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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. IiYRUM, UTAH In Memory of the Titanic. The Titanic disaster is being commemorated in Belfast by the erection Ancient Cathedral is Saved. ancient cutliednil in Havana, Cuba, In which the ashes of Christopher Columbus once rested 1ms escaped threatened sale and destruction. The proposed sale of the historic Columbus Cathedral by the ecclesiastical authorities, and Its consequent destruction, aroused such opposition that the edifice, which was built In 1704, and to which In the next year the ashes of Christopher Columbus were removed from Santo Domingo, will probably soon pass Into the ownership of the Cuban government as a permanent national monument. Though the ashes of Columbus were removed by the Spanish officials at the evacuation in 1900, the crypt where they had reposed is still to be seen by visitors. An II. S. DESTROYER EXPLOSION ON MUNITIONS SHIP IN HARBOR WIPES OUT WHOLE FAMILIES.' Thousand Made Homeless, Buildings Destroyed, Fire Follow-- i Ing Explosion and Bringing Further Ruin. Twenty-fiv- e I JACOB JONES, ONE OF THE NEW. EST BOATS IN NAVY, SENT DOWN BY Was on Patrol Duty Between 400 and 500 Miles From Shore When Attack Was Made, Forty-thre- e of Crew Being Lost. s Halifax, N. S. Four thousand were killed In the burning and destruction of buildings resulting from the explosion on a munitions ship In the harbor Thursday, December 6, according to estimates by the superintendent of morgues, whose duty it Is to assemble and expose for Identification, if possible, the bodies of those who perished by shock or fire when the ammunition ship Mont Blanc blew up in the harbor. In one school alone more than 540 children were killed. Only seven pupils were extricated alive from the ruins of the building. The matron and every child at the Protestant orphans home are dead.' Of the 1000 bodies recovered to date have been identified. only Twenty-fiv- e thousand men, women and children were made homeless. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of bodies have been consumed by the flames, and in scores of cases not only whole families, but whole neighborhoods, have been wiped out, and the names of all their dead may never be per-lon- Washington. The American destroy- er Jacob Jones was torpedoed and sunk in the war zone on December 6, it has been announced, one officer and sixty-nin- e men being lost. of a memorial which will in all respects be worthy of the city where the ship was built. It consists of u Titanic group in marble on a granite pedestal. The memorial will occupy a site on the carriage way opposite the City Ilall, facing the Royal Academical institution, and will bear the names of Ulster heroes who perished with the great vessel.' ill-fat- Cupid Statue of Marble. Cupid, fashioned in marble In a statue which lias been described as a perfect masterpiece, has just been unearthed at Cyrene, in Libya. Other important archeological discoveries made in the same region during Italian occuBOSCH EES GERMAN SYRUP pation include statues of Jupiter, Venus, Mars, Minerva and Apollo. The Why use ordinary cough remedies, statue of Cupid will be sent to Rome. when Boschees German Syrup has been used so successfully for fifty-on- e The Reason. What makes wheat nervous, pa? years In all parts of the United I guess it is the way they keep States for coughs, bronchitis, colds settled In the throat, especially lung thrashing it, son. troubles. It gives the patient a good Spain in 1916 produced 20,717 tons nights rest, free from coughing, with easy expectoration In the morning, of cinnabar. gives nature a chance to soothe the Inflamed parts, throw off the disease, helping the paTent to regain his health, gold in all civilized countries. 80 and 60 cent bottles. Adv. iNct Contents 15 fluid Praoli Five Generations In Wars. Five generations of one family have served in the United States wars, the chain being completed by the recent enlistment at Los Angeles of a young man named Bennett. Not only did his HKT" two grandfathers, Bennett and Brook-ovesev in the Civil war, but his Daniel Bennett, was also a vet eran of that war. The young mans ALGOHOL-- 3 PER CENT. Asa Rennet), was In the war of 1812, and AVeetablcPrcpafatioofcfAs his two simiiatmtoeFoodtyBegular Bennett and Harris, were in the RevtintheStomachsnnd Bowels a olutionary war. Although not in direct IINMKTS line of ancestry, young Bennetts uncle, Harry Brookover, represented the Thereby PromotinDi$esttM u war. family In the Cheerfulness andBestCoats Five officers and thirty-eigh- t men were picked up by other vessels from life rafts to which they clung. The Jacob Jones, one of the largest and newest American submarine chasers of her type operating in the Atlantic, was the first American warship to fall a victim to a German submarine, but was the second destroyer to be lost in foreign waters. The Chauncey sank with her commander, Lieutenant Commander Walter E. Reno, two other officers and eighteen enlisted men, after being cut in two by the transport Rose early on the morning of November 20. Admiral Sims terse message reporting the loss of the Jacob Jones did not state how the attack was made. It is known, however, that the Jones was on patrol duty between 400 and 500 miles off shore. What vessels accompanied her was not revealed, but Adknown. Men of the naval forces dragged the miral Sims report showed that one water front Sunday and recovered the vessel rescued thirty men and another seven. bodies of 200 sailors, soldiers and Secretary Daniels stoutly held to workmen. his hopes that other patrol craft, posThe property loss, variously estisibly without wireless equipment, had mated at from $20,000,000 to $50,000,-00rescued more of the destroyers comprobably will prove to be nearer pany. Mr. Daniels showed plainly the the minimum figure. strain of his personal anxiety as well Ships Collide. as that over this, the greatest loss to KIDNEY TROUBLE OFTEN The collision occurred near pier 8 in the navy thus far in the war, for Comthe narrows leading from the harbor to mander David Worth Bagley, who went Bedford basin. The munitions ship, down with his CAUSES SERIOUS BACKACHE vessel, is the secretarys the Mont Blanc, was bound from New brother-in-lafork for Bedford basin when the relief Navy officers an dofficlals took pride When you back aches, and your bladship Imo, bound for sea, crashed into In the fact that the Jacob Jones and der and kidneys seem to be disordered, her. her crew hfld written new honors into to your irearest-ru- g store and get a The Bont Blanc was pierced on the navy records before the vessel fell go bottle of Dr. Kilmtxa Swamp-RooIt to the engine room. victim to an enemy torpedo. In Octoport side almost is a physicians prescription for ailments The other ship, which was only slight- ber the Jones went gallantly to the of the kidneys) sod bladder. ly damaged, backed away when flames rescue of the British converted cruiser It has stootj the test of years and has burst out on the munitions ship and Orama, accompanied by another Amer- a reputation for quickly and effectively was abandoned by the crew. The cap- ican destroyer, when the former P. & giving results in thousands of cases. This preparation so very effective, has tain of the Mont Blanc also ordered O. liner was torpedoed. They attacked been Get a placed on sale everywhere. his crew to the boats, as he realized and put the submarine out of commisbottle, medium or large size, at your nearan explosion was inevitable. , The men sion, and then, when the cruiser began est druggist. reached shore safely before the tre- to settle, transferred all on board to However, if you wish first to test this mendous blast seventeen minutes later, their own decks without accident. preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample which blew their ship to pieces and The Jones carried 305 British sea- bottle. When writing be sure and menwrecked a large part of the city. men to safety. A letter from the comtion this paper. Adv. mander of the Orama to the senior Many Houses Collapse. The business life of the city had just American officer of the two destroyers Keep Telephones Busy. President Vail of the Bell telephone begun for the day when the town was gave high praise to the courage and shaken to its foundations by the ex- skill of the Americans. ystem, states that nearly ten billion were streets Persons in the calls are made a year over telephone plosion. CREW OF IMO UNDER FIRE. the Bell system. picked up bodily and hurled to the ground. Occupants of office buildings Survivors of Norwegian Steamer May Only One "BROMO QUININE cowered under a shower of falling Be Held Responsible for Explosion. foil name LAXATIVE! BR5MOhSmiNil?U for for d in Houses and the glass SSavu Lures a plaster. signature of U. W. One Day the All of 30o. the survivors Halifax. Qldln section crumpled up and colcolwhich steamer Imo, Norwegian lapsed, burying their tenants. The Reason. French munition ship In the main part of the city, where lided with the - Good Mrs. Pigeongracious, youre Mont Blanc were made prisoners, by the buildings are chiefly of stone or black as coal. What happened? authorities British the naval Sunday. Mr. Pigeon-- -! flew over concrete, the damage was confined to The Imo survivors were removed to a Pittsburgh. the shattering of windows, and most of adheld for the and British cruiser the casualties in this section were miralty investigation of the collision. caused by flying glass.. Lamedoc of the Mont Blanc In the west and northwest ends the andCaptain Pilot Mackay, who was bringing damage was more extensive and there the vessel in when it was rammed by the walls of many houses were blown the Imo, are being detained. to bits. It was in Richmond, howIt wa3 officially stated that the arever, opposite the scene of the explorest of the survivors of the steamer sion, that the havoc was greatest. T.ma was not due to the discovery of Whole blocks of dwellings, mostly of evidence of an enemy plot. Inquiry frame construction, were leveled. by government experts has established, Fires Add to the Horror. it was said, that the collision was acStreet after street is in ruins and the cidental. structures which were left standing by Tells of Villa Barbarities. the explosion were destroyed by fires which broke out simultaneously in a Juarez. A Mexican official who score of places and which it was im- brought letters and official documents How W mta are Restore to Health possible to check until they had burned from Laguna, which were left by Gen. For nine Spartanburg S.C. I suf. themselves out. It is believed scores Eduardo Cravez, gave a grewsome defered from bac&ache, weakness, years and irreguatbeen scene of persons who had larities so I cojJd hardly do m, work. I following the injured by scription of the tried many remedies but found" no perma-nethe collapse of their homes periShed tack on followers of the federal train relief. AAer taking Lydia . pink-haIn the flames, from which they were by Villa followers. He said the women Vegetable Compound I fet a great and children camp followers of the change for the hitter and am now well and helpless to flee. " strong so I have ix trouble in doing my work. Five minutes after the explosion the federal train guard were killed and I . Pikhams hope every user of Lydia and horses throats were Bven the of Halifax dogs streets in all parts Vegetable Comp,jnd will get as gr(jat relief were cut by the Villa men. from its Mrs.S D. JcAbii, filled with frenzied, 122 Dewey Ave., tje. S. C. outskirts reach the Spartanburg, to striving throngs, Revolution in Portugal. Chicago, 111. "yor about two yea.-- I sufin an endeavor to escape what they fered from a femvs trouble so I was unable Madrid. Information has been rebelieved was a raid by a German fleet to walk or do any of my own work. I read in about Lydia . Piukhams Vegetable. ComHundreds of them had been cut by the vived by the Portuguese legation pound in the newspapers and determined to shower of glass which followed the Madrid confirming previous advices try it. It brought almost immediate $ehef. revolution in Portugal had the that explosion. weakness has entirely disappeared end I My leto successful. the According never had better heahh. In the Richmond section the scenes been I weigh 168 and am as strong as a man. I think poinds enacted defied description. Seriously gation's Information, the government nxjney is well spent which ptrehases Lydia E.Pink-hams under Premier Costa has been thrown injured men and women crawled from !rom Mrs. Jos. Vegetable Cq.pound.,, for-nDr. Sidonio and Paes, power homes and 1765 of their lay the wreckage OBryan, Newpmi Ave, Chicago, X1L Portuguese minister to Germany, in the streets until they were removed GAN YOU RELY UPON . has been named president of a proin ambulances and automobiles to hosvisional government. pitals. Those less seriously hurt aid In more cd those gravely Injured. Three Killed in Collision. the streets, piled high with debris, Lexington, Ky. Three persons were were found the mangled bodies of killed and five injured, one probably many women and children. Several fatally when a Chesapeake & Ohio paschildren were crushed to death when senger train struck a freight near here they were hurled against telephone Sunday. Two engines and several cars ooles by the force of the explosion. yere derailed. one-ha- lf r, great-graivdfathe- 0, r, Spanish-Amerlca- - t. ! neither Mineral, f f M t i ' ? We overdo, overeat and n 0ur sleep and exercise and s o fast becoming a nation ki.in5 of sufferers. 72 !. y more in 1890 is the 1910 deaths "m census , Use Doans Kidney pina lou sands recommend them. An Idaho Case 2402 E. Main Inghram, St., Lewiston, Idaho, says: I was so crippled with rheumatic pains, that for two years I had to hobble around on crutches. Lire was a burden and my back ached all the time. My was filled with urio acid, my sight was poor and my kidneys disordered. terribly When I had almost given up hope, Doans Kianev cured me. The cure has lasted. CrtDW. at Any Store, 60e Box DOANS 1V1D1NEY CO, BUFFALO.Vy FOSTER-MUBUR- For Infanta and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature frnptaSmi JtacMkSM MittS-- d- n -- .k In OantHto frjdmrmMUnr Use A helpful Remedy for. Constipation andDiarrlwe and Feverishness ana Loss of SUSP resuftind thertfrom-iiun7- For Over - Facsimile Ihe CekeavbCoWC NEW TOR ! Exact Copy of Wrapper. j er WSIlliEi thi eiprry somminv, new ran rrr. - You can prevent this loathsome disease from running! your stable and cure all through colts suffering with be" y ? u begin the treatment. the No matter how young, SPOHNS is safe to use on any oolt. It Is wonderful how it prevents all no matter how colts or horses at any age aredistempers, exposed." All good druggists and turf goods houses and manufacturers sell SPOHNS at 60 oent and $1 a bottle; $5 and $10 a dozen. SPOHN MEDICAL CO, Mfrg, Goshen, neglect their health fi-Idi- Thirty Years COLT DISTEMPER must learn not to panic-stricke- n 1 !!e le JhelptTmacSAMlSELIOS. nt , sus' " not Narcotic OverwoAedl I ache, each is pect kidney trouble. Getft causer Help the kidneys Americans go it too n Opium, Morphine Itich-tuon- T Why, Thai Lame Back? vAi lad, U. 8. A. |