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Show . South Cache Courier POL. VIII. Hyrum Cache County, Utah, Friday, Oct. ,27, 1917. JL s NO. 48 the same gifts, powers and blessings ' that were enjoyed by the former day Saints, are being enjoyed by To be Held in Hyrum City Nov. 6, 1917. the Latter-da- y Saints in these the last day, before the second coming of our Savior. Republican Grand Rapids, Michigan, Sept. I have been laboring over in Editor Courier: In your last For Mayor, H. II. Jensen. For Mayor, N. J. Nielsen. 22, 1917. Detroit, Mich., for nearly fifteen editon I notice an article with reFor Recorder,-Joh- n W. Jensen. For Recorder, Leonard Larsen. Editor Courier: In as much as months-- . Detroit has a population to the Democratic City Ticket e For Treasurer, Mrs. Charlotte months has of about Mrs. Charlotte gard For Treasurer, nearly twenty-threhundred thousand I want to endorse what the and eighj Allen. Allen." elapaed since I left my good old inhabitants. is It the greatest of the splendid reprewriter For 4 year Councilman, Jos. For 4 year Councilman, Chris- sentativesayscharacter of mountain home, I thought probably automobile manufacturing in city every memC. Anderson. ten Thompson. a few lines from Michigan would the world. Mr. Ford has his main ber on that ticket. And I want to Will2 For of Wm. the the readers to 2 For Councilmen, Councilmen, interest of year year be factory in Detroit. The factory endorse what he says namely that II. T Alban and Clawson iam Austin D. Allen, Jensen, McBride, South Cache Courier. covers 204 acres and he employs they are a party of progress, equal M. S. Rosenbaum. Willis Savage. Your paper has brought some 42,000 laborers, 52 of composed rights, good government and the valuable and interesting news to nationalities. They put out on an cause of humanity, and I believe me, I cannot express in words my average of about 2,400 cars per day. they are but there are others for You The appreciation for the same. no party nor set of men has a pay roll is about $175,000.00 per can just imagine how tickled we as day or four and one half million per patent on these virtues. missionaries are when we receive month, wages run from $5.00 to The writer also predicts a hand.this valuable paper. $12.00 per day. The Studebaker, some majority for the ticket, in this Through the diligent and energetOn the last page of this paper Arriving at Chicago on Nov. 12, Maxwell, Saxon, and many other ic work pf the committee and the will be found the advertisement he may be drawing on his imagina1915, we were met at the station by makes of cars too numerous to patriotism of the good people of of Dr. G. B. Rose, Chiropractor, tion for his facts, for in these Elder Clarence Miller from Salt mention are made in Detroit. In strenuous times no one can tell anyHyrum, the subscriptions to the who has We opened up a suite of Lake laboring as a missionary. of the automobiles second short, Liberty Loan has certainly rooms in the Thatcher building, thing about majorities until the got our rooms and went down to of the world are made in Michigan made fine votes of the people are counted. progress, Friday morn- over the Shamhart-Christianse- n the next day Furthur on he points with pride Michigan is a verv wealthy state, ing in summing up the results to attend a priesthood meeting. higher wages are being paid in this members of the committee found Store, Logan, of which the doc- to the fact that these candidates tor can feel proud. There is a Four of us Elders from Cache Val- state than have always been here and are any, other in the union, that about $25,000 had been subreception room, a well lighted ley were assigned to labor in the but the high cost of living is keepgenuine citizens. Is that the only scribed They had made a personal and We spent equipped adjustment room, reason why Michigan Conference. level workwith the a on them they should be elected? ing canvass and themselves added sevall the with appliances; in Chinecessary about ten days of other states. eral thousand dollars to the sum; Isnt it possible for others to have ing class of people rest rooms with couches and easy cago, taking in some of the most I was transferred from Detroit and although the canvass is practienterprise and civic pride as well? ladies and for both chairs, gentle there. I important sights also endorse what he says when he to Grand Rapids about the t5th cally completed, a little more is exmen, dressing rooms with the invites the citizens to The Elders laboring at headquarof last Aug., and since that time pected, and it is believed that by inspect the necessary toilet articles, in fact names on the ticket. ters were going to hold a street fruits of some the close realized we have of the campaign that the the everything needed for the use meeting one evening, and they gave of our labors. I had the And may I have the privilege of privilege subscriptions will be close to the and comfort of his The patrons. us an invitation to attend; so we the citizens to inspect the of baptizing a lady, who was crip- mark of the. required amount asked is also ex- asking heating arrangement four Cache Yalley boys went down of work their Mayor for the past pled in one arm and leg so badly for to be raised by the people of cellent. to headquarters to meet the Elders two and ask themselves if his to that it was impossible for her Hyrum. With all these modern appli- workyears there. We were setting in a room walk into the water. does not entitle him to another The Consequently committee certainly did ances and the practice Dr. Rose all by ourselves, when suddenly one Look term? at your new high I had to carry her into the water splendid work in soliciting Liberty has already had since returning school of the older Elders came in and and with its city lights and water baptize her in that way. It Bond subscriptions a jd their efforts from the east, we for bespeak ssked which one of us was Elder and fifteen ' the acies of land all paid and him most made liie rejoice to witness put form arfc a successful and .profitClawson. After he found out he for, ALook' as your rebuilt light faith which that woman possessed. commendable. able business. left the room, and no sooner- had plant. Look at the City Park out The people of the world are beginhe left than Pres- Bowers came in on the county road. Look at the ning to think more, and study hardOf and asked the same question. I and a was Democrat, come; on a beautiful cemetery. Look being start er today than they ever have before. new one of Elders of in favor the three other course, my at the permanent improvements in only resigning Of coqrse a great many of them nominated who own Those began to joke with me telling me are cement culverts on the streets, reparty. anEditor Courier, joining one church and then me have my resignation accepted that the Pres, was going to call on member that the O. L. & I. R. R. Dear Sir: I desire through the other, and it seems as though they in me and released favor me to talk on the street, and nahonorably an was compelled to move their stinkare drifting about as a flock of columns of your paper to make I shall Mrs. and Charlotte of Allen, so to I think commenced turally ing sheep and cattle pens from the sheep without a shephard, at a loss explanation which I feel is due the with elecfor her pleasure support So while riding in a street Demyself. center of town out to the City limAt the Primary of the to find out the straight and narrow public. friends democratic tion. my a Hoping car up town I managed to get I its. way that leads to the Church and mocratic Party, was honored with will not consider me ungrateful, seat by Pres. Bowers, and I said to And remember that these imKingdon of God. We tell them in the nomination for City- Treasurer, and to Mrs. them to asking support him, Surely you dont intend provements are paid for and still a humble way of our important an honor which I appreciated, but I am, Allen, call on me to talk tonight? I talkA few your taxes have been reduced in message which we have for them, dreaded the responsibility. Respectfully, ed with tears almost rolling down Rethe learned that spite of the State board of equalibut they just will not listen and go days later, Mrs. Williams. Clara and he but my cheeks, only laughed zation, and this has been done by their way grooping in darkness, publican Party had honored a Oct. 25, 1917. Hyrum, said, we will see. the careful and businesfc-lik- e admina and find staunch Democrat, lady ever learning but never able to We got off the car at Millwaukee istration of Mayor H. H. Jensen. out the quickest way to salvation whom I love and respect for nomSt., and began our meeting. Pres. and exaltation. office. more same The Respectfully, ination to the A full line of Ball Band rubber Bowers asked Elder Swan and myM. A Gill I more felt the much to about I it, take to Not wishing up thought goods at last years prices. Hyrum self to help them sing, and Elders 1 should will that Mrs. Charlotte Allen Clo. Co. Adv. space in your valuable paper. Yost and Latt were to stand on the close I I knew me and not for have that place, sending thanking you sidewalk to help gather a crowd. Your $50.00 Liberty Bond is the Courier. Wishing you success she needed something to occupy her Pres. Bowers then called on a num- and also success to the good people mind, and help her to forget her worth $55.00 in trade at the Hyrum ber of the older Elders to preach Adv. At the primary held last Monday of Hyrum in general, I am your sorrow, and that she needed the in Clo. Co. a had we and it wasnt long until of betterment the evening, the following names for Bro. laboring for big circle of people all around us. the election of a town board were humanity, I had a prayer in my heart all the Elder Lehi Clawson, named: E. G. Olsen, W.- - H. Shaw, E. N. while that if I was called upon to Ransom 306 Ave., D. M. Bickmore, E. R. Summers, Grand Rapids, Michigan. talk, that I would be able to speak and J. B. White. the and that and freely intelligently The Utah Power and Light Co., spirit of timidity would leave me. expects to start work on the' proAs soon as I was called upon to talk, posed power line from Blacksmith it seemed to me as though or.e Following are the names of the Fork canyon to Paradise next Monthought came in right after the Judges of Election, for the coming day morning. The Power Company have set a new fashion in the way of other, and 1 was bold in telling city election to be held Nov. 6, 1917: have promised to have the line comovercoats. Its mighty important that them what I had to say. I dont 1st Precinct O. H. Andersen, pleted and Paradise lit up by they keep warn! and comfortable while on believe I had felt better in all my W. A. McBride and Robt. Petersen Thanksgiving day, and the people duty so they haye a life than I did that evening after 2nd Precinct O. P. Olsen, Victor of Paradise are looking forward to the meeting. Allen, C. J.. Christiansen. the event with considerable pride. I have had a great many faith llrl Albert C. Wandel Mining A committee is now hard at work promoting experienaes during my Now its just as important that you keep 1 have had the privilege mission. arranging matters for the instalMetallurical Engineer, of Salt Lake warm while doing your duty as a priyate lation of a water system, and Paraof meeting people of different citizens. City was in Hyrum, looking over dise will shortly be classed as one Christian denominations, getting some prospective mining property. IDEA? GET THE of the and live cities in our their views of the Gospel of He says there is some excellent the county. Saviour. I have compared their prospects here, sufficiently developthe and teachings with the Bible, ed to bring good returns if enough doctrine which is taught by the Suits and Overcoats made to money can be secured to get the Latter-Da- y wav order $16.50. Hyrum Clo. Co. Ad. Saints, and in, this necessary material to work with, I have Yon Like Clothes a myself for a to strong gained put up and is himself willing Mens Mackinaws and Overcoats testimony that God has again es- large amount of money if the peoat last years prices. Hyrum Clo. tablished his work here upon earth, ple will subscribe for a like amount Co. HC have eome to a realization that in stock, to begin active operations. j Missionary Letter From Michigan J Tickets Named For City Election Mr. Gill Makes A Statment Ticket Democrat Ticket Fine Office Hyrum Ahead in Liberty Loan Apartments two-thir- ! I ds mission-headquarte- sight-seein- g . A -- mpatritic - - An Explanation 1 Paradise Locals c C Election Judges The Boys In The T renches Trench Coat up-to-da- te Trench Coats at Thatchers Will Thatchers ! |