Show ANOTHER HOLY ALLIANCE alliances 4 it reports report are to be credited the re jull cult of the cretan trouble so 0 far Is 1 the dlo laUon of the triple alliance and the ithe formation of a now new compact between russia germany and austria Au atria vide this means consolidation of arms arme bend nd interests on a oasis boale never before gem een in the of the world a combination for the purpose of dirtat int ing the policy of the me real krestof of europe tor lot years yean to come it places the fate of a continent humanly hu marly speaking peaking in he be hands bands of three men two of whom as gladstone recently said laid are without and unfit to be lenders leaden ol of men according to a berlin dispatch the aims aima of the now new alliance are to preserve the peace for the benefit of germany to lot let turkey decay gradually it falls into the lap of Ru to 10 assure to austria at the moment of e turkeys fall the harsburger Haps burger ger dyna share hare in the land and sea ea coast of the moslem rulo other considerations are exerting their influence on the negotiations w b lob for two weeks week have hare been hurried harried along between st petersburg vienna and berlin they are arc the fate of deserted italy the de operate dei mood of isolated prance france and the probable oba irrin of england there must be provisions to meet the surprises which may cosy arise at any moment from such open questions so as alsace lorraine the sublime porte the unsettled principalities of the balkans and the bankrupt c of et greece the general gereral stipulations stipulation of tile the agreement among the three empires as they hey have been proposed in be last few days day and as an they will be red ered at the be meetings of the emperors this spring and summer have bare takei form to be outlined it will support russia in her bar Poli policy cyin in asia and help herto her to gain the dardanelles Darda nelles so as to threaten eg ee E e landa route to te india the suez canal it will overwhelm the so 0 o that thai he will find and no escape from carrying out the be orders of the three powers are nearest and read readiest lest to enforce their commands with the word sword for germany the alliance would mean about the same me as the triple alliance that in going to pieces germany provides provider only for buela las and austria iala neutrality should france receive aid from italy or england as ae might be the case came iu in a over ovar a r of the transvaal Tran val question quest ioD both austria and russia would come to nor her reecie onoe once rid of bussian Bussi ae b antagonism the young emperor feela confident of his hia ability to smite hiie france midgle edgle hence he be lc lb willing milling to pay a high price to isolate the great republic for austria the consideration in the now new alliance to la the eventual eren trip strip ol of sea aea coast and a passive russian policy in berria bulgaria rod aud montenegro when turkey falls fair apart russia to r to stand with germany la in deman demanding dinu for austria land and water enough to make the he Hapa burger monotony mon a v rest reat mediterranean sea power Fin finally allys burgia to la to discountenance tug tue pan agitation of her bar agents among the slavs slav of 0 we the austro H hungarian Huu u garian empire such it to la stated to li the general out lice or of the now new triple alliance to be formally filled out alter after the emperor have bad the conference contemplated me spring and ummer summer months it la Is justly regarded As a 1 political move hat ahot will ink she he rest real ol of europe lato into insignificance the formation format hn of this thia alliance and lit ito pum bring to mind the agreement signed in 1815 by the he rulers of the same stater the emperors of austria and russia and the king of 0 prussia known to history as we he holy alliance in the pro amble to this document the he declaration cl was solemnly made that the purpose of the agreement was wab no other than to make it known to the world that the three pledged themselves to govern their notates otates both with regard to the interior administration and their foreign policy according to the Instructions of the holy religion of jesus the law of love and peace only it says bay shall hall influence the prince in all their decision deor lona and ad them in their paths beoda theme theae are the only means whereby human be consolidator and imperfections remedied ao an cordingly the three monarchs monarch were to consider oo Bilder one another as aa brethren united by inseparable bonds of leveir love inhabiting one country and under obligation to aid one another in every emergency they were to sot act only instruments in the bonds bandi of ef the almighty acknowledging that hat the goe atalee in fact were subject to no other ruler then than him who has haa all power in heaved and od on earth Fin finally allys every ruler te in europe was invited to subscribe to ibis ibia oo venant hut which all did with the do of the thea sultan ultan of ef turkey and tb the depope T the be world known know that hat the holy affiance remal remained ned a deara dead letter standing tandl ng the exalted alm aim of Us it founder to the results of he combination we he future alone can re teal |