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Show f? APRIL 21, 1907 February 27, 1985, as Entry No. 0695518 in Book 1024, t Page 658, of the official records of Davis County, Utah and encun bers certain real prop'Tty located in Davis Coun- Public Ilotice Advertising Protects ty, State of Utah, which real property is more particularly described as follows: Your Right To Know BEGINNING I was recorded February 5, 1986, as Entry No. 726223 in Book 1073, Page 71 of said official records. Said sale will be NOTICE TO CREDITORS and ANNOUNCEMENT OF APPOINTMENT Probate No. P3496 Estate of Earl E. Faneuf, Deceased. $ Dennis E. Faneuf, H whose address is 760 So. 36th West, Moun- tain Home, ID 83647, has been appointed I Personal Representa-- 1 tive of the estate of the above named decedent. Creditors of the estate are hereby notified to present their claims to the above j Personal Representa- tive or to the Clerk of I the Court within three months after the date of the first publication of this notice or be forever barred. Date of first publication: April 7, 1987. ' Fred D. Essig, made without covenant or warranty express or implied, regarding title, posses- sion or encumbrances and only the real property described above will be sold. No personal property is subject to this sale. DATED: March 26, 1987 Philip C. Pugsley, a member of the Utah State Bar Successor Trustee 3 10 South Main Street, Suite 1200 Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 Published in the Davis Reflex Journal First publication April 7, 1987 Last publication April 21 1987 Attorney DATED: 6 March, Issue No. NOTICE OF J1987. Dennis E. Faneuf Personal Representative . f P f Fred D. Essiq 330 So. 300 East Salt Lake City, UT : 6 Journal 21, 1987 Tissue No. ; ; 1 1 R-5- 4 NOTICE OF r. ; TRUSTEES SALE V: The following de-- ; scribed real property : will be sold at public f auction to the highest : bidder, payable in law-'fmoney of the United States at the time of sale, May 4, 1987, On the front steps of ul ithe Davis County 'Courthouse, Farming-to- n, Utah at 10:00 a.m. Of said day, for the of foreclosing a : se pur-rpo- Trust Deed executed ,by Layton Motor THotel Associates, Ltd., a Utah limited partnership. Trustor, Tn favor of STATE AND 'SAVINGS LLOAN ASSOCIA7 Beneficiary, TION, Cwhich Trust Deed is fdated February IS, rJ984, and was filed for record on February 16, Tl984, as Entry No. 664537 in Book 978, Page 1054, of the official records of Davis County, State of Utah, The real property covered by the Trust f:: 'Deed is located at 1965 TNorth 1200 West, Layton, Utah, known as the Littletree Inn, and more particularly decom-monl- scribed as: Beginning at a feet West along Section line :::: - point 33.0 and South 33.0 feet from the Northeast f; corner of Section : 18, T ' 4 Township North, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian; running thence South 581.1 feet, more or less, along West line of a Street to a point 614.13 feet South of the North line of said Section 18; thence West 51.37 feet, more or less, to a point 84.37 feet West of the East line of said Section 18, thence North 41 degrees 01 West . 183.67 feet along the East line of a road; thence North- . r ! Civil No. 39944 OSCAR H. COLEMAN and HELEN W. COLEMAN -- 7, 1987 'Last publication April II ON REAL PROPERTY OF UTAH First publication April r y degrees 2950 FIRST SECURITY BANK OF UTAH, BANK OF NORTHERN UTAH, INTER- NAL REVENUE SERVICE, UTAH STATE TAX . - MISSION OF UTAH, TO BE SOLD AT A SHERIFFS SALE on the 12th day of May, 1987, at the hour of 12:00 Noon at the north front door of the Davis County Courthouse in Farmington, Davis County, Utah, all the right, title and interest of the defendant, Wayne M. Carlos, Kim Carlos, et al, in and to the non-exem- pt following described real property, to wit: Part of Lots 14 and 15, CLEARFIELD HEIGHTS, a subdivision on part of Section 1, Township 4 North, Range 2 West, Salt Lake Meridian, in the City of Clea- N li- -' ; mited access land of said Highway to South line of Syra-- ; cuse Road; thence Easterly 191.50 feet, more or less, : along Southerly Right of Way line of Syracuse Road to : : :the point of BEGINNING. Notice of Default : nant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances. DATED: April 2, 1987. Zions First National Bank Richard H. Nebeker Attorney 800 Kennecott Bldg. Salt Lake City, Utah 84133 Minimum accept- able bid price is $500. The District reserves the right to reject all bids below this minimum price. Published in the Davis Reflex First publication April 14, 1987 Last publication April 14, 1987 Last publication April 21, 1987 Issue No. 28, 1987 Issue No. 12 R-5- Last publication April 23, 1987 Request for proposals may be obtained from the State of Utah, Department of Social Services, Bureau of Finance, 150 West North Temple, 3rd Floor, NE Civil No. 850861 IN THE DISTRICT running thence East feet; thence South 105 feet to a point 5 feet South of the Southeast corner of said Lot 14; thence West 27 feet; thence North 6 feet; thence West 43 feet; thence North 99 feet to the place of beginning. aka: 354 East 200 E. DONALD E. GUTIERREZ, in and to the following described real property, to wit: D E F E N -- DANTS IN- OF LOT 272, VAE VIEW, NO. 2, Layton, PAYMENT TO BE money of the Unites States of America. SUBJECT TO any Attorney: Brian R. ADULTHOOD (SPE-I F I C A L L Y C PARENTING), ABUSE PRE- CHILD VENTION PUBLIC AWARENESS AND CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION EDUCATION FOR UTAH, WASATCH AWARENESS AND CHILD ABUSE TIES. ATION SERV. SUMMIT COUN- N EDUCFOR SAN DSS-FAMIL- JUAN COUNTY. DSS-FAMIL- A PURCH- ASE OF SERVICES CONTRACT FOR CHILD ABUSE PREEDUCATION, CRISIS CARE PROGRAMS AND A VENTION HOME VISITOR PROGRAM FOR CARBON, EMERY GRAND and COUNTIES. VENTION DE- VELOPMENT, CHILD PREV. ABUSE PUBLIC AWARENESS, , CHILD ABUSE PREV. FOR TRNG FOR PROFESSION-ALSVOLUNTEER- S REQ. NO. FOR A PURCHASE OF SERVICES CONTRACT FOR CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION EDUC- OF PREVENTION PROGRAMS FOR THE STATE OF AWARENESS AND CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION TRAINING FOR PROFES-- S ION AL VOLUNTEERS WORKING WITH CHILDREN FOR DUCHESNE, DAGGETT AND UINTAH COUN- UTAH. Y REQ. NO. FOR A PURCHASE OF SERVICES CONTRACT FOR CHILD ABUSE PRE- DSS-FAMIL- Y SERV. 259662 REQ. NO. ABUSE VENTION PUBLIC AWARENESS OR CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION EDUCATION FOR TOOELE COUNTY. DSS-FAMIL- Y REQ. NO. FOR A PURCHASE OF SERVICES CONTRACT FOR CHILD ABUSE N DE- VELOPMENT, PRECHILD EDUCATION OR EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT OF PREVEN- TION PROGRAMS FOR DAVIS COUNTY. DSS-FAMIL- Y SERV. REQ. NO. 259670 Ogden, Utah 84401 FOR VENTION 14, 1987 28, 1987 Issue No. 12 R-5- 5 NOTICE OF SALE The Davis County Mosquito Abatement District will receive sealed bids on the following vehicle to be sold by the District: One 1972 Y ton 4X4 Ryan aids library DE- VELOPMENT, PRE- CHILD ABUSE VENTION EDUCATION (SPECIFICALLY KAYSVILLE The theme Your Change Can Make a Change is an Eagle project under the direction of Ryan Sprague. Ryan is involved in the project to help raise money for new books for the Kaysville City Library. Ryan is the 12 year old son of Gaylen and Debbie Sprague. Over $200 was donated by patrons of local businesses as change was deposited into labeled cartons. A door to door drive by the Boy Scouts of the Kaysville 24th Ward, will hopefully raise a like amount. Ryan and his fellow scouts wish to thank everyone for their contributions. Your change did make a change. jw FOR SPECIAL CHILD ABUSE PREVEN- ABUSE PREVENPUBLIC TION TION PUBLIC AWARENESS AND CHILD ABUSE PRE- VENTION TRAINING FOR PROFES-ION AL VOLUNTEERS WORKING WITH CHILDREN AWARENESS FOR SALT LAKE COUNTY. DSS-FAMIL- S FOR BEAVER, IRON, WASHING- TON, GARFIELD AND KANE COUNTIES. Y SERV. REQ. NO. 259671 FOR A PURCHASE OF SERVICE CONTRACT FOR CHILD ABUSE N DE- VELOPMENT, EDU-CATIO- N FOR Y REQ. NO. ADULTHOOD FOR A PURCHASE OF SERVICES CONTRACT FOR FANTS IN NEED OF SERV. 259666 CHILD ABUSE PRE- VENTION EDUC- PROGRAMS OR PROGRAMS FOR PARENTS OF INEXTRA SERVICES FOR MORGAN AND CHILD ' WEBER COUNTIES. ATION, ABUSE PREVEN- TION PUBLIC AWARENESS AND CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION TRAINING (SPECIFICALLY FOR PROFES- SIONALS AND EDUCATORS) FOR JUAB, PIUTE, MIL- TIES. Y REQ. NO. 259667 A PURCH- ASE OF SERVICES CONTRACT FOR CHILD ABUSE PRE- - DSS-FAMIL- SERV. 259672 Y REQ. NO. FOR A PURCHASE OF SERVICE CONTRACT FOR CHILD ABUSE N DEVELOPMENT, A HOME VISITOR PROGRAM OR A CRISIS CARE PROGRAM (SPECIFICAL- SHAWN MORGENSTERN AND KARA LYNN CROFTS LY FOR TEENAGERS) IN CACHE, RICH AND BOX ELDER COUNTIES. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all proposals; or to accept or re- - DELINQUENT NOTICE Haights Creek Irrigation Co. of Kaysville, Utah, principal place of business, 960 South Main, Kaysville, Utah. Notice is hereby given that they are delinquent upon the following described stock on account of the regular annual assessment levied on 15 November 1986 the several amounts INGTON, DAVIS COUNTY, UTAH, this 8th day of April, 1987. Brant L. Johnson, Sheriff Davis County By: Stan Tebbs Deputy Sheriff Students honored The Layton ChamLAYTON ber of Commerce honored Kara Lynn Crofts, a junior at Layton High School and Shawn Morgenst-ern- , a 9th grader at Central Davis Junior High as Students of the Month. They were recognized at the monthly Chamber luncheon held April 2 at the Valley View Golf Course. Kara, the daughter of Gary and Wilma Crofts, is a member of the Honor Society. She participated in the state math test for two years and is on the high honor roll. Kara is a member of the school track team. She is the photographer for the high school yearbook staff. At Central Davis Junior High, Kara served as the studentbody president and as the president of the Honor Society. She received the N.Z Tanner award for outstanding achievement. Kara was a member of the sophomore committee and now is serving on the junior committee. Her hobbies include photogra- Talent show winners are chosen advanced English, French II, Cawley 56 East Broadway, Suite 600 SLC, Ut 84111 14-1- 14, 1987 Last publication April 28, 1987 6 Issue No. 12 4-- NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE 12-1- group, Christina Feck; desitu- the purpose of foreclosing a Trust Deed executed by HO- WARD C. JOHNSON as Trustor, in favor of ZIONS FIRST NATIONAL BANK, as Beneficiary, recorded 1 14-1- 12-1- 9-- And in accordance to the law and order of the Board of Directors, as many shares of each parcel of stock as may be necessary will be sold at the company office, 960 So. Main, Kaysville, Utah at 10:00 a.m. on 25 April 1987, to pay the delinquent assessment thereon together with the cost of advertising and expense of sale. Lois Rasmussen Secretary 1 1 6-- 8 4-- 4-- Shawn lists bowling, hunting, camping, fishing, computers, basketball, bicycling and models as his hobbies. His future goals include being a commercial pilot and winning a professional bowling tournament. Deadline For News Copy Thurs. 4:30 Hot News Tips For North Davis? 4-- So. Main Kaysville, Utah Published in the Davis Reflex Journal First publication April 7, 1987 Last publication April 21, 1987 B group. Tina Hatch; and 8 year olds, Tasha Crow thcr and Shannon Maggio. Second place awards were presented to: 9 age group, Michele 3 Donais; age group, Nathan and David Simpson; 1 Group A, Becky Jacobs; group B. Hillage group, Ken Welty ary King; and Megan Lovell. The talent contest was under the direction of Marilyn Dahl of the Davis County Advisory Counoffice would like to cil. The contesthank Mrs. Dahl, the tants. and the many judges that helped to make the program such a 6-- scribed property ated in Davis County, State of Utah, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on the front steps of Courthouse, Farming-ton- , Utah, on May 12, 1987 at the hour of 12:00 o'clock noon, for throughout his junior high school career. He maintains a 3.66 GPA and is a member of the Honor Society as well as the advanced art, II classes. 4-- H Published in the Davis Reflex Journal First publication April the Davis County vocational classes siness geometry, industrial technology construction and keyboarding-computer- s parApproximately 100 Talent ticipated in the annual Show this past week. In the senior division (age group Angela Savage of Layton, took first place honors as she played the cello. Angela will represent the county at the state contests at Logan, in July. Other first place winners were: 3 year olds. Charlotte Whiting and Candice Stringham; 1 A 4 The following phy, sports, water skiing and camping. Shawn Morgenstern is the son of Sandi and Tom Fisher, He has been involved in industrial technology-bu- 4-- H Attorney: John E. 1 Published in the Davis Roger Sprague has geared his Eagle Scout project to helping the Kaysville Library get better through the Buy a Book for the City Library program. FOR A PURCHASE OF SERVICES Florence 818 26th St. 8 DE- NEEDS AND HIGH POPULATRISK IONS) AND CHILD ATION, FOR April 23, 1987 Issue No. 13 VELOPMENT, PRECHILD CONTRACT 259665 DSS-FAMIL- the Davis PRE- VENTION CHILD ABUSE PRE- SERV. SERV. in ABUSE ABUSE PREVENPUBLIC TION DSS-FAMIL- Published County Clipper on CHILD VENTION ATION, WORKING WITH LARD, SANPETE, CHILDREN AND SEVIER AND EVALUATION AND WAYNE COUN- ASSESSMENT CHILD ABUSE 259669 259664 DSS-FAMIL- PETERSON DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 0 REQ. NO. SERV. Y SERV. DOUGLAS F. State. Only proposals giving a firm quotation properly signed will be R-6- CONTRACT FOR 259663 DSS-FAMIL- best interest of the on April 21, 1987 Issue No. 13 FOR A PURCHASE OF SERVICES REQ. NO. FOR and specifications will be furnished upon request. Y 259668 Y SERV. AND liens. DATED AT FARM- 363-333- By: Stan Tebbs Deputy Sheriff Utah MADE IN lawful States of America. SUBJECT TO any Brant L. Johnson, Sheriff Davis County North, 84401 money of the United 1987. CHILD ABUSE PRE- On the 30th day of MADE IN lawful this 7th day of April, CONTRACT FOR SHERIFFS SALE defendant, REQ. NO. 259661 GUTIERREZ TO BE SOLD AT A non-exem- pt Y SERV. .. Utah 84015 PAYMENT TO BE INGTON, DAVIS COUNTY, UTAH, on the following: DSS-FAMIL- April, 1987, at the hour of 12:00 Noon at the north front door of the Davis County Court- house in Farmington, Davis County, Utah, all the right, title and interest of Bid- ding closes at 3:00 P.M., 05MAY, 1987, vs- DONALD South, Clearfield, liens. DATED AT FARM- City, Utah 84103. CREDIT UNION 1850 14, & Corner, Salt Lake COURT OF DAVIS COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH UTAH CENTRAL the 7 C-1- NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE ON REAL PROPERTY -- R-5- THE STATE OF UTAH DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 16, 1987 12 EDUCATION FOR VENTION PUBLIC Published in the Davis Reflex Journal accepted. Proposals part of any proposal; or to waive any informality or technicality in any proposal in the ENT, PRE- CONTRACT FOR CHILD ABUSE VENTION EDUC- Published in the Davis County Clipper First publication April Issue No. 12 8 H ject the whole or any E TIES. Published in the Davis Reflex Journal First publication April comer of Lot Last publication April : less, along South Said sale will be made without cove- bidder will be notified and the truck will be delivered to the highest bidder upon payment of the bid price. Payment must be by cashiers check, money order or cash. AMENDED PLAT aka: 1995 West a. the Northwest thence Easterly feet, more or feet along said road; thence East 293.7 feet to the point of BEGINNING. Purchase price payable in lawful money of the United States of America. Utah. The successful follows: Beginning Utah, described as line of Highway : 142.70 thence North 100 feet; thence West 293.7 feet to the East line of a road; thence South 100 West, Kaysville, TEREST IN ALL 70 Lake Meridian; e, rfield, County of Davis, State of Reflex Journal First publication April .Right of Way; Chevrolet pickup with stepside bed. This truck will be available for inspection from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. on April 15, 16, 17 and April 22, 23, 24 at the Mosquito Abatement Office at 85 North 600 West, Kays-villUtah. Bids should be delivered or mailed to the District Office by 4:00 P.M. on April 24, 1987. Bids will be opened at 4:00 P.M. April 24, 1987 at the District Office at 85 North 600 COM- MISSION and INDUSTRIAL COM- 399-929- West) thence North 0 degrees 06 East 99.50 feet to South vs- WAYNE M. CARLOS, KIM CARLOS, erly 386.66 feet ' along arc of a 748.51 foot radius curve to , right. (NOTE: Tangent to said curve at its point of beginning bears North 29 - SALE COUNTY, STATE Published in the Davis Reflex SHERIFFS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DAVIS 84111-259- 9 : R48 1 1 281.32 feet North and 326.7 feet East of the Southwest comer of Section 9, Township 4 North, Range 2 West, Salt FOR A PURCH-AS- VENTION OF SERVICES 2 success. Call 544-913- 3 |