Show h iz AT HOME AND ABROAD atbara bara on the nile march 23 an t lo 0 egyptian cavalry patrol was in inflict flicht with a party of 0 dervish enaena en on monday eleven miles up river A hand to hand encounter spears occurred and the dervish were e driven back the horse or ar mry went to the support of the an egyptian cavalry and shelled the ashes at 1500 yards doing conable 40 execution the anglo yi etian ala n loss was seyen seven men killed and sit t wounded the patrol returned to audi adl before midnight bringing vo 1 wounded no british officers were wr i force of dervish cavalry ap a few m miles iles from here on tues bues morning it was met by a squad ram of cavalry and a force of Sou danese drove oft off the dervishes with con 1 4 aad rable wable loss following them some idues beyond abadal ia Iffa Ift boudas houdas main force occupies the position A e V york march 23 louis X klopsch 1 sch V 4 h her e r of the christian herald who directing the distribution of relief ballee lee in cuba telegraphs to the pud d from havana tanke le american relief work in cuba r AL JU most excellent condition here ft the utter inadequacy of supplies american sources made opera on a large satisfactory scale im ible ble today there is enough afloat te thirty arty days requirements to the arrival of the next cargo r thursday every known center of aution will immediately be pro ned d for te ten days and men women en will be sustained ned by amer practical sympathy pending an ill statement of actual needs there jen en the american relief will be as reaching as it is possible to make U lett letters ers and telegrams from con 9 and consular agents received by ipg within three days fully confirm generally accepted views as to the tude and intensity of the awful ution consul mcgarr of den cien s heretofore incredulous now re lr destitute in his consular let ot and believes it will be worse tomorrow on estrilla Es trolla street we i gl a central station tor for the relief of J destitute in havana also a diet ehen for 2000 sick in san lamarle et the bakeries in havana and suburbs are turning into bread all f flour received the sum is a that there are towns and os i in villages hundred tons of corn meal and tons of bacon weekly can save all ajl they look to america as only hope and bless its people tor for good already done when amer die they say peter will not wait erti 1 I to knock at the heavenly gate will rill open it wide wore before they march 22 chaplain icek Ic sk has haa completed his mortuary re f yort vort which shows that men and efte w officers perished in the maine catastrophe ata strophe six succumbed to their injuries injury es while lying in the san am b hospital one died on the span lob transport bodies have been re from the wreck of which 61 have bave been identified have been juried ried in colon cemetery and 11 at axey west this to is the official report muttie de e public lie after careful correction correct mp jp 10 0 the h hour of closing the cable ace ace to night the officers of the maine itan t ln havana had not received orders to north all but commander allwright aln wright may be ordered away at fy time he may be placed officially y ft charge arge of the wrecking in progress alfi f 1 f A under the contract capt siget sigsbee iee and the other officers were supposed to remain only while the court of inquiry was in session here and they are confident that they will be ordered away before april lot capt sigsbee is not very well he Is anxious to go north but of course says nothing on the subject being willing to wait patiently for orders kansas Ci tyMo march ch 22 A storm wrecked fourteen houses and destroyed many smaller buildings at blue mills mo a little village on the summit of a hill about ten miles north of independence on the missouri pacific road today the only house bouse occupied that of martin hugle was carried a distance of feet hugle was internally injured and may die neither mrs hugle nor the children were injured the property damages were small washington march 24 the president in conference with some of the house congressional leaders today stated emphatically that he would avert war it if possible and expressed his hie hope that he could do so washington march 24 orders were issued today detaching capt sigsbee and other officers from the battleship maine at havana and ordering them to proceed home and await orders these officers are capt charles charlea D sigsbee chief engineer C P howell surgeon L G heneberger paymaster charles M ray chaplain J P chidwick and naval cadets cabets J H hellden and W T Cluver lua this list includes all the surviving officers of the ill fated battleship who have remained on duty at havana since the destruction of the ship on the ultimo with the exception of commander richard wainwright exe autive officer of the vessel commander wainwright is in special charge of the wrecking operations and will remain at havana until they are concluded new york march 23 mrs M J congdon of Go wanda N Y sent to the central cuban relief committee in this city today a letter which she received from walter S barker united states consul at sagua bagua la grande cuba in part the letter is as follows the situation can cannot not be penned nor expressed one must see it in all its distress and desolation there are in my consular district not less than souls utterly destitute and without food who must soon die the conditions here at present render it impossible for succor to be given except if sent here by our generous generosa gene roua people rice condensed milk quinine for the sick as also light weight clothing for women and children childr en secondhand second hand clothing equally as serviceable as new canned soups mea meats to and bread and where the contributions are not large I 1 would advise sending money in exchange on any eastern city new york preferable with which provisions and medicines can be purchased here and thus give relief the earlier as owing to the inaccessibility of this zone or district it requires much time to transport PO rt supplies if money is sent I 1 have to request it to be transmitted through consul general lee at havana with request to forward same to me of the large number so utterly destitute 90 per cent are women and children the latter being in the large majority jo rity london march 26 25 the storm continues throughout the united kingdom trains are Im bedded in heavy snow drifts telegraph wires are down in many parts of the country people have been frozen to death while traversing the moors a hurricane has swept all the coast and terrific seas have been running channel services have been suspended there have been numberless wrecks of small craft washington D C march 26 it can be stated on positive information that this government will it if it has not already done so inform spain that the conditions now existing in cuba have hare become intolerable to the people of this country and that hostilities on the island must close this policy to Is in direct line with the views of the Wes president ident as expressed in his last message to congress on decembri Decem bei bet ath in that message he said the instructions given to our new minister to spain before his departure from his post directed him to impress upon that government the sincere wish of the united states to lead its aid toward the ending of the war in cuba by reaching a peaceful and lasting result just and honorable alike to spain and the cuban people the instructions recited the character and duration of the conflict the ame widespread losses it entails the burd burdess and restraints it imposes upon afe ufe with constant disturbance of national interests i and the injuries resulting from an indefinite continuance of ts state of things no solution was proposed to which the slightest idea of humiliation to spain could attach and indeed prey pre pro Y else proposals were withheld to avoid embarrassment to that government after reading the substance of reply received on october last the president says the immediate amelioration of existing conditions under the new administration of cuban affairs la Is predicted and therewithal the disturbance and all occasion of any change of attitude on the part of the united states since the delivery of this MOO evidence has accumulated showing beyond question that the promises nude made in behalf of the new administration to relieve the conditions in cuba have not been fulfilled or accomplished on the contrary the evidence which has reached the president shows conclusively that the situation Is daily becoming more serious in view of these facts the government has hae decided to take if it has not already taken definite action by informing spain that while disowning any other object than that dictated by a sense of honor and justice to a stricken and starving people it must insist first that hostilities host be brought to a speedy termination so far as known no specific date has ham been fixed within which the war must be terminated but it is belie believed that it to is the purpose of the admon not to permit of any annec unnecessary es or extended delay it is known in high official circles that many of the people highest to in authority in spain including members of the ministry are extremely weart wary of the conflict in cuba and would willingly accede to any reasonable terms tor for a settlement of the whole we question by granting to cuba her independence on an indemnity basis the opposition to this thib plan comes from them the factions opposed to the present administration mhd wh demand extreme mease measures mo if necessary to retain control of the island in view of these conditions what will be the answer to our dembas cannot be foretold fort william ont march MA 26 A canadian pacific railway train made maa up P principally rinel pally of colonists cars boum boud for the coast has been wrecked at english river prank frank marciani Mar Mard diani isai of detroit Iet rolt mich was killed and C W V marks marka also of detroit was serto tudy injured new york march 26 the carnival of sports given at madison square garden in aid of the fund for the erection of a monument to the martyrs of the battleship maine was a brilliant decess success in every sense of the word and af 4 a result several thousand dollars vms be added to the already large tow aside from the purpose of the enter ament and the patriotic feeling to ach dh it appealed the program which 4 been arranged was enough to ck the immense amphitheater te ir pick of the athletic champions amateur itaw and professional were pres pree band and api appeared eared in the various ats As a result the garden was crowded to its utmost capacity both A m the afternoon and evening prom from sources the benefit should net the monument fund close to mong g the galaxy of prominent eions who helped to make the lr r a success were jimmy michael fitzsimmons ernest reeber er K L Mal sullivan livan earl kiser ernest bert tom linton Gou goltz and ismall ismail yousouf and ar r taylor cramble crom ble N X D march 26 the se of edward hansman at kent nm was burned last night mr jafeman jA isman heman his wife and five childr children en dished mr hansman went home aut 2 and soon after the fire was discovered it was too late to render any assistance as the family was suffocated and as soon as an an entrance vows buus made the whole house was in names flames the bodies were all recovered barned almost beyond recognition mr Ift hansman naman was a saloonkeeper saloon keeper at coat and also has ha exten extensive elve land interests at N D washington march 26 on the of december last president mckinley issued an appeal to the people of the united states for contributions of money food and clothing for the benefit beneat of the starving cubans and announced that contributions of money might be sent to the consul general at havana through the secretary of state the total fund received at the owe fate department to date in response to this appeal amounts to it was started by a subscript subscription on of from the president of the united states and gradually has been added to by and individuals all over ta country altoona paz pa march 28 18 james ames W a grand nephew of the bettt ox ex president buchannan Buc hanhan was run geffs A by a train and killed in the pennsylvania railroad yard yesterday the tuan Kled remains were discovered by lj wife who had gone to search tor for bl him Wap hington march 29 senator shuns of utah has introduced a joint resolution recognizing the inde of cuba and declaring war zwain spain senator foraker has offered in the a resolution reeo lution tor for cuban ind index e pen dence eg mr r foraker spoke of the delays caused by the de lome incident and tj ik maine incident but declared that tak cuban question n id come up whatever was done with the maine senator frye introduced a resolution reciting ire eUing the conditions in cuba and directing the president in his discretion to td take steps to drive the naval and military forces from t the he island the e foraker and frye resolutions went to the senate committee on tor for eign relations the rawlins resolution also went to the loreign foreign relations committee mr mason followed the introduction of the resolutions with a viperous war speech he described vividly the disaster to the maine he said that it if ninety of the victims had been senators or sons of senators it WO would uld not have been forty days before wa war r would been declared yet the lives of americans were sacrificed mr mason said the catastrophe should be repelled vigorously he could coula nut not speak for others but for himself he was for war this declaration brought out a vigorous outburst of applause from the galleries mr mason declared there could not be peace so long as a european nation owns and butchers its slaves in this hemisphere he said it was not necessary for fop the maine court to fix the responsibility the law did that it if it was a torpedo or a mine it was a spanish torpedo or a spanish mine hence spain must answer he would oppose any proposition looking to indemnity as he would oppose making a diplomatic incident of the catastrophe he would oppose any kind ot 0 autonomy or any plan to assist spain but his demand was that the spanish flag should be driven from the western hemisphere neither did he believe that cuba should be required to pay an indemnity to spain we are told he said that we must wait on the spanish election but it if spanish elections are as rotten as spanish diplomacy we had better not wait let us awake iad id mr mason in conclusion to glorious war as did our fathers a a wax war that shall insure ensure the honor and respect of our flag all over the world the first was by mr allen alien neb recognizing independence of cuba mr allens aliens resolution was at his request laid on the table mr foraker asked that his resolution recognizing the independence of cuba and favoring armed intervention go to the foreign relations committee he said that his resolution had been long delayed he intended he said to present it at the opening of the session last december but he withheld it at that time because the presidents message gave promise that within a reas enable time definite and decisive action would be taken by the administration tra tion to soon as autonomy should be given a fair trial A reas reasonable seasonal onal le time seems now to have elapsed the people of the country realize that all nee i essary time has been given spain to bring peace to the stricken island autonomy mr foraker declared had failed but just as its failure waa rea realized the country was confronted by the de lome incident dOnt scarcely had the excitement created by this subsided when what has bhea abden styled the maine incident threw the country into a hurricane of excitement since that time sold said the senator we have been waiting patiently and under restraint tor |