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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH SOOTH CACHE COURIER Frida). Oct. - 26, - THINK!- REASONS 1917. - tntered at tha Porfofiicc at Hyrum, L'tah, second class mail master, under rie Aet of March 3 1870 a J. A. Wahlen, Publisher & Manner Do you know perfected MACHINE ever created? Do you know that the Creator placed within your bodv EVERYTHING necessary for health? Do you know that Nature (within the physical) is the ONLY exact chemist, and that She can AND WILL manufacture Her own antidotes, antitoxins, etc. etc., if she is properly distributed throughout the Local News Suits cleaned and pressed $1.25. Adv. Hyrum Clo. Co. We have a nice line of Ladies, Misses and Childrens'Coats just in. Call and inspect them before going elsewhere. Williams Economy Store. Adv. Clara Liljenquist and Mr. Meecham motored up from Salt Lake last week to spend Saturday and Sunday with relatives and friends in Hyrum. Ladies and Misses Ready-to-wedresses of serge and taffeta, just arrived. Call and see them right away. Williams Economy Store. iA ctvertlsemeut I Dr. and Mrs. Eliason and Mr. and Mrs. Rosenbaum motored to Salt Lake in Dr. Eliasons car last Wednesday. Monday, returning a pleasant and enjoyThey report able time. Halloween Dance will be given at the Elite Hall next Tuesday evening, and an excellent time is assured. Moonlight dancing will be one of the special features. Dont miss it. A Shoulders Innate Intelligence) from the brain, which is the human dynamo, to EVERY part of the body? Do you know that 90 per cent of all diseases are CAUSED by subluxated vertebrae which produce pressure upon nerves as the emit from the spine? And that pressure upon nerves decreases their carrying capacity, and the part that they supBEGINS7 ply starves, atrophies and DO YOU KNOW THAT EVERY MACHINE NEEDS ADJUSTING? GET ADJUSTED BY REASON! THINK! CHIROPRACTIC. All Baking Cares so-call- When CALUMET comes in, all baking troubles take quick leave. You go right ahead and mix up baking materials, for biscuits DIS-EAS- cakes anything without fear of uncertainty. Calumet makes you forget failure. CALUMET BAKING POWDER E Remember, folks, that I am conducting a school Childrens free clinic from 3 to 4 oclock daily. Parent or Guardian Must accompany the child. Get your children adjusted and avoid future ailments, Calumet contains only such ingredients as have been approved officially by the U. S. Food Authorities. You uve when you buy it. Yon lave when yon uie it. G. B. ROSE, D. C. Ph. C. HIGHEST QUALITY P. S. G., CHIROPRACTOR HIGHEST AWARDS T. ed . is the most popular because it does give most perfect results. It has the biggest demand because it is the most dependable. The tact that it ts the biggest seller proves that it is the best. Atrial will convince you that there is none just as good. Buy a can if you are not satisfied take it back and get your money back. The new arrivals this week are a son to Mr. and Mrs. John Wright on Tuesday and a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Nielsen, last MonAll concerned are doing day. nicely. Mrs. E. J- Wilson returned from Cleveland, Idaho a few days ago, where she accompanied her daughter Lillian, who accepted a position to teach school at that place. An excellent line of Mens and young Mens suits and overcoats. Belted and pinch-back- s, any $15-00- . 15 off cent at per style on all Boys knee pant suits. Adv. Dunbar and Hyde. body? Do you know that the nervous system is the most important system in the human body because the nerves conduct human electricity (also called Spirit, Soul J Miss ar that the human body is the most highly Thatcher Bank Building, Suite , Jr Hours: - Mens Blue Overalls size 40 and 9-1- 1 a. m. and 1- p.m. 6:30 p. -4 U Use KREAM KRISP for cooking Hyrum Clothing Co. Ad. in Adv. place of butter. , i Mrs. J. J. Hall and two children We will give $55.00 in trade for a returned the forepart of the week $50.00 Liberty Bond. Hyrum Clo. from Arco, Idaho, where they had Co. Adv. a very pleasant visit with relatives and friends. Dr. E. J. Merrill Messrs. Chas. Liljenquist4- of this Osteopathic Physician city, and Mr. Merriot of Montpelier, fruit dealers, shipped a car load of Logan, Utah Chronic Diseases a Specialty apples from R. A. Eliasons and Messrs. Halrorson, special Wm. C. Nielsens orchards to MontOffice and Residence 127 E. 3rd N. representative of the Western State pelier, Idaho, this week. Phone 247. Life Insurance Co., and 0. A. JohnMr. Jas. P. Christiansen of this son of the Salt Lake Marble and Monumental Co.' Works, both of city is agent for the "Taacford-Attachmefor Ford cars. This Salt Lake, were Hyrum business Ernest P. Oldham, M. D. visitors this week, as the guests of device can easily be attached to a Physician & Surgeon wagon or plow, is easily handled, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Olsen. Offices and can make quite short turn. WANTED 25 men to enlist Store Over who wishes to inspect the between 20 and 40 years of age Anyone Hoar from 2 to P. M. can call on Mr. Christiansen At Hyrum Monday & Thunday for guard duty at Fort Douglas; device will give the desired infora. m. at Dr. Cutlers Residence married men are acceptable. and he Adv. mation. m. and 7:30 Shamhart-Christiansen- s) p.m. House Callsby Appointment Phone 138 w ww 42 $1.25. - (Over New Book, t Magazines, Games of all kinds. t V t V f QJ. nt Shamhart-Christiansen- 2 September 26, 1917. The ELECTRIC Way Winter Schedule Southbound Trains Leave: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 AU Trains Make Direct Connections ' at Ogden Buy Where Reputation Counts New Time Table Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greely, Mrs. Caroline Anthonson and Miss Darlene Stephensen motored up from Salt Lake City last Sunday to attend the birthday reception of Mrs. W. A. Liljenquist, together with many relatives and friends from Hyrum. A bounteous repast was served and an enjoyable time was spent in music and social chat. Mrs. Tellefsen, an old and respected lady of the 1st Ward of this city died of old age and other ailments at the home of her son Thomas Tellefsen, in Salt Lake City last Thursday evening. The remains will be brought here for burial. Funeral services will be held in the 1st ward chapel next Monday at 2 oclock. All friends are invited. i 4 230-23- HYRUM DRUG CO. g 10-1- These men will not have to go to the front. Apply to PostAdv. master. Dr. Oldham will open offices at Hyrum on Mondays and Thursdays from 10 to 12 a. m., at Dr. Cutlers residence, Main street. Will .also be on hand for calls. 1 Phones, Logan exchange and Hyrum 143j. See card in Ad. another column. t When you buy merchandise there is great satisfaction in knowing that you have received good value for your money. But the satisfaction is greater when you know in advance that the value is going to be good. Thats what happens when you trade at local stores, where the dealers have good reputations to maintain and where they do maintain themby selling only good goods at fair prices. When you buy from strangers you are very apt to receive mediocre value at price of better. For your own protection buy where reputation counts at home. 4 4- - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Buy Yur Mackinaw Coats and Pants 4 With Bamberger Trains to and from Salt Lake City. DaUy Freight Service in Both Directions. 4 TRAVEL THE ELECTRIC WAY No Smoke! W. A. WHITNEY, General Manager. No Cinders! No Dust! Comfort All the Way. J. W. ELLINGSON, Traffic Manager. 9 Subscribe For The South Cache Courier |