Show WESTERN NEWS ITEMS john pioneer of helena montano montana dropped dead on saturday from heart disease toe the colorado papers note that a carload of threshing machines ma chinea passed through that state abate last week on en route to salt lake city some borne of the colorado papers are jubilant over the fact that they bey have fla a governor with a veto they think be Is a friend in ia need with the present legislature there I 1 glenwood colo avalanche we elected a mayor last sprint nir about a year ago this thie time guess be has died the way some parts of the town smells he must aalst have been burled buried with in the city limits yes yea he be was the board of health Theop bilus buck a tanner went insane lit at santa cruz cal cali on wednesday night nigh and committed sulfide by shooting himself mrs 0 W ferris widow of the I 1 late 0 W ferris fearls constructor of the great grat ferris wheel died suddenly at her home borne in riverside cal monday night might three ban francisco guests attebe gilroy hot springs Ba rings cal ca recently felled alive a live oak tree a foot to in diameter by firing bring rifle balls into the trunk the job consumed 60 worth of ammunition and much time emille emilie robert a butcher at bakersfield cal committed suicide on OD wednesday by cutting his throat with a ras r he became despondent through long idleness it is in reported from elk mountain colorado CoJo rado that bat the snow to in from live five to lieven even feet deep there being more snow at that point than at any time to in oil 11 II t the be past people are said to be traveling on anew shoes oboes and wagon 8 will be of little use uie before the first of may on tuesday night the los angeles city council alier after a series of prolonged se eclody eclo sione DB rejected two miles of asphalt paving on main street in that city the result of the long controversy was a surprise to everybody because the contractors were supposed to have everything headed beaded their way ift BT PAUL march 29 maj geo white of the united states army or my died at his home in tola this city today as a a of a fall fail on the treet street lost last week which revived an ailment of a loog st tac mading white originated the idea of having birthday made a legal holiday minneapolis being the ant irate tate to enact snob a law white was wai a native of served during the war in beltha s battery ot of chicago first artillery afterwards warde entered the regular army and woore waa re tired dec 15 1890 alz specimens of rare plants ordered by kew gera ons england are ov exhibition at the establishment of the national acclimatizing association iu in santa baota barbara col cal they will soon start on their long journey to represent santa barbara in the largest botanical boton boto loal gardena in the world portland ore oregonians oregonian Ore gonian daniel whalley Wn alley a fireman on an engine of the north pacific coasts railway was severely burned by blazing oil wednesday afternoon at ban amel mo cal whalley was pouring the oil into a can when it ignited and exploded his hie may prove fatal in the superior eu court at modesto Mode eto cal tuesday morning the judge granted a decree of foreclosure in the action of john nicholls a dutch flat barker against george vivian for after the order had bad been made it was learned that vivian had died in this city three hours belore before the order was made the death ot of vivian complicates cates the litigation st johns arizona herald apos apoi ties john henry smith and reber heber J grant of the mormon Church arrived in st johns baat an thursday irom from snowflake navajo county smith and grant are on en a tour of inspection of the various mormon settlements of this territory having just juat come from those thole in Mario Marlo opa and graham counties the gentlemen are now on their feir way back to 0 their homes in salt lake city utah john obreen len the old man who was waa burned at the residence dence of his bia daughter mrs carrie ingram in oakland cal ten tea days day ago died friday morning mornine it was waa at first supposed that obrien had been attacked in his bia room by thieves but it la Is generally understood that while attempting to light a lamp he met fire to the bedding he was waa terribly burned and was unable to give a lucid account of the affair deputy coroner harry quell 0 0 of j oakland cal met with a serious accident aident friday while engaged in embalming a body the rubber tube connecting with the tank contain container ir g the embalming fluid became detached and we the liquid squirted into Quel quellia Qu ellna injo face causing the victim to writhe with paio pain he was waa taken to the be hospital where an examination showed bowed that the right eye was so badly burned by the solo add that it will be impossible impo wible to save eave the sight eight the lett left eye while also injured by the fluid can be saved plans plana have been completed and work W will III begin at once on an elaborate pleasure resort at oak park sacra mento cal which will be one of tbt tb most complete of KB its kind on toe coast the grounds will contain a baseball park a three lop lap bicycle track a grand stand feet long with ten tea rows of seats a theater and amusement hall capable of seating beating 1600 people a skating rink clubroom SM res laurant tau teu rant raut grounds for trap rap shooting scooting snoot ing and a range prescott ott arizona courier A placer miner brought in from willow creek a few days daya ago three nuggets worth 2250 16 and aad 10 which are picked up on top of the ground roand willow creek flown flow from a northwesterly di through the northern tub of prescott ott and has never been a co ordered a placer gold tream stream thoo nuggets have been found on ila igo ban bagni and in it bed from atom time to time th nuggets recently found were elk by action of flood water without d doubek uw there are many promising gold goedd quarto um claims near the head waters of willow U creek I 1 elmore idaho bulletin mr mrs mra J li do de haven came in farci f their sheep beep camp yesterday brim with them a human skull that one their borders found a few days aya i near what is known as aa the cottony woods about fifteen miles from be berte on the grand view road some ot of other bones of a skeleton were fo near by also aleo a number dumber of panf do gif ba tons tone and a low lew shreds bleds of clila 0 b nothing could be found that aba a furnish any clue as to who the us follow fellow we wae old timers timen AM afa certain that they are the remains ota ot a prospector named forayth Forby For byth tb for thirteen years it la Is said aid the santa pe ball company la is determined to go wea break w records for transcontinental trave laaL on april lot lit will inaugurate a me odo hour schedule Bobe dule for their ak baur fornia limited 9 between los loa ainswo and chicago this makes a out or of owl hotly twelve boump the days day or leaving will be changed from days day and thursdays to tuesdays edw Satur saturdays daye and instead of night the train rain will tart stara on ita if into reaf W at 8 in the morning in ordera reach chicago and st lour louls in allt f X morning too cut will be made mad IV increasing the speed between 11 ij angeles and kansas city pocatello Poo atello idaho herald marcha the entertainment given at up ml mormon tabernacle last jaet W B traded an aa many it not more than any similar affair boa baa done close mr some bome time the tabernacle was wai daod 2 1 with peon lo 10 and irom from the atten and frequent applause there la in no n 1 but that it was wai an artistic as aa well as financial success the program WM was quite lengthy consisting of lafr all aa olo duets rao ana quartets quartet recite eions a dagro music and ended with an with the exception of a few MINIM laci pente and slight alight bitches that bew in most mont entertainments entertain menta or ef this thib maa it can be clammed as aa a very good armb aja I 1 tear performance there was wai a einera inera or less jesa degree or proficiency but bat aluk al an interesting Inter eating program was waa K X dered 1 the spring farming operations la gestern nebraska Neb come came termination saturday event everi lug bg wa regular march blizzard arrived A aft am snow now fell most ot of sunday led by heavy wind it broft tn bard the warm weather of toe the II 11 week had bad removed most moil of she he ft art from the ground and we the fars famore MA commenced to plow the pel for crops crop this year are very the ground Is la in excellent many of the old larmen farmers say ay that tea 00 ground was never known to te be la isi better condition A larger acreage st small email grain will be planted this tale year than ever before the corn crop VO also ako be large the acreage of alfaba will be doubled the price ot uw kis la jig increasing rapidly conse jon t on the abe very tory largely galy I 1 depressed Iner Der eased essed doad dead dod ded d all ot of the desired id irrigated of the counties have n I 1 in 0 some auto and inquiries are being made ry day for or such places to rent redl ithe ahe san jose col cal police arrested iTo tuesdays caday four boye V who r ran D away Q san ban francisco they range 0 12 2 to 14 years yea and aad had bad started in cowboy style they y are now ing la in the city prison for their for them the ants to send bend young do not have much to nay bay so BO far e da not only cast down by their L bu but fearful of the meetings A must dome with their parents parente mr rive give their names as charles me tow abst joules tooney james duffy 1301 bernard cabara babara according to 10 cali an be ba gathered from the boys boye frova from ahe be knowledge the police jim ame mes teaney stole irom from lather father this money ney ne he divided jl hist bit chums bums and each bought 1 a purse cartridges by the indred adrea and between them a rifle boye yo rigged themselves out Is in filled their beote with idael buckled their to their abd asbe order to march was they hey intended to hunt for ma A dispatch from victoria B ca C that shat cattlemen of the Int interior erlo a are re shot abort of fin feed ed and herds herda are ing iff famed turned bout out every day to starve i y over fifty per cent of the oat cat acate perl pell Ded ened this thie winter has baa 0 one of the longest and most moat f la in we experience of the coun the took of teed feed last laai was lor for ordinary circum it was waa too short abort to last tf Oa sin nadian adlan pacific railway la Is ut af jo befit for abe ranch and has hae afa a an emergency rate on all kinds kinde raj goinie into the interior botti anu straw at raw are belog shipped into farming ing districts around victoria iSter fario merB ners having sold most moet of thell t early in abe fall not anticipating JB I 1 a long winter the fact act that a iBM keli larger jarger acreage of grain wa wai bowed sowed imao year r 1 on lands heretofore grass grain iao 0 made I a shortage of bay price of all kinds of feed la in rapid ly UPS owing to blockades on OB the S many carlo carloads aus which were from the east are delayed and atto d been n the abe ruin of more that than aa gan rancher or as aa his cattle in ib the moan mean ute h bad tu to be turned out oat to perish t at Clin clinton tol the con f of the she oatlie raising district ol of B k columbia stood at 17 degrees irabon zero last jost wee week k I 1 audit aud it was snow jiff and blowing a gals gale reports from ten say may that there is in no hope oi 01 ipg mpg more than shari 25 per cent of the 40 auie bon on the he ranges ally and aad flors flora BOM two children alko were re taken from their heir christian P parent by abe buys and aad girls arbs because ot of lil ill treatment ware als disposed posed of by the county court coun attly the older elder child was award 1 to the care of a family where she I 1 promised good cares care and the parents ua be allowed to see nee her occasionally 5 yo child was returned return eu home if another complaint is entered abe parents pare the court will ex 44 T as its ir lind and remove her AM aki parona parent are frank fraak miller and minnie miller miller idiller to 19 the stop step father of the children it adems that he believed his hia stepdaughters daughters step possessed sed of the devil and be threatened to karap one of them to the floor and choke the evil one out of her bar the family rod and all their neighbors were to in court while w bile testimony ei was waa being given about the strange actions of the lanati oal parents parent who refused to let their obi chi dren go to school did not give them sufficient food to eat suds aud it is alleged beat one girl until she was in a rightful f state the millers millen who appeared appear ou on their own behalf denied most moat all ol of the assertions why gowby did not you wish your children to go to school schooly l was wai one of the questions put to miller by judge northup 1 I kept them out of sebooh Bo hooi lie he salu because it was godys gods will and because the bible says the wisdom of mao man is foolishness to god 10 miller said thin aba t whatever was waa done was waa at the lierde Is special instance and request reque at both man and wife appeared fairly intelli Int elii gentt gent but trio wile bore all the evidences of the most moat confirmed re legious fanatic evidence was introduced showing that the parents had nearly cl the two girls on rice and milk A A younger baby mrs miller said was of a pure spirit be cause it was god gods while the two girls belonged to satan miller said that he would food feed his hie children ob aldrien meat 11 devils devilla most meat L they call it 11 it if allowed to take the girls back |