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Show TUESDAYDAVIS COUNTY CLIPPER, APRIL 7, 1987 L, 0) I'i MUST SEE 2 bdrm. 24 PRIME ACRES dishwasher, bath, range, GOOD for development near new city park and freeway exit. Mary Louise, 295-248Gump & Ayers. KAYSVILLE, refrigerator, car awning double 14x70. Wood Adult Park. 292-347- Haven MOBILE HOME space in Al's Apple available Acres 975 East 1175 THIRTY-FOU- m 1 14X70 2 BEDROOM, bath with garden tub and shower. windows, 298-023- 331-4- Park. maculate loaded 12 plus DINING owner commercial, renovated. bedrooms, $110,000 9.5 percent. Will trade 295-430equity, 298-74347.55.4 2700 extras 324-4- horse nicely car 3 R.V. area, good condition, fenced yard, double carport, Camelot only $11,900, anxious, negotiable 298-922- LOTS Lane 500 South Fireplaces, wallpaper and some furniture. Take all 2400 square feet, a section, or just one room. $1600 per month. 800 sq. ft. just $400.00. Marv 292-288- 6 SPRINGTIME build. Chaselane to Centerville, 10 West, percent assumable. $22,000. Great . neighborhood. Call today to see $89,900 or make offer. Pat 292-452- yard. land- Lane Realty into this summer. All brick on 3 floor bedrooms, main family room and laundry. FAMILY three bedrooms, possible of four bdrms., huge 1pm ily room, three baths poss. of $400 mo. Come revenue from-pool- . 2 see Debbie . Lane Realty, 298-- home, . 6377. $3300 324-43- 0 NEW LISTING 'h from lots W. 600 N. West Bt. Vicor Realty buildings, shop area, 310-4- 9 . ESTATE LOT 937 S. ORCHARO DR. ONE OF the last. 276 Ft. eves. 292-966- days . Estate 0 AH $12,800. 69 ACRES Kaysville. Buy all or part. BARGAIN LAYTON subdivision lot, one-thir- d acre, $15,950. acre RENT Lots in GREAT DUPLEX Buy. Only $53,900. Each unit has 2 OAK COVERED THIS beautiful Maple Hills lot is .55 acre and you don't need drive to find it. 1414 East Maple Hills Call Pam 292-266Drive. bdrms., $32,000 47- - 295-237- HORSE 600 N. Lot W. 2 Realty 1000 Bntfl. . from W. Vicor 324- - Geo. 298-424- Lynda Oaks Canyon Realtors 298-342- OWNER - 4 plex one, $195,000.00, two fireplaces, three and bedroom stoves, and units, dishwashers, air fridges, & brick aluminum, carports, lot, large parking PRIVATE LENDERS $$$M0NEY$$$ TO LOAN against good real Past estate. credit problems, bank turn downs, foreclosures no Debt problem. con- solidation. 1st and 2nd Capital mortgages. Assets, Dave 355-939- sprinkler system, central Bountiful location, good 6 condition 295-493- 30X50 cinder block machine shop circulating gas heater, and cooler, 3 phase electricity zoned commercial, clean conv easy access ONE DIRTY? eleaalag .Sprlag lUdeoerettag Getting year to hone ready elL We clean end blewn-e- n repair end Hit aeeenetloal Call ceilings. LookLawrence up 2M-737- fruit acre, property, needs work, great value, $93,500. BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED 5 BEDROOMS 3. baths, great view, 2 family UPDATED KITCHEN BEAUTIFUL AREA, nice view, 3 bedrooms, lovely family room, see inside to appredate, $63,500. Simmons Packard $400 and provide secretarial help 292-288- 324-43- Bountiful. 2111 or Pro Brokers 7. 47 544-869- Inv. Co., 1540 square feet $888 per month plus 12 secretarial. Newly remodeled, fireplace, nice. FNMA REPOS. 12 homes In the Davis area with bargain prices and terms. Call for details. WE HAVE North mortar, black shutters, by 2 owner. bedroom, living room, family room. Must or sell. $52,000 Reasonable offer. Will ' assist with financing. 104 E. 650 N., Bountiful, Realty, 292-275- 451 5914, Greenhaven Devel. 47-4- 9 wood OWNER ASSUMABLE Attractive home. Ideal location close to schools. Come see to 47 appreciae. 295-825BY , colors it for go $83,900. Cali Diane or Lane Realty with 295-572- 298-342- Realtors, Laie only 295-731- 1 298-700- SOUTH KAYSVILLE Beaattfal New Hooks trow $64,599 Lots of Large Lots to Choose From Sign up for State Money this spring 1 1 or Phone 5 1 or 546-231- 451-045- 295-866- 825-224- Clearfield Realty Inc. 4M9 a 4 bedroom, 2 Vi bathroom double with home efficient, garage. Energy YES can YOU spacious nice features. Oak cabinets and trim a must see. Excellent location. Don Rick or 298-011Bambi Oaks Realtors Canyon Larsen buy one-lev- Realtors 295-341- DAVIS COUNTY Repossessions Special financing available Properties offered for sale . in their AS IS condition 298-342- ONE BEAUTIFUL acre STATE MONEY Great property. low Buy, assumable, down. Priced way below appraisal. Remodeled 2 story Victorian home. Lucie $112,500. Geo. 292-700Oaks Realtors Canyon $49,900 quality 3 B.R. home with payments A Spanking new twins in quiet Kaysville. Special price and low interest financing 4 SEE NSL starter home for sale by owner, MUST 2 bdrm., available fireplace, $35,000. yard, 298-747- 5 47-4- . than rent less 9 mediate now, imoccupancy country kitenens 12 baths, large patios, luxury extras 1 CENTERVILLE SECLUSION SPACIOUS 5 bedroems, 3'A Best value ever. from ect baths, rambler, formal dining, two family builder 544-869- 5 Gary kewood Inv. Co. R.V. Space, super energy efficient. 1 Charlie at Davis, 47.49 rooms, Dir- We have many other repossessions now available. Present all offers through. 9 May Ryujin 0 Carlin Maw 5 Gary Nelson 731-486- 394-518- 544-869- La- STATE MONEY LAKEWOOD Real Estate, Inc. 621-407- 1 DOTTIE BURNHAM $66,900 Appraised at $69,000 Beautifully decorated, throughout. Call "rFARMINGTON UTAH HOUSING LOATH FOR SALE BY OWNER 7 at U1 um pM. cru. 8 J. FARMINGTON BY OWNER' $63,700 ONE .YEAR ' 524-655- 1; II YOU'LL HAVE THE itr WITH US! sQ1 511 E. CMm Dr. $116,800 PH. SMC Sq. Ft by S92-S7S- rambler wMi covrt-yaf- d mdraara. formal vaulted caWngt. Sunny DMng room and thing room Utcfaan, main Soot launky. tana family rooma, 3 large bedroom wth bordered and coved carpeta. Mome an effluent or teenage haven with 3 badrotaaa and Utchen. F replace and wood bunting Move. Gram atonge area throughout houaa. Large fiat waOmanicand yard with autura bed t HOMETOWN ADVANTAGE IN REAL ESTATE o CHEUEAC&VfLCCftAMHJB REASON 2 baths. 6 1M.1I M 1000 Itortk. Wart ANOTHER DYNAMITE upgraded 2M-M7- 0 HILLS, executive home. Two story tudor, six bedroom with space for own business. Approx. 4800 square feet, too many extras to list. $160,000. 3 bedrooms, 295-107- 6 295-754- dh SPACIOUS . MULTI-LEVE- L on BounbWa South Earn Bgnoh. 3861 8oui 400 Eaat. Only ono yarn old and Kkt naw throughout Lmgo Whatpool tub In maatar badreom. FantagOc Vlaw at VC-toLarga woodad lot wWt Pitvata Raw Ywd. Prtoad to mi qutddy at 3138.000.00. , High Can Grass RwH 292-132- 6 I am duo laaltg Graag IH-U- U old starter home, split entry, bedrooms up, 1 Vi baths, RV parking. 47.49 A MEMBER Of THE SEARS FINANCIAL NETWORK CHOICE RAMBLER BEDROOM, cozy family room, wood stove, FIVE 47-4- 9 DOTTIE BURNHAM TWO STORY 3 BEDROOM $51 ,900 FIVE YEARS old. twin. Nice area. Farmington AMONG Detached OVER Automatic sprinklers, dishwasher, disposal. Come see. 1454 S. 35 E.,. Farmington, 47.430 THREE year old West Bountiful. 2 bedroom, 1 bath with room to finish downstairs. $62,900. SUPER home in 295-010Call Marty, Lane Realty, 298- - 47 7000. 544-869- SELLER DESPERATE MAKE OFFER GREAT LOCATION, formal dining, 2 car garage, 2 full baths, 4 bedrooms, room to expand. Call Ron Hill, Cabinets pick carpet. and counter tops. Call landscaped. garage-Come see it today. Only 6 .twin 4 SALTY 500 SO. OFFICE SPACE Neutral throughout and a view to NEW HOME in Centerville. Great buy at $84,900. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Custom Built, with lots of fenced Dixie bath, Vz 1 YOU MUST SEE INSIDE! . IMMACULATELY clean. Oaks 298-342- NEW STARTER HOME BY Golf FARMINGTON Course. $63,950. . Can cabinets, new kit. floor, 22 yr. roof and furnace, deal. 1 4 Lakewood 7 Farmington home will sell fast 3 bedrooms, air, quiet, road $67,500 4 offer 451 6306. 9 0 garage, lots of storage, fruit Irg. backyard, trees, Irg. garden area, near in quiet park. Many financing 4 options. 544-336- NEWER BUY OF THE YEAR LOCATED ON the Eastside 3 of Orchard Dr., yard, Great Cross. garage, patio, large sun deck with great views. Easy terms, $52,500. Gary, 47-4- 295-667- 295-674- 1 7 New throughout, exceptional area, 4 bedroom, semi formal dining, Rec. room etc. Owner says sell Contact Gordell 451 -- fenced 292-040- Kaysville. Fireplace, sun room, hot tub, hookups, Lakewood 295-237- 317-4- 295-667- Very nice, $82,500. burning stove, yard, many 298-163- SINGLES PAD NEW LUXURY passive solar twin home in quiet Gary, , Pam Sessions 292-266Dawson Real Estate 47.416 double garage, R.V. earthtone parking, colors, fenced $77,900. 884 W. 1800 S., Woods In Price Kelly -- quiet neighborhood. horse .295-038- 1 car 2 immaculate rooms, convenient throughout, to everything, excellent neighborhood, $99,950. Jake FOR THESE AND OTHER LISTINGS CALL .JOHN DAWSON 295-237- UNIQUE TUDOR ONE OF a kind 5 Betir. 3 baths, library. Formal dining main floor family room $159,500. Lane Connie Realty 298-700- WHITE WEEPING horse apartment, 331-4- SPLIT 1485 square foot office with me. You pay THE VIEW IS FOREVER MAPLE HILLS beauty trees, Realtors 7 FARMINGTON BEAUTY GREAT HOME 4 Bedroom, Fam. Rm., new carpets. Lane Realty $69,900. Phyllis Canyon 6 Call Greff Revell Laadhrw 6rwwg 194044 large fenced bedroom, basement, 292-166- Pam CalL living. 4908 aq. ft. BaauttfuUy finished. 4 baths, traah-maahsmicrowave and many more exnVa. Great view. $164,000. YOU tired of renting but can't afford high house payments? Come see our cute home. 2 with large storage. $56,900. Lucie I'h ' 6 RAMBLER, bedrooms, 4 baths. .92 level finished garage 6 Bdnu. ia Cheleea Cove S7S Eaat Dmw Dr. (SCCC So.) Bwwattfwl ARE Farmington Twinhome. 4 bedrooms, $93,900 The cook in the will love the family beautiful new oak kit326-4- 7 Phone chen in this east bench ' home. Gorgeous valley MUST SELL view with natural low- OUT OF country owners landscaping. Call must sell!! Beautiful 7 New brick rambler. PRICE slashed carpet, appliances. Best $159,900 from $193,000. Large view in Bountiful. Oak in home executive covered lawn, below condition. High perfect $93,000. appraisal. East bench in Bountiful. Terms. Jolene 292-131Call John 295-237- 7 326-42- Connie 47-5- 5 BEAUTIFUL FIVE BEDROOM fixer in WX. bath, carport, owner, West In t 2 air, 295-496- 257 negotiable. Jeffrey Drive, 298-094- 4 SHARED OFFICE SPACE SPRAYED CEILINGS By commercial. Open to contract and flexible. Call Pam 292-- 2 667 $84,900 SPACIOUS family home on large lot in Centerville. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath 2 car garage. 1 298-700- 292-1S2- 298-342- extras. Must see inside. $89,900. 158 East 1420 47.49 . South, 451-52- nice family landscaping, neighorhood, sprinkling system, vinyl chain link fence, 2 car garage with opener, fireplace, 3 b&lrooms, dishwasher, decks, basement. Cine to shopping, schools. LARGE BY fenced large FARMINGTON ' wood $51 ,950. $79,500 in Zoned and trees, A choice area and exceptional home. Call Lyle, 295-123Packard Inc. 292-040- Pulse Furnace, Lennox 9 4 conditioners, 43 or refrigerator. location. Hurry? house $24,900.00. ' Bountiful Real Dawson l't and range be central baths, CENTERVILLE BEAUTIFUL HOUSE, 600-150- Centerville' exit. Ideal distribution area. Reasonable 295-448- 1. Farmington. Call Gordell 1 or Pro Brokers 47 Estate 428.4 Shop Warehouses. 292.0631.331-4- acre .4 Centerville. Bountiful High with choice yard FARMINGTON, 3 bedrooms, possibly 4. 3 great family neighborhood. Drive by at 881 West 1800 South or Call s on home Realty, Above School SOUTH with system, sprinkling fence, storage shed, Peal BEDROOM 2 gorgeous yard, energy eff. pulse healing, 4000 square feet, four bdrms, tour baths, you must see this one. Owner anxious. Lane Debbie, 292-357- leafay . decorated throughout. Finished mother-in-ladown. $109,900. apt. Don 295-052Rick or 298-011Bambi Oaks Realtors Canyon YOUR MOVE $37,000 kitchen, modern backyard, covered patio, BEAUTIFUL Large rambler located bn quiet SPRING IS HERE TIME TO MAKE 4 garage, Nicely wood-stov- 4 nice carpet, family ATTRACTIVE down! bedrooms,. Vi baths," huge kitchen, full unfinished basement landscaping Estate. horse West in View Bountiful, Dawson and paint 298-818- room, dining comb. 2320 Wood Hollow Way, Bntfl. Attached 2 car garage, deck and patio, fenced yard, nicely landscaped. Easy terms with a fully assumable FHA Loan $97,000. bedrooms, Low Maple new brand $143,000 $89,000, A CLEAN and neat 3 bdrm, 2 bath home with additional bedrooms possible. in neighborhood, 4 bedrooms, FIVE BEDROOMS BATHROOMS two 3 7i OWNER VALUE in Hills $159, 900 appraised $175,300. 5 bedrooms, Vh baths, large country carpet. daylight basement has lot. canyon CUSTOM DESIGN BTFL. HILLS EXEC. HOME 6 7 d R.V. yard. Huge parking. 5 bedrooms, percent 3'j bath assumable loan. Owner carry 2nd. Low down. $175,000- - owner-age- 47-4- 9 horns! 2Vi TWIN DARLING WOODS CROSS rambler, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, new MAKE ME OFFER $57,500 AND priced to sell. Duplex with rents of $575. Drive by 20 West 700 North, Bountiful. Call John Dawson 295-237- 7. 6 property suites. Copy machine and telphone answering service available. Lowest prices in Bountiful. 481 So. 400 East. Lakeview Professional Center 295-961- 1. 4 HOME lots, Woods Cross, a few left. 331-47- Ayers. one. The price has been lowered, and lowered.' Beautiful 3 bedroom rambler, 2 fireplaces, immaculate. Great buy at $67,900. Call Gerry Collins at Brough Realty, 7 or 546-458- or ' MOB F & Mary Gump 1 BEST BUY, Don't buy until you have seen this OFFICE SPACE OFFICES SINGLE LARSEN REALTORS 295-341- S, $91,500 acre OWNER: walk-ou- location HOME ON one and BY kitchen, story home, 3 3 bedroom. Big FORSA1E best large kitchen, 1 34 baths, family room and game room. Double car garage. Must see to $87,900. appreciate. LOOKER Good 292-643- 3 ' best 2 baths, garage. neighborhood. Musi see. Mid 80 S 544-- 1 082. 326-4- 7 Beautiful brick rambler located on view lot in nice Centerville neighborhood. Has just been completely painted up and down. New plush BY 298-700- wonderful family home. Reduced to $149900. CONTEMPORARY, vaulted ceiling, top line custom quality, extra ' pizazz. Reduced to $159,900. The Adams Co. -- Afton Hansen mature construction, fenced yard, 4' bdrm., 3 baths. 2 fireplaces, 2 car 295-248- 0 TUDOR, 3 baths, walk out basement, 6 bdrm., PRIME LOCATION BEST SCHOOLS, quality -- 298-016- SOMERSET FARM .POOL A TENNIS OtSTRESS SALES TWO HOMES must sold. Make offer. - 5 ACRE. . Best Eastside Bench Price. View and trees. Reduced to $21,500. Owner says sparkling 7 or commercial space, call Dawson Real Estate tor of list complete 8.4 properties 295-237- 0 sell!! Call Bee Benchmark Real Co. 298-346- $149,000 RENT -- LEASE IF YOU'RE Looking lor retail, office - warehouse BUY . dean, new floor cov., walk out basement, RV water softener, 2 parking. Debbie Lane Realty, 298-700- your 5 Gary Lakewood Deve.Co.324-4- $16,900 for quick sale. 292-222- 6 move business lot. side east Bountiful fireplaces, terms. ACRE, sloping, O.H. high or rental deep with orchard and plenty of room to build a large home. Quiet area all near schools, churches and bus stop. 295-- 1 879 for details. 4 view HOUSE, new roof, four bdrm, one bath, two DOLL doors, adaptable for most uses. Cash flow low as Robert Holmes as models $65,900. $69,900 sq. ft. block office and TWO 3000 $22,900, 1050 2 COMMERCIAL LAYTON DOWN NEW HOMES for sale in new W.X. area.. Will build to your specs. Our - 7000.- 6 NEW RAMBLER EASTSIDE, ready to move 6 HORSE 298-700- - RAMBLER. BEDROOM 1500 ft with full basement 70 percent finished. Great fun location, KAYSVILLE THREE 7 fireplace, family room $84,900 WITH AP00L- - office space. 324-4- NEW consider offer. Call excellent 6 292-754- GOOD bedrooms, two baths, family room, fireplace, and double garage rentable basement apt. clean, excellent condition $100,000 or make offer 295-679- Call $71,900 SURE TO IMPRESS KAYSVILLE RAMBLER mortgage $71,000. 456 E. 550 S. $ HOMES FOR SALE HOMES Asking shopping. 326-43- Features Include 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, Lane 6 331-41- 6 WONDERFUL ' assumable Vicor $79,900. bedroom earthtone Must to OWNER ANXIOUS FULLY FINISHED 3 bedroom, 3 bath, fenced scaped 14 acre fenced, yard. 3 bdrms., 2 baths, $79,900 family room, 324-4- 7 yard, Realty 331- - BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED and decorated Realty, 298-700- starter home. see. Pat 3 Vi Fenced bath. 47.4 . SALTY PROFESSIONALLY 12 covered on good area. $39,900. Pat, . $750,298-1989- Co. VIEW, VIEW, VIEW OVER ACRE oak 4 bedrooms, Se, $15,000 CASH down on fully rented luxury units in Easy Layton. management, good cash flow, trades possible $130,000 Gary 544-869- 5 Lakewood Inv. FOR SALE 7 baths, study, double superb views, lease, references NEW4-PLE- 324-41- 4 NEW ON MARKET GOOD BRICK home East Btfl.. 4 bedroom, 295-216- LOVELY Executive home. 47.423 295-725- 5 water, stalls, LARGE finished Rock Place, W. 600 horses allowed 'A acre lot.. Bargain by 5 covered patio, double carport, quiet street, close to schools, church and stove hookup, bright kitchen, V acre with fruit trees & garden, EXCITING NEW HOME CHOICE FAMILY ROOM, 2'j 295-216- COUNTRY 1055 WBntfl. 47-4- 9 BOUNTIFUL BRICK RAMBLER 5 BDRM, baths, large family room with wood 319-4- 9 BOUNTIFUL EAST BENCH OWNER Brick three BY RV $130,900. parking floor main family room and laundry. Custom built, custom decoried. One owner 324-41- 4 $89,500 4 emenf. Great family neighborhood. Beautifully landscaped fenced yard, 3rd upstairs bedroom could be formal dining $77,900. Call Sharon Lane Realty family wood parking $130,900. LARGE H 2987000.41-41- A MUST TO SEE DOUBLE GARAGE square stove, carport. Well LAYTON 47-4- 9 well .water, stalls, R.V. carport, horse 292-288- owner. rambler, steal, ABSOLUTE Realty 272-528- burning OFFICE BUILDING BY OWNER $31 0,000. 107 North Main, Bountiful, assume, no down, pays taxes, many 2700 square rambler. feet, 4 bedroom, family room,' fireplace, wood stove, 3 car burning 324-43- 0 updated kitchen, new carpets, main floor family room, plenty of space inside and out, call Ron Lane Hill 292-275- plus feet. 4 bedroom, room, fireplace, Marv Call EAST OWNER 2 acre horse Two story property. 2 Home,-eas- property. to help new start brokerage on 5th South. FHA 3 REDUCED TO owneragent Prowswood, BY 7 2 acre horse Two story OWNER BY WANTED EXPERIENCED real estate sales person bedrooms, 3 baths, brick rambler, 1700 sq. ft. $139,000 owneragent AN 331-4- MOBILE TRANSFERRED sell half acre, 3 allowed, 317-4- 9 $64,900 295-252- 2 9 12 ASSUME 9 country kitchen, family double garage, room, large wooded lot. Private location. You'll love it!! E. N. 1147 600 Bob Duffin, $132,500 317-4- 7 14x65 331-4- 331-42- 3 rambler. Kirk 319-49.- 2 I3 bedrooms, bath, cathedral ceiling, 8 mo. old $79,900. 1031 West 400 North, Bountiful. CENTERVILLE 2 story, 4 baths, bedrooms, 2 main floor family room. Prowswood, Appointment FORMAL BEAUTIFUL 4 plex, zoned condition, with extras. Priced to sell quick. 9 331-42- 3 Im- horses 295-496- 4 BEDROOMS OFFICE - whs $37,500 1 ,000 sf. Call Sell or lease. 47.414.4 9 must Stove. owneragent. Only. . GRANDMA'S DELIGHT. Two bedroom double in wide located Woodhaven AC,. ' BEING Debbie, Lane Realty, Wood Burn 298-700- large 3 bedrooms Always rented-grea- t location. 211 East 1200 S., Centerville, drive by. $108,000. Possible contract, Bob Duflin, 2 331-4- cute! parking, 3800 sq. ft. finished, 6 baths, bedrooms, 2 3-e living room, 2 family rooms plus game dining room, formal room, 2 kitchens, R.V. parking. Fully automatic sprinkling system. 295-563- Too 312-4- 9 covered storage, home many business. extras to list $160,000. for space 3 BR IVi air bath, dishwasher, cond., auto thermostat, fenced yard, garage, lots of storage. Assume FHA 235 or (nonrecapture) refinance. 96 E. 735 S., Centerville, 292-989- TOWNHOUSE, OPEN HOUSE 740 SAT. APR. 12th Bountiful. E. 1130 N story tudor. 4800 sq. It., $66500. Farmington bath, terrific yard, fenced, trees, 292-205- RV 298-263- t. owner-agen- backyard, 2 HILLS, FARMINGTON e storage. Convenient 400 North location only $f 00 3 month. Call ceilings, large second bedroom with teddy bear wallpaper, garden, stall, large lot, sprinkler sys. installed. big storage, court, WE'LL MISS OUR HOME BEDROOM 3 garage, cooler, fenced, 3 year old MOBILE HOME WITH LOTI lot OWN YES, your $30,000. Two bdrm, one each. PROPERTY NICE OFFICE FOR RENT LARGE ROOM vaulted $59,900, 4 brick, full BUY A DUPLEX 3 WHY RENT? 1984 SKYLINE 14x70 Bay. FOR SALE 331-4- COMMERCIAL location, call F0R8AUE parking, lot, landscaped, appliances stay. OFFICE SPACE for lease. 465 So. 200 W. Excellent Large kitchen bar. $12,500. or FOR SALE BUY port, 6 7 FOR SALE CENTERVILLE $62,800 carTHREE BEDROOM, across valley from West Valley City north to Roy. Area of expensive new homes. Phone 292-423Pari owner-aqen- t. SINGLE Two bedroom, two bath, large expando, loaded with all the extras, $1,000 down assumes balance Kirk HOMES basketball SUBDIVISION properly. 500 South 1600 East, Bountiful bench. Super view SUPER HOMES large ACRES R HOMES bedroom basement, TOP South, Kaysville, adult 9 park. Call Debbie 317-4- 7 or 544-400- 317-4- BEST HOMES WANTED experienced real estate sales person to help start new brokerage on 5th South. Call Marv. 292-288- 39-4- WE LL MISS OUR HOME 3 BEDROOM garage, cooler, fenced, 3 year old Farmington .451-630- $66500. 5 Discounts At Soars When You List Your Home For Sale or Purchase a Home Through Resident Million Dollar Club Member 5 AGENTS, IN OUR STATE REGION.., FOR THE PAST DECADEI THAT'S HEAVY-DUT- Y SALESMANSHIP! BANKER Lifetime Davis Co. TOP 21, CENTURY 21 SALES In COLDimi THE Gntuifc,, Doua Reynolds 298-485- 1m... m&l, GRANT DAVIS 8 486-317- 5 CO. 292-724- 4 21 W. 500 S, BOUNTIFUL 312-4- 9 |