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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH Would you be willing to risk on a hazardous proposition when the gain could not exceed of S of 1 per cent. Yet this is exactly Osteopathic Physician the game you play when you go Logan, Utah without fire idsurance on your Chronic Diseases a Specialty hpme and other property which Notice is hereby given that spe127 and Residence E. 3rd N. might perish by fire. For first Office class fire insurrance go to Hans cial taxes for the installation of the Phone 247. Works are due and unMikkelsen, Hyrum Tithing Office. City Water paid in amounts and unpon the lands (Advertisement) set forth and described in the delinquent list hereto attached, and unless said taxes, together with the costs of publication, are paid on or b3fore the twenty-sixt- h (26) day of December, 1917, the real property upon which such taxes are due, will on said day be sold for said taxes, cost Of advertising and expense of sale, at the front door of the City Court House, beginning at the hour of 12 oclock noon, of said day, and continuing until all of said property shall have been sold. Otto Anderson, $80.52 on lot seven 7, block six 6, plat B. Iver Albretsen 66.38 on part of lots four, 4, block nine, 9, plat A. Marie Albretsen 23.58 on 132 ft. of lot five, 5, block three, 3, plat A. Marion Anderson 66.44 on 145 ft. beof lot eight, 8, block four, 4, plat A. Jos. W. Anderson 41.98 on lot six, 6, block five, 5 plat C. Geo. Buckley 103.18 on 135 ft. of lot three, 3, block thirty-two- , 32, D. plat Moroni Benson Est. 140.40 on future on of lot eight, 8, block nine, 9, part study eyes ' , plat A. business. make good your Brown 37.78 on part of S. Hyrum oil home lot one, 1, and two, 2, blocd six, 6, midnight plat E. books plans. Levi Crowshow $30.79 on lots one 1, and two, 2, block eleven, 11, plat Dr. E. J. Merrill Notice of Delin- $3000-0- quent Taxes SAVE AND LEARN Young man, if you want to come a leader in the worlds affairs, save a part of the salary you now earn, the Men who keep your burn the their and with at and Put Your Savings in Our Care so that you may have funds on hand to when it grasp business opportunity comes your way. CM STATE-BAN- block nineteen, 19 three, 3, plat A. of lot one, Wm. H, James 24,77 on lot five, 5, block eighteen, 18, plat A. Frank Anderson, 52.7o on the east eight rods of lot one, 1, block eight, 8, plat A. Wilford Jensen 152.24 on that parcel of land on the east side of third west street 495 ft. wide, north of Block seventeen, 17, plat C in S. E. i of S. W. $ of section thirty-tw32, Tp. eleven, 11, N. range one, 1, E. Salt Lake Base and Meridian. plat A. Hans Monson Est, 179.60 on lot seven, 7, block thirteen, 13, plat A. Annie K. Lauritzen 40.28 on lot three, 3, block five, 5, plat A. o, 1, Heber Lauritzen, $69.17, on south half of lot ono 1, block six 6, pint A Dorthea Nordgren, 78.42, on lot one 1, and $64.17 on lot two 2, blck eighteen 18, plat C. John P. Nielsen, $50.26, on the W of the N W J, of block thirtytwo David A. Jensen $80.48 on. lot 32, plat D. R. P. Rasmussen Annex and 55.86 two, 2, block one, 1, plat E. 110 ft wide, in T. N. Liljenquist 105.9o on the on a parcel of land r 34, plat D; lying Soulh fourteen rods of lot four, 4, block thirty-fouon the north side of 1st north Str., block twentyone, 21, plat A. and whose most Westerly extremity Oscar Liljenquist $126. 8o on the is 100 feet East, of the S E corner East of lots six, 6, and seven, 7, of block twenty-fiv- e 25, plat C. block eight, 8, plat B. Hyrum B. Anderson, $129.83, on Marie Larsen 39.18 on the South a parcel of land situate in the N W of lot four, 4, block eleven, 11, i of N Ei of Section 5, Tp.. ten 10 plat A. N R one 1, E, Salt Lake Base and Ernesl Orell 39. 18 on the of Meridianf lying west of block sixthe North of lot four, 4, block teen 16, plat C; and abutting on the eleven, 11, plat A. East side of second West Street. Wilford Olsen 44.75 on lot two, Also a parcel of land 126 rods wide 2, block eight, 8, plat B. situated in lot eight, 8, block three J. A. Wahlen 100.50 on the West 3, plat A or B Hyrum Farm Survey, .three, 3, rods of lot three 3, and abutting on the east side of 2nd the south four, 4, rods of lot four, West Street and on the South line 4, block thirteen, 13, plat A. of S. E. 1 of section thirty-tw32, Peter Sorensen 118.39 on lot Tp. eleven, 11, N-- 1 E. Salt Lake seven, 7, bluck eleven, 11, plat A. Base and Meridan. Adam Smith Est. 142.44 on lot Reuben C. Jensen 80.47 on a partwo, 2, block twenty-on21, plat A. cel of land 10 rods wide abutting Louis H. Petersen, $96.21 on lot on the West side of 2nd West Street four, 4, block ten 10, plat B. and on the North line of lot 8, D. Lehi Rose, $93.90, on lot eight block 17, plat C, and situated in David Crookston, $95,82 on part 8, block twelve 12, plat B. block 17, plat C. of lots one, 1, and two, 2, block Geo. H. on a twenty-thre- e, 23. o, R e, Johnson, 57.00, parGeorge Bankhead $51.86 on parof land, 273 ft. in width, joining cel of land, beginning 61 rods north on the north side of 1st north Str., of a point 112 rods east of the south- corner of section thirty-tw- o rr utvialjwestr 427 ft., east of the south-eas- t cor 32, Tp. ll, iV a.'i n Mice' e oax-ce C. to of block thence of north twenty-fivner 25, plat rods, C. W. Shaw 1 lo.66 on south quarter section line; thence west of lots three, 3, and four, 4, six rods to place of beginning, conblock twenty-thre23, plat D. taining one 1 acre. C. R. Spencer and E. F. SpenAll in Hyrum City .Survey except cer 8.36 on 4 rods of lot six, 6, where Hyrum Farm Survey has block twelve, 12, plat A. been specified. F. C. Olsen 102. lo on the N. Dated this 8th day of December rods of lot 11, 8, eleven, 1917. eight, block nineteen, 19, plat A. Hans Mikkelsen, City Treasurer John C. Nielsen 35. 8o on lot and Collector of special taxes. cel Hans Mikkelssia. $61.71, K Sam Hansen, 3.53 on the south three, 3, block one, 1, plat E. two. 2, rods of lot three, 3, block Francis Monson, 9.45 on the south 4 rods of lot eight, 8, eighteen, 18, plat A. on 47.82 block the Philip Albertsen, eight, 8, plat A. north 123 ft. of lot three, 3, block Weston Vernon 71.72 on 70 It. part of in Jonas I. Nielsen, $118 30, on part of lots five, 5, and six, 6, block one, 1, plat A, and $50.70 on a parcel of land described as follows: Beginning on the south west corner of section three, 3, township ten, 10, north range. One east of Salt Lake Meridian and running thence east twenty, 20, Tods; thence north four, 4, rods; thence west twenty rods; thence south four, 4, rods to point of beginning. Charles O. Carlson, 25.oo on part of lot eight, 8, block seven, 7, plat A. David Poppelton, 9o.56 on lot eight, 8, block five, 5, plat A. Lester Dagson, 54.29 on lot eight, Name of Corporation, Hyrum Irrigating Company, Hyrum, Utah. block sixteen, 16, plat D. There is delinquent on the described stock, on account of an assessW. F. Hulse 89.13 on lots one, 1, ment levied September 5, 1917, the amount set opposite the names of the two, 2, and ten, lo, block twelve, respective holders as follows: 12, plat D. No. of Gert. NameT No, of Shares, Amt. 8 Rose B. Sparks $ .80 1 1.25 Charles Carlson 3 3.75 Elizabeth Gulbransen.. 3 3.75 Charles Hansen 83 2 2.50 John O. Hanson 264 2 2.50 Niels Hanson 333 .80 Wilford Jensen 35 40 1 1.25 Jens Kjeldsen, Est.. . . 1 419 1.25 Emma Lee 1 296 Alvin McBride 1.90 22 2 Miller E. 2.50 Nephi 449 5 Mrs. Almania Nelson 6.25 1 392 1.25 Andrew C. Nielsen . . 1 Geo. S. Obray 1.25 sub-divisio- n GOOD LUMBER IS AT THE BOTTOM of success. Low prices may help some, but its the fine quality of our lumber that brings our customers back time and again. It pays us to sell good lumber. It will pay you better to buy it. It lasts longer and is more to work up. Try us with an order and youll come back when you mant mpre. satisfactory Smith Bros. Lumber Co. LOGAN AND HYRUM, UTAH. e, Sale of Delinquent WaterjStock 5-- For Proud Men and Intelligent Spenders! Most Men ara practical on the Clothes subjsct. They want style of course! so may selling Styleplus Clothes North Main Street, Next Eagle Hotel, U 383 356 2 71 ' 1.90 2.50 9.65 60.65 2.50 Rose Rose, Est 201 Shaw And in accordance with law, and an order of the Board of Directors made on the 5th day of September, 1917, so many shares of each parcel of stock as may be necessary, will be sold on Saturday, the 15th day of December, 1917, at 12 oclock noon, of said day, at the City Hall, Hyrum Utah, to pay the delinquent assessment thereon, together with the costs of advertising'and expense of sale. JOHN W. JENSEN, Secretary. 1917. Nov. 28, Hyrum, Utah, ends by Satr Clothing Co 498 David Poppleton A. P. O. H. C. W. They want satisfactory wear. Thats why we make Peter Olsen 445-13- 3 Subscribe For & Logan 5 The South Cache Courier JOB PRINTING |