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Show UTAH BUDGET Sliei grazing conditions tnroughout Utah am best known for years. t lie bhoepmen have CARE FOR SEPARATOR EXPENSE OF TRACTOR WORK Oil, Gas and Wages $1.60 an Acre In Trial Unclean Machines Necessarily Cause Financial Loss. Ogden's postoffice receipts for November totaled $16,059.56, as compared with $11,391,27 for Ihe same month .last year. Juvenile poultry raisers will be encouraged to enter exhibits at the big Weber county poultry show to be held in Ogden January 14 to 19. members of the Fourth Twenty-on- e ward at Salt Lake who are somewhere in France or in training, are to be remembered Christmas by the ward. & ' Rio Humors that the Denver Grande is negotiating for the purchase of the Ogden, Logan & Idaho electric line were denied by an official of the latter company last week. A movement is on foot by the farmers of the east side of Bear river to purchase the Hammond canal, the source of water supply for all the land between Collinston and Brigham City. That the loan department of the state land office would strain every possible point to accommodate farmers who need loans for machinery, is the declaration of Arthur Kuhn, the secretary. The Logan temple, one of the most notable religious edifices in the state, which was badly damaged by fire, is to be rebuilt at once. The loss on the structure alone was placed at $100,-00- 0 One plowed Conducted Recently Iowa State College. at Inches deep on 2 gallons Cream From Polluted Device Has Poor of kerosene and gallon of Keeping Qualities and Soon Delubricating oil. velops Decided Off Flavor" Tills was demonstrated In a two-da-y Rules to Follow. tractor plowing test conducted recently at Iowa State college by the (Prepared by the United States Depart- agricultural engineering department. ment of Agriculture.) In the care and use of the cream separator the necessity of thoroughly cleaning and scalding it every time It Is used cannot be too greatly emphasized. Cream from an unclean separator has very poor keeping qualities, soon develops a decided "off flavor and becomes second grade. Cream of this kind brings financial loss to the purchaser whether he is selling on a basis or not. Poor cream quality makes poor butter and poor butter returns a low price to the producer, whether the creamery is or otherwise. The financial loss caused by unclean separators is frequently not fully appreciated because it Is indirect; It is, however, none the less real. Good business management of the dairy therefore demands that the following rules be observed In using a separator: 1. Put the separator in a bright dairy room that can be easily cleaned and Tractor in Operation. that is always free from odors of all It took one hour and seventeen by late estimates. kinds. One of the largest brown bears ever 2. Set the machine perfectly level minutes to plow an acre. The length seen in this part of the country was and bolt it to a solid foundation, pref- of furrows was 548 feet. Dead furrows were 300 feet apart. Because of killed last week near the Lucky Prince erably concrete. of 3. Oil thoroughly each time It is the shortness of the field mine, about twelve miles from Salt In time was the spent turning. Lake, in City Creek canyon, after it used. A tractor pulling three 4. Be sure that the parts are properhad attacked a man. was used. The average rate of plows comto then the report just start the machine ly assembled, According speed was 2.25 miles per hour; averpiled by George Shorten, sanitary in- gently slowly. 5. Maintain the proper speed and age draw bar pull 1,677 pounds ; spector, there were 80 births and 47 developed 10.06. It took deaths in Ogden during November. keep an even pressure on the handle horsepower 24 minutes to plow 10 hours and During the previous month there were at all times. 8.14 acres. The field was level. 6. When separation is completed, 36 deaths and 74 births. The total cost of plowing an acre Is flush the bowl with a quart of skim almost and dahgerous Unsanitary at $1.60. This is figured on figured conditions were reported in the milk or warm water. basis of kerosene costing 10 cents the 7. Having set the cream Into cold a Kamas high school building by Mosiah gallon, lubricating oil 32 cents a galHall, inspector of state high schools, water and disposed of the skim milk, lon; operators time 50 cents an hour; upon his return from inspection of the take the bowl apart and rinse with Interest, depreciation and repairs, 69.8 water. Summit county school buildings. cents per acre. 8. Using hot water, washing powder, Reduction in the price of bread, as and brushes, scrub all parts that come Indicated in dispatches from WashingPIG FEEDING IS PROFITABLE ton last week, would spell ruin to into contact with the milk. 9. Rinse with hot water, then place local bakers, according to a statement in boiling water for a few minutes and Nebrask Station Finds Alfalfa Hay made by the .president of the Master and Corn Best Feeds for Fattening hang up to dry. Bakers association of Salt Lake. Don't Grind Corn. 10. frame of separator and The states poison squad is busy. clean Wipe the room. This organization during the past week Alfalfa hay and com were the best g destarted a program of feeds for fattening hogs for profit at the Nebraska station. Pigs fed on this signed to rid Cache county of a large SOME POTATO PARINGS percentage of predatory animals which cost the state more than $40,000 last Good seed potatoes, free of year. blight and rot, are always worth George T. Odell, state director of the war savings committee of Utah, says saving for ones own future crop, or to supply others, v that a survey of intermountain states Feed the cull potatoes to the indicates that the acreage under prohogs. Cook the potatoes thorduction in 1918 will be 12 per cent oughly and mix with cornmeal, greater than during the growing peshorts or bran. Skim milk is a riod which just passed. good addition. Residents in the extreme eastern Grading potatoes for market part of Ogden are grappling with floodincreases the possibilities of ed basements and cellars and muddy, sales and raises the price reresloppy, almost impassable roads, ceived. Keep the culls on the gardless of a dearth of rain. The comfarms and save the cost of haulplainants state that the overflow is due ing. to a leakage in the reservoir. Potatoes add succulence to the The paving contractor last week dairy ration. Where corn silage completed his $250,000 paving contract is not available and there are Work with the city of Ogden. plenty of small potatoes, a peck a day will give a marked InFattening Hogs for Market upon the contract, including twenty-fou- r crease in the milk flow. They blocks, or nearly three miles, was ration did not gain as rapidly as those should be Introduced Into the begun last July. It is the largest pavon tankage and corn, but made a fed ration gradually, and should be ing contract ever awarded by the city. better showing In cost of gains. Corn run through a root cutter to Some early sown grain was up and was valued at 70 cents a bushel, alavoid the possibility of choking doing well at the close of November, falfa at $10 a ton and tankage at $2.50 the animal. United States Debut much had not yet germinated, on per 100 pounds. partment of Agriculture. account of the dryness of the soil, and The test showed that It does not pay .in general the condition was rather to grind corn for pigs. Those fed on trCrtrCrirtrtrCrtttztrCrtrirtrtrtrtrbi poor. The extensive late seeding has ground corn made the slowest nnd .brought the acreage to practically normost expensive gains. Where ground Excellent for Poultry. mal. Shrunken wheat which has neither corn and alfalfa hay were used the cost A. L. Parsons, chief of the bureau been frosted nor water soaked is an per 100 pounds gains was nearly $2 per of yards and docks of the United excellent food for poultry and costs 100 pounds more than where dry States navy, is seeking to add from comparatively little, when obtainable. shelled com and alfalfa were fed. among Utah men names to the eligible Hist in the civil engineer corps of the CROP TO PRECEDE ALFALFA Corn Is Essentiaj. It is almost Impossible to' feed fowls ,naval reserves. An examination to Ohio Experiment Station Recommends qualify the candidates will be held Deproperly without some corn or and it will not pay to try to do cember 31. Potatoes, Since Soil Is Usually Well Fertilized. At a meeting of the state highway without this kind of grain entirely. commission a decision was reached to Good Dairy Cow. For sections where early potatoes (procure from the state loan departa one cow is with large A the Ohio experiment station dairy good succeed, ment $75,000 to be applied in constructfeed above the main- recommends this crop as one of the for using capacity ing and maintaining a state highway in seven counties of Utah Salt Lake, tenance requirement, and one that uses best to precede alfalfa, since the land this food for milk produetton. is usually well fertilized and manured, Davis, Cache, Carbon, Duchesne, Millard and Boxelder. and frequent cultivation kills nearly Best Returns From Fowls. all weeds before alfalfa is seeded. The state board of equalization will The fact that grain Is high in price The potatoes can be harvested for late hold six conferences with county asto more necessary makes It all the and early August alfalfa sessors, commissioners and treasurers so as to get the best returns July well feed and a good seedbed can be prein various parts of the state during Defrom the fowls. cember. pared merely by disking and harrowThe conferences will be for the purpose of acquainting the county ing. Burning Straw Is Criminal. Field peas have also been found officials - with the operation of new The man who burns a strawstack when cut for hay as a satisfactory jaws governing the appraisal of propmanu-rial or feed full should be fined its crop for alfalfa. Such preparatory erty in 1918. value, in other words, about $45. midsummer f of alfalfa have seedings It has been learned from an unoffithe found been by experiment station cial source that negotiations are under Attend to Hen House. than spring seedmore satisfactory Way which may mean that mails to If the henhouse has not been cleaned or barley. Most alfalfa nnd from Bingham will be carried by and whitewashed inside, attend to it ing in oats failures are attributed to competition the Bingham & Garfield instead of now, before cold weather comes. with weeds and to nurse crops that the D. & R. o. Should such a change provide excessive shade and leave too Feed and Care Tell. ,be effected, it will give the city an little moisture and plant food for the Blood will tell and so will feed earlier mail in the morning, and a young alfalfa, care. also later one at night. G h one-sixt- h 14-Inc- h luke-war- m death-sowin- . corn-me- Hubbub Tllef" Caused by on Ney York Cry of Watches "Stop Noted High- Buy your boy and girl a good watch for Christmas. Help them form good habits. We sell the good makes, both Swiss and American. Write for prices. way Frightens Habitues. acre of ground can be tractor one-eight- EXCITEMENT ON THE BOWERY A thief chase on the Bowery was a dally occurrence when that famous song was popular. Then the dips and others who Infested that thoroughfare would hold up any passerby who they thought had anything that looked line money concealed on his person. But the gentry and Btrong-arme- d fellows have found other fields more lucrative, according to a New York correspondent of the Pittsburgh Dispatch. The big street is now the stamping grounds of weary Willies and bums whose only vocation is to panhandle the price of a drink. So one day recently, when the old familiar cry of Stop thief was heard the Bowery was almost paralyzed ; everybody stood still and watched for the culprit. Soon they saw a tall, lean and hungry looking youth darting under the elevated pillars, but they made no effort to catch him. When the cops arrived on the scene the man had disappeared. Where did he go? bellowed one with a club, who held It threateningly over several men who stood in a doorway. Did you see that guy running this way? Where did he go? Come on, now. But no one had seen the thief. While the cops were making their search apathetic, cringing men came from the different doorways to learn what the excitement was all about. My God, remarked one frowsy looking individual, as the cops departed, I was scared it was some guy offering a Job. And appreciative chuckles went up along the line. light-fingere- FOUNDED 1602 d Canaries Are Hardy. The canary is a very adaptable little bird, and their biographer says that they seem to thrive in any climate whore not exposed to too severe weather Conditions, and, in spite of the long period they have been protected and held in captivity, they are capable of enduring a surprising degree of cold when hardened to it. In England it is not unusual to find them in outdoor aviaries throughout the year. They also seem, he says, to be able to reestablish themselves in a wild state under favorable conditions. In 1909 a brood of domestic canaries was released ou Midway island, a small, sandy islet in the Hawaiian group. By 1914 they had Increased until it was estimated that they numbered about 1,000. MAKERS OF JEWELRY SALT LAKE CITY WO MAIN STREET BARGAINS IN USED CARS carsBulcks, Oldsmobiles, 50 splendid used Guaranteed first class to $800. terms if wanted by running condition-ea- sy list and descripdetailed for Write right parties. tion. Used Car Dept.. Randall-Dod- d Auto Co Salt Lake City MS MISSING VEST HUNG IN TREE Farmers Raiment, Containing Money, Disappeared From Bush Crows Blamed as Qullty Culprits. Spooky things happen and sometimes puzzle people. Occasionally they can be accounted for, aB in this case, notes Coppers Magazine. One morning early in August Sayles Turner, an Eastern farmer, went to work In his hay field. As the morning was warm, Turner removed his vest and hnng it on a small bush. When he quit work (ate in the afternoon he went for his vest, but it was gone. In the pocket of the vest was $20 in bills. Turner decided it bad been stolen. A few days ago Turner and his hired man went to the woods, five miles from his house, to cut wood. The first, tree cut was a large hemlock. On a limb near the top of the tree they saw an object fluttering in the breeze. The tree was felled and the men went to the object. It was Turners lost1 vest. Nineteen of the twenty dollars were in the vest pockets. The vest was badly torn, which may account' Turner be--s for the missing dollar. lieves that crows carried the vest from' the hay field and deposited it In the top of the tree. Optimism. To face the changing fortunes ol life with equanimity, to brace ourselves against the shocks of fortune, to learn to smile at pretentiousness, to cultivate poise In the face of losses, to let no scarcity in the touch our inner repose, to adjust our sense of value so that we need not miss what we do not need these may be the fortunate of our first lessons in the art of doing without. Exchange. non-essenti- Amethyst's Colors. brought back to a Jewelry store three rings set with amethysts which had faded to a pale yellow within a few months after he had bought them. He then discovered that Instead of amethysts the gems were The Leap of the Brack Bass. topazes. The latter vary in color from The leap of the black bass is always pale yellow to deep violet and purple. upward when hooked, and directly Under high temperatures amethysts falls tail first Into the water.' change color, becoming first yellow, At times, however, this fish, like the, then green, and finally entirely colorwill rise vigorously to the fly less. Under ordinary temperatures, trout, and, missing it, will make a graceful however, genuine amethysts do not curve in the air ere he goes quietly change color. head down back to his element. But as a rule the bass rises fiercely to the Greatest Thing In the World. fly with an accurate aim, and goes Love has been called the greatest instantly to his lair. All Outdoors. thing in the world, but the greatest New Box Carrier. thing in the world Is not a thing at A new book carrier made of flexible all; the greatest thing is a person. Personality Is the greatest thing in material has pockets in Its inner sides the world. The greatest thing in per- into which the covers of a book may sonality Is not strength of body nor be inserted and extension handles. strength of mind. It is strength of Clever people are as common Serviceable Infant. heart. as blackberries, the rare things to Mama, cried Sue, Bess and I are find a good one. It is not Daniel playing house and want babe for a Websters brain, but Lincolns heart, baby, but the boys have got him for a that wins a nations love. Exchange. bulldog. A man recently 3 When You Buy Oil Stocks. Your success in buying the right kind of oil stocks may depend largely upon the kind of brokerage service you receive. al seed-ing- s, BOYD PARK I If you deal through us, you profit by our wide experience, our thorough knowledge of the entire Utah and Wyoming oil situation and our reputation for absolute reliability. We can keep you in touch with the most promising properties, and we can secure your stocks at the most favorable prices. Let u send you, free of charge, Moee Directory of Western Oil Companies, a comprehensive treatment of every Wyoming property. Consult us before buying. TOVskiH.CHILD BROKERS STOCK EXCHANGE BRANCHES- BEFEnlNce-AN- V NE - tax VAL 11(4 A SANK IN UTAH T I |