Show THE FRONT recently senator cannon of utah made a trip to the orient to ascertain the financial and industrial situation there from actual observation the benefits of which were to go impartially to the people of the whole united states then congressman king made a tour across roes the depths to cuba to en able him to enlighten the citizens of the united states beyond peradventure as to the situation in the island and now in the senate chamber today senator rawlins introduced a measure declaring war with spain and recognizing the independence of cuba it is ia very questionable if the public mind hereabout is gauged to the degree of belligerency implied by mr Raw linss procedure however much local sentiment may be in readiness to obey when an order troops to take the field in defense of the flag comes along but the feature of interest in connection with this incident and the others referred to is the suggestion that it Is but a very short time since this state was only accorded a single delegate in congress who having baving no vote was almost considered in bad taste it if he ventured to speaker speak or act in any matter not directly connected with his constituents and his territory the times have changed and we have most truly changed with them |