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Show BETTED STORAGE METHODS URGED ' Food Administration Seeks to Reduce Annual Wastage , in ; SMALL Potatoes. GROWERS WARNED Much of Loss From Sweating, Disease, Frost and Other Causes Can Bo Prevented, Declares Expert. Washington. A large part of the potato crop of the United States is wasted every year through the existence of bad storage conditions. The government food administration is determined that this loss shall be reduced this year, when every bushel of potatoes will be needed by the people of this country. In order to secure the adoption of the best storage methods by the small growers of the country, .Lou D. Sweet, head of the potato division of the food administration, has Issued the following statement: It Is of great importance that all Ihe potatoes raised this year should be stored under proper conditions, tlven when every precaution is taken Ihe wastage of potatoes during the winter Is considerable ; under bad conditions of storage it is very great indeed. In order that the best methods may be adopted by the small growers, those who have not had the experience In the storage of potatoes, should know the chief causes of the wastage. These causes are: 1. Sweating, heating and consequent rot: often due to insufficient ventilation. 2. Rotting, due to potatoes getting wet at the time of putting them in storage. 3. Injury from frost. 4. Decay, owing to disease in the tubers at the time of storage. 5. Sprouting of tubers in the spring. Losses May Be Reduced. It is not possible to prevent altogether losses from these causes, but by using the best methods of storage, it is possible to reduce them very ma, terially. i , I This may be done by taking care to guard against lpsses from each of these causes: Sweating and heating occur if the freshly dug potatoes are piled in too large piles, so that the air cannot circulate between the tubers. The risk of loss from this cause is greatest in the fall, immediately after the tubers have been dug, and it is, therefore, important that potatoes when dug should not be put in unnecessarily large piles, nor kept in an room. If the potatoes at the digging time are allowed to get wet and go into storage in that condition, rotting is sure to occur. Be careful to have your potatoes dry before storing. Potatoes are easily damaged by Frost. If they become frozen, there market value Is destroyed. Therefore, take precaution to protect the tubers from frost before and after digging. THE UTAH BUDGET UTILIZE The Wylie Way camps in Zion canyon closed October 15 in the face of continued travel to the canyon. Wednesday, October 24, is set apart as Liberty day in Utah in a proclamation issued by Governor Bamberger. Helen Culley, 4 years of age, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Culley of Tooele, was severely burned when she set fire to her clothing. In keeping with the general preparedness campaign the Carbon county high school has instituted a military drill for every boy in the school. Capt. Henri Bloch, French army, has been attached to the infantry, Fort Douglas, to act as adviser in the French warfare training of the regiment. Convict road gangs are to be put to work In Kane and Grand counties after November 1 or thereabouts, pursuant to a decision reached by the state road commission. State appropriations of approximately $93,000 were last week released by Governor Bamberger to the Agricultural college at Logan and the branch college at Cedar City. William Hutchens, 24, son of Patrolman John Hutchens of the Ogden police department, was killed at Lemay, when he brushed against a wire carrying 11,000 volts of electricity. Its completion celebrated by appropriate exercises, which were witnessed by 7000 persons, the new factory of the Peoples Sugar 'company at Monroe began operations Monday. Jack Frost has delivered a knockout blow to the tomato packing season in Weber county, but the farmers announced that it has been one of the largest and best seasons in years. Bids will be asked on the paving of a mile of the business streets of Pay-sowhich will be the second city of its class In Utah to have paved streets ; the first being Ephraim, which paved in 1913. Lyto Hayes, aged 16, of Richfield, was killed while working in the sugar factory at Monroe. The boy was caught in a belt and hurled to his death before rescuers could reach him or stop the machinery. not Impetus to the conservation of and of also but foods, clothing only energies, has been given by a joint meeting at Kamas of school principals and teachers of the South Summit and Park City school districts. Uintah county, by being the first county in the state to complete its quota of the second Liberty loan, has set the example which the state Lib erty loan committee is determined Utah shall set for the entire nation. Eliminate Diseased Tubers. There are several diseases of the potato which destroy the tuber, and if diseased tubers are mixed with the sound ones, the disease spreads rapidly; therefore, it is necessary to sort the potatoes carefully, eliminating all of the disease, the cuts, culls, and dirt before placing them into permanent All of the storage for the winter. cuts, culls, misshapen and diseased tu hers should be fed to the poultry and live stock, but should be steamed or Boiled before being fed, as in this way you increase the food value, and also destroy the germs of the disease, so that it will not get into the manure and thence into the land. By proper ventilation of the cellar or storage room, and by holding the temperature as near 35 degrees F. as possible, you can keep the potatoes from sprouting. Seed for next years planting should be selected from hills that produce all nice, true to type potatoes. These. should he selected at the digging time, and stored separately in orates or bftxes, and by storing them room where the temin a perature can he held at from 84 to 40 degrees, with a little ventilation and this seed planted next spring, the grower will make a start toward improving the quality of his potatoes, instead of as in the past, simply planting the culls or runouts. well-lighte- d Very Deep. They tell me young Whlffer made a deep impression when he called on the Lotserox family the other night. Is that so? Yes; when old Lotserox helped him through the door he landed in one of the flower beds on the lawn." Richmond Tlines-Dlspatc- Forty-secon- d n, ALL WASTES Not Advisable to Make Hog Meat Out of Raw Materials. Grain May Be Saved for Direct Use as Food for Man and for Topping Off Beef Dairy Are Valuable. DRAINAGE (III OPERATION SUGGESTIONS 1. Have your dead furrow extend In the line of greatest slope on the flatter lands. 2. Plow In narrow lands not over four rods wide so that there will be a dead furrow or a back furrow every two rods. 3. Plow twice In the dead furrow where It crosses a ridge. In long level furrows, plow twice near the outlet to create a fall toward the surface-run- . averted (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) It Is a good plan to Insist that so far as possible hog meat shall be produced mainly with food wastes as the COLTS INJURED BY DRIVERS raw materials.- - Grain may thus be saved for direct use as food for man Dr. McCampell of Kansas State CoL and for feeding or topping off beef Tells How Young Animal lege cattle which cannot be raised on ' Should Be Treated. VhumuhuvuhumuuhuvV waste. Wastes on farms and In the towns from make good hog feed ; fisheries, canneries, bakeries, packing plants and the like can be utilized us hog feed and to better economic advantage than in any other way. Dairy wastes are particularly valuable as hog' feed nd promote rapid growth with a good money return for every gallon fed. The farm orchard furnishes large quantities of windfallen or defective fruit, which is relished by hogs, and Is beneficial if fed in small quantities frequently, and not all at one feed. Garden wastes, tops of vegetables, culls of all sorts, even weeds are readily eaten, and such as may not be eaten will be worked over, going Into the bedding and adding to the manure. Kitchen wastes are an excellent source of food for hogs, but should be kept at a minimum, because practically all food prepared for mans use should be eateu by him. , HORSE POWER TO PULL POSTS Team and Wagon, Log Chain and Stout Plank Are Among Things Needed for the Purpose. Digging up old fence posts is a hard job. The accompanying drawing shows the easiest and quickest way of pulling posts that have been seen. A team and wagon, a ten-folog chain and a stout plank with a notch in the upper end or a forked stick about four feet long are the things needed. Drive the team and wagon up parallel to the fence and about a foot away from ityand five feet ahead of pulled!. Loop one end the post to of the chain around the middle of the ot i Glen-woo- all Jey female said I had trouble and would not get any relief until I would be operated on. I had suffered for four years before this tjme,butlkeptget. ting worse the more medicine I took. Every month since Colts are sometimes Injured by Inwas a young girl I had suffered withI experienced drivers or men who try to do too much when starting to work cramps in my sides at periods and was neverregular. I saw your advertise-methem. They seem to think that be in the newspaper and the cause the colt is large he can do a picture woman of a who had been saved from much as the mature horse. an operation and this picture was Give the colt light work,1 advises on my mind. The doctor had Dr. C. W. McCampell, associate profesme only two more days to make given sor of animal husbandry In the Kansas State Agricultural college. The up my mind so I sent my husband to the drug store at once for a bottle of Lydia colt should be prepared for the seaE. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, and sons work if he is to do his best. Libbelieve me, I soon noticed a change and eral grain feeding should begin a few when I had finished the third bottle I weeks before the work starts. A was cured and never felt better 1 grant In colt handled this manner' you the privilege to publish my letter after a few weeks preparatory work and am only too glad to let other women will be able to do considerable work know of my cure. Mrs. Thos.McGon but of course he should be given a day IGAL, 8432 Hartville Street, Phila., Pa. of rest occasionally. Caution should be taken not to overQuick Pay Roll Scheme. work the colt at first. There is danFor making up pay rolls a machine ger of sweeney, broken wind, or other has been invented that drops into enserious trouble which probably would velopes coins for which keys are put the horse out of business for an pressed. entire season. nt ed three-year-o- IMPORTANCE ld OF QUEEN BEE War Declared on Rats by U. S. Govt Her Duty Is Simply to Lay Eggs to The government at Washington is prea campaign that should be effeKeep Up Supply of Honey Gathparing ctive in killing the rats that are so destrucerers in Colony. tive both to lives and property. A conservative estimate places the loss of foofrom rats at over two hundred miThe queen is the only perfect female dstuffs llion dollars annually, and in the present In the hive and usually there is only scarcity of food, this loss must be preThe most efficient way to Kill one to a colony. Her duty Is simply vented. the Rat is by the use of Stearns Paste, to lay eggs to keep up the supply of and thousands of dollars worth have been the government. Every housbees in the hive. It is possible for a bought by ekeeper troubled with rats, mice, roaches queen to lay several thousand eggs in or waterbugs should buy a small box of a day, depositing them singly In the this reliable exterminator for thirty-fiv- e cents, and stop further loss of food in bottom of brood cells. If these eggs her home. Adv. The Dry Voter. The modern babies were sitting around the nursery in attitudes that suggested a club room rather than a nursery. They were very modern babies. One of them dragged himself up to the window and looked out. There goes Dollie Dimple in her perambulator, he obof interest. a show with served, Pierce-Marro- Contracts aggregating $300,000 have been closed by the Hansen Live Stock & Feeding company in Utah and Idaho for 10,000 tons of alfalfa, 300 carloads of grain and other materials to be used in the manufacture of alfalfa meal. Word has been received of the death at American Lake, Wash., of Abraham Crawford, a member of the Utah artillery. Mr. Crawford was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford of Helper, and was one of the most popular young men In Carbon county. William D. Shugart, B company, Twentieth infantry, who was seriously burned by the explosion of a smoke bomb in a similated trench attack several days ago, will probably recover his eyesight. It was thought at first that he would be blinded for life. In view of the present high prices of wool and mutton, Utah is losing profits through inability of sheep owners to expand their industry, on account of the scarcity of grazing land, in the opinion of Thomas Redmond, secretary of the state livestock commission. As a matter of protection for the good name and reputation of the soldiers at Fort Douglas and the young girls of Salt Lake, a general order was Issued last week by Colonel Alfred Hasbrouck, post commander, forbidding minor girls to enter the reservation after 7 oclock at night. When the army recruiting station medical officers came to examine the physical condition of Ancll Stringham, a husky young farmer lad from they found that he was in perfect health, but, his heart was on his right side and his liver on his left Side. He was accepted, however, It is said by the state health commissioner that there is more typhoid in Utah at present than there has been for several years. lie says that the state is prepared to provide for vaccination of persons against typhoid fever, and he urges submission to this process as a certain preventive of the disease. Local church officials would have Brigham City assume charge of the burial lot in the Brigham City cemetery wherein is interred the body of the late President Lorenzo Snow, the founder of the city of Brigham, and forever maintain it, beautify the lot, and make of It a memorial to the once prominent churchman. Philadelphia, Pa.-- 0ne year very sick and I Buffered with ,,IMl1 ta tide and back until I nearly went cro:y. I went to different doctors and Was w Thats not a Pierce-Marro- co- ntradicted another, languidly. Its a Mudson Super-SlicIll bet you the paregoric for the crowd youre wrong! I dont drink hard stuff, and you know it, said the first, for he was Make it castoria and youre on. k. Hitch on Wagon and Post. ultra-moder- Pass the other end over the fork In the stick and hook around the base of the post. 'The only precaution is to see that the forked stick or plank is not set too slanting or it will slip out instead of lifting the post. Drive ahead and out comes the post. There Is no backing up or turning around nor any tools to move. As fast as the posts are pulled they are thrown Into the wagon. If many posts are to be i' piled It will save time to wire the chain to the crotch of Jhe prop so that the team will drag It from one location axle. n. Japans Financial Aid to Russia. A domestic loan of $50,000,000 has been arranged by Japan for Russia, a large part of which will be used to pay for war supplies already ordered At present, by Russia in Japan. Queen Cells and Work Cells. $35,000,000 Russian treasury bills held in Japan matured on September 25 are not fertilized they develop Into and were renewed. The bankers of drones; when fertilized they develop Japan have so many demands for into worker bees or queens according money made f upon them at present to to the treatment they receive. Nearly finance new enterprises that they are to tfie next. all of the fertilized eggs are left ih not disposed to underwrite Russian cells known as loans; therefore the government will the ordinary-size- d Separate Breeding Hogs. worker cells and produce worker bees. issue exchequer bonds which may be from the For a few of these Separate the breeding-stoclarger cells, as jaid for with Russian treasury bill& fattening hogs, also separate the larger shown in the illustration, are built a Cast and West News. from the smaller ones. series of protecting walls. Together with this, a special food is given to What He Said. Blanket of Fat on Pigs. the larva when It hatches, and in the So it was a wheatless dinner? A blanket of fat on the fall pi& Is course of 21 No. I said witless. days a queen bee comes worth bushels of corn in the crib. forth. k , EASY TO SAVE, LETTUCE SEED PLAN TO KILL WOODCHUCKS Not Necessary to Remove All Chaff Fumes of Bisulphide of Carbon or of Where Bulk Is No Objection-K- eep Gasoline Will Be Found Most Peas and Beans. Satisfactory. The fumes of bisulphide of carbon or of gasoline, will kill woodchucks. Stop up with dirt all the holes but Then push down into this a one. bunch of rags or burlap saturated with two ounces af bisulphide of carbon or of gasoline, and stop ujv the hole firmly with earth. The bisulphide of carbon is most effective. The fumes Straw Valuable. are heavied than air and will fill the Bum no straw this fall. and smother the woodchuck. burrows ounce is straw of always of It is Every that every hole be Important value', and thfs year It will be of greatfirmly. stopped er value than usual. Lettuce seed is easily saved, and it is not necessary that all the chaff be removed from the seed where bulk is no objection. The chaff will prevent sowing it too thickly. Peas and beans should be kept in their roots until needld for planting. Keep Garden Produce. Fresh Air Is Essential. Save all the garden produce this Young animals require a certain year. You cannot afford to allow amount of warmth, but this must not to go to .mste. Somebody can any use ' be at the expense of fresh air. what you cant. Raspberries. Superior Fence Material. is more easily produced In putting up yards for poultry, than red raspberries ; a plantation once fencing with horizontal bars is far established will bear abundantly for superior to the ordinary mesh type . fifteen years with very ordinary care. fencing. Nothing The Real Thing. what is the call of the wild? The joyriders honk, my son. w Mom, Many a man at the age of 50 wishes he was half as smart as he thought he was at; the age of 21. WHEATLESS MEALS? DON'T BOTHER ME.SYJ (ftb&hl JUST TRY POST o fJEST CORN FLAKES EVER |