Show OBITUARY NOTES 8 SARAH ARAM ANN GOLDSB crry CITY utah march 19 1897 sarah ann Golda goldsbrough brough died at nephi february 24 1897 of asthma she was the wife of the late samuel she was born june 13 18 1829 at swinton Sw yorkshire england and was the daughter of john and esther duce Golda goldsbrough brough she was baptized into imo the church of jesus christ september ath 1849 at Rother tham yorkshire emigrated to utah with her brother henry Gol goldsbrough debrough who is abill living october lat 1851 and was waa ten weeks lacking one day crossing the ocean in a sailing vessel she was married to the late samuel forth in salt lake city december moved to nephi in october 1852 where she resided until her death she passed patiently through all the hardships and vicissitudes attend ant upon the early settlement of that place and enjoyed the comforts of its ultimate prosperity she was the mother of twelve oh children ildren five sons and seven daughters she leaves one son and five daughters who survive her and twenty two grand fifi vr dren who mourn her low loss slater sister wass was a true saint of these latter days full of faith and integrity a faithful wife and loving mother respected and beloved by bv all who knew her although she suffered much she anever was never heard to complain aliphat all that loving hands and affectionate hearts could do for her in her illness was done her death was sudden but death was sweet unto her for she pawed passed away as an calm as a summer morning feeling resigned to the will of our father in heaven before she died she bore a powerful testimony to the he truth of the gospel of christ which she had bad obeyed and she died firm in the faith of a glorious resurrection ur with the just who love the lord jeses jeaan christ her funeral obsequies were largely attended by relatives relative and frien friends dIL president angus M can nou non ot of salt lake stake elder geor george teasdale Tea adale of the council of A apostles astles president william of of juab stake and bishop thomas H 0 parks were the speakers all of whom bore testimony tea to the native worth of the departed and showed the advantages of a well spent life and integrity to the principles of the everlasting gospel A large concourse of people followed her remains to their resting place cox COM millennial star please copy BISHOP E JONES iron county utah march 1897 on the day ot february 1897 bishop william E jones jonea of this ward died having been confined to his bed for twelve days he passed peacefully away surrounded by numerous relatives and ana friends friend william wililam edward jones was the son of jenkyn jenken jones and ann davis jones and wai was born at pont font Si SL ickell raynor parish bredon brecon shire south wales february 18 b 1824 when n eleven years of age he began an app apprenticeship rentice ship at the dowlais iron gorkov works to learn the molders trade under thet the special di dire cdon of a mr david thomaa tho when seventeen years of age hebe he became osme acquainted with miss mine mary jones who was five years his senior their acquaintance ripened into love and on the he day ot of july 1841 they were united in the holy bond of marriage sister jones is in yet living though quite feeble in this year he commenced working at his trade as an iron molder with witha a rev BOY david john who was running a small iron foundry in georgetown danshire gan shire south wales he remained in ahe employ of this gentleman tor for nine years received the gospel and was baptized may 29 IM 1848 by elder williamm Will lamm evan richards richards and confirmed a member of the church 0 of f jesus christ of latter day saints by elder william S phillips june list 1848 in 1849 he was ordained a teacher and soon after was ordained a priest and appointed to preside over the bynon tydfil branch on the day of april IW 1860 he was ordained an elder by john S davis and early in 1861 1851 was appointed to preside over the georgetown branch which position he held until 1864 when he emigrated to america on jan 1864 1854 brother jones and his wife and one child bade adieu to their many friends frienda and acquaintances in the branch over which tie ne had so faithfully laith tully presided taking the taff yale vale railway he was waa rapidly whirled along the road to liverpool england sailed from liverpool in the ship golconda cebrus february ath 1854 arriving at now new orleans carob march 1864 1854 kansas city was reached in due time when a toilsome journey across the plains in captain job smiths company was begun brother jones driving a team for the late john S davit arrived in salt lake city sept 80 1864 in obedience to counsel came to parowan carowan Pa rowan iron county utah this same year moved to pars Parag ME oonah nah ward in the spring of 1860 an and established establish eda a permanent home brother jones was counselor to bishops silas S smith and E W mcintyre respectively until 1882 when he was ordained and set apart as bishop ot the Parag oonah ward which position he held honorably and satisfactorily until his death i brother jones was a kind father a loving husband and a faithful latter day saint firm in his religious religions conviction and willing to endure anything for the gospels sake he was very kind to the poor the widow and the fatherless and would provide for them if within his power to do iio fco most of the the time during his sickness he appeared to be unconscious of his sufferings suffering Buffe rings iL at ad no time was waa there any complaint or murmuring from his lips he died in full faith and hope of a glorious resurrection with the just brother jones was waa the father of 28 chil children drAn 14 of whom and one wife have preceded precede 3 him to the spirit world two wives 6 5 sons and 9 daughters mourn his bis departure chehad he had at his death 51 grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren the funeral services were held in the ward meeting house at 10 a m fob feb 26 1897 under the direction of fader elder stephen S barton singing we shall meet each other there theire opening prayer ra y er by brother J P barton singing ing we shall meet him bye and bye the speakers were elders B R A robinson wm amo mitchell Mito hell of parowan carowan Pa rowan wm edwards chas R lyman of parowan carowan Pa rowan thomas B R owens john eyre bishop charles adams of parowan carowan Pa rowan henry leigh and francis webster of le the stake residency presidency james ib B Daven davenport pert and V B 8 barton all testifying to the integrity and sterling worth of the deceased admonishing admonia hing those who were immediately called to mourna mourn to emulate the example of a loving husband a kind father and faithful friend singing he is gone elder james adams dismissed toe the meeting thirty eight wagons carriages and sleighs followed the mortal remains of brother william E R jones to the cemetery at parowan carowan Pa rowan where lie be was laid top to rest elder charles B R lyman offering the dedicatory prayer com MARTIN HEINER MORGAN CITY 9 utah march 15 1897 hartin Heiner died at Morgan March 11 1897 1807 the funeral was hold held in the stake house march the house was decorated for the occasion and was well filled with the good people of morgan stake A short sketch of his life was read by bishop 0 B anderson words of p praise raise and comfort were spoken by elders anderson robert hoggs Tt turner irner W Q G smith fry and angus M cannon the latter president of the salt lake stake he had ha known father heiner for over forty years and delivered an impressive and comforting address the occasion was one ot of the beet beat attended and most interesting funeral services ever held in morgan stake the family wish to extend their heartfelt thanks to all who took any part in the a services cervices vices also to all that attended for their good feeling martin heiner the son eon of john heiner and anna eliza hundorf was born in the village tillage ot of holldorf dorf sax Minni ngun germany Oer many on march 1818 he be pem his young days in that land in 1889 he married adelgunde adelgunda ditzel they lived happily together and with the strictest economy they were enabled to mail aall for the land of liberty in the year 1845 they stayed in baltimore fourteen months irom from there they moved to pennsylvania father heiner working an M a farm hand and mother heiner working in the garden the first gospel sermon they heard was preached by elder jacob in 1862 1852 they were convinced of its truth as s also was their eldest daughter the three were baptized on the isab of december it being necessary to break the too tee to the ceremony on the of march 1854 father heiner was waa ordained an elder the same season reason he was chosen to preside over the union branch which was located in franklin franki 1 it county he occupied this position until il the year 1859 when with his bis wife and ton ten children lie left for the vales of utah crossing oro saing the plains in edward ed ward company arriving in aalt lake city on the day of depte september in he remained in sait bait lake valley until 1863 1868 being in destitute circumstances much of the time living on bran bread in 1868 1863 the family moved to their present home in north nonh morgan the land then aben being covered with sagebrush in 1807 1867 they bey built bolit the first rook rock house in morgan county father heiner planted the first shade trees and persuaded his neigh neighbors bora to follow his example to which is due the beautiful street mountjoy avenue in 1873 he was ordained a high priest in 1877 morgan stake was organized and father heiner was ordained a high counselor in 1893 he was ordained a patriarch by elder F M lyman each of his callings he filled with credit and honor he also filled some civil offices with credit wherever he be was known he had the name of being strictly honest As a church member he was as true as steel very strict in being up to all of his duties and taking great pleasure in serving the lord he always honored the priesthood he and mother heiner took great interest in work for redeeming their dead relatives depriving them thein selves of many comforts to send money to germany for records they got good records back for years they did considerable work and left the balance in good shape for to continue therein As a husband father heiner was loving generous and kind under all circumstances As a father he be was all that could be asked his advice was noble good and on the right side and his family express thankfulness that they were born of such noble parentage the deceased was the father of eleven children and leaves seventy four grandchildren and fifty four great grand dren making making his descendants number 18 are dead ad living ever since mother heiner died father i heiner has expressed himself as ready to go in his last illness which lasted about two weeks he bore his bis testimony a number of times heyada he had a blessing for everyone that bat called to see him at 2 thursday morning he offered up a prayer for his family and for all israel after which he dedicated himself to the lord he then went to sleep antil 11 when his spirit quietly left lef L his body without his moving a limb if he had bad lived until wednesday march he would have been 79 years old D HEINER ROSS BOSS B R ROGERS died at lima arizona march of old age row roos K R rogers sen brother rogers was born in the town of pomfret Pom chautauqua county state of new york february 11 1821 when he was eight years old his parents moved to now new york city where he lived until 1888 in the tall fall of 1837 his father became acquainted with elder parley P pratt who was then aben preaching or rather trying to get a place to preach in but had falle daud was on the g faint of leaving the city declaring that he would wash the dust from his feet as a testimony against the people there when he be was met by david W rogers the father of robert R rogers who offered him a house to preach in and a place to stop at ac as an long as he wished the offer was accepted brother rogers was baptized december 1837 by elder elijah fordham in the east river new york in the fall of he with his hia parents moved to qu lanoey ills ilia and litter later to missouri he was at nauvoo and scared in ail all the persecutions r curione ox of the saints la in illinois mee he emigrated to utah in 1850 he was sent south by president young and laid off the towns of parowan carowan Pa rowan beaver and cedar city was also sent in charge of what la is known as the white Mou mountain nain expedition and by his prompt and decisive action on one occasion saved a train of emigrants from being massacred by the indians indiana in 1876 he was called on a mission to arizona by president brigham young which like all other duties he filled with credit brother rogers has been a pioneer all of his hia life and during the almost sixty years yeara that ho he carried the priesthood of god he has h been a faithful and conRi Stant latter day saint brother rogers leaves a wife and a large family he being the fattier father of twenty six children B R L B R THOMAS WOOLSEY ka KANOSH 0 feb 7 1897 on tuesday january 5 1 1897 vr mr tb thomas mas W woolson peaceably passed assed away at the ripe old age of 91 years 2 months and i 2 days day he was born in 1805 in kentucky WO boa baptized sized into the mormon church in U taft falkof fall of 1838 and emigrated to narvoo is 1 1840 moved with the church through its persecutions left lefi his family at mount pisgah in 1846 and joined the ba tallion in the winter of 1847 tt it february he and brother john TI went back with the mail and in th 4 spring he went with the pioneers as an bt its as fort leavenworth and then 0 t pueblo then he came on and agerto overtook a the company coming with it to 60 lake in the tall fall he went back to winter quarters and in 1852 he to utah and has lived here ever binm he married mary bird tor for his first firs WOW wink at nauvoo he married julia joua H both his wives passed away before he leaves a large lare family he wall father of twenty seven children ataop grandchildren grand children had seven great grand children and one gi great grandchild he lived the 4 its latter day saint and died in good and in the hope of a glorious rii tion wooi s ISABELLA PRATT PRICE sister isabella Pratt Price daughter george and margaret nelson pratt bratth tH WW born october 1824 1821 iu in ar ari in aw yorkshire england and was ba bapty into the church of jesus christ of w day saints at Brad bradford tord by priest 0 chy taylor april ath 1848 and con the next day by elder joseph beeca she sailed from england together W the Saint 8 on the ship J james ames POW penns october mcd 2nd and reached new 0 ottlia nov 1850 she died full in 10 t faith atthe gospel at her residence mill creek thursday Feb february rurY y 1897 leaving three sons sona and two SWO dm tars with their posterity to mour tt departure when hen elder erastus snow wax ww as his way to denmark in 10 abo received a blessin blessing under bb hands in which te he stated a w should go to mount zion and be a thereon these words puzzled her considerably sider ably as then she had not he heard OW word about baptism tor for the dead ON prophecy however has been Jul fulfilled filled as she left her native country 6 few months later and since her arria arlt st in these valleys has performed a awk wow in the temple for all her ancestors whom who names she could obtain on her mothers side she could get gei but little Inform adm A all she could learn was the oft repeated t statement that they were of the family as admiral ad lord nelson OOM |