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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER HYRUM, UTAH South Cesho C ocner MOO REWARD The readers in 1100 of this paper will be Published Every Frftfay at Myrum pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded rlsease that science has Utah. been able to cure In all stages, and J. A. WAHLEN. Publisher. that 1 s Catarrh. Halls Catarrh. Cure , I the only postlve cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be lng a constitutional disease, requires Is DON'T OVERLOAD constitutional treatment. Halls added to Cure taken Catarrh is Internally, actgovernmenpay rolls by the thousblood and mucthe upon ing directly ands. ous surfaces of the system, thereby de Alleged expert supervisors, teachstroying the foundation of the disers and inspectors, together with ease, and giving the patient strength an army of clerks, are being engagy building up the .constitution and ed as rapidly as official ingenuity assisting nature In doing its work. can devise methods of spending The propreitors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offers money from the gigantic appropriaOne Hundred Dollars for any case that tions made by Congress. it fails to cure. Send for list of testUncle Sams credit is good, thus imonials. & Co., making it certain that these thousAddress:. F. J. CHENEY ands of new employes will draw Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists 75c. ( Advertisement) their salaries promptly. Every anxious patriot hops this is all for the best, because the cost expired and 120,000 miners joined must all be paid by the great pro- the strike and produced a national ducing masses of the people in the crisis that united parties. The strike became an industiial increased price of food, raiment revolution and then parliament and shelter. In so far as these employes are passed an arbitration bill to save necessary to a largq military estab- the life of the nation from complete " lishment, commensurate with our dissolution. The law applies to employer and countrys stupendous duty in this be employed, employees, corporations and private great war, they must and the nation will not feel nigard-l- y employers, and imposes fines for about added billions of expense. violations of from 5,000 25,000 But in so far as these expenses ironers. A labor Congress was .called to are for multitudes of supervisors to disthe in and interfere oppose acceptance of the law but production tribution of foodstuffs and other after four days debate accepted the necessaries of life, they may be a terms of the act and everybody has hindrance as well as an extravagance. gone to work. This country will have no stability Turning loose a horde of theoretical regulators to meddle with every and security in its industrial affairs step of agriculture, manufactures until it provides a way to protect and transportation may result in business against strikes and Employes are being , suppressing rather than promoting industry. A great man is at the helm, in the person of President Wilson, but he cannot give attention to all that his subordinates arc doing. Some of these subordinates seem to have been seized with a! hysteria of penditures, each department racing with anotheri to make a spectacular showing by employing throngs of agents to undertake every imaginable service that is conceived to be a part of national duty in the present dire emergency. It is to be hoped that the press of the country will not acclaim as necessary every new idea advanced as to how the government can take hold of all the different lines of human endeavor and organize them into sOpposed efficiency. The producers of America 'lacking And.by that same token yourself do defraud; Of the great blessings predicated on that virtue, Practice of which even enemies would applaud. Do . k perlative virtue, Tis Essence, Superstructure and ADOPT COMPULSORY Foundation-o- f Truth; ARBITRATION And whoso doeth.attain to that acme of graces Norway follows Australia, New Of their sincere repentance and Zealand and other progressive conversion give proof. countries in adopting compulsory E. A., Hyrum arbitration and putting an end to 1917. May 30, strikes and lockouts. The first efforts to end industrial 'disputes b creating a body of arbitrators on "which both sides are fairly represented was started in i h a . Country o June 9, Every real American, foreign or native born, should read this story at this time, even though he. may have read it before. It and a lesson for this hour of national crisis. is an inspiration We want every reader of this paper to read-thi- Keep Business at Home s It In These Columns At Our Special Sale V " I Women Tell Why They Love This Magazine From Fashion to Fiction, it is SuI of New York. writes Mrs. preme j - ForlTMWeekjl Special Reduced prices now on L. D. S. Garments and Summer Underwear. Buy Blankets now for next Fall, it will mean 25 per cent saved on goods you need 4 month from now. - More M s r Fonnesbeck Knitting Works. ARIMO BLOCK. LOGAN, UTAH I j j i I Subscribers Than Any Other Fashion Magazine I am in my 70th year and still support- lng myself. I like McCALLS the best and I have been dressmaking since I was 24' s i I ff - j j writes Mrs. M. L. T, of Connecticut. From its dressmaking lessons and its simple and iti- have to struetive I learned dress patterns, my 2 writes Mrs 8 sj family neatly and shllshly M , of Kentucky. Our family has woiked you evciy year hut two since your maga- s for zlne started .writes Miss R, of Nebraska use any other s I am a dressmaker and never but McCALLS, and I never haw j patterns any trouble in giving perfect satisfaction' Writes Mrs. B , of Indiana The most re- liable book on fashhtf.s. Your Fancy-Woi- k e Department has earned Quite a few dolluM for me writes Mrs. C., of Oregon. Six Months Trial Subscription, Only 25 Cents Addresi THE McCALL COMPANY 705 McCall Bldg. New York City. N. Y. f BUY NOW! J. H., Of all the magazines I have ever taken or writes Mrs. V. read, I like McCALLS best It has such helpful house- h W., of California. hold suggestions, good, clean, bright stones, The s and Is a very convenient size to handle I received saved me far more than s second copy enough to pay for a years subsei iptlon, writes Mrs. A. J., of Texas. I cannot tell j writes a South you all that it means to me s Carolina subscriber. I have taken MtCALL s MAGAZINE since I was marued and . my s mother took It for years before and does now I go to It for every need. Every new dish I f or help I learn, my husband says s prepare, s You must have gotten that from McCALL'S s and he is right. I could not do without it. Recognised Fashion Authority for 45 Years 1 i'A 1 v & J "I.-"'?-.' V FREE!Sample To Women Who 6ew! Copy "of S MeC ALL'S MAGAZINE and Jhady Pattern Reference on 5 Catalogue FREIJ request, To Fancy Needleworkert! Fancy-- s s Work Book' with new designs and lessens In 1 Embroidery Stitches, FREE for stamp. To Workers! $100 00 (then to any s Church!Church Church-Fund-s Ask for M CALLS Indorsed by. 3000 churches. Raising Plan To Agents and Club - Raisers! Ask for i fine big HOOK OF GIFTS" and s McCALLS mammoth $1800.00 CASH PRIZE OFFER. To Boys and Girls! Bicycles and hundreds 1 of other Frizes GIVEN AWAY. Write for McCALL'S Grand Offer to Boys and Girls. Notice Dr. Hubbard, Dentistis at his I have been writing fire insur office again where he can be found at any time during office hours ance for years. Represent as good Companies, and will give and if necessary at his home. If you as square a deal as any out not convenient to come during office hours, will work at night by of town agent. Office Phone 22. Adv. Hans Mikkelsen. appointment. Residence Phone 17. (Advertisement) . See Agents for further details. You can buy. any6j pair, of hose for the price of.5 pair. if?!!!! BUY WHOLESALE, IT PAYS wonderful story. Do Not Hiss 10, 11. Limit, June 24th. have won. , i (Union Pacifie'System) O that same route their damnation millions or Jbillions in civilian pay And ip The Perfect scheme of Inrolls when every dollar will be surance invest. needed to support our army? Ore Honestys the transcendant and su gon Voter. i OREGON SHORT LINE proteges By 15, 1917. Excursion via mercy presume, Which very many of your progenitors have done; Even My brave son Lucifer and his -- H j June f3 and not any longer on My great 1 i Man your g; ' fie Rose Festival Portland Oregon i All they who A labor convention was held and threatened . a general strike if such a law were enacted, and did organize and carry on a general suspension of industries. In 1916 existing agreements between miners and mine operators masterpiece, entitled are in honesty O, ye my people, who are found dishonest are accurst cultural and industrial will rise to And come very nigh unto the their opportunity if there is not too pardonable sin; ' much red tape interference. The And until repentance and conversion is proven, highest degree of efficiency wil develop in America if it is permit- Forgiveness for Ttheir many sms ted to grow. Too many restrictions they cannot win. will thwart industry. Americans These things being so the inference are liberty-loviptheir industry is correct, thrives under freedom; they put Those who would forever fraternize forth their mightiest efforts when with the blest not hampered by oppressive anc Must be wise' and capitalize all paternal guidance. Why spenc their resources i Hales Patriotic HONESTY AND iiTRUTH agri- 1914. We will print Dn Edward Everett Will Pay For Hogs, 16c. For Veal,-14c- . For any Live Stock Good and Fat The Highest Market Price. . ' FOR YqUR Wagons or Farm Implements OF ANY KIND GO TO R. A. ELIASON HYRUM Subscribe For v The South Cache Courier |