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Show APRIL 21, 1987 TUESDAYDAVIS COUNTY CLIPPER, g HOMES FOR SALE Military News CONVENIENT CORNER CENTERVILLE rambler at 995 No. 400 East, has 4 bedrooms, large family acre of room on trees. All yours for low 70s price. Call Dale or Pro Brokers 39 T. A. Rackham AVAILABLE Centerville neightor this 4 borhood bedroom room, family newly painted. Nice trees, yard Super value to at $79,900 Hurry see. Call Dale or Pro Brokers SUPER ATTENTION RETIREES VOLUNTEERS GRANDPARENTS Come WITH CHILDREN move into (almost the perfect ) friendly area of South Central Utah. season 4 IDEAL THE climate bell. SPORTSMEN Paradise right here1 SAFE - OUTDOOR Freedom for kids. NEAR THE MIS. & off Hy. bcnool. the bungalow, HOW'S YOUR HEAD FOR SUCCESS? TRY IT! lovely Ig lot (across from elem. school) Low figure $32,000! Real deal! retreat cottages 2 story. Shops. Steal at $38,000. Are you headed for success? VILLAGE The next time you go to a Chinese restaurant, why not try ordering in Chinese? For example chicken is gai, pork is shu, shrimp is ha, diced is ding, sliced is pan and stir fry is chow. 7 UNIT MOTEL with lovely living quarters & large outdoor retiree $85,000. area. Senior out! wants Many families and couples spend leisure hours together as they try a new sport such as sailing or water skiing. Owning a boat is less respon- sibility than most people realize. A local dealer may be 2 EXCELLENT located, comfortable & gas), out - corral. Deep buildings enlot, 2 separate trances. Property ideal for 2 owners. (Mobil home could be moved on able to help you with financing and insurance. Many dealers offer discounts on purchases when they exhibit at boat shows around the country. At the show you can comparison shop for your dream boat without driving around to several dealerships. bedroom home (elec. the lot. Call 292-437421-42- 3 'kl In winter, alligators bury themselves in mud, go into deep holes, or remain resting under water. Here's an idea you may fall for hook, line and sinker a new sport fishing. Sixty million American of all ages and abilities enjoy the sport and you dont have to go overboard on the initial investment. A fine rod and reel can be purchased for between ten and forty dollars. Here are a few questions that may help reveal how much potential you have: 1. l)o you execute proiects effectively? 2. 1)o you have a fast reaction time? 3. Do you rarely get sick? 4. Do you find youre enthusiastic about your life most of the time? 5. Do you have the courage needed to do what you want to do? 6. Do you like to listen to points of view expressed by others? 7. Do you like to take responsibility for projects? 8. Do you keep your things in excellent repair? 9. Do many people like you and think youre a good friend? If you answered yes to most of these questions, the chances are your success potential is pretty good. However, the questions above are Hamil-studen- You: More success- oriented than the next UV? by no means a complete or fully accurate test of your lications), by author L. Ron author of the Turtles give their young no care at all. The mother sea turtle digs a hole on a beach and lays her eggs, covers them with sand and then returns to the sea. The sun hatches the eggs. which is not digested, can be beneficial for you. It has been linked to weight loss, heart disease prevention and cancer prevention. What do you know about fiber? 1. How much dietary fiber does the National Cancer Institute advise Americans to include in their daily diets? a. 309F of their total calories b. 20 to 30 grams, double the amount of fiber they IT'S A LAUGH! eat presently c. 5 to 10 grams, 25 of total calories 2. Of the fruits listed, which fruit contains the greatest amount of fiber? a. 4, large strawberries b. a medium apple with skin c. 12 cup orange juice 3. Which food listed below will add the most fiber to your diet? a. 23 cup KELLOGG'S FRUIT ALL-BRA- & ALMONDS b. lettuce salad made from 16 head of lettuce and blue with topped cheese dressing c. two slices of whole wheat toast 4. When increasing the fiber content of your diet, which of the following should you be sure to do? a. increase your fluid in- take KNOW IF MY HUSBAND1 S INCOME WAS ADEQUATE... "HOW WOULD b. increase I HAVEN'T SEEN THE LATEST INDEX! 11 HUCKLEBERRY FINN Hubbard, e Jfc seller car-visio- n. COST-OF-LIVIN- gradually G fiber intake c. both a and b 5. Which vegetable contains the most fiber? a. 16 head b. 1 medium carrot c. 12 cup green peas 6. Each of the following breakfasts contain approximately the same number of calories. Which breakfast contains the most fiber? Menu A 1 of FRUITFUL BRAN in single-servin- g FIBER PACK-- 1 cup skim milk cup strawberries 1 slice white toast Menu B 1 slice whole wheat 1 scrambled egg 1 cup skim milk 12 cup orange juice Menu C 1 cup oatmeal 12 grapefruit 1 cup skim milk 1 slice white toast Answers: 1. (b) The National Cancer Institute advises Americans to double the amount of fiber they eat to between 20 and 30 grams daily. 2. (b) Fruit is a good source of fiber. Between the quizs three choices, strawberries, an apple or 12 cup of orange juice, the apple contains the most fiber with over three grams. Strawberries are the first runnerup with a dietary fiber content of almost two grams. Fruit juices contain minimal amounts of fiber. 3. (a) Of the three foods 1 listed, KELLOGG'S ALMIRAN FRUIT & ALMONDS provides the most dietary fiber at 10 grams. A lettuce salad provides about 12 grum of fiber dietary aircraft maintenance fundamentals to repair recentv dutv ith DOrte(j , xt f Naval Ar The Achievement Medal is awarded to soldiers for meritoStation) rious service, acts of F- courage, or other ment and documentation was also taught to assess aircraft readiness capability. accomplishments. Schumer is an executive officer with the 43rd Air Defense ArtilGraduates of the lery. course earned credits His wife, Lisa, is the toward an associate son of Roy R. and Rita daughter of Norm and degree through the D. Walker of 662 W. Vannene Partington of Community College of 1060 N., Clinton, re- - 1696 E. Jost Rd., the Air Force. cently reported for Kaysville. She is a 1984 gradu- duty at Naval Air Sta- The lieutenant is a ate of Layton High tion, North Island, 1979 graduate of Clear-Cali- f. School. field High. com- ponent. Fiber is found in foods of Vegeplant origin. tables, fruits, whole grain breads and cereals, and dried beans and peas are examples. Although some foods rank higher in fiber than others, it is important to select a variety of foods from each food group. ratFruits with high-fibings include apples, bananas, nectarines, oranges, prunes and berries. Some higher fiber vegetables are spinach, potatoes with the skin, broccoli, corn and green peas. As far as cereals go, bran cereals are the best source of dietary fiber. For a variety of r cereals try M. Gilbertson . Marine Lance Cpl. Matthew L. Gilbertson, son of Byron D. and Esther Gilbertson of 3159 Congress, Hill Air Force Base, recently deployed to the Republic of Korea for exercise Team Spirit with Headquarters and Maintenance Squadron 36, Marine Corps Force and Marine Air Station Futenma, on Okinawa. During the two-mont- h deployment,-Gilbertso- will partici- pate in exercises to in- Corps units from both countries are involved and will work together to improve underscooperation between all participants. Approximate- tanding and crease the defensive capabilities of the Republic of Korea and ly 26,000 Seventh the U.S. Seventh Fleet sailors and Marines are part of the Fleet. Army, Navy, Air exercise. high-fibe- PACK, an as- FIBER sortment serving, of high-fibe- six r single- cereals that are easy to take wherever you go. Since they are individually packaged, they stay fresh longer. For more fiber information, write to: Kellogg Company, One Kellogg Department A-- Square, Battle Creek, 49016-3599- . MI Your Family's Filiance$ BORROWED TIME AND MONEY There are four good reasons people sign up for credit life and disability insurance when they take out a car loan with a credit union, sav the experts at the Credit Union National AssiH'iation. The first is that credit life insurance at your credit union can make your loan payments for you if you dont live to pay it oil yourself. Disability insurance conies to the lore it you become too sick or injured to work. That can be a great load oil' vour family's minds in time of trouble. Second, it doesn't cost very much. Manycredil unions oiler credit life al no direcl charge. Disability costs only a few cents per hundred dollars. Third, its very sipolar I housands ol credit union members have received millions in credit life lietiefil from such insurance over the 4 Ranger, He is a 1985 gradu- - nomeported in San Samantha J. Matting- - ate of Viewmont High u,e8 Lalif. ly, daughter of retired School. Master Sgt. and Mrs. W. Schumer Robert P. Mattingly of 1719 Luke St., Layton, G. L. Young First Lt. William M. has graduated from the Schumer, son of DonU.S. Air Force aircraft na Stone of 1000 W. Navy Petty Officer 333 maintenance course at South, Clearfield, 1st Class Gary L. Sheppard Air Force Young, son of has been decorated John L. Base, Tex. Army and Beatrice of with the Medal in Achievement During the course, ,55 Marilvn Young Drive students were taught cieaifieM re- - West Germany period. 5. (c) The green peas take the fiber honors here with over 4 grams per 12 cup. A medium carrot follows with about two grams and lettuce contains only about 12 gram. 6. (Menu A) Menu A packs in the most fiber at eight grams. Menu C follows with five grams of fiber while Menu B contains about two grams. No matter how you scored it is important to turn your fiber knowledge into action by increasing your intake of this important toast j;,er USS . ally over an eight week Fiber, the part of food J. C. Nielson Community College ol West Bountiful, has the Air Force. Navy Seaman Re- been promoted in the He is a 1986 gradu-Nielson, s Army to the rank cru,t of Clinton and ate of Taylorsville 0f snecialist four. High School. Rollins is an admi- - Catherine Nielson of nistrative specialist at Lapoint, Utah, recent-Fo- rt lY reported for duty Bragg, N.C., with the 82nd Airborne Di- - aPard the aircraft and, while whole wheat bread provides more fiber than white bread, it still has less than half the amount of fiber found in the cereal at about four grams. 4. (c) An increase in dietary fiber should always be accompanied by an increase in fluid intake. Increase fiber gradu- member people may have something to look forward to for years to come and so will their younger visiters. sooYYre"e aTroI-degre- e through thelinsofl90N 1100w., DIANETICS. Many people are reading the book to find out if theyre success-orienteand to learn new ways to improve upon that success potential. bers home-bake- Graduates of the best-sellin- g best readi- course earned credits toward an associate (Bridge Pub- s ts ness capability. potential. Theyre based on a more detailed success potential test found in the book you both feel better. Its a good project for club mem- too. With each taking a turn turning up on, say the third Sunday of every d month, with some goodies and a thermos of nice hot tea, elderly assess aircraft WHAT'S YOUR FIBER IQ? Visiting someone in a nursing home can help I turboprop aircraft arrived for duty with the 9th Field Artillery, West Germany. Kingsley, a missile electronics, specialist, aircraft maintenance is a 1986 graduate of butcher, son of Mr. fundamentals to repair Clearfield High and Mrs. Clifford R. and servjCe aircraft School. Dutcher of 112 W. 600 wjt, turb0 engines. N., Kaysville, has gra- - Also, maintenance duated from the U.S. and Air Force aircraft management were jocumentation maintenance course at Army Pvt. 1st Class taUght for assessing Deaneen N. Hamilton, Sheppard Air Force readiness ajrcraft Base, Tex. daughter of Rodney V. capability. During the course. Graduates earned and Cecelia A. were taught credRs toward an asso- - ton of 377 S. 600 W., aircraft maintenance cjate through Layton, has arrived for fundamentals to repair thc degree Col- - duty with the 574th and service one and iege community 0f the Air Force. Supply and Service two engine jet aircraft. was an honor Company, West manage- g,.a(juate of the course, many, ment and documentation was also taught to Scenic NEAT redone 2 nice graduated Ajr porce maintenance course at Sheppard Air Force Base, Tex. During the course, students were taught leads down to private creek camp site. mobile New Please. home. Sr. citizen. Takes HIDDEN )st Class Aj ate of Layton High Layton ay townsite bedroom bran-infant- Darrell R. Stone, son degree Air porce aj anc of Community College MfS Dal,as R Stone f 2280 N 2300 E" gradu- has are great tor The annual event affords the top ROTC cadets from all ches of service to hear (he views and opinions 0f some of the most ?hnrnnohC,.ah ESTATE Bonus 266-751Call Buys! (See ad below) $25,000 held in Washington. Graduates of the plus REAL PEPRFEcf Association seminar readi- course earned credits diversified ACRE men who participated in the Reserve Officers ness capability. envolvements. 3? The award was pre- sented for exemplary conduct while in the active service of the United States. Beecher is an infan- aircraft maintenance with the 503rd tryman fundamentals to repair Regiment. and service one and He is a 1977 gradu- two engine jet aircraft. ate of Davis High Maintenance management and documentation was also taught to assess aircraft 89 OUR SCHOOLS ROTC Cadet Force nance course at Sheppard Air Force Base, Tex. During the course, students were taught 421-42- COMMUNITY Scott 4 Spec. Army Airman 1st Class E.Army Beecher, son of Kevin G. Nelson, son son A. Rackham, Troy Brent E. and Patsy W. cf Carl W. Nelson of of Mr. and Mrs. Ken- Beecher of 324 N. 650 New Carrollton, Md., neth N. Rackham of has an( Karen B. Nelson t., Kaysville, 574 N. 1250 E., been awarded the 0f 270 E. 1250 N., Layton, has graduated Good Conduct Medal Layton, were among from the U.S. Air in South Korea. cadets and midship- aircraft mainte- 292-210- NOW K. G. Nelson S. E. Beecher Put a little life in your loan Many people are protecting their families with insurance when they borrow money to buy a car. years. Fourth, its easy to gel. There are no medical exams necessary It seems a w ise wav to ensure you'll he able to keep the car you hope to tmv |