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Show Byram Gtcbe County, Utah, Friday, VIII. VOL. DecoratioifDay Fitly Observed Memorial Day passed off very Hy-ruagreeably last Wednesday in m. I 1917. Mayors Strawberry Valley Proclamation . Land Opening Funeral Services of nstme Weeding Registration i Qay jun6 5th 1 . The funeral of Miss Christine In accordance with the procla-fo- r The Secretary of the Interior has Weeding was held at Basalt, June 5, 1917, is Registration Day meetin house, recently mation of Pres. Wilson, Governor '. all male persons between the 'sued public notice opening was made m I . t6en-da10- ages of and 30, both inclusive his is now a law of the United States and the various governors of their respective States have called upon the people to assist in obey- ing this call. In every city, town and .district throughout our country the young men of this age "will present them- - trV 21 wbcb menhn an8 under the Second Section, Strawberry Valley Bamberger, and .Mayor H. H. one of our former lssues- - BP; Jensen, of Hyrum City, June 5th is High Line Unit, tbat ward had chare Hset apart as a public holiday. Irrigation Project, .Utah. This Bye The ward choir the It is desired that the day be opening will take place on the 20th Mild Wast Thou of June and will include aboutlsanff strictly observed in conformity with' offered was and Lovely. Prayer the proclamations issued. forty farms .containing a total ap- C. choir Hans The by Gregersen. On that day military census will proximately 2,000 acres of irrigable O Father. My be taken of all men between the larld- - The size of th farm units sang, Bro. was The first speaker 0, for selective draft ages of vary from a little less than 80 acres From early morn you could observe pedestrians of our city, as well as from other places, either on foot, in vehicles or automobiles, winding their way to the cemetery and by 11 a. m. it the pleasing appearance os a flower garden. And although cut flowets were somewhat of a scarcity, a great many artificial flowers were made to help in dec " that is the farm unit may contain a Know That My Redeemer Lives. vances in the displaying of flags-froorating and beautifying the rest- war. Bp. Dye and Bro. James Dye public buildings, business That this day may be observed in hundred acres and there will be ing places of our, dear ones laid next A letter were the speakers. and private residences, by houses Hyrum in proper manner, and in about half of it irrigable away. bereaved to ten the family bands playing patriotic airs and by This is one of the most attractive It was very commendable to keeping with its serious importance, and Nick holding h Israelsen Bros' John patriotic assemblies. see the interest that had been I do hereby proclaim Tuesday, June of recent land openings. The farms sent atld a by Poem A program is being arranged for lie on the southeast shore of Utah Jorgensen: taken by the people in response 5, 1817, as a public holiday. of rs Israelsen Jennie Hyrum, the day8 proceedings, and everyone to the call of Mayor Jensen to. Let there be no unnecessary Lake at the foot of West Mountain. e ser- were read. Utah then do their duty and heip make ghould Soil climate, scenery, good hunting turn out the two days previous frivolity, but let all lend willing c the sin oir closedby the day a patriotic one for the purpose of cleaning 'up assistance in seeimr to it .that all and fishing, an abundant water sup-- 1 ylces We Meet Beyond the Riv- Shall The place of Registration is at the cemetery- and lots, and the our young men of the prescribed Ply an(l the present high prices for offered was Benediction er. by the City Hall and the Registration all farm products are drawing cards increased interest that was mani- age enrofl their Davis. Bro. George officers Messrs. John Jensen and that will make the disposal of these fested in the matter of making countrys list of honor. carried the Six girls LeRoy Smith will be there to take joung the city of the dead attractive Our countrys flag should float farms an easy matter. with covered which was casket your name and promptly put you and pleasing to the eye, which it from public antf private buildings, Grazing land is particularly val- de- one beautiful flowers, any on the honor roll for U. S. Service. certainly id on that memorable and the places of registration should uable in this section and the farm in sent been Hyby having sign be fittingly decorated, and all units have been arranged in such a day. s rum 1st WTard Primary Associa- was band The Hyrum Military public exercises, if any, should be way that contiguous nonirrigable tion. , land is available for grazing purat the cemetery, and their sweet of a patriotic nature. buried remains were The in strains, added much to the charm Let good citizens .assist the poses, The soil is a sandy loam and the Firth Cemetery. The grave and solemness of the occassion registration officers in the perform gravel, with some clay. ,. was dedicated by Bro. Frank Every person desiring to acquire At about 11:30 a great many ance of their duties. Rawlins of Lewiston, Utah. Time was when- - the housewife of the people retraced their steps Let the spirit of the day be im any of these lands must execute a practiced loose methods in to the 2nd Ward, meeting house pressive of congratulations and homestead application subject to was Christine Sister Weeding, the provisions of, the Reclamation! chasjng her foodstuffs. where the regular services were honor to the young men in born ' Norway, April itfk' Hasfjord, not jn this age of the high vt we required fees "".held and where tht program pie ly offer their'1 serviced t!"their Law which, ' to this I 1902; emigrated cost 0f flying. v Today she practices viously published was well rend-- - country and the common'cause of and commissions, accompanied, by of the certificate ered. Project Manager country in 1906 arriving at Hy- - business methods, and she makes it humanity of water riht aPPlb rum, as to the The afternoon .was spent by Utah, August 3rd, of the a PoiQt to 2et her money's worth. Dope by virtue of the authority water right same year. She was the daugh- - 1 ker selection of food stuffs she many is revisiting the cemetery vested in me, this 1st day of June, cation and payment of while others visited neighbors 1917. ' Henry H. Jensen, charges, may be presented' at the ter of Bro. and sister H. O. and devotes much thought. She studies the food market and familiarizes and friends and. enjoyed them Mayor of Hyrum City. Land Office at Salt Lake City in Yetta Veeding, who were faith-- 1 selves in various other pastimes person, by mail, Or otherwise, with- - ful members of the L. D. S. herself with the different blends of in a period of five days prior to the church in the Hyrum 1st Ward. foods- The memorable day closed with a special picture show at the Rex opening, to wit; on and from June Christine had a noble charac- - When she strikes the right article sticks to it. She wants the best 15, 1917, to and including 9 oclock ter and had been a faithful work Theatre and a dance at the Elite the lpwest cost and she gets it if A. M. June 20, 1917. Applications gf jn the Sunday School, Primary Hall, both attractions being wel she follows the right methods of A public hearing, to which all presented after this time will beand Y. L. M. I. A. .She with attended. . We must not forget to give cred are cordially invited, will be held in filed and noted in the order of their her parents, ritwin sister Helma, selection. The housewife should give careful it to the present city administra- the office of The Industrial Com- - receipt, and brother Christian moved to The construction charge is $80 Firth, Idaho, on March 21, 1917, consideration to the baking powder, tion, for although they have mission, Room 434, State Capitol, somewhat disfigured the cemetery June 6th, at 10 a. m. for the pur- - per acre of irrigable land, and ap- where they had purchased a farm. tea coffee, flour and other similar The following day she became foods if she is to get full value for plicants making successful filings by cutting all the trees down pose of giving all interested her maney they have done, and will do a General Safety Orders, now being during this opening must make an ill and was confined to her-h- ed There is always one best brand five of of percent for 7 weeks, during which time they can under present circum- formulated Jby the Commission, an initial payment ;hree different doctors were call- - m every line, and it is the housestances, to improve and replace opportunity of being heard on these this charge, or $4 per acre of of the time and a free discussion of the gable land at filing, ed itf and all that faith and loy-in- g wifes duty to find that brand. the damage with other and muc Some women prefer one kind of hands could do, proved to no improved methods, and with the same will be invited. No doubt The remainder of the construction in avail. Baking Powder while other women help of those who have lots in there are a great many employers charge shall be due 'and payable the cemetery, will make it one as well as employes in your local fifteen pnnual installments, the During her illness she callfed demand a different kind. There is installments of the (.beauty, spots in Cache community who will be particularly first of these becoming her mother to her bedside and one Baking Powder that has been, interested in these orders, as they due December 1 of the fifth calen-wi- ll fold her not to grieve, as the on the market for years Calumet County. which apparently from its steady .cover in a general' way the dar year after the initial instalment, Lord had told her that he needed Already some hundred spruce trees have been planted under of all mechanical and subsequent payments on De- - her on the other side to do some sales and increased popularity, hits the direction of the Committee devices in the industries of the cember 1 of each calendar year work, and as He had called her the happy medium and pleases she was willing to go. on Public Grounds, and a special State. . thereafter. every house wife no matter what She leaves a father, mother, her demands, Other details concerning this workman has been placed in In purchasing foods be sure that Are The Mormons Moral? oopening will be furnished by the two sisters, Jt wo brothers and a charge to look after the cemetery S in general during the summer Provo, large number of friends to mourn you practice caution and youll get Some astonishing ideas are set PrJect Manager, U. S. R. the best. months and take care of anyones forth in an article on the Mor- - Utahf or the Statistician, U. S. R. S her loss. D. C. The Weeding .family feel very lot or grave who may wish to mons of Salt-Lak. . City by Louis Washington, greatful to the people of Firth Ogden Utah Cereal frood Co. to The ceme- Sherwin in the current issue of employ his services. and Basalt for the help and sym- - increase capacity of 50,000 bu. to tery is also supplied with water The Smart Set Magazine. Mr. and with proper pathy given them during the 350,000 bu. with Sherwin is a Gentile and he vigsickness and death of their loved the city fathers, our cemetery it; Salt Lake Box Elder county to. orously defends the Saints with his a year or two can be made into a all the ardor of a convert. Not is one. at Br Hubbard, Dentist, have a bumper fruit crop this year. child fifth This real city park, which will be he where the found can office be being Salt Lake Utah Oil Refining Co. again they only does he argue that they in source of joy and pleasure, to have been office the laid silent have hours away erecting 3 new buildings. $65,000 grossly libeled by at any time during visit on occasions desired. sure his have the home. at If and if tomb, necessary they sym1 improvements for local plant. Gentile criticsjhe even maintains of of the come to people Hyrum in Ogden Preparatory to an exten during pathy that they are. far more moral, not convenient . work at night by their great sorrow. FOR SALE or Trade A good truthful and sive, campaign of development, the thrifty than any of office hours, willOffice 22 Phone $50 double buggy harness-collar(Communicated.) Amalgamated Sugar company has with the Gentiles. The article con-tra- appointment. 17. Phone Residence Will sell cheap or tains some astonishing revela plans under way for increasing its for good saddle and bridle, Apply (tions. and is Tomato SALE FORE a deal plants, capitalization from $6;000,000 to causing great ' to Dr. P. W. Eliasoh. W. Do it now, Advertise. P. Ady. of gossip and speculation. Lofthpuse, Hyrum. Adv. probably $12,000,000 or $15,000,000. led I . , 21-3- m I I I I I I - I . Housewife Gets Moneys Worth v I wh-willin- I g I -- Public Hearing On Safety Orders 1 I in-Th- e I .irj-i-order- safe-guardin- g I I I , 1 s. de at Elite Hall, Registration Day, June 5th |