding lf t riors. Irvin Cobb, Speaking of Prussians, New York, 1917, pp. The military authorities and those In sympathy with them have done all iu their power to stimulate a hatred of other peoples in the minds of the Germans. A campaign of education before the war was carried on with the object of impressing upon the minds of the Germans the treacherous nature of tho peoples against whom the military leaders, were anxious to wage war. Not only were the Germans gradually led to believe that it was necessary to fight a defensive war against unscrupulous foes, but also that these foes would violate every precept of humanity, and consequently must be crushed without mercy ns a measure of The fruits of this campaign of suspicion and hatred became evident when almost at the outbreak of the war many Germans became possessed with the belief that the whole population of Belgium, the first country to be invaded, had vlo lated every rule of honorable warfare, that the francs-tireur- s (guerrillas) were everywhere present doing their deadly work In secrecy or under the cover of darkness ; that women and even children were mutilating and killing the wounded or helpless prisoners. The effect of the fables upon the popular mind may be seen in the following extracts from German letters: Extract from a letter written by a German soldier to his brother. (This letter, now in the possession of the United States government, was obtained for this pamphlet from Mr. J. C. Grew, formerly secretary to the United States embassy at Berlin.)1 November 4, 1914. The battles are everywhere extremely tenacious and bloody. The Englishmen we hate most and we want to get even with them for once. While one now and then sees French prisoners, one hardly ever beholds French black troops or Englishmen. These good people are not overlooked by our infantrymen; that sort of pec.de is mowed down without mercy. The losses of the Englishmen must be enormous. There is a desire to wipe them out, root nnd all. The emperor gave his sanction to the reports of the brutal acts of the Belgians in a telegram to President Wilson. Berlin, via Copenhagen, Sept. 7, 1914. Secretary of State, Washington. Number 53. September 7. I am requested to forward following telegram from the emperor to the president : I feel it my duty, Mr. President, to inform you ns the most prominent representative of principles of humanity, that after taking the French fortress of Longwy, my troops discovered there thousands of dumdum cartridges made by special government machinery. The same kind of ammunition was found on killed and wounded troops and prisoners, also on the British troops. You know what terrible wounds and suffering these bullets inflict and that their use is strictly forbidden by the established rules of in ternational law. I therefore address a solemn protest to you against this kind of warfare, which, owing to the methods of our adversaries, has become one of the most barbarous known Not only have they emin history. ployed these atrocious weapons, but the Belgian government has openly encouraged and long since carefully prepared the participation of the Belgian civil population in the fighting. The atrocities committed even by women and priests in this guerrilla warfare, also on wounded soldiers, medical staff ind nurses, doctors killed, hospitals attacked by rifle fire, were such that my generals finally were compelled to take the most drastic measures in order to punish the guilty and to frighten the bloodthirsty population from continuing their work of vile murder and horror. Some villages and even the old town of Loewen (Louvain), excepting the fine hotel de ville, had and to be destroyed in for the protection of my troops. My heart bleeds when I see that such measures have become unavoidable and when I think of the numerous innocent people who lose their home and property as a consequence of the barbarous behavior of those criminals. Signed. William, Emperor and King. GERARD, Berlin. Lorenz Muller In the German Caih-ollReview, Der Feis, February, 1915, made the following statement in regard to the emperors telegram: Officially no Instance has been proven of persons having fired with the help of priests from the towers of All that has been made churches. known up to the present, and that has been made the object of inquiry concerning alleged atrocities attributed to Catholic priests during this war, has been shown to be false and altogether Imaginary, without any exception. Our emperor telegraphed to the president of the United States of America that even women and priests had committed atrocities during this guerrilla warfare on wounded soldiers, doctors and nurses attached to the field ambulances. How this telegram can be reconciled with the fact stated above we shall not be able to learn until after the war. i PERUNA Best All Around Medicine 82-3- c iii i I Hope Ever Made Yon Will Publish This Letter self-defens- e. self-defens- e, ;ji Swordless Soldiers. Though some ancient weapons are being revived the sword has passed, perhaps, forever. Long the symbol of wur, and the badge of the officer, it has now been banished from the American army. It has been abandoned because it is worse than useless, says Milestones. It is no longer an effective weapon either for attack or defense, and It serves as a distinguishing mark of the officer, thus making him the prey of the enemy sharpshooter. With far too few trained officers, America cannot afford to waste them, and It is wise to adopt the present practice of the armies of her allies. The modern line officer of infantry in an attack carries a watch in one hand and an automatic pistol in the other. With a watch he times the progress of his troops, holding thorn to a slow walk so that they may not advance more rapidly than their artillery barrage lifts ahead of them. Modern attacks are run with a time table, so that the artillery may know just where their own men are at each moment, and not drop shells on them. WATCH YOUR SKIN Mr. W. IL Edgar, 49 Cooper St., Atlanta, Georgia, writes: I suffered for fifteen years with rheumatic symptoms. Peruna cured me and I think It Is the best all around medicine ever made. I hope you will publish this letter for the benefit of others who suffer." Those who object to liquid medicines can procure Peruna Tablets. 1 Girls as Bell Ringers. Bell ringing is being done by girls in the little village of Longstock, Ireland, as the young men who used to perform this duty have joined the army. The chiming is excellently and regularly performed by three or four girls, (rained by a local lady, and week-daand Sunday the bells send out their cheery message over the This may not be essencountryside. observes a correspontial Is one of immense value It but dent, to the morale of the neighborhood, and a work which would be left undone, like so many other odd jobs of wartime, but for the good offices of the women at home. y war-wor- Before Wealth Came. No doubt there are a lot of rich men,, too, who though theyM be dif- ferent than they are when they got money in the days before they got it. For Him. Does he believe in luck? Vicks Not in good luck. Somerville Journal. Hicks Lungs Are IMPROVE Weakened By When You Use Cutlcura The Sosp to Purify and Ointment to Heal. Hard Colds On rising and retiring gently smear the face with Cutlcura Ointment Wash a off Ointment in five minutes with Soap and hot water. Continue this treatment for ten days and note the change in your skin. No better toilet preparations exist. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Cuti-cur- M QUININE CASCARA The old family remedy in tablet form afe, aure, eaay to take. No opiatei no unpleasant after effects. Cures colds in 24 hours Grip in 3 dsys. Money back if it fails. Get the genuine box with Red Top and Mr. Hills picture on it 24 Tablets for 25c. At Any Drug Store His Advantage. The gardener is a natural grafter, but he has one big advantage over the other kinds. Save the Calves! What is that? Whatever he puts over on the public, he can get them to swallow it. Stamp ASCRTiON Out of Youi Herd and Keep li Out I Apply treatment yourself. Small expense. Write for free booklet on Abortion, Questions and Answers. State number ol cattle in herd. Political strife isnt very far from what a famous general once said war was. Or. A GREAT DISCOVERY David Hoberts Vet. Co., 100 Orand Avenue, Waukesha, WIs NOTHING STANDS AS HIGH, as a remedy (By J. H. Watson, M. D.) . Swollen hands, ankles, feet are due to a dropsical condition, often caused by disordered kidneys. Naturally when the kidneys are deranged the blood is filled with poisonous waste matter, which settles in the feet, ankles and wrist: or under the eyes in bag-lik- e formations. As a remedy for those easily recognized symptoms of inflammation caused by uric acid as scalding urine, backache and frequent urination, as well as sediment in the urine, or if uric acid in the blood has caused rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, gout, it is simply wonderful how quickly acts; the pains and stiffness rapidly disappear, for Anuric, (double strength), is many times more potent than lithia and often eliminates uric acid as hot water melts sugar. Vr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets for the llvea and bowels have been favorably known for nearly 50 years. Anurlo Is a recent scientific discovery by Dr. Pierce, Chief of Staff at the Invalids Hotel and Surgical Inst., In- Buffalo, N. Y. Send 10c there for a trial pkg. of Anuric. Large package 60c. . An-u-r- ic - for every womanly ailment, as Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription. Its the only medicine for women certain in its effects. Favorite Prescription is an invigorating, restorative tonic, a soothing and strengthening nervine, and a well known remedy for ail functional derangements, painful disorders, and chronic weaknesses peculiar to the sex. For young girls just entering womanhood; for women at the critical time; nursing mothers; and every woman who is tired or overworked it is a special, safe, and certain help. In liquid or tablets. Tablets 60c. Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets regulate nnd invigorate stomach, liver and bowels, Sugar-coatetiny granules, easy to take. How to preserve health and beauty is told in Doctor Pierces Common Sense Medical Adviser. It is free. Send Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., fifty cents, or stamps, to cover wrapping and mailing. the run-dow- Carters Little Liver Pills A Remedy That Makes Life You Cannot be Constipated and Happy Worth Living Genuine bears signature Small Pill Small Dote Small Price ASS? fifths many colorless faces but True. Bad weather were having." Yep. But youre in luck if all yoir've got to kick about. IRON PILLS (HARTERS will greatly help most pale-face- thats Dr. Pierqes Pleasant Pellets are the original little liver pills put up 40 years ago. They regulate liver and bowels. Ad. TYPHOID people no more necessary Army Smallpox. has demonstrated almost miraculous effi cacy, and harmlessness, of Antityphoid VacdnaUon. Be vaccinated NOW by your pbyslrilan, yon and your family. It is more vital than house Insurance, or send for Hava Physician, druggist, you hady?r Typhoid?' telling of Vaccine, results from use and danger fromTyphoid Typhoid THE CUTTER raODUCINS Carrier. 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