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Show APRIL 21, 1987 TUESDAYDAVIS COUNTY CLIPPER, HI LOST & FOUND WHITE PERSIAN CAT INDOOR LOST cat, declawed, spayed, we German Longhaired Shepherd in North Salt If Lake area found please call 292-457- 9 DELIGHT INSTRUCTIONS TUTORING V school YOUR child a home away from home 1 4 yrs exp All ages welcome It's the best call you will make Call GIVE 421-42- 3 covered Bountiful bus routes, $299 00, 421-43- 292 9535, $325 00 324- 298-220- PIANO keyboard method play with ew rapidly-n- count, Read, 13 popular teacher. 3893 South 725 West Sept sleeps eight, fall colors kitchen, 7 $4 100 Call now tor acepting students 1987 (all registration For information 416-42- Tabernacle Choir with has music degree openings Linda Zeeman OF ft ORGAN PROGRAM levels advanced Franklin Eddings, M UMTA-MTN- Ed Certified AGO for M A Preschool and Kgtn program. techniques used in teaching the children the 3 R's plus music, Spanish, arts and crafts, etc Happy children are good learners. Small classes. Mornings 295-629- 1 5 afternoons EXCELLENT NEW LESSONS LESSONS 292-814- classes for artistic 6 students Tuesday 30. Beginning April 28th. $4 per session. Carma Hart art instructor Call 295-426- 9 416-42- 3 after 4 00 2 smokers, hookups, pets contact Session washer, disposal, extra storage $360 00. 909 6 W 4100 S. No. 4, 1 clean, attractive 1 bedroom in Available May 1. Great location - must see $235 00. No pets, 2 smoking, drinking 4 bedroom apt. $349 heat paid, washer-dryhookups, air dishwasher, condition, LARGE for Jeannette 421-43- 295-229- 2 covered disposal, 0 No smoking, no parking pets 550 N Mam, Bountiful apartment. Spaoous and spotless, air, covered parking. New 414- - garden spot, upstairs. Really nice $300 mo 244 E. 4th South. We do not ever 8 rase the rent 414-43- 0 Call after 8 00 duplex, NSL, laundry hookups, swamp cooler, disposal, carport, 4 $295, no smokers, 414-2- Pheasantbrook, 4 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY QUAINT 1 bdrm. bdrms, 3 bath, family room, fireplace, air conditioning. garage, private end unit Bonded Realty $225 duplex, newly decorated Ideal for singles & 2 $350 newlyweds. bedroom, fireplace, patio, Park Place condo. Rent includes gas. 7 Dawson Real Estate 295-407- 3 $650 421-2- 2 NICE, CLEAN CONDO IN BOUNTIFUL. 2 bedrooms, basement, covered parking, pool. Call $375 per month 421-42- 3 FREE HEAT New 2 months bedroom apts. Free cable T V., carport, exerase, $98-43047-5- 7 spa, pool 1ST 2 BEDROOM large living room and kitchen, pool, LESSONS Piano, viola. 25 years teaching experience 295-106- 1 Bountiful High 421-52- 0 area tennis, covered parking, 4 air cond. $340.00 violin, MOVE IN TODAY! 2 TOWNHOUSE bedrooms, FLUTE, CLARINET, Saxophone, and bassoon lessons taught by a woodwind specialist 1 washer-drye- r pool. Call bath, 414-5- 298-010- paid $380 after 5 7 BEDROOM APT., $250. Very nice, good location. Call TWO BEDROOM $200 TWO BEDROOM by Colonial Square. $200. Approx 2600 South 500 West. Close to bus and work6 30, 414-43- 0 2 LARGE, Btfl.NSLC. carport, very $285. Call bedroom, 2203 TWO Call immediately nice conditioning, after 6 30 p m. Call 3 washer-dry- rent. $495 per month. Three bedrooms, garage, air TOWNHOUSE garage, STATE AUTHORIZED STRUCTURED activity and townhouse VERY IVY or 9 9 4 2 BEAUTIFULLY redecorated 2 bedroom, air, free rent for a month. Large rooms $270 00, learning, lunch, snacks, easily acage, cessible. LDS Far421-43- 0 6 mington. any LOVE to tend your children ges 2 and up Near JC Penny's Call 421-43- 0 Brenda 295-348- SWIMMING PRIVATE room for female with high standards in home. terrific Farmmglon Big yard. Lots of TLC and one on 451-03one Call care APARTMENTS TWO BEDROOM 1 apart- ment, newly refurbished, 1000 sq. ft Great lor families wd 3500 So. ps Orchard $310 month, 298-103Property Systems, Management B 331-42- 3 SOMEONE to tend 3 infant 3 days week area. 30-- 5 00 NSL mo 298-086- Call about our low FOR RENT 421-42- 2 NEED 2924327 421-2- 2 Tree Cable TV WD Hookups Sauna, hot tubs, rec. room and fitness room Families Welcome 2 bedroom for only $269 Hookups, private near 5 Points patio, 47-5- 5 3 Mall COZY rates W. townhouse bedroom apartment, air, carpet, stove, drapes, fridge, No storage mo. r washer-drye- pets $300 or Call 9 414-42- 2 2 BEDROOM townhouse IVY bath, range, AC, frig , unfin bsmt. 706 N 400 W No 4, $345 Kaysville per month Call FARMINGTON 298-761- 421-42- 3 ONE BEDROOM, ideal location, fenced 4 backyard $235 00, if you mow lawns 421-42- 3 $200 2 bdrm. bsmt. apt. in Farmington. New carpets, hookups, storage, large yard, great view. $335. ONE BEDROOM 429 AVAILABLE LOVELY, MAY hookups, W-- carport, family neigh- borhood Good freeway 421- - 298-102- bedrooms. Call I parking. location. 2 BEDROOM TWO WINDGATE AmenitJe- s1 Bedroom 1 Bath with Loft 2 Bedroom2 Bath AvaNable 2030 South Main Street Bountiful, Utah 84010 292-556- 5 leave 7 message N 421-5- CLEAN TWO BDRM. S.L. GREAT location, near park & tennis, air, pool, clubhouse, free cable, 1 yr. lease, last month Iree $295 & $285 421- 4 429 TWO BEDROOM basement apartment with den and storage Large $270-m- BEDROOM ments. $305, 2 location. fireplace, garage, brick, completely fenced yard Close to high school and Kay Collmgs 295-414Larsen Realtors W) 414- - 236. 298-- 1 2 BEDROOM, 3 bath main family, no smoking, 7 no pels. $625. Jeff, Cook Realtors 421-2- 2 FOUR 421-5- 3 BEDROOM $379. IN ALMOST new 4 Back off road. plex. Washer hookups. & window, carpeted hvingrodm 315 00, all utilities paid. $200 cleaning deposit Non smokers 298 7974 421 429 dryer Air cond. Carpel, drapes. Range, dishwasher, disposal. 10 min. Irom airport and downtown Salt Lake City. 3527 So. Highway 89 m Bountiful No smokers or pets 295-822- 9 - - 298-493- $550 three bedroom, fireplace, living, dining, cooler, huge basement, carport, storage shed, fenced yard, quiet corner, after 4 p m. 430 view. Realty 7 - 421- 2 BR $50,900 nice view pm 7 298-741- 7 for bedroom rent. Large $275. Nice 2 bedroom $300. New 2 bdroom townhouse $355. Call 544-556- 8 and leave (or message pointment 292-347- Haven 6 STEAL. RENT DONT townhouse beautiful new Clean, pliances include paint washer dryer. Large 1 VY rooms, baths, No pets or storage, smokers $340 month & Deposit gas & lights home, bath, buy 4x60 mobile 1 2 bedroom, 1 hookups, W-- 421-51- 3 3 home, baths, bedrooms, 13 stove & refrigerator, ator, double carport. Call appointment. 14X70 bah KAYSVILLE to-a- n 331-43- 0 LAKES home, RENT TO OWN 3 bdrm. twin home in Country quiet Kaysville. kitchen, 1 V baths, large 1 NEW patio, 421-43- 0 421- - 295-237- $495M0NTH after pm. Call 5 6 MOVING. MUST mobile home in RENT $500 this 4 IVY bath bedroom Has lull rambler. basement, tenced yard & is close to shopping & Dawson Real schools Estate 430 bedroom. 2 Direct from builder. Gary Lakewood Inv. sell, good condition, pool, tennis, double carport, fenoed yard, Camelot. $11,500 421-43- 0 Jan 298-922WHY PAY .25 OF AN Acre. Best Eastside Bench Price. View and trees. Reduced to $21,500. Owner says sell!! Call bee 292-500Benchmark Real Estate Co. 421-42- 9 298-346- or machine suites Copy and telphone answering service available. Lowest prices in Bountiful. 481 So. 400 East. Lakeview Professional Center 295-961- pet-421-43- 0 Brokers VY ACRE Fruit Heights-$20,0- east Convenient; Ireeway Please cail anytime. 331-43- ol 4 00 for zoned animals. Won't last long at this price. Call Charles or Pro Brokers 295-510- AN John Dawson 295-237Dawson Real 8 Estate 4 Call MOBILE HOME FOR SALE bath with garden, tub and shower. Large kitchen with snack bar. $12,500. Call or Warehouses RENT Ideal exit Reasonable GREAT 298-810- 321-531- or 600-150- shops. area 295-448- 1 9 4 DUPLEX Buy Only $53,900. Each unit has 2 bdrms., range and Bountiful refrigerator. location Hurry? Geo. Lynda 298-424Oaks Canyon Realtors 298-342- 4 SHARED OFFICE SPACE SPLIT 1485 square foot office iwth me. You pay 324-43- 0 Income. 2 9. KVAWAW.V.W 1 $11,280 yearly separate Sacrifice Carports, meters $79,900. pay Will fees, refinancing contract. 295-911- 414-51- 4 BOUNTIFUL, lot or home $25,000 equity. 10 No percent financing closing costs 298-555- 8 Trade 14x70 2 bedroom, ENCLOSED STORAGE AND R.V. SPACES $8 00 PER month xnd up. MAKE ME OFFER $57,500 AND priced to sell Duplex with rents ol $575. Drive by 20 West 700 North, Bountiful. ' $400 and provide secretarial help Davis County, Horse property, view lots, All price ranges. Call Pro 421-42- 3 cleaned. Large painted yard, family room, dishwasher, air conditioning, garage. Close to schools 7 & stores. Call 0 292-288- 2 newly no OFFICE SPACE SINGLE OFFICES BEST SELECTION of lots in rent tor your trails' space Lots tor sale in Westwoods Pud Park, 1200 W. 500 So , Woods Cross Owner will carry contract. Only 5 left, $13,000. 10 percent down. 421-42- 3 trailer two balh. 6 Moving out of state. luxury extras. Co 34 8 4 view from Bountiful. 421-51- 3 GREAT LOT gorgeous lake, East bench, Prestigious Hills area. Maple Southern exposure. Drive by and see at 1373 E. Chokecherry Or $35,000. 298-534- 3 VIEW Large kitchen, bar. $12,500. 9 or 298-810- of 295-237- Centerville 2 BEDROOM, 1 with garden tub and shower. transfer list complete properties distribution or 544-890- 4 JOB forces me to sell for less than paid Fully improved. 373 East 650 South, Farmington. Discount tor $22,500. 421-52- 0 cash. , covered carport, access to whirlpool, swimming, tennis Located Camelot NSL. Only $11500. 298-901- 6 331-42- 1 4 LOCATION Layton. 2 Bdrm. 4 plex apt. - Bus stops in front Info. refrigerator, car awning 0 BEST school across street. Shopping Center 4 blks. - swimming pool & city park 4 blks Three mm to Mill Field. All this and no crowds. Call me at 544 8123 lor more range, Adult Park. FARMINGTON 4 BEDROOM 1 dishwasher, 14x70. Wood 421-43- 0 LAYTON AREA SEVERAL Apartments bath, double $12,800. 69 ACRES Kaysville. Buy all or part. BARGAIN LAYTON subdivision lot, one-thir- d acre, 421-5- 6 4 $15,950. VA MUST SEE 2 bdrm. HEIGHTS deluxe 2 Call' sell!! Call Bee Benchmark Real Estate 421-42- 9 8 Co. BUY -- RENT -- LEASE tor YOU'RE Looking retail, office - warehouse or commercial space, call Dawson Real Estate for 295-341- 6 2 - IF HOME lots, Woods a few left. Cross, plus gas and electricity. 544-9- 1 50 after 6 $150- 298-564- MOB air cond. $370 bedroom duplex. Drive 324-43- 0 LARSEN REALTORS -- 3 bedroom, of home. main level Double garage, washer-drye- r, FRUIT 414-5- 7 6 421-5- evenings n 4 .25 OF AN Acre. Best Eaststde Bench Price. View and trees. Reduced to $21,500. Owner says 421-42- 2 295-341- South Fireplaces, wallpaper and some furniture. Take all 2400 square feet, a section, or just one room. $1600 per month 800 sq ft. just $400.00. Marv 292-288- 2 office space 416-42- 3 Recreation baths rom. Kay Collings, 295-414Larsen Realtors, Centerville, Badger-Jense- Oakridge 2VY townhouse Farmington area, garage, basement. Walk to church, yard, NEW SALTY PROFESSIONALLY BOUNTIFUL VIEW tot oak covered. Price slashed to sell immediately. 3577 East Lacey p m. 681 Way, North Salt Lake. Forever view1 Beautiful architecture, 4 bedrooms 298-064- 5 ' great decorated 500 SUNDAY 3 30 to 7 OPEN swamp this miss OFFICE BUILDING BY OWNER $31 0,000 107 North Main, Bountiful, 295-726- 6 47 423 buy1! HOUSE 4. 47 55 4 $28,500. LOT 84X112 near 15th North and 800 East. Beautiful unobstructed OPEN BOUNTIFUL commercial, renovated bedrooms, $110,000 9 5 percent. Will trade 295-430- 5 equity, 298-743- 2 414-5- 7 Dont NEW 2 BR townhouse Centerville, Farmington area, garage, basement. Walk to church, yard, nice view $50,900. 429 4 BEAUTIFUL 4 plex, zoned n BOUNTIFUL EAST BENCH $18,900 LARGE view lot in the Hills subdivision. You can buy on contract. 295-341- 6 421-2- 260 S. Main, Plaza, Bountiful. Contact Lee 295-554- 8 331-52- 8 Duncan $28,500. LOT 84X112 near 15th North and 800 East. Beautiful unobstructed $46,900 or offer. loan OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE now at Duncan buy1! Assumable bedrooms 331-42- 3 8 BOUNTIFUL EAST BENCH $18,900. LARGE view lot in the Hills subdivision. You can buy on contract. Don't miss this great 2 PROPERTY if 414-43- 0 Badger-Jense- COMMERCIAL OFFICE SPACE for lease. 465 So. 200 W Excellent location, call 298-263- 6 aty approval, landscape view. Realty Mark Morgan 414 422 m FOUR-ple- x BOUNTIFUL lot. Great location. Plans 2 CONTINENTAL TOWNHOUSE. Condo, bedroom, $310. Carpet, air, disposal, kids 0 k., 4200 South, low utilities. 298-797- 6 CLEAN upgraded unil $295. Utilities furnished. No pets Call 295-309- Apt. 421-43- 0 TWO BEDROOM VERY Convenient Open fridge, ALL UTILITIES 2 Covered efficient. 421-42- 3 storage, access 430 W-floor plans. hookups, dishwashers, air conditioned Energy 2 Centerville apartment. Smm Peeple live la AparttMifi While Others live la Style PEBBLE CREEK NEW 1 & 2 bedroom family Beautiful apartments 1 SPACIOUS, bdrm. - stove, fridge, carpet, drapes W-hookup, cable, cooler. No pets 267 So 425 W. 421- Mgr C4 for details AN ADULT COMMUNITY BOUNTIFUL IDEAL Hollow Road in Kaysville Call 414-42- 3 BEST CONDO MAPLE HILLS. End unit 421-2- KAYSVILLE 321-20- Large rooms, low utilities, large grassy yard. 107 E. 2250 S , Call 487-182- 8 Bountiful. $225.00 Brian FOUR SPACIOUS FLOOR PLANS TO CHOOSE FROM Springwood Apartments 4 1230 South 500 West , 421-52- 1 street. parking, quiet East side location Ask for Roger and Bountifuls Nicest Springwood frig hookups! No smokers, no pets $255 00. 295-037- 5 after 5 pm. week-jay- s bedroom 1 washer dryer, off road $298 Great amenities. Very affordable See everything; A Springwood Apartment offers. Ten minutes from downtown. stove, duplex, Monday through Saturday 850 N. 298-744- 4 Hwy 89 NSL 7 414-42- INCLUDED ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS 9 5'A ACRES will sell all or VY Located off Mutton West Shepard Weber well, Water, fenced, horses ok, $29,500 contrxt ok. Success Realty 292-019- 8 between tennis courts and pool. 4 bedrooms, den, formal living and Now only dining $139,900. Call Century 292-4488 21 Grimshaw baths, study, double garage, superb views, require lease, references , 00.298-198- one bedroom hookups, soft water, carports with Center 298-430- 2 LOVELY executive 3 4 bedrooms, LAND FOR SALE 7 drawings. Will build you choose. Terms 4 317-ti- n 1039 Lane, 4 421-43- 0 CLEAN, two private entrances, LARGE 2 LAYTON 0 55 WOULD YOUNG LDS mother would love to tend your child in my home in $170 298-033- 8 414-51- 4 NSL 453 W. 1500 S. Bountiful, Utah r washer-drye- hookups Call bath, W&D hookup, dishwasher, disposal, air No pets, conditioning - Minutes from town POOL FOR conditioner, bedroom 2 LARGE VILLAGE - home 414-5- FARMINGTON HORSE PROPERTY! 1 ALMOST acre by Oakridge Country Club at KAYSVILLE 2 bedroom apts. In $145 295-547- 421-42- 3 Showtime 414-42- 2 LARGE jr high and city park. Only $450 per month. 775 N Chapel Drive (125 421-42- 3 OR 415-42- IN $750 school bus, church, $350 00. Convenient fireplace. location. No smoking, no 848 W pets 298-006- 8 414-42- 3 4050 So Free house, No., Bountiful, plus deposit 295-842- 5 4 bath," Larry 89 leave 9 message 295-441- 1 414-42- 3 duplex. yard, air Clean, 298-308- smokers, 1 292-300- ROOMY No drinkers or pets, apartment $350 month reduced rent for yard work and, or house cleaning. No children, smokers, pets Call 295-574- 5 before 8 am. or 421-42- 9 home, fruit trees, large yard, $350. basement 9pm BEDROOM TWO 295-547- NORTH PARK ROOM, share 171 West 14th j 421-42- 3 or 12,500 sq. ft., $15,500, $500 down 10VY percent, $150 mo. Owner -292-4- 7 agent. 292-019- WE are ANXIOUS, build ng a home. Need to sell our Lakeview condo. 2 Bdrm. 1 bath. The inside is really sharp. Also has swimming pool. Call Asking $36,900 3 5 downs, foreclosures no problem. Debt consolidation. 1st and 2nd mortgages. Capital 7 Assets, Dave EAST LAYTON SINGLE LOTS, view, all utilities underground. Weber water (irrigation). adult condo. Garden 295-041- 4 015 4 LEVEL Bountiful 7586 EAST BOUNTIFUL 2 BEDROOMS, 1 bath, 2 car garage No smokers or pets $500 per month SOUTH BOUNTIFUL TOWNHOUSE, 2 bedroom, covered IVY parking, ar. Very large rooms, close to stores, 414-42- 3 421-43- 0 PRIVATE NSL 1 415-42- 2 Swimming apartments. pool, jacuzzi, central air, free cable . Call Orchard 292-42- 5 Lane Apartments North Orchard 9791 , 2 estate Past credit problems, bank turn 49- - 292-288- FAMILY T.V. 414-42- 2 $$$M0NEY$$$ TO LOAN against gooa real 430 beauty Cable storage. AC RE Really, fireplace, carport, Quiet, cute, air cond No lot fee. Adults only 295-271- 6 months free storage in units nearby. New one and two bedroom deluxe Dr HORSE tot from $24,900 00. 1000 W. 600 N , W Bntfl. Vicor bdrm. mobile home. AND alter condo BEDROOM North Park Village. $300 month Use of pool, club house, sauna, free cable TV, no tees. Available HBO LICENSED TO tend children in my North Salt Lake home. Call 295-740- 6 $240 FURNISHED NOW GIVING FREE RENT walkout 0 421-43- 0 2 utilities FURNISHED, paid, two bedroom, 292-715- 1 shopping or after 6 2 bedroom, easy freeway access. Rick, 359-863- 8 3 -Jay 544-4- 1 55 . hook-u- Heat pm 421-52- 0 2 Vi 414-42- 2 & school, air, IVY baths. East of Orchard Drive on 8 3200 S. $450- - apt. 421-42- 3 WEST BOUNTIFUL $265. No deposit, church shopping, 1 421-42- 3 9 UTILITIES paid. 2 bedroom apt. and near schools No WD shopping No hookups pets 4 $307.00-$35- 9 00 hook-up- LARGE Bountiful townhouse, 3 bedrooms, family room, deck, extra to close parking, 421-2- ALL BDRM., CENTERVILLE, everyone else is going can carpool"... none of these are good enough reasons to short-chang- e your special child. Come see us at Centerville Academy (1248 N. Main Si., Cntvl ). . . you'll be surprised how many of and friends your neigbhors are already here1 We're waiting for S you1 Phone us at (5437). Presently signing up for fall Nice neighborhood nice yard, cious rooms, nice view. 860 E. 200 N. 544-100No smoking 415-42- 2 $425 00. MONEY TO LOAN PRIVATE LENDERS 12 78 duplex, carport, spa- location, paid gas, Please water, garbage no pets $295 00, 298-721- 414-42- Hook-up- 2 BDRM., fireplace, large Conv. BEDROOM, 2 APT., $250. Very nice, good location. 6 Call or after work 6 30, 295-547BEDROOM H 2 7.30 9 assume. to percent loan on 2 bdrm. condo in adult park in Bountiful. W-hookups, NEW 3 bdrm. KAYSVILLE 1 DUPLEX 423 NO . (531-296- CLOSING COSTS QUALIFYING required NO 421-42- 9 Dave $19,900,298-8358- $39,500 with $35,200 loan. Trade for equity 8 Jensen Realtor, 47 429 4 pointment - 13 acre oak covered lot. 1300 No. Winston, Kaysville tennis, Clubhouse, sauna, view. Quiet. for message 2 2 .24 ACRE corner lot 769 North Mtn. View Road, Centerville $19,500. 298 8014, Negotiable KING CLARION pm 1410' upgraded and leave 292-586- 5 47- Grim-sha421-2- Real Estate 428 4 CEDAR SPRINGS! 2 baths, BEDROOMS, 3 Century 21 Pam Dawson 47 421 4 ONE bedroom & water Heat apts furnished, 10 So. Main, 3 or 295-846- 5 NSL 414- - 30,292-547- LAYTON AREA SEVERAL Apartments for rent Large 1 bedroom $275 Nice 2 bedroom $300. New 2 bedroom townhouse $355. Call Call 298-059- 292-448- BEAUTIFUL Stephanie 4 30 LaPriel Wheelwright beautiful .55 acre need tmd it. 1414 East Maple Hills BEDROOMS, IVY baths, new carpet, paint and Levelors, $34,200. Call res THIS Maple Hills lot is and you don't drive to 331-42- 3 am DON'T 0 $32,000 Drive. NOW WAIT! Interest Call are rising BUY 292-966- 5 days OAK COVERED -- TWO 195-20- carpeting,No draperies, linoleum pets, tiny baby ok. 2 Centerville 292-222- 6 in Full circle view. Over .55 acre Has Reduced level driveway to $33,000 Bountiful. ACRE, lot. view Bountiful east side $16,900 for quick sale FOR SALE CENTERVILLE TOWNHOUSE 430 each. $23,000 NORTHERN HILLS AREA EXECUTIVE CONDOS 5 421- - Estate 4 3 bedroom townhouse $440 first two months half price with 6 months lease, IVY balh, covered parking, hookups, storage, W-380 N , 100 W., 414- - 3 convenience, , 423 dish- This IVY bath bedroom lull rambler has basement, fenced yard & is close to shopping & schools Dawson Real DELUXE WD Large HAYWARD APARTMENTS 2 SHARP bedroom 3 BEDROOM apt , WD hookup, BDRM Bountiful W-hookups. Cable TV Nice patio. CENTERVILLE Condo rent. Available drapes, . 451-266- 2 414-43- 4 RENT. ,$500 5 421-51- 3 423 47-5- 7 ft CUTE: CONDO in 414-42- 2 6 washer, disposal, nice yard Back off Road No smokers or pets carpet, on bus route, no Carport, extra storage No children or pets $360 2 mo $175 deposit I 295-106- - new 2 bedroom $300 00. Walk-i- n closets, 1 hookups, air cond range, fridge, dish- 6 EXCEPTIONALLY placement for fall without the out checking at Centerville program Academy. Neighborhood loyalty to friends, next MUSIC carpet, Centerville hookups, cable TV, carport, extra storage, good location in Bountiful No children or $175 pets $360mo 414- deposit. 295-456422 4 apartment. 2 WEEKS FREE RENT $37 9 3 BEDROOM apt. in almost new 4 plex, FARMINGTON CLEAN school next 1987 8 414-5- TWO BEDROOM Townhouse, $350. Large rooms, good condition. Call 292-300After swimming pool, $335 per month. April 9 rent negotiable, after 7 p m 414-51- 4 DON'T MAKEUP YOUR MIND ABOUT YOUR child's pre- door rent 292-648- 2 . CONDO Carport, TWO bedroom low utilities, apt , large grassy yard. 107 E. '2250 S $270-m- o Assist with management and reduced CONTEMPORARY bedroom SPACIOUS CONDO 314 West Center, 2 bedroom, 1 cond , bath, water paid, swimming Call pool and tennis kitty after 4 pm. 298-238- 4 ART CLASSES PAINTING AND drawing Call Deposit NICE, 421-42- 3 2 421-2- 9 no pets, covered carport, storage 298-4880 shed Call LAKEVIEW 414-5- 7 banks, church, markets, $325 mo 1 3 or required, Call heat, gas air, , pets bedroom DELUXE townhouse $360. Firs two months hall price with 6 months lease, IVY bath, storage, covered hookups, parking W-380 N 100 W, CLEAN 2 BEDROOM 2 APT. Non I cable TV hookup, carport storage, close to bus district, hookups. except lights paid. $290 per mo $100 deposit. Call 298-- 1 199 414-42- 3 instruction by teacher. experienced Near Woods Cross Elementary School, Mary bdrm 324-42- 1 298-430- 298-396- May 1. smokers, no pets Available solar two Hampton bedrooms, one bath - 2 units - resale market -new below priced $57,900 and $60,900 Great Buys!! Bob Duffin 295-252- 2 Prowswood facilities 2 URGE 2 BDRM. CABLE, hookups, kids ok, Ig yard, off street parking, clean, $295. 4 UNFURNISHED smoking 421-2- lease-optio- 3 No BEDROOM apartment $27 5 washer dryer CENTERVILLE CONDO BEDROOM, AC, FP, pool, All utilities clubhouse 7 Washer-Dry- TWO FIVE in- PRIVATE Boswell, apt. receive Viewmont 414-5- hookups Steve alter 5 30 pm BEDROOM 2711 Orchard Drive. Good economical housing $195 plus utilities Call or manager in For new new 2 or 7 2 CARRAGE CROSSING CONDOS FLOOR GROUND site On 295-337- 9 421-5- eves w-- d Call Jeff ONE 4 324-43- 0 1 PIANO Shelia at for and beginners bath condo bedroom luxury condo Beautiful view up Mueller Park or of $1200 month city 414-51- 4 9 hookups, free cable TV, spa. sauna, tot fitness room, Central playground laundry. Call Roger near Cherry Hill Newly redecorated end unit Beautiful mountain view, unor furnished furnished See at 1233 E 9915 Fruit Heights, Somerset Place Condominiums between 9 p m Monday Friday or Sat a m Available May 421-5- 6 Rentlrom$440 SUNRISE MONTESSORI termediates 0 area 2 in bedroom 415-42- 3 3 BEDROOM GIFT residents & 295-597- 9 414-51- 3 PIANO FREE leave 298-810- 4 deposit message. , 415-42- 292-120- BOUNTIFUL 2 bedroom, patio, fireplace, W-hookups, air, storage, cable, no children, pets. $380 month $175 through beginning will 02 8 1 large playground 298-501- PIANO FULL Owner 298 condo, No livingroom, kitchen, bedroom, pad, carport, tennis, sauna, exercise room $285 month plus electric. w-- d FOR RENT bedroom t Hookups-carpor- 421-2- m garbage parking, disposals. laundry wd, Call refrigerator. sloping, covered AC, Refrig MUST SEE! 14x70 mobile home with dishwasher, water softener, 140 W 3rd So , 10x26, secure, $50 00 Bonded Realty, 6 FARMINGTON APTS. FOR RENT 2 bedroom ATTRACTIVE apts $275 mo Quiet area near schools, bus stop and grocery store. 7 NORTH SALT LAKE 3 LOTS available on the Great hill. Canyonside. view. $10,000 each. BOUNTIFUL 2 LOTS NEAR Muir School. acre each. Almost ? Shallow canyon. Each go to the bottom and up the for Ideal other side BOUNTIFUL, 8 295-407- FOR young married couple with one small child. $335. view 298-059- 4 9 TERMS available on lots. Call LaPriel building 47-5- 5 299-272- 421-42- 2 shoppihg and schools One child ok. No pets Jon Before 2 30 p m and weekends 298-249- 4 per large yard, 0 convenient and paint, location Close lo leeway RENT $360 to 2 month TO hookups, storage, great 414-51- $340 buy 324-42- 3 pool, $350 FENCED YARD hookups, covered parking, 928 W. 4200 So. $100 deposit CONDOS LIVE FOR $400 A MONTH 4 324-42- 7 0 CUTE, CLEAN, ROOMY WD BEDROOM New drapes hookups 421-5- bdrm. bsml. Farmington. New carpets, 5 security guard house the entrance to belter protect your properly 5x18 5x9 $15 00 $20 00, 9x9 $25 00, 2 in apt IDEAL 1 bdrm. NEAT, COZY, Centerville condo Enjoy 3 BEDROOM IT SING MEMBER TO 416-43- opportunity. call 324-42- LEARN Equal Housing opportunity. Equal Housing 2 disposal 5 see to 421-43- 0 LARGE 421-42- 3 covered parking. Nice neighborhood, super 4 clean units NEWLYWEDS ft SINGLES Housing Authority. Near Bountiful High You must see Call FARMINGTON Apts, dish- washer, Inv bedroom NICE No smoking or apts pets two bedrooms, 292 969-165- 32 9 3 Davis County full TEACHABLE TOTSI 2147, 475 West, Bountiful Call 7 Fran or 295-807- Good skiing tchenette $1 ,700 suitette last week 47-5- 5 1937 South and gas ki- four, June sleeps month. You pay power week FIRST SNOWBIRD Experienced 7 Apart- ment in carpet, air conditioning, patio, hook-up- s $275 laundry 23 musicianship, classical. TWO BEDROOM NEW OUIET, PRIVATE 9 9 PERCENT Assumable Continental Townhouse $44,500 No kids-pet- s two bdrm, patio, ex 295 cellent location, carport, drapes, appreciate $315. 1 VERY 416-42- - 423 4129 LEARN 3 storage, appliances, Gary Lakewood stop $225 month. All utilities included 195 North Main Street, Bountiful. Phone 295-142- 8 2 BDRM, private, carport, kids-petprivate pato, no cable, air hookups bedroom, LUXURY 2 bdrm., all GOOD 14x70 THREE bedroom, two baths, appliances, new carpel, $12,000. WEST BOUNTIFUL STORAGE WEST BOUNTIFUL stor; located at 72 S. 500 Bountiful has in LAYTON NEW hookups, AC, carport, no pels, 542 West 3200 4 $315 00 South, SENIOR CITIZENS ONE BEDROOM, quiet, no smoking, pets Ideal for senior citizen. Close to grocery drug stores, bus NEWLY REDECORATED wd COZY 4 spacious, two bedrooms low heat big kitchen, or 451 bis 47-50535 pool, large closets Close to downtown SLC. 2 kids ok 75 N Orchard Or , 0 NSL 298 8764 416-42- carports disposal, hookups, tree cable, LOVING MOTHER wishes or two to tend one children in my Bountiful LDS home 295-146- TRAILER FOR sale or rent" Many sizes NSL Roger. 416-S- I WONDERFUL neigh Dishwasher borhood wd, Dishwasher apts 4755 FEMALE AVAILABLE NOW PEACHTREE NSL BIG ONE and 2 bedroom child miss her! Any into, 292-392please call 421-2- 2 evenings LOST love to tend your in my LDS home 1 Please call Terri, WOULD I tor 414-51- E 4200 SQ FEET office warehouse space. 1430 So 500 W , Bountiful will divide 5 414-5- LAYTON SHOP SPACE FOR RENT HIGH 0 H. doors, office area, adaptable for most uses, 1500 sq It, $425 8695. 421-43- per mo Gary 544- - |