Show opposition TO MORMONISM KIRK kiric road wishaw scotland march butch x 1897 we herewith send a few items of our experience ot of late in this part the first intimation we had of any rious opposition was an item in one of the local news papers which reads as idl tows for over a year a deputation of mor owns mons latter day saints have beet been prosecuting their cause and interests in this als and the neighboring district sas well as over the whole britain the various deputations are changed at inter intervals valo wt their crusade is being prosecuted without intermission in the summer months of last year the propagandist ad and controversialist aspects of themis the mission were shown in the weekly meetings mch took place at garrion gamon bridge particularly on the sabbath afternoons the mission ot of the aiace then has been prosecuted more specially in and around the religious meetings of recognized christian bodies ift wishaw and district one minister in id the district at whose church several of the mormons cormons made a point of being present pl ament frequently took the opportunity of af informing all whom it might concern that while he was pleased to see all and there as worshipers he distinctly objected to hit bis church and meetings be tilt mg made a ground of mor daboda arons ar or others irrespective of this the efforts of the J deputation in this quarter as von er as other have not been without less in id respect of inducing yo young im w wo 16 th emigrate to one or other 0 of their Ms settlements in in america ameil we estand wd that a batch of some twenty five young women irom from the surrounding districts left by a recent steamer for mormon settlements on wednesday evening an indi indignation nation naion wall t meeting was held in hermon hall Cambus cambusnethan ne tt an it was thoroughly anti mormon in its character and was vehemently addressed by several gentlemen who denounced the mormon propaganda A strongly worded resolution against the mormons cormons and their crusade here was proposed and adopted the anti mormons announced another meeting for the friday following at the appointed time four of us appeared at the hall door and applied for admission which after some parleying parl eying was granted on condition that we would promise to behave ourselves and only speak when we were asked to do so we told them that we were gentlemen 1 and knew how to behave ourselves as such we were then escorted into an auti anti room but later to the body ot of the hall and sat about the center of the congregation the meeting then began by singing and nd prayer the prayer entreated th the lord to turn us from evil ways way that we might turn and trust in jesus and be saved the speaker told the lord he knew we were emissaries of the devil come to them as angels of light and asked assistance in ridd ng the country of this accursed mormonism then came a song abong which had bad been composed for the occasion this was first sang as a solo by one of the leaders of the lea ue and then at his request the whole congregation sang it then a mr waddle who claims to one mining camp to another in montanna Mon tanoa and co other er oi of the states and also to have visited utah and to haleing been in salt lake city twice stepped into the pulpit and read and explained a tract one of which had bad been handed to each of the congregation as they entered the hall ball it is made up of misstatements by the reverend T de witt talmage and an appeal to join the anti mormon crusade during the meeting the promotes promote s gave each another tract giving an alleged but very untruthful history ot of the mountain meadow massacre this was also an extract from the reverend T de dewitt witt balmages Tal mages writings after talking forever for over two ho ursand hours and bringing every accusation against the latter day saints that could possibly be learned from news papers and books they then became personal and pointing to us called us liars thieves robbers and murderers and tried in every way to get the people to throw us out but in this they failed they then closed their meeting and gave us five minutes in which to answer the accusations they had made elder P G johnston arose and denied the untruths un truths that had bad been told and bore a powerful testimony ot th the truth of the work in which we are engaged and in that five minutes we made more friends for us than our accusers had made in their two hours speech making for themselves the alii anti cormons mormons then gave notice that they would hold bold another meeting on the following friday evening during the week we got word we would not be allowed in the meeting so we wrote to glasscow glass row to brother william leggat who came out in the evening and went to the wetting melting just a few mom ants ahead of us and was allowed in without a dissenting voice as he was a stranger when we reached the hatt hall they asked us what we wanted and we told them we wished to attend the but they told esthey us they would allow no one in the hall ball that was not against mormonism so we had the pleasure pleasure of returning home birther leggat being a stenographer took down their speeches and in an hour after the meeting closed we had the full account of what was said and done during the meeting they organized the league which requires a pledge against the mormons cormons from each one waw join the he society tte the league has been the means of closing all the halls in the district agai against aLst us si we are unable to hire any in in which to hold bold meetings but in a short time we will be able to hold meetings on the street comers and we will not be slow in lem embracing bracing the opportunity the elders in this conference are all eijo enjoying ying good health and are earnestly estlY engaged in spreading prea ding the gospel among the people your paper comes regularly and is always made welcome HARVEY HARVBY E COLTRIN ROBERT CAMERON |