Show employment FOR FOB EX CONVICTS the poor we have always with us As a noted and honored man among the pioneers of atao whose duties brought him much in contact with unfortunate human beings once said we have the lords poor and we have the devils poor and we have the poor devils what to do with these three classes has been one of the problems of civilization in all ages and countries it is particularly particular difficult to manage with that portion of the poor that have served terms in prison and this element probably furnishes the most perplexing phases of the entire question of dealing with the poor an ex convict is nearly always and of necessity regarded with suspicion he may at any time rob or otherwise injure his employer hence the reluctance of the latter to employ him yet if not given work he must become either a public charge as a pauper or a public as a criminal if the ex convict is refused the means of earning an honest living he has the best possible excuse for resuming his criminal career and in the long run the general public and the taxpayers especially are injured in an increased degree rence hence good public policy requires that discharged prisoners be given a fair show to live by honest labor and this requirement is reinforced by the behests behesta of ethics and religion persons who are in a position to give work to this class of unfortunates will show the genuineness of their patriotism and of their faith in the teachings of christianity if they profess any such faith by furnishing employment to the man who just emerged from prison finds himself a poverty stricken outcast probably embittered against law and society and beset with the strongest strangest temptations to commit crime we may take a cynical view of human nature and make sarcastic and pessimistic remarks about its ingratitude and general but the great truth remains that in the whole universe of god there filets no force that is more potent than love tend and a practical display of kindness towards the sinful and wicked members of society no matter how desperate they may be Is more likely than any other available means to deter them from continuing on a downward course |