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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM. UTAH NERVOUSNESS MID BLUES Symptom' OF BRUTAL MURDER of More Serious Sickness. DETECTIVE UNRAVELS SECRET OF KILLING OF THOMAS CAVA-NAUG- HI. Washington Park, mother of four children and I am H ON IDAHO RANCH. the have suf-ifered with female Suspect Admits That He Shot Rancher trouble, backache, Through Back of the Head and nervous spells and Hid the Body In Attic of the blues. My chiMurdered Mans Cabin.'' ldrens loud talking and romping would make me so nervous Salt Lake City. The mystery surI could just tear rounding the disappearance on March everything to pieces 12 last of Thomas Cavanaugh rrom his and I would ache all ranch at Welser, Idaho, a mystery over and feel so sick which occasioned a wide search by that I would not officers and detectives in Salt Lake want anyone to talk and surrounding districts, was dissito me at times. Lydia E. Pinkhams pated Saturday when Luke S. May, a reSilt Lake detective, succeeded In seVegetable Compound and Liver Pills stored me to health and I want to thank curing a confession from the lips of ou for the good they have done me. I Dan Ruth, now in the county jail at wave had quite a bit of trouble and Welser, Idaho, about to be charged worry but it does not affect my youthwith murder In the first degree, acful looks. My friends say Why do you to a story published In the cording look so young and well ? . I owe it all Salt Lake Tribune. remedies. to the Lydia E Pinkbam The body of Cavanaugh was discov--Mrs. Robt. Stopiel, Sage Avenue, ered with the skull crushed and a gunIllinois. Washington Park, shot wound through the head, about If you have any symptom about which two miles from the Cavanaugh ranch, r0u would like to know write to the on Sunday, May 13. Previous to that Lydia E- Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, date rumors were afloat that he had Mass., for helpful advice given free of gone to Salt Lake in answer to a letter charge. from a former sweetheart. An Inquest was held at Welser on May 17 which as men as Women well IQ are made miserable by determined that death was UrUfi W xlt-- T W the result kidney and bladder trou- of a wound the head. through gunshot Thousands recom-tj- t ble. A mend Dr. In his alleged confession Saturday, DLAA1D Swamp-Roo- t, the great before Mr. May, District Attorney Don-a- rt kidney medicine. At druggists In fifty-cpand dollar sizes. You may receive a and Sheriff W. B. Walker of Welsample size bottle by Parcel Post, also ser, Ruth admitted that he shot Cavapamphlet telling about It. Address Dr. Kjjmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., and naugh through the back of the head, fnblose ten cents, also mention this paper. wrapped the body up with sacks, put a bthanno more necessary canvas. over it and placed it In the Army Smallpox, TYPHOID experience attic of Cavanaughs cabin. has demonstrated the almoit miraculous effiAfter the killing he wrote a note to cacy, and hsrmlessneaa, at Antityphoid Vaccination. askJames Elliott, his brother-in-laBe vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and your family. It is more vital than house Insurance. look after the stock on the to him ing Ask your physician, drutglst, or send for Have Cavanaugh ranch. Later Ruth re you had Typhoid?" telling of Typhoid Vaccine, results from us , and danger from Typhoid Carriers. turned to Weiser and Elliott asked THE cimct LABOKATORY, CAL BERKELEY, him where the blood in the cabin raoauciao vaccines e ssbums uaoia u. s. eov. ucsssa came from. Ruth told him it was from Increased Cost. some beef which he had killed and put Are you economizing at your upstairs. Detective May tested this house? blood and discovered that it was huNo. Were simply eating less foi man blood. This jvas one of the printhe same money. cipal item of evidence tending to connect Ruth with the murder. Thomas Cavanaugh at the time of his murder was 34 years of age. He WOMEN! IT IS MAGIC! was a Yale graduate, a fraternity man. and had come west to maxe his forLIFT OUT ANY CORN tune. Three days before his murder he was offered $7500 for his ranch. Apply a few drops then lift corns "or calluses off with OUT. INVENTION PUTS no fingers pain. British Correspondent Says SubmaMastered. Is Menace rine Being Just think ! You can lift Gazette The. Westminster London. off any corn or callus a from a corresponmessage without pain or soreness, publishes A Cincinnati man discov dent, who says the submarine menace ered this ether compound is being mastered by a simple method and named It freezone. Any which, the' correspondent indicates, Is druggist will sell a tiny bot the Invention of an American. tie of freezone, like here It is giving away no secret, the shown, for very little cost. corespondent writes, to say that the You apply a few drops di method, which is reputed to be Infalli rectly upon a tender corn ble, requires only a little time to come or callus. Instantly the into full effect and wear the subma soreness disappears, then rines out. It is a model of simplicity. shortly, you will find the The press has been liberal in its an corn or callus so loose that nouncement of Marconis device, but while extending encouragement to Maryou can lift It right off. coni it must not be overlooked that the Freezone is wonderful, dries instantly. It doesn genius who perfected one of the most eat away the corn or cal- monumental advances in maritime navlus, but shrivels It up with- igation has devoted his unremitting out even Irritating the sur- consideration to the menace, and this resourceful American, too, has worked rounding skin. Hard, soft or corns be- toward the device along Independent lines. tween the toes, as well f painful calluses, lift right Tells How Labor Is Wasted. off. There Is no pain beWaste of labor fore or afterwards. If your Washington. druggist hasnt freezone, tell him to order a .hrough irregular employment and small bottle for you from his whole- maintenance of large numDers of valets and flunkies are responsible for sale drug house. adv. the present labor shortage, Samuel Such a Hero! Gompers, president of the American Bess Nerve? Why, say! Ive seen Federation of Labor, declared Saturhim joke with a waiter that he hadnt day. He recommended that instead of Town Topics. tipped lengthening working hours to meet government war demands, employers take greater care to provide steady emFIERY RED PIMPLED ployment and wealthy persons reduce their crops of servants. That Itch and Burn Are Usually Eczematous Cuticura Quickly Heals. Big Increase Suspended. Proposed increases of Washington. It needs but a single hot bath with from 200 to 250 per cent in freight Cuticura Soap followed by a gentle rates on syrup from California terapplication of Cuticura Ointment to minals to eastern cities were suspendthe most distressing, disfiguring ed Saturday by the Interstate comeczemas, Itchings and burnings to merce commission until September 25. prove their wonderful They are also ideal for every-da-properties. y toilet use. Honor Memory of Red Cfoss Nurse. Free sample each by mall with Book. Evanston, 111. All Evanston turned Address postcard, Cuticura, out Sunday to pay final homage to Dept. I Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Miss Edith Burnett Wood, one of the i two Red Cross nurses killed during A writer says that brains will tell. practice aboard the steamer However, sometimes It is brains that target Mongolia. keep a man from telling. ,lir Many Killed by Cyclone. perMemphis. At least twenty-on- e When Your Eyes Need Cere sons were killed and more than forty Try Mcrina Eye Remedy K Injured In wind and hall storms which Smarting Just Comfort. 10 oenti a wfl forYne swept through portions of western SreBook. ucs-ui- a oo.. Chicago Tennessee and Kentucky and eastern Arkansas Sunday. - TO Kllmeri . a VW -- ! ,n ni bdubi TOLL OF NEARLY TWO HUNDR-- Q DEAD AND OVER THOUSAND INJURED BY WINDSTORMS. Millions of Dollars Damage Done In Six States Visited by Storm, Be-sides the Heavy Toll of Life in Devastated Section. St. Louis. More than 150 persons were killed, a thousana or more injured and millions of dollars worth of property destroyed by tornadoes which swept through Kansas on Friday, Illinois and Indiana on Saturday and parts of Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky and southern Illinois Sunday. Reports indicate that a large amount of farm implements, needed to produce the bumper crop desired this year, was ruined, although the spasmodic wind struck only here and there in its frightful Play through the rural regions. Crop damage Is said to be not heavy In general. The heaviest toll of life was taken at Mattoon, 111., a city of 10,000 population, in the broom corn country of cenr are known tral Illinois, where to be dead and 500 injured, with a property loss of $2,000,000. Charleston, v 111., ten miles east oil Mattoon, was also partly wrecked Saturday evening with a loss of thirty-eigh- t lives and 150 injured. The property loss there is $1,000,000. The next most serious loss was at were Andale, Kan., where twenty-sikilled and a score injured on Friday. Dublin, Ky., suffered three dead and seventeen injured Saturday. South Tenn., was reported Sunday to have lost two killed and fifteen Injured in a tornado that swept Dyer Near Blytheville, county Sunday. Ark., nine persons were reported killed and a dozen hurt. Reports from Indiana show at least seven persons killed at Hebron, Kouts and other places, and the death list may reach twenty. More than 200 were Injured In the Indiana territory swept by the storm. Smaller towns in Illinois lost a dozen dead on Saturday with two score injured, while in the southern part of Illinois windstorms killed a and injured a score, Summary of tornado, dead and infifty-fou- Made by machinery in filtered every process: Factories inspected by pure food experts and highly praised : safe-guarde- x g, -- d of Contented employes, whom perfection is the pride: Such is WMGLEYS the in largest selling gum the world. - WMFPEB IB Helps appetite and digestion. Keeps teeth clean breath sweet. half-doze- n 17 jured : 'he FUaum Hastfo She Had the Ham. certain lawyer wiio was a candidate for a municipal office went out canvassing one day and knocked at a cottage door. The door was opened by a woman. ? In Is your husband In, Mrs. quired the lawyer. No sir, was the reply, but I know what you want. My husband is sure to vote for you because you got him off for stealing that ham last week. No, no; alleged stealing of the ham, corrected the lawyer. Alleged be blowed! was the womans reply. Weve got a bit of it left still. Lemme give you a sandwich cut uf it, sir! A Riot in Peace Meeting. Chicago. A riot broke out in a peace meeting in Grant park Sunday afternoon, resulting in the arrest of eight speakers who had denounced President Wilson. The, crowd was composed of persons unable to gain admittance to a meeting In the Auditorium theater, where 8000 persons demanded that the government set forth in simple language the terms upon which it would make peace with Germany. - People Behind Liberty Loan. McAdoo, Secretary Washington. home from a speaking tour of the middle and western cities in the interest of the Liberty loan, declared in a statement Sunday that the people were behind the administrations pro0 gram of raising approximately for war purposes by taxation. $1,600,-000,00- Earthquake in California. Los Angeles. A severe earthquage was experienced Sunday night throughout southern California. At the town of Brawley the quake "rocked a school, where exercises were being held, so sharply that several women and children fainted and a panic was narrowly averted. Pekin. New Chinese Premier. By a vote of 383 to seventy-fiv- the house of representatives on May 27 approved the nomination of Lo Chlng-Hs- l, the minister of finance, as premier In succession to Tuan Chi Jui, whowas dismissed by President Ll Yuan-Hun- g May 23. Want to Dethrone Kaiser. New York. Germans here 'have called the formed an organization Friends of the German Republic, whose object is the dethronement of Kaiser Wilhelm and the establishment of a German republic, It is announced. Spanish Ship Sunk. London. Forty-eigh- t passengers and members of the crew of eighty-fiv- e the Spanish steamship O. de Elzag-ulrr- e are believed to have perished as a result of the sinking of the steal ! restaurant. , THEBESI1 IlflfAROni MYI9NATURK ON IVIRY MOUSE Still There. Every time I put anything down In this house somebody comes along and moves it, stormed Mr. TwobblA Not always, my dear, answered Mrs. Twobble, sweetly. Prove it! Prove it! How about the carpet in our guest room? Try This on Your Friend. Did you see all those soldiers guarding the city library? No. Why in the world have they got soldiers guarding the library? ' Why they found dynamite in the dictionary. HADE FROM THE HIGHEST GRADE DURUM WHEAT COOKS IN 12 MINUTES. COOK BOOK FREE SKINNER MFG.CO. OMAHA. U.S.A. laresT Macaroni F&cfony Kill All Flies! ip flrperica. disIasI Plaeod snywhers.OsIsy Ely Klllsr Attracts sad kills all flits Nest clean, ornamental, convenient, and cheap LMtaallMaion. (lode , sastsl, cant pillar , tip over; will not oii as injure anything. Gunns taad affective. Aik for Who Would? Bess Surprising that so rich and brainy a woman should marry a penniDaisy Fly Millar Sold by daalara, or S sent less dude! by aspraaa, prepaid, $1.00 Jack But who else would marry a HAROLD SOMERS, ISO P KALB AVI,, BROOKLYN. N. T. rich and brainy woman? Judge. W. N. U.f Salt Lake City, No. 22-19- Open-A- ir e, Scanty Buying. Economizing at your house? Rather By the time the cook has held out enough for her own needs there isnt enough dinner for us, and we have to go downtown and eat at a 17. Exercise and Carters Little Liver Fills are two splendid things For Constipation If you cant get all the exercise you should have, its more s the Important that you have tl other remedy for a tc pid liver and bowels which dont a tried-and-tr- ue freely and naturally. Take one pill every night ; more on when you're sure Its necessary. Genuine bear signs tore CHALKY, COLORLESS COMPLEXIONS NEEL CARTER'S IRON PILLS |