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Show SOUTH fcACIIE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH Common Colds Review of Utah Industries Salt Lake Western Oil company strike new well in Spring valley. Simple llgeslation permitting development of waterpowers and protecting publls interest is a national necessity. It is no advantage to the public to tie the power up so it cannot be used when we have state and federal bodies fully protecting con- New drinking fountain Kaysville installed here. Home canning plant enKaysville larged. Agriculturist gets large orders for his products. During the past year the railroads of our country have paid higher wages, more taxes and handled freight at lower rates than ever before. Total operating revenues increased 6.2 per cent, operating expenses increased 6.4 per cent. Taxes increased 7.7 per cent. The railroads are the biggest single employing industry in our country and all patriotic citizens are interested in their welfare. Bingham postal savings have increased 135 per cent over last years total. City ranks second to Salt Lake in state. Total deposits fixed at come a leader in the worlds affairs, save a part of the salary you now earn, keep your eyes on the future and study your business. Men who make good bum the midnight oil at home with their books and plans. Put Your Savings in Our Care $135,510. Lehi Sugar factories will begin operations October 8. Provo Iron King Mining company increases capital stock from 1,000,-00- 0 to 2,000,000 shares of the par value of $1 each. so that you may have funds on hand to grasp business opportunity when it comes your way. HYRUM STATE BANK American Fork f Economy Combined With Style Make your money go as far as and Wear possible---Tha- is t economy. Styleplus Clothes S17 and Manufacture in tremendous volume. They employ not only highly experienced workmen, but the greatest style talent to be had. They use all wool fabrics and guarantee wear and satisfaction. are still the same price. Star Clothing Co. Next-t- o Eagle Hotel, Logan, Utah expected. REPORT Made to the Bank Commissioner of the State of Utah, of the Condition of the Hyrum State Bank, Located at Hyrum, in the County of Cache, State of Utah, at the close of business on the 8th day of October, 1917: resources: Loans and counts Dis- - t $186,383.59 Furniture and Fixtures Real Estate Due from Na- tional Banks Due from State Bks & Bankers Checks and Cash Items.. more than $13,000,000, or about $S a share on the 1,624,490 shares outstanding. Western railroads show a falling off in net revenue from operation in the month of August compared with August last year, according to preliminary figures made public by interstate commerce commission. Garland Oregon Short Line authorizes construction of branch line 9.65 miles from here to Bear River City at cost of $178,400. Cornish Strong flow of gas struck of here. Reports show labor shortage has seriously affected crop harvests and is reducing running operations. The people of the entire west feel outraged ,at the strikes conducted by organized labor to cripple the shipbuilding industry on the Pacific coast. Provo Coal terminals nearing Two coaling trestles, completion. water tank, turntable, round machine house, shops, oil storage railroad tanks and equipment are being erected. o subscribes for $325,-00- 0 of second Liberty loan, dividing credit between states. $200,000 for Utah-Idah- h? m DO YOUR BIT Buy a Liberty Loan 4 per cent Bond $5.00 a month will do. iz 12,271.95 11,59543 2,014.85 1.520.00 685.32 1.594.00 1,138.42 1,000.00 Gold Coin Silver Coin Currency Utah. Giant warehouse is planned for Salt Lake. Ogden Tomato pack will be heavy this year. Wilson Amalgamated Sugar companys mill starts run. sumers in the matter of rates and service. September dividends disbursed by mining companies fall under 1916 record. Salt Lake & Utah road opens its new Magna branch of 14.8 miles. n Salt Lake highway which will tap the Uinta basin, will be completed soon. Copper shortage caused by labor troubles; production loss in metals aggregates 100,000,000 pounds. Provo Contract let for two miles of paved highway here. The Little Cottonwood Transportatnd make tion company of the highway in Litpassable part tle Cottonwood canyon. Grantsville Utah' Lime & Stone company to open holdings at Timpie. Parowan may have sugar factory. Lehi Beet cutting begun at Lehi factory. Epanish Fork Heavy yield of beets for plant here. Kaysville seeking improved high 221,153.56 25,000.00 2,500.00 3,048.10 Dividends Unpaid Individual Deposits.... Cashiers Checks Savings Depts Time Certifi.... of Deposit... 16.00 96,319.32 75.00 68,380.76 25,814.38 Total toll of these maladies in loss of time, medical expenses, wasted strength, and deaths is a heavy burden upon us. More important to us is the fact that the most of this loss can The following parabe prevented. graphs, quoted from a bulletin of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, are of special interest at this time. A cold is the most common transmissible disease. It is by no means an ailment of the winter season alone although conditions at that time favor it. Colds are caused by certain bacteria (germs) which find their way to the mucous membrane and cause an active inflammation. Most often the throat and nasal passages are affected. The coughing, sneezing and accompanying discharges are symptoms familiar to everyone. It is particularly the important to observe cleanliness in order to avoid transmitting the infection to others. Sterilized cheese cloth, which can bo burned, is an excellent substitute for the handkerchief. One is paricularly liable to contract a cold when exhausted, and in the winter time crowded, overheated, poorly ventilated rooms and cars make the tired worker susceptible. Overeating and the use of stimulants are often predisposing causes. Excess of clothing, contrary to popular belief, is not a preventative. Indeed, chest protectors or similar articles of clothing may weaken the natural resistance. General care of the body, daily baths to keep the skin healthy, fresh air both day and night and the avoidance of fatigue, are the best preventatives. The complications which are apt to follow a severe cold, especially pneumonia, make it important to watch for aggravated symptoms. If these manifest themselves a physician should be promptly called in. A lingering cold may result in tuberculosis, by clogging the respiratory tract with secretions and thus furnishing a food supply for tuberculosis germs. Frank W. Le Clere, Utah Public Health Association. 221,153 56 Misunderstood. Mrs. Hoyle One oi m. ancestor County of Cache, wa.'s a signer of the Decimal Jon oi ,r. Harry W. Oakes, being first duly dependence. .V rs sworn according to law, deposes and Doyle Whose rt 4lri elan is he of Cashier above the that says State op Utah, ss. . h- named bank; that the above and foregoing report contains a full, true, and correct statement of the condition of the said bank at the close of business on the 8th day of October, 1917. Harry W. Oakes, Cashier. Correct Attest: Robert Baxter, J. Christiansen, A. A. Allen, C. 90-fo- ot sac 1,700 00 1.250.00 Grove Expense Accnt ing American road let for $39,013. Liberty Bonds., Mining is Utahs great industry Total which distributes millions in wages and is the barometer of prosperity in liabilities: the state, when mining suffers the Capital Stock... state suffers. paid in Oct. 15. It is estimated that the Surplus Fund... Utah Copper company will be obliged Undivided to pay an excess profits tax for 1917 Profits s The makers of Styleplus $17 pav- tures to a minimum and help offset the additional tax burdens necessitated by the war. Salt Lake The Emigration canyon electric railroad is being dismantled. Eureka shipments of ores from mines of Ttintic this week totaled 149 car loads, estimated at 7450 tons, valued at $220,000. Ogden Sugar factory to start on run today. Over 2000 tons of beets delivered to plant; record season Is Fort-Fleasa- nt amaBm3Mmoin gSZBES Contract for ways. Midvale system to be finished by October 15. The season for colds, grippe and Now Is the time for cities and counhand. The annual ties to figure on holding tax expendi- pneumonia is at Directors. - M? GALLS MAGAZINE ) - r r- ess;-'.- ash . t o n Authority Fo r Jon the vCl Nearly 50 Years! 1,300,000 women who turn to McCALL'S every month for correct lor patterns, for economical buying, ior fancy needlework, for good stories iur pleasure, for help, for style. McCALL Patterns fit. iash-10n- Subscribed- and sworn to before me this 15th day of October 1917. John W. Jensen, s, - seal My 75 c a Notary Public. Year commission expires on 1st day of Oct., 1918. State op Utah, ) ss Office of Bank Commissioner, t I, W. E. Evans, Bank Commissioner of the State of LTtah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of the statement of the above named company, filed in my office this 17th day of October 1917. w. E. Evans, SEND A POSTAL CARD AND ASK FOR of MnCAI.tS: or $10 00 1Y M Offer to Wnmcn; or LKt of MI H s "Mliout rrtt: or lHCYCLE Offer to Itnvs hi ii rN or latest PATTERN CATALOM'l f'. m A Oltoi to AGENTS, or $Io0.UU True oil, i i,' our (lfUUUU. Address SAMCf.R COPY THE McCALL CO., 236-25- e' West 37tl Street, New York, N. Y Bank Commissioner. Price-Myto- will-impro- ve WE CARRY A LOT OF GOOD LUMBER here to meet the various de- mands. We carry a lot of each kind, too, so that it will be perfectly seasoned when you come to use it. You might say our yard is lumbered up with lumber but it isnt. Everything is so arranged that we can serve you promptly with the right lumber at the right price. Smith Brosl Lumber Co. LOGAN AND HYRUM, UTAH. 1 |