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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH SOUTH CACHE COURIER WANTED to buy 2 pigs. at this office. Friday, June 1, Apply Adv. 1917. :: $1500.00 For Beet Growers Suits for $1.25 , at Entered at the Poatoffice at Hytum, Utah, Hyrum Clothing Co. Adv. aa second class mail matter, under the Act Buy your Victrola at Hyrum the of March 3 1879 Adv. Clothing Store. The Amalgamated Sugar Co., J. A. Wahlen, Publisher & Manager FOR SALE A good Jersey Bull will give-tits beet growers in Age about, 4 years.' Apply to Mrs. Cache County and southern Idaho, Local News Hans Petersen. Adv. $1500.00 in prizes to be distributMiss Maud Allen left this Sat- -' ed as follows: Be Patriotic and buy a Liberty District 1 $300, comprising Bond. ruday for a visit with relatives Dry-Clean- Do Yoto Eit! o For Fire Insurance go to Hans Mikkelsen, Hyrum Tithing Office, Suits made to order for $15.00. Adv. Hyrum Clothing Co. FOR SALE 2 good city lots on terms. See Robeit reasonable Baxter, Hyrum. The Golden Hour Club met at the home of Mrs. Dr.Eliason last Thursday afternoon. and friends in Idaho. You can buy Clothing, Shoes and Furnishing at Newbolds, cheaper than any place in the County. Ad. FOR SALE and a team and harness f wagon very reasonable. A Apply to Gilbert Anderson, Hyrum, or at this office for information. Ad. BUY A the following towns: Wellsville, fl Mendon, Hyrum, Paradise, Avon, Millville, College. District 2 $300, Providence, Logan, Greenville, Hyde Park, Benson, Smithfield. District 3 $300, Lewiston, Kent Spur, Pond Spur, Bullen Spur. Pure Bred Rhode Island Red District 4 $300, Fairview, eggs for hatching. Try a set- Beckstead Spur, Preston, Whitney, Nashville, Franklin, ting at 50c. Phone to 131. Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Porter of Ad John A. Israeesen, Hyrum. Franklin Idaho were Hyrum visitors District 5 $300, including all Saturday and Monday Special towns west and north of Bear Decoration day. h price bn all Collar Buttons, River to McCammon, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. E. A Boyd of Og- Cuff Buttons and Stick Pins. Monies awarded as follows: den,- were in attendance at the funAdv. Hyrum Clothing Co. ' $100 for the best 20 acres or eral of grandma Petersen. , Mrs. Berthel and more, $75 for the best 10 acres or more. $00 for the best 5 acres or more. otherwise visit with parents and $40 for the best 3 acres or more. friends a short time. $25 for the best 1 acre or more. The basis of determination Miss Katherine L, Drew of the Utah Conservatory of Music passed shall be as follows: First. Best stand after thinthrough Hyrum from Wellsville on to ler way Paradise, where she has ning and spacing 40 per cent. Second. Cleanliness of field, 20 a class of piano students to look Thompson ing his summer vacation. Asael Nielsen won the suit in the Suit Club at the Hyrum Clothing Store. Go take a chance and get a suit. Mr. Louis Maughan of Allen Bros. Store, left this Friday morning for Rexburg, Idaho, on business and pleasure combined. Mr. Sandberg of Millville- - has recently established a Shoe and Harness repair shop in this city. He should be supported. after. ' CALLAT - Prin. H. R. Adams has gone to daughter came up from Brigham American Fork, Idaho, to work dur- City to spend Decoration Day, and v 11 (Monthly Installments; if desired) Hyrum State Bank :c per cent. The little daughter of Parley W. Lofthosue who was operated on for appendicitis at the Logan-Idah- o lospital last Saturday, is reported as getting along as well as can be and will be able. to leave . Mrs. Harry Napper and son came expected, down from Pocatello for a short the hospital in 2 or 3 weeks. Mrs. Eugene Smith of Rexburg, visit with her father Peter Christiansen Friday, returning Saturday. Idaho, and two children, came down to spend Decoration Day with her WANTED to exchange a small father Mr. Peter Christiansen. Mrs. wgrk horse for a larger one. Will Smith expects to remain here durpay the difference. Smith Bros. Lumber Company, Hyrum. Phone ing the summer, her husband hav' Adv. ing just recently left for the mis19. sion field. Messrs. Thos. Jones, Fred Darley, Messrs. Iver Albretsen tnfIohn' Willard Maughan, Dan Jones, Ross Eliason came in from Pocatello Parkinson, Grover Haslam and Thos. valley Tuesday. On account''' of the Brenchley, 'were Hyrum business stormy weather they seem to have visitors from Wellsville this week. had quite a time in getting to a County gupt. of Schools R. V. railroad station, and were obliged Larsen, and other members of the to walk a considerable 'distance Co. Board of Education were in through mud and rain which made attendance at the funeral, of Mrs. it quite a venturesome trip. Julia Petersen, held (Friday.) The Inlofai Beehive Club of the The Labor and Supply Bureau is 1st ward M. IA. went on a hike active and alive andjs willing to down Paradise Hollow last Thursserve the public in any way possible day. Each lady furnished a part if the people will only let their of the delicious luncheon which was wants known, and take 'advantage served at homethe of Miss " of the service offered. Wilson. Their beekeepers, Riiby The dance given by the Wellsville Mrs. Clarice Jensen and Miss Jennie City Band last Saturday night at Christiansen, kept twelve of their the. Elite Hall was well attended, bees buzzing, and a most enjoyand the - music furnished was ex- able afternoon was spent. cellent and much enjoyed by the Mrs. Julia Petersen an old and dancing public. respected pioneer of Hyrum, and The management of the Elite widow of H. H. Petersen, died last Hall intend to honor all who regis- Wednesday at her home in this city ter Tuesday by giving them a special after a lingering illness of troubles invitatioh to attend the Dance incident to old age. Funeral serTuesday evening, and a rebate vices were held this Friday after ticket will be given all who do noon at the 3rd Ward meeting their duty on that day. house, which was largely attended. We are informed that Russell An account of the same will appear Hansen is expected to arrive in in our next issue. . Hyrum from the mission field tomorrow, (Sunday). The missionary committee of the 3rd ward are ar-- ) ranging a program for a welcome All the people who desire to have home party in his honor to be held lots their cared for the in some time next week. cemetary can do so by applying to Harry Basil McBride returned last Shaw, at the Cemetery. He will from the East where he care for the lots for two dollars Saturday for, has been studying the Science of the season, this includes watering, Chiropracting for the past two mowing, trimming, and caring for years. Having completed his course flowers. Those who prefer to care of study and received his diploma, for theif own lots can do so for one he has now returned a full fledged dollar. This includes the use of doctor in ostopathy, and expects to City water and hose which can be practice in Salt Lake City, in the had by applying to Harry Shaw. near future. By order of Cemetery Committee. to-da- y, - Notice Third. Size and shape of beets, ' per cent Fourth.. Tonnage, 20 per cent. Each contestant will be limited to one entry. Applications should be made not later than the 30th day of June, 1917. The judging will be done by selected 1 20 field men. The Amalgamated Sugar Logan, Utah. v M. I. A. Co., Y v f? t tt ft f ? t CONFERENCE Sait Lake City, June 7th Y to 10th Round trip from Hyrum to Salt Lake $3.05.- Return limit June Trains every two 20th, 1917. hours yia the ELECTRIC WAY. - lAdvertisemeno Y t t t T Y I Card of Thanks Editor Courier: Kindly permit me space in your valuable columns to express my thanks and ap predation to all my kind friends who in any way gave their aid and assistance during the sickness and death of my beloyed' wife, Pearl, and helped in any way to lighten the burden of grief and sorrow I was called upon to pass through. I assure all that their kindness shall not be forgotten, 'and may the Lord bless them liberally, should any of them be called upon to pass through similar circumstances. f t V ft ) Now is the Best Time to Buy the Following Goods .'Nelton Smith In behalf of the Smith and Brown Families. Excursions to Salt Lake City -- June 5th to 10th via x OREGON SHORT LINE (Union Pacific Systen) FOR s - Respectfully, v I While Prices are Right and the goods are here White Slippers for Ladies, Misses and Children. Gentlemens Fine and Heavy Shoes. X ( ' Also look after your needs in food supplies, buy not go higher but we feel your rice now. It may sure it will not be lower for some time. We have a few cases of apples which we will sell ' cheap. , We have sulky and hand plows. Come in and let us figure with you. We sell buggies. Y.M. &Y.LM LA. Conventions N See Agents for rates and further details. ALLEN HYRUM, UTAH. THE PEOPLES STORE. |