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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH 3n The Store With The I It is with the sinsere wish that the coming Christmas may be filled with that happiness Christmas ought to bring, which hearts strong and true, deserve above all else on Christmas day. It is in this spirit that the Christmas store of Quality offers you its Christ-- . mas service, Presenting the abundance of this Christmas Merceandis not with adjectives blustering with size, but with the hope that its accomplishments may again prove worthy of the confidence you have reposed in the years past. D COPYRIOHttD SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DISCOUNT LOGAN, UTAH Coats We take your Liberty Bond the Same as Cash C For Your Canvenience This Store will remain open until 8 p. m., Every Night next week SATURDAY S LATER. C 25 per cent off on French Ivory COURIER w J. A. Manager Dr. Eliason was called to Ogden The Golden Hour Club was enter- K f. V ft to attend the tained on the last Wednesday following dates and Local News funeral of Mr. J. R. Wrenn", a by the following ladies: Dec. 1st, by who died there Mrs. 0. H. Mr. A. L. Toone, special 0. L. & brother-in-law- , Brich, and on Dec. 8th, in been has Hyrum recently. I. land agent, by Mrs. Dr. Eliason. In each inon business for a day or two this Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. stance refreshments were served week. Niels Larsen of the 1st Ward enter- and the usual business transacted. relatives and On account of an unusual amount tained immediate Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Liljenquist of lack and space, in a honor of their have friends at supper of advertising just received a letter fro'm several important news items had to son Earl who enlisted in the Aviation their son Royal who is at Fort Lobe left over. Crops and left the following morn- gan, Coloil, with the 5th infantry, for the training camp. Miss Elsie Petersen of Portland, ing having enlisted in Wyoming, somethe school at Part of his Mr. Leo Nielsen was down- from time in November. Ore., who is attending end week the in will etter next issue. our whore his he and C. U. A. High Creek, appear Logan, spent brother Geo. I. have several men with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ralph. and teams at work, doing some reThe continuous dance to bo given A. work for the 0. L. & I., and next Tuesday at the Elite Hall pair spent the week end with folks at promises to be a big event. Just think 24 musicians will furnish the home, returning Monday morning. best music in Cache Valley. We are in receipt of Nos. I and 2 A Colonial. Ball will be given Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Anderson of our High School paper the Thursday Eve, Dec. 20, 1917, by the announce the marriage of their Clarion. The paper has been chang- Third Ward Mutual. The following daughter Fedora, to Acle R. Calder ed from a booklet form to a news program will be rendered: of Logan. The marriage to take sheet. It is nicely printed and has Song, Lola Larsen & Co. Dec. Lake rean artistic and Salt Temple in the quite appearance place Reading Miss Grace Cardon flects credit on its management, 20 th. Piano Duet, Margaret Cutler and We welcome Clarion the Muriel Jensen. certainly Why go to Logan for your groto our table. well as do can exchange Solo, 0. E. Petersen just ceries, when you Williams Reading, Miss Margaret Smurth-wait- e at your home grocer. Mayor Jensen of this city, reEconomy Store will meet all com- ceived word the forepart of the and week that his son Lionel, who is Solo, Lareta Wahlen petition on Christmas goods convinced. in be and Call Piano Solo, Mr. C. W. Cannon. groceries. Battery C. has been promoted to After the program games and Miss Violet Anderson of Nampa, chief mechanic, and that Acle Nielsen man another also relatives young dancing will be indulged in. Pie, Idaho, has been visiting and friends in Hyrum and Logan, from here received a promotion popcorn and icecream will be served the past few days. Miss Anderson which certainly reflects credit upon at Booths. Come in your costumes and enjoy is a sister to Mrs. J. W. Fryer, our enlisted boys. It also statec the above & Santa mentioned Station that I. Claus. He will hand you a boys are wife of our genial 0. L. 3rd Ward M.I. jj ? ft tt Agent. Miss Lettie Sorensen daughter of our respected townspeople, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sorensen of the 1st Ward, left last Monday afternoon for Salt Lake city, from whence she will leave shortly to fill a mission in Miss the Northwestern States. amiable young Sorensen is a most an make doubt no will lady and mother Her excellent missionary. accompanied her as far as Salt Lake on the way to France, as is also bag. Admission 10c and 20c. t CHRISTMAS CARDS CTRISTMAS CANDY CHRISTMAS NUTS BOOKS WATCHES PENS JEWELRY GUNS SETS Something for Father, Mother, Brother, Sister and a Sweetheart ' HYRUM DRUG CO. at R. A. ELIASON'S We idvite our Customers to Call and get the Benefit of our Price Reductions on Christmas Groceries Remember that we always have the Choisest of Freah and Cured Meats on hand , R. A. ELIASON, The Butcher Go To Jensens Grocery - For Your Holiday Goods A Full Line of Toys We Guarantee Our Christmas Prices ON GROCERIES at Prices that are Right. HYRUM CLOTHING CO. A HOME STORE FOR HOME PEOPLE fV v If You are Looking For a Hood Washer, go and inspect the Best For You Father and Mother, Brothers, Sisters and Frinds, V ibsss XMAS GIFTS l t Just Remodeled Our Ice Cream Parlor. CALL AND SEE US And Other Useful Articles Suitable For - f Largest Line in City Colonial Ball City. Sets Muffs! Scarfs. All at a Big Saving ijTjttiratgi The Silver Players gave a dance Alma Andreason, who is with the at Brigham City, last Wednesday Engineering corps. Charles Critch-lo1917. and from reports current it was a and Glen Allen are two lately Frida. Dec. 14, hummer. enlisted men from here, both joined Entered at the Postoffice at Hytum, Utah, Elder Gail N. Nielsen gave a the Aviation corps." ai second class mail matter, under the Act very interesting talk before the M. Mrs. Frank Anderson is down of Mareh 3 1870 I. A. conjoint meeting of the 3rd from Arco, Idaho, "io spend the Ward last Sunday evening. relatives and friends. with & holidays Wafelen. Publisher SOUTH CACHE UlS In Women! Misses and Childrens HOLIDAY GIFTS ' ' TO BE THE LOWEST Leroy Jett sen, Prop. |