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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH Germans In New York have formed an organization called the Friends of the German Republic, whose object Is the dethronement of Kaiser William and the establishment of a German FOR THOSE WIIO Frederick Rouch, a guard at the Virginia beuch wireless station, at Norfolk, Va., was slightly wounded in an exchange of shots with two men, who were apparently attacking the Bride Wishes 1 WILL REGISTER republic. If your first paper was taken out ufte September 26, 1006, and is more than seven years old. (4) You are an alien If you do not fall within one of the three classes above mentioned. 5. Where were you born? First name the town, then the state, then the country, as Columbus, O. Paris, France; .Vlcnna, Austria; , Sofia, Bulgaria. 6. If not a citizen, of what country are you a citizen or subject? What la Your Job Right Now? 7. What is your present trade, occupation or office? This does not ask what you once did, nor what you have done most of the time, nor what you are best ptted to o. It ask, what jour Job 1. right Government Has Issued Circulars - About the best wishes a Lrlr. ave Is that her engagement and wed" ding rings shall come from our rto,f and that her wedding silver shall com. In a box marked PARKS mark of Park Is a guarantee Th Our modest prices make buying easy, -- Dealing With Questions to net around the station. Be Asked. Plans, for mobilizing 47,000 high POUNCED Iftte School boys to aid In harvesting CalMAKERS OF JEWELRY IM MAIN STREET SALT LAJ( ifornias fruit and other crops were CITY formuluted at a conference at San MAKE WORK EASIER JUNE 5 Francisco between state and Uucm wnc TAYPAYFR FOOT BILL lai officials. It Is planned also to se- Suit of the Hotel Cecil company cure as many high school girls as The Following Detailed Information pnc Are - 8hould Be the city of Seattle and its offi- - Bible for cannery work this summer, Read by All Who Are School Boys Now as They Were (rials to recover $20,000 for destruction WASHINGTON. of the Age Called Upon in Days Gone By. Bf property by the police dry squad, Plans for a nation-wid- e observance to Do Military was decided against the plaintiff in su- - of registration day, when all men Service. Hello! said I, whats that? Ana court. Fixtures and equipments tween the ages of 21 and 30 years, in-to pick it up. I stopped the hotel cafe were demolished elusive, are required to register for The law requires every man who has That," replied the boy, who hap. vlth axes after policemen had pur- - selective service in the United States ' pened to be passing through the school birthday and passed his twenty-firs- t chased liquor in the place. army, have been completed. birtht not thirty-firsyard with me. That is nothing but a yet reached his Pacific coast and other western Proposals for a 5 per cent tax on , . lead pencil. for on 6 that to June day day register states are facing a possible fuel fam- manufacturers gross sales" in many But is a it whole one, said I, ana kne, according to a statement issued industries and for greatly Increased army service. wlthi a rubber on the end. no are There exceptions. e Pacific railroad strlck-rhofficials, Southern on surtaxes were by big incomes' I know it, said the boy. to. thirty All men from twenty-onshortage applies to wood, coal en out of the war revenue bill by the must What? Do you .mean to tell m health for Exemptions register. and oil. senate finance committee. that or you have seen this here before? later. other reasons will come Persistent work on the part of M. Baker has made public a Secretary Yes, is the This . everybodys seen It. newspaper publication ta. Warren, United States postal in- - letter he has addressed to the gover- All the children In your school have yonl-1fepector, during the past few weeks hasLors of all states calling tor this for lying here day after day, and jeen P Resulted in unearthing a series of sys- - tion in keeping the army mobilisation V one not has picked it up? boy er. gi tematic postofflee robberies in Iron camps free from improper surrounding I course. Of What should we pick it a The has plan adopted government county, Utah, with Lund as a center an(j immoral Influences, for? Theres plenty in the school, In up to the facilitate and filling simplify bf operations. A congressional baseball game for of house ; the town buys em. registration cards June Acting on search warrants sworn the benefit of the American Red Cross 5. conscription I had been given a text for a long twelve the Circulars containing but federal officers, local officials jias been decided upon by Representa- meditation. Not pick up a whole new an avle aa United office Is I the er under Searched tm assay office once operated Jour Je be answered have lead pencil And a pencil with a rub- - ' HaiTis" captain of the I J08118 should states, the state, the county or a mu- - her on by Antonio Cuaz at Cripple Creek, I club of the house, and been it prepared for distribution. nlcipallty. In answer to the question s jpolo., and seized approximately seven Representative Clarence B. Miller, When I was a boy we prized even the are as to where employed give you How Answers Should Be Made. of ore, worth, it was estimated, tain of the Republican team. A boy who hooked slate pencils. town, county and state where you $15,000 to $20,000. The circular, which bears the headwas baited until he slate pencil Treasury officials on May 25 closed work. ' Caught in the whipping lengths of a the internation ledger for May with ing, How to Answer Questions on gave it up; but a lead pencil we 9. Have you a father, mother, wife, loisting cable, at Roundup, Mont., (mother debit to the British government Registration Cards, reads as follows : child under twelve or a sister or brothfought for lead pencils as the Greeks Jeorgia Shaffer, aged 7, was pulled o $75,000, 000, bringing the total thus Questions will be asked for you to er under twelve solely dependent upon and Trojans fought for Helen. We nto the drum, upon which it was be- - far lent Great Britain up to $400,000,-b- g answer In the order In which they apscoured the countryside for old horseyou for support (specify which) : shoes to sell to the blacksmith for wound, and whirled In dizzy revo- A payment of $75,000,000 also pear on this paper. These questions Consider your answer thoughtfully. Jutions until his head had been torn wag made to Italy on her credit of are set out below with detailed informoney enough to buy a lead pencil; If It Is true that there Is another mation to help you answer them. hnd thrown from his body berore the $100,000,000 previously announced. and, having it, we cut our private mark alone which own mouth than your you be otherwise or on could Do not mark write on, it, stopped. machinery guarded it, kept it as our last The administrations trading with have a duty to feed do not let your in trade. Many a time a precious United States Senator Harry Lane Ube enemy bill has been introduced in mutilate these instructions.. Do not reardor interfere with the wish move them. They should be carefully military lead pencil has turned an imtof Oregon, died at a San Francisco be house to of the nation to reduce wars misery by Representative Adamson, an ou trade one way or disorhave Giat nervous read 80 Jackknife' your hospital May 23 from a k minimum. On the other, hand, unless portant chairman of the Interstate and foreign never had but one lead swers before other. the the I when blooo go clot you oh a ready ganizatlon produced by commerce committee. - It Is modeled the person you have in mind is solely often hardly that, a at and time, pencil the brain. registrar. somewhat after the British act and dependent on you do not hide behind until I was fifteen old ; and these 1. Name in full. Age In years, years DOMESTIC. or children. would forbid and penalize trading by petticoats to scorn means names This all up a whole pick spelled your 10. Married or single (which)? Police attempting to prevent anti-- Americans 'with enemies, directly or of It! The Think one a rubber with out full. in on ? the pub- indirectly, Race (specify which) war speeches by Socialists a was eraser In had I best State your age today piece of years only. This does not ask whether you lie square at Cleveland on Sunday FOREIGN.- r-boot or heel! months additional Exchange. days. were once married, but whether you Disregard Were attacked by a crowd of about By a vote o 388 tQ s'evetlty.flve the Be prepared to or are married now.. In answer to the nineteen BOO and a 1 pitched battle ensued. Chinese house of representatives apnot twenty-five,- SPOILING A'STORYS EFFECT nineteen years 1 question as to your race state briefly Criminal prosecution awaits per-- pr0Ved the nomination of LI Chlng-son- s three months or the like. ' whether Caucasian, Mongolian, Yxegro, who attempt .to - prevent regis-be minister of finance, as premier 2. Home address, Better-to-D- o Relatives Have a DiscoMalayan or Indian. tration under the war army bill by fn succession to Tuan Chi Jui, who was This means the place where you of Rushing One ncerting Way If Declare Any. Military Service, dismissed by President Li Yuan-Hunpropaganda or otherwise. have your permanent home, not the to Point the 11. service What have you military A severe earthquake was experienced May 23. , place where you work. Be prepared had? Rank? Branch? Years? Nasouthern Forty-eigh- t Sunday night throughout When you are telling something, to give the address In this way: 232 tion or state? passengers and At the town of Brawley gve members of the crew of the Span-th- e Main street, Chicago, Cook county, dont you hate for the listener to urge No matter what country you come to the point at once? to quake rocked a school, where ex- sB steamship C. de Eizaguirre are be ; that is, give number and name you served, you must give complete inforfercises were being held, so sharply neved to have perished as a result of f street first, then town, then county mation. In answering these questions Especially is this true in a case where that several women and children be sinking of the steamer by a very and state. first name your rank, using one-o- f the you have managed something about and a panic was narrowly boat. In and telling wish, skillfully, offi Write Birth Date in Advance. following words: Commissioned averted. -- I it, to give credit where credit is due. The committee on foreign relations noncommissioned officer, pricer,' move of birth. Date better-to-d- o relatives are hn the Brazilian congress has drafted Ice in Bering sea began to vate. Next, state branch in which you As a rule, Write aftersoon 25 to care te your seem and birthday (month, day served in one of the and dont westward on May a measure recommending the' cancel following words: impatient Claude writes Vrards the sea in front of Nome was lation o the decree of April 25, 1917, and year) on a piece of paper before whole hear story, Infantry, cavalry, artillery, - medl Callanyour to the and a the in pagoing ice the Worth give registrar the in moving Fort y which clear, declared the practically neutrality of cal, signal, ..aviation, supply, matoward Bering strait. zil in the war between Germany and per to him the first thing. Example: rine, navy. Next, state the number sent us te August 5, 1894. Years ago a better-to-d- o Conclusion that the United States the United States, of years service, not counting time do not If remember the you a bucka borrow year, to house must strike Germany through the neighbors The Germans, says a Geneva news staYt to answer spent in the reserve. Finally, name saw. someIf as would you We were proud to do this for air has been reached by the govern- paper) recently arrested two women, the nation or state you served. If you 'Auone asked as we left you your birthday, and ments aircraft production board Madame Pfeister and her "daughter, served under the United States or one him, and when we returned 5. on Then the gust into my In say, saw the birthday the America. Club n stepped of Aero the yard, frontier. this aged 22, on the of the states of the United States, will be (or was) I Well, year years house and Better: to said their apwere folSpring tornadoes, making They charged with , acting old. The registrar will then fill in name your service in one of the when I got over there I found that he terms: Guard .National pearance earlier than usual in the spies. Both were executed, (of lowing of do the birth. not year Many people, wasnt at home. His wife wouldnt of central west, caused' the deaths strikes in all branches of industry In mind the year they were such and such a state), militia (of let the saw go, so I went down to the more than 100 persons on May 25 throughout Finland are reported in a carry born. This may be obtained by the such and such a state), volunteers of river, where he was fishing. He said: and 26 in Illinois and Kansas, the in- - jispatch from Helsingfors. In some United States or registrar by subtracting the age in of United States. regular army (navy) he didnt think that It was at home. more and hundred Several of of acts violence districts the jury against years off this yearls birthday from He thought he had lent it to his broth12. Do you claim exemption from property damage which cannot be cs- employers have been committed, 1917. er, and so timated because of serious loss in draft? Specify grounds. General Cadornas brilliant offen 4. Are you (1) a natural born citi Oh, blank it, said Better, did you Because you claim exemption from growing food crops. sive continues unchecked, each day zen; (2) a naturalized citizen; (3) an the saw? get it by no means follows that you The state council of defense is finding the Italian line projecting a (4) or have you declared your draft, alien; housewives are to information of For the exempt. Here's to Laughter. sending out a request uttle farther down the Carso plateau Intention to .become a citizen (specify the war department you should make and citizens throughout California to toward Triest. to laughter, the sunshine of Heres ? which) now to a if claim intend you prosecute the The lntention of the German gov- . soul, the happiness of the heart, toEgthlSstatehand no (1) If you were born in the United it. Some will be exempted on the leaves of youth, the privilege of persons a11 ernment to sink entente pl??ty Hospital states, Including Alaska and Hawaii, account ma of their occupations or offices, purity, the echo of innocence, the leal necessity for an Sfipg jQ the entire barred zone, you are a natural born citizen, no matsome on account of the fact that they treasure of the humble, the wealth of to beg food or money. with the exception of certain ships ter what may have been the citizenJack Rizatta, said by the police to from saloniki to Gibraltar, is semi-b- e ship or nationality of your parents. If have' relatives dependent upon them the poor, the head of the cup of pleasYour answer touching ure, exclaims a writer in the New for support. wanted in New York on a charge of officially announced in Berlin, you were born in Porto Rico you are a these be important In sup York Herald. will things murder in connection with the killing, It dispels dejection, Seventy-si- x persons were killed and citizen of the United States, unless porting the claim you now intend to banishes blues and mangles melan- iNovember 14, 1914, pf Barnet Baff, a H75 injure(i jn Dover or Folkestone, , i you were born of alien parentage. If in P choly,-fothe foe of woe, the its wealthy poultry dealer., has been England, early Friday evening in the you were born abroad, yoQ are still a Be sure, therefore, that stroyer of questions. the enemy of rested in Los Angeles. most ambitious raid upon England yet the grounds you now state are in con- grief; it is depression, makes what kings envy The German spy System is success- - made by German aircraft. Of the with your answers to quesformity Not the poor, the in this country. twenty-seveenvy peasants, killed were women plutocrats and fully operating 7 and 8. tions ; informaIts the guilty envy the innocent twenty-thre- e children, only are spies obtaining the In stating grounds you claim as ex- sheen on the silver of smiles, the ripare but this want in tion they country, Berlin Yorwaerts announces ijea national empting you use one of the following ple on the waters delight, the glint able to get it to Berlin In time tor that German Socialist con- terms: If you claim to be an execu- of the gold of gladness; without it Amenmenace German submarines to venti0n has been summoned for August tion ; that is, if you have taken final tive, legislative or Judicial officer of humor would be dumb, wit would can warships and soldiers on the seas, at a place not yet' decided upon. papers. But you are not a citizen if the state or nation, name your office and A decision to introduce meat cards at yu have only declared your intention and say whether It Is an office of the wither, dimples would disappear a smiles would shrivel; for Its glow of As the result of an attempt by three an eariy jate is understood to have o become a citizen (that is, if you state or nation. If claim to be a a clean you the voice of a pure bandits to rob the First State bank at been reacfie(j at a conference Just held have only taken out first papers) ; in member of a religious sect whose creed i .. conscience, ot l th tb fiWatt robbers the one of cry the latter case you are only a declar- - forbids Its members to participate in le biTth Tuskahoma, Okla., in Parl8 by Premier Ribot) Louls was shot to death In the bank by the Malvy, minister of the interior, and an war In any form, simply name the sect. song of You ar also a naturalized citizen If you are employed In the transmis-cashier and two other bandits are ay- - Maurice Nicollette,, minister of sub- And Never Complain, Bless 'Em. ' if. although foreign born, your father slon of the United States malls or as sistence. ing from wounds. Pop, why are mothers always ., John Schaeffer, held at La Crosse, an artificer or workman In an armory, spoken of as gentle? asked his belr. Tbe Telegraaf states that the burgo- - or survlvln8 parent became fully on a charge of holding up, single- - ma8ter of Boitsfort, Belgium, and Dep- - Drallzed whlle yu were under twenty, well arsenal oV navy yard of the United Oh, , because they are so handed, a Chicago & Northwestern uty Moureit of Brussels have been one years of age and w yu cam to States, or if you are a mariner em- broken to hard work. The expression nlted States under twenty-one- . railway passenger train between there condemned to Imprisonment in a for-- I ployed in the sea service of any citi- was probably originated by some unYou are a declarant If, although zen or merchant within the United and Sparta three weeks ago, is an es- - tress for nine and twelve months, re- feeling horseman. caped lunatic, It developed when he gpectively, for refusal to deliver to the I a cltIzen or subject of some foreign States, so state. If you are a felon or was arraigned In court. German authorities all supplies of Iron country, you have declared on oath be- - otherwise morally deficient and desire Not Expected. I ore a naturalization court your lnten- to claim exemption on that ground, A new donation by John D. Rocke-- 1 wire available to them. I The successes against submarines I onfto become a citizen of the United state your ground briefly, if you very entousSc bouflT beforehand, feller of $25,000,000 to the endowment Receipt from the clerk of the claim physical disability, state that anwas have foundation resulted In a distinct improveof the Rockefeller a D0W deeply disappointed in the bliss court of the certified copy of such briefly. If you claim exemption on nounced May 23 by Dr. George E. Vin ment in our food situation, said Preof marriage. declaration Is often called taking out any other ground, state your ground cent, formerly president of the Univer- mier Lloyd George on May 29 in the Yes; as soon as they were married first You not are a declarant papers. briefly. house of commons. his wife threw up her job. sity of Minnesota. t educatlon-INTEKMOUNTAI- pos-fcgnln- st i BOYD PARK u be-perl- or e I I a- Si I nlla 1 cap-ion- any-bod- -- I I - two-inc- h I 1 1 rubbe- I 1 g I eighty-Californi- a. I - t t r -- , Star-Telegra- Bra-nod- I -- - I Swiss-Alsatia- -- - able-bodie- d i r I I n j 1 nat-Wis- I e- |