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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH Enraged by the purchase Of automobiles by negroes as a result of sudden prosperty, white night riders in Georgia have started whipping colored men. The latter have sent an appeal for protection to the governor. Mystery surrounds the finding of a poisoned barrel of candy containing 600 pounds In a railway warehouse at Cinc'nnati. The candy was heavily adulterated with arsenic. Formal warning was Issued at ChiThe News Happenings of cago on Sunday, upon instructions from Seven Days Paragraphed the office of Food Administrator Hoover that a sugar famine is upon 7 the country and that the moment of Americas first in the matINTERMOUNTAIN. ter of food has arrived. Melancthon Sayre Beach, who, with Seven persons were drowned at Ms partner, Rufus Cable of Denver, Green Bay, Wis., when two automo(discovered the Garden of the Gods, biles ran into the river, one going in iflied at Colorado Springs, October 20, while trying to rescue the other, lie came to Colorado aged 83 WASHINGTON. in 1856, and was one of the company La Senator Follette has issued a that formed the original townsite com- statement denying and denouncing as pany of Colorado City, now Colorado libelous and mendacious charges Springs. that he has been attempting to obIn the next few days men from Utah struct the Liberty bond sale by circuin Camp Lewis' will be assigned to reg- lating certain speeches made by him iments In which they' will fight In in the senate during the war revenue France, and until then most of them bill debate. are drilling temporarily In the 166th Newspapers and news syndicates depot brigade. have been appealed to by the signal A passenger train on the Denver & corps to release experts in photogRio Grande had a narrow escape when raphy for service in France developa freight train consisting of sixty-fiv- e ing and printing photographs taken by loaded cars was wrecked near Soldier the American air forces. Fifty-seve- n freight Summit, Utah. The government, on October 19, adcars piled up in a gigantic heap be vanced to France addi$20,000,000 fore the onrushing passenger train, tional, loans to the altotal bringing which stopped just in time. lies up to $2,731,400,000. The engineer, fireman and brake The government has set in motion man were killed when the boiler of the to apprehend and punthe locomotive of a westbound freight ish machinery workers who have! train on the Union Pacific railroad ex- started an organized in campaign ploded a few miles west of Laramie, more than a dozen states to defeat Wyo. the Liberty loan. Four inches of snow which fell durThe National Association of Railway ing the night in many parts of the and Public Utilities Commissioners, etate gave Montana on Wednesday its in session at Washington, adopted a 'first touch of real winter weather. committee report favoring the continIdaho Falls, Idaho, suffered a uance of the federal appraisal of the loss from fire on October 17, a railroads of the country. large portion of the city being threatFuel Administrator Garfield has isened for a time. sued a to coal operators and Labor representatives told the fed- miners warning where strikes have occurred, eral labor adjustment board in session or one is impending, that the governat Portland in an effort to settle the ment will take control' of the mines strike in the steel and wooden ship- unless they are kept in operation. yards that conscription of labor for the FOREIGN. yards was preferable to any action or One hundred and fifty lives were compromise which would not give the union men the principles for which lost in last weeks raid when dfive one Danish and three they are out, in effect, closed shop. Norwegian, Swedish were sunk by two Gervessels DOME8TIC. man in raiders the North sea. Accidentally shot in the back by his General A. Bartier has been killed in brother Gustave while hunting ducks a was a captain first He line trench. near Rush Lake, Wis., United States of the command French under General a at died O. Husting (Senator Paul whose Marchand, occupation of Fash-odfarmhouse near the scene of the acciSudan in in 1898, brought about a dent. clash Lord with which Kitchener, All hands in the military and naval In to war threatened result between service, who perished with the lost France and Great Britain. ALLIES TO KEEP OP self-deni- al pro-Germ- $50,-00- 0 American transport Antilles, torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine Oc tober 17, came within the scope of the new war insurance law, the treasury department announces, Rnd thereby automatically carried insurance to the amount of $6000 each. Robert Fitzsimmons, former champion pugilist, died early Monday, at Chicago, of pneumonia after an illness of five days. The former champion was taken ill early last week with what was at first diagnosed as ptomaine poisoning. Michael Angelo Santine, Italian grocer, was convicted by a jury at St. Louis, of kidnaping Frank Viviano, 8 years old, son of Gaetono Viviano, He (wealthy macaroni manufacturer. in the to penfive was sentenced years itentiary. e defendants in the Indian conwere found guilty on two case spiracy counts, by a jury at Chicago. The defendants are Gustav Jacobson, Albert Wehde, George T. Toehme of Chicago and Heramba Laj Gufcta, a Hindu student of Columbia university, New The report of the Greek parliamentary investigating committee declares that the late Lambros cabinet .assisted Conby every unlawful means monarof stantines personal policy ex-Ki- chical absolutism. The sum of 12,430,000,000 marks was subscribed to the seventh German war loan closing October 18, according to a Berlin dispatch. This total does not include subscriptions from the front, it is said. German aircraft have made thirty-fiv- e raids over England since January, 1915, inflicting a total loss of 891 lives. The three most disastrous raids follows: September 3 last, 108 killed, 92 wounded: May 24 last, 70 killed, 174 wounded; June 13 last, 97 kined, 4S9 wounded. That Mexico will sever relations with Germany within a few days is predicted if the present plans of the vast majority of senators materialize. That they will materialize is not doubted in any quarter. The American army transport Antilles, homeward bound under convoy, fafork. was torpedoed and sunk, by a German is to beMadame Schumann-Heinsubmarine in the war zone, on October come a Red Cross nurse and will leave 17. Seventy sailors and soldiers were this country May 1 for France to take lost, there being 167 survivors. iup her duties in that country in that The Daily Mail condemns what it capacity or any other in which she can calls the failure of the British fleet to serve the allies. the German fleet from becomThe sinking of the transport Antil- prevent master- of the Gulf of Riga and ing les, with the loss of seventy lives, is demands that the admiralty make an believed to have followed another explanation of this humiliating display leak of information into Germany with in the Baltic. regard to troop movements. and factional strife Recrimination The strike of coal miners in Hlinois marked the progress of the Gerdaily to returned men has been ended. The man Socialistic at Wurzburg, congress work Monday. Moreover, the agitacabled official to reports. according tors who caused the men to walk out two A Russian Berlin says dispatch will be sought out and if apprenhended 5000 men, regiments, of cent totaling infantry will be punished. Eighty per were captured on Moon island in the the men opposed the strike., Helaire Carriere, Louisiana bad Gulf of Riga, it is announced officialnow completely in man, was hanged in the state peni- ly. The island is Germans. of the murpossession the for Baton at Rouge tentiary Beef and mutton In England now der of Sheriff Swords last July. Run r sensa-exceed their a prices by 18 ' down in the canebrakes after a report pub resays pound, Carriere pence per of man hunt tional weeks, sisted his execution to the last mo- lislied in the government Labor Gazment, even to the extent of attempting ette. Butter and bacon are now r level. Milk Is 78 suicide in his cell the night before double the lie was executed. per cent higher than in July, 1914. A Zurich disputch says the old Because of his alleged activity in the pacifist movement, the pulpit oc- wound of former King Constantine of cupied by Rev. George Greenfield at Greece has reopened and that an opSanta Barbara, Cal., has been declared eration was performed at the Sauer-bruc- h clinic in Zurich Friday. Ilis vacant by the Congregational church is said to be most grave. condition society. All-th- k pre-wa- pre-wa- TAFT VISITS U. S. it isnt necessary to know any other jewelry store. MILITARY EXPERTS LOOK FOR INCREASING ATTACK UPON THE WAVERING GERMAN LINES. IMPRESSED WITH FORT OMAHA COLLEGE. BOYD PARK FOUNDED Extending Her Lines in the East, Germany Has Merely Added to Her Burdens and Increased Confidence of Allies. By Washington. Military experts here do not expect winter to halt the great allied drive against the Germans in Flanders. Secretary Baker's weekly review of war operations, issued October 22, discloses the belief of the war department that potency of material and men will enable the British and French commanders to triumph over natural obstacles and continue forcing the enemy backward without waiting for spring. The review touches for the first time upon the American expeditionary forces in France, declaring the men, after three months of intensive training, are in efficient fighting trim and splendid physical condition. In dwelling upon the importance of the battle of Flanders and Its effect upon the morale of the Germans the war secretary declares it apparent that the German high command planned the recent expedition against the Russians In the Riga sector in order to bolster up morale and meet impending internal difficulties. By extending her lines in the east, he adds, Germany has merely added to the length of her line of communications and increased confidence in the final allies victory. Along the western front, trench raids, as well as the usual artillery duels, are reported. Isolated counterattacks were; conducted by the enemy in such a manner as to indicate that no real success was expected, but merely serve to keep up the aggres sive spirit of the troops. Rumors of an impending Austrian offensive directed against Italy have been current during the past week. Reports of cohcentrations of Austrian and German divisions to take part in this attack are noted. Any one fa miliar with the. situation can at once determine these rumors are exaggerated. Even should the season permit it, the concentation of the number of fresh enemy divisions, estimated as high as forty, could not, as a physical possibility, take place in the narrow Trentino valley, fed by single railroad system. An interesting summary of troop movements in the United States shows that since the present mobilization began 914,195 persons have been trans ported by the railroads for the war department, of whom 256,815 were transported In standard or tourist sleepers, the remainder in ordinary day coaches. This vast movement has been conducted by the railroads without a single serious accident and the between the- railroads and the department has been most cordial and effective. EYES OF ARTILLERY IN ACTION Eight Hundred Pupils Are Undergoing Training for Places In Uncle Sam's Army of the Air. Field Open for More Applicants. Sterling Qualifications Essential. Taft Omaha, Oct. 23. inspected the big balloon school at Fort Omaha last week, saw the huge sausage shaped forms carry the observers 4,000 feet in the air, from where they signalled the activities of the occupants of trenches five or six miles away to the dummy artillery, and at the conclusion of his tour expressed his opinion of the work of this new branch of the service that has come to be known as the eyes of the artillery, as wonderful. At Fort Omaha there are being trained at present nearly 800 keen young Americans who will in the near future, from their lofty perches in the clouds in France and Belgium, direct the fire of the American artillery that Is to pave the way for the drive to Berlin. , As the men at present in training at Fort Omaha leave for active service, their places are being taken by men . - FATAL DUEL IN IDAHO. Gun Fight Is the Result of Alleged Cattle Theft. Idaho Falls, Idaho. Ed. Bogus, foreman of the Clark & Denning Cattle company at Dubois, and Ed Drowns, a herder for the company, are both dead as the result of a duel fought at the ranch on Sunday. The company fias been missing sheep and Bogus had accused Drowns of stealing them. Drowns sent word to Bogus that he would shoot him on sight. At noon Sunday Bogus left Dubois for the ranch in an auto. Drowns saw him coming and rode toward him, shooting as he went. Bogus was shot through the lungs and chest as he was climbing through a wire fence. While on the ground he turned Over and, drawing his revolver, shot Drowns from his horse, killing him x-wh-eat use more corn 2-m- eat ' 'v , ' more fish j-fa- ts. , & beam . use Just enough . f use syrups and serve ; he' cause offieedom .. utuPnon nMiswuA-ttr- from all over the country, and as the quarters are being constantly enlarged, there Is still room for a considerable number of men having the proper qualifications. In answer to many inquiries, the commanding officer of the United States Army Balloon School, at Fort Omaha, says that the qualifications of men applying for the commission of 1st Lieutenant as Observation Balloon Pilots are as follows: The Balloon Service calls for a high class of work and applicants for commissions in the line must possess sterling qualifications. ITlrst they must be citizens of United States and not under 19 years of age and not over 35. The must be energetic and forceful, and of good moral character and clean habits. After passing the examinations required the applicant is enlisted as first class private in the aviation section of the Signal Enlisted Reserve IQOa MAKERS OF JEWELRY 160 MAIN STREET BARGAINS 50 splendid used SALT LAKE CITY IN USED CARS cars-Bui- Oldsmobiles N. to $800. Guaranteed first clam terms if wanted h. tunning condition-ea- sy Write tight parties. fpt detailed list and desctin lion, Used Cat Dept., tionali-$2- 50 RaindaU-Dod- d Auto Co., Salt "CAROLINE WAR Lake (City WAS SHORT; Border Trouble Between United State and Canada Threatened for Time ' However, to Be Serious. ' The "Caroline war was a border trouble between the United States and Canada, in which a few persons were killed, but the trouble did not last long. In 1836-- 7 there was a strong republican spirit rife In parts of lower Canada which culminated in Decern-- : her, 1837, In an unsuccessful insurrec-- 1 tlon In Toronto. The leaders of the Insurrection fled to the United States, and one of them, a newspaper man named Mackenzie, with 25 or 30 men, including a few from the American side who had joined him, seized an island in the Niagara river and set up a provisional government. , Their navy consisted of a steamboat called the Caroline, and one dark night while she was lying on the American side a party of Canadians crossed the river and burned the boat! killing several men on board of her. The affair caused great Indignation. President Van Buren issued proclamations demanding observance of the neu- -i trallty laws. The New York militia was called out and placed under command of Gen. Winfield Scott. President Van Buren characterized the, burning qf the Caroline in American waters as' "an outrage of a most aggravated character" and concluded by asking congress for such appropriations as the circumstances in which our1 country is thus unexpectedly placed re- -' The affair dragged along a quire. few years, but was finally settled without further bloodshed. Stevenson Planned Much Work, i Considering Robert Louis Steven sons short life, he wrote a great deal, but he planned still more. A writer who has been delving into his record offers what he says is a hitherto unpublished list of two novels and tales, which Stevenson meant to It runs thus:' write, but never did. The Indian Mutiny, Saranac Lake, 1888; Cannanmlils, probably Saranac Lake, 1888; The Rising Sun, at Sea (Pacific), 1890; Dyce of Ythan, Samoa, 1892; The Shovels of Netwon French, SaSamoa, 1892; The moa, 1893; Sophia Scarlet, Samoa, 1893; The Owl, Samoa, 1893; Death in the Pot, Samoa, 1893; The Sleeper Awakened, Samoa, 1893. Stevenson planned other work not in the line of fiction. They were: A Biography of the Duke of Wellington, a Biography of Hazlltt, a history of the Indian Mutiny, an English Grammar, to be illustrated from the English Classics. He also began and, for one reason or another, never completed these stories : The Great North Road, Bournemouth, 1884; The Young Chevalier, The 1893; Heathercat, Samoa, 1893; Ives, St. 1893; Samoa, SaSamoa, 1894; Weir of Hermiston, moa, 1894. Beach-Comber- s, Corps. He Is then assigned to a school for training, and the time of training depends upon the mans ability. One Way Out. After qualifying as an observation to. And now, Bella, said little Mary balloon pilot he Is commissioned as a for a first lieutenant. Aviation Section her doll, you must lay down while and go to sleep. Signal Officers Reserve Corps. "You should say He down, dear, From the time of his entrance into the school until he is commissioned put in little Marys mother. instantly. said Mary impressively, Bella, he receives $100 per month, quarters to lie you down, so dn and food allowance. As a first lieuten- "Im going Child Falls Into Canal. you cry. ant $2,000 ,a year. came h Blackfoot, Idaho. The body of Lay you down, dear, can blanks Application be secured Dorothy Norton, daughter of second gentle correction. 'Wha e Thomas W. Norton, who disappeared by addressing the President Aviation Mary was much puzzled. Board at Examining Fort wrong. Omaha, be from her home Monday morning, was she said, it seemed to Neb. n found late in the afternoon in a slough declined to cope longer with the of Snake river a mile northwest of cades of the English language. Merge Match Factories. Blackfoot. The child had fallen into announced, I think you better Stockholm, Oct. 22. The merger of a canal which runs, in front of the all the match1 factories in Sweden Is Up! Norton home and had been carried announced. The new corporation will to the slough. Cocoanut Rafts. have 400,000 shares at 200 crowns a Cocoanut grow luxuriantlya each. palms Is Eight Passengers on Airplane. many parts of the Philippine for demand Mineola. Carrying eight passengers a and Recount in Iowa Election. there is large Lieutenant Silva Resnati arrived at Des Moines, Oct. 22.- - Attorney nuts among the people who live v1. the government aviation field here in General H. M. Ilavner has ordered a cities apd towns. The method of hr his Caproni biplane at 4:21 oclock recount of the ballots cast in Mo- ing them to the market at ManMa The Monday afternoon, completing a flight ndays special election on the question both simple and picturesque. bank the to coanuts are brought of about 325 miles from Hampton, Va., t constitutional prohibition. framew in four hours, eleven minutes. AcUnofficial returns give the wets an the River Pasig, a rough constructed, an cording to officials of the Aero Club advantage of approximately 1,000, of bamboo poles is for are piled so as to of America, the flight breaks all rec- with a total vote of 430,000. In some this the nuts then Ple ords in the United States for machines quarters it is believeTl the official raft. Three or four men into th stream curious down craft count may change the final result carrying two or more passengers. pf Manilla. Philadelphia Record. n, ELlia-Sh- 1 . |