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Show ouuin i r ourrcrt, TUIfcbl)ATUAVib HELP i 8 WANTED CARPENTER OR Carpenter wanted to subject perience 292-260- 3 helper Salary ex 2 331-4- HELP WANTED KAYSVILLE CORRESPONDENT NEEDEO FOR THE SPECIAL OF interest to mature women. Memorial Estates 1987 expansion plans and new office require 10 lady counselors over $20,000 Average commission first year. A and service product ladies are comfortable and effective with Flexible hours fit family schedule proven Training, lead system, medical ms retirement and fun For interview Phone Mrs Chorn 298-156- 4 0 I WANT A GREAT EVENING JOB AM accepting For information qualified call 5 Opportunity Equal Employer EXPERIENCED Technician. Great BEAUTY Nail opportunity for right person! 051. 298-- 1 IMMEDIATELY WON'T get rich, but if you like working from home, can write and take YOU and pictures enjoy meeting people, maybe we re both in luck GIVE TOM B. a call at: 295-225mornings or 331-4- 7 list 331-4- mission, 8 NEWBORN needs wonderful experienced nanny' Starts May 1. week. couple, a $175 Professional beautiful home. Call now for this and 0 other great jobs1 or HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED COOKS, food servers and dish- washers Penquins at Apply Restaurant Tuesday and Thursdays between 2 and 4 p.m. 47-4- 9 THE Duck EMERALD Housekeeping Co. is for dependable, hardworking employees. e Full to part-timflexible hours Starting salary $4 00hr , raise to $4 50hr. as soon as Call you are trained. Vicki at 292-831- 6 after 5 4 4 p m looking assume the of managing and operating our Salt Lake Branch. Pay will be commensorate with your skills, and experience Mr. performance. McDonald, 298-838- 8 4 9 KEEPER GROUNDS hours a wanted 30-4- 0 week. Starting $3.50. Drivers license required. Call WORLD Day Care is now taking applictions for part-tim- e substitute employment. Applicants must be 1 8 years of age some and have child background development. 295-257- Bountiful, Phone and Woods Cross. Dependable persons only need 47-4- 9 apply AUTO DETAILER must be hard worker Apply at 3221 South Highway 89. 47-4- 9 JOB SPECIALISTS 1 Employment agency has the following openings: INSURANCE service Rep.-Mu- st have personal lines experience in rating STOCK CLERK - hardware experience helpful FOR INFORMATION about these and other openings 8 call 47 9 SPRING CLEANING, ironing, introductory offer $5 00 an hour. Limited time only. busmess Sharon, 292- 331-42- 8 6514 ANY age Call Kathy Bountiful 331-4- 9 interested call after 5 30 pm. edging, tree topping Haul Away anything, or construction basement debris. The only known name in Davis County Eand up north. xperiencesCall and now. PRUNING, estimates TRACTOR WORK PLOWING, DISCING, Darrel work, too tired to housework, a wedding coming up, baby on the way or just need a break? We can solve your problem. We do commercial cleaning, empty and full houses, wash windows, clean carpets and painting Give the Moore's a call at degree required. perience in specialty and long term Contact care preferred Sharol or Jackson 295-236- 1 47 Rosemary, hospital . CARD AND Gift Shop now hiring part and full time. experience 8 needed at Mary Cathrines Salon full or part time evenings 9 47 LIBRARY ASSOCIATE I. Performs $8.33hour. duties paraprofessional for the Headquarters Branch of the Davis County Library. Requires repair. Quality work at very low bachelors degree. social preferred. or Humanities sciences Library work experience preferred Must type 40 wpm. Interested ap- must make formal application before April 17, in room 210, 7 EOE, IMMEDITE POSITIONS AVAILABLE CHILD CARE - full time positions, with families in Boston, New York, or Washington DC. Includes roomboard, generous compensation, and organized support groups. Wonderful way to experience East Coast. Call or write. Child Care 197 W. Connection, Central Street, Suite 6, Massachusetts Natick, 01760 (617)651-193- 9 n in Grading landscaping, dirt PAINTING & INTERIOR exterior. Quality work. Brush, roll or spray. Call Joey 298-205- 3 or Mike 7 266-823- 5 sheetmetal, project millwright, managers, masons, drivers, JOB HUNTING? GET YOUR foot in the door working temporary Immediate assignments short and long term positions available in the secretarial field. Top for high wages skills. . accurate fast by telemarketing prxessors. quality , reasonable, fast, clean, licensed. Free estimates. Call Chuck 546-085- 8 laborers, plumbers. Will train some positions. Top Pay! Job Transcontinental Search (303)452-225(308)382-370fee. 47 typists, work 324-42- 1 I'LL PRUNING PRUNE your for Allen 331 Reasonable rates. Pay Immediate service. No Latest tax update charge to talk! Call 298-796- 9 your 13 bankruptcy. Chapter bankruptcy can save For free farm. your call Embry information and Associates, torneys at 756-363- 0 looking The Call dictation, 331-4- LARGE perience. Landscaping Instant 299-272- 7 47JS7 PAINTING AND TEXTURIZING SPECIALIZING in quality interior & exterior. No job too small . Guaranteed workmanship Call Scott 317-4- Call Working Temporary May Be The ANSWER! SOS TEMPORARIES LARGEST temporary service. fees We pay salary. 7 295-570- 1 7 NEED and word 60 for interview Call Mike rewiring and Repair Appliance Done?. TYPING word Letter' processing. quality printer. Call GEORGE'S COMPLETE LANDSCAPING AND YARD WORK GENERAL CLEANUP, lawn cutting, pruning, trimming, edging, trees 'and weeding, shrubs topshaping, ping, removal, fencing, r.r. ties, chain link, wood, block, cement work, new driveways, sprinkler lawn and repair. We do condos, and apartmentsbasement residential, No cleanup and hauling anything big or small, mantenance, ground weekly, monthly, quality work, lowest price. Free Call estimate Utahs Largest Temporary Service WORD PROCESSORS TYPISTS The Styling Salons at JCFenney All other office skills needed Immediate openings for day, week High commissions and excellenl benefits Discounts on store and catalog merchandise Free salon supplies and continuing education Incentive programs And much much more1 or longer term assignments. High wages paid for the same week worked. NO FEES. Benefits available. Work when . But best ol all, and where you want. For intennew call now. a placa lo grow Thai s the career advantage ol 328-816- XPenney tocfcettona w be taken at your local JCPenney atora. Cal tor appointment. Saln P" L" 101 Wwt Bountiful, Utah Equal opportunity employar ml 0 Downtown Location 56 East 800 South (Plenty of free parking) Offices also located in Murray, Ogden and Orem Sheets, Spread Check. Spell Letter Quality W P. 298-116- 4 310-4- 7 REDWOOD DECKS, patios, planter boxes, etc. Customer made to your specs. 317-4- 7 1540.- 4 general pruning, maintenance. Sprinkler installations, repairs, Call 295- landscaping 317-41- 4 5202 4 HANDYMAN PAINTING, plumbing, electrical, carpentry, swamp cooler repair etc. sprinkler 292-154- 7 4 GOING ON -VACATION BUSINESS TRIPS BIG SAVINGS on air travel. car rentals, Motels, cruises, package tours. Call for 8 in- formation or Stop in at Professional Advertising, 240 S Ft Lane, Layton, 317-41- 4 Utah, 84041 HAULING LANDSCAPING ftTREE SERVICE CEILINGS SPRAY TEXTURE removal, troweled texture, water damage repair, painting, Call interior, exterior. 298-514- 0 POWER RAKING MOST YARDS $30 00. Call alter 1 pm. Ask for 295-196Brent Also summer care lawn available 4 ferers with hypnosis Helen; 292-695- Call 6 Experienced ACHE certified 1 4 LARKIN LAWN CARE PLUG AERATION OR POWER RAKING WEEKLY YARD care or one Fertime cleanup. and pest Foundation tilization control. spraying servlc Jim. A 292-- 1 professional 302 326-42- 4 .966-433- Work Call John 310-42- 4 SPRING PRUNING SERVICE LARKIN LANDSCAPING FOR personalized care of your fruit trees and any other outdoor needs. Snow removal, spring cleanups, lawn mowing, lawn fertilization & pest control, sprinkler repair and Installations, landscape designing and Installation. Call Jim 292-130- 310-4- Steven Call 4 MONEY Chapter your debts thru 13 bankruptcy Farmers: Chapter l2 bankruptcy can save For free farm. your information call Embry and Associates, torneys at 47 service. Bloomfield The Enereld Duck Housekeeping Co. Top Quality Cfoaama Home, Offloee and maintenance. On Urn or regular basis Each employs la Bceneed. bonded and Inaurad tor your protection. YARD CARE NEEDED? . professional service at low prices. We have many years experience in: mowing, trimming, edging, pruning, and power raking, pruning tree trimming, fertilizing maintenance weekly hauling, Dennis Me dean-u- p power raking work, etc. Steven Call 298-870- 1 Offer Cartifkatat Trained, experienced, reliable worker We specialize in removing hard water deposits GUARANTEED COUNTRY-WES- T References 316414 3349 LAWN AND GARDEN BEAUTIFICATION CLEAN-U- P SPRING Free Estimates 262-410- 8 wall Retaining hauling cont debris concrete rubbish etc. Our price is unbeatable Now call Free estimate, anytime fast service Day 973-867- 5 Reasonable rates Latest tax update No charge to 47-4- 9 talk' Call 298-796- "Ifom bath" JmtM mrni'iTmrm tatitfaetha it tar 2924611 VWd Young sYrBTTBTBjnnrrni ',0 Bloomfield after 4 p m 6 '47 HOUSEKEEPING 428 EXPERIENCED, Affordable, personable. I do my own No hired cleaning workers Call me 295-789References. 317-41- 4 MAIN. YARD CARE trimming etc? professional service. Free MOWING & dependable estimate 350-871- 1 8tbaek 47- - PAINTING RESIDENTIAL, Interior, exterior custom work. Also new construction, REMODELLING Specialists, roofs, room basements additions, finishing kitchen bathroom decks Free estimate and spray ceilings texture removal. Call patio. , Darrel 295-702- 0 Reasonable 324- Taxes. efficient rvanog.. - Cointry If Housedeaning purchased separately Rates, Call computerized appt Ron 485-680- 9 Thermostat with each humaoc replaced with a 01 419 4 PROFESSIONAL TAX PREPARATION LET US prepare your State Federal tor 115" 324-41- 4 CONCRETE WORK FOOTINGS WALLS curbs, Call ftamona drives, quality work. License contractor. Mike 3 32649 Dahl 298-23- 295-975- 7 " ILENll Experienced UP power trimedging, ming, hauling Call Alan SPRING CLEAN Dependable looped - Insured lADtsemd Lmxwry raking, 317-41- 6 PROFESSIONAL TAX PREPARATION State Federal At- 756-363- after 4.00 yard fast, 298-838- 331 PROBLEMS AltypM Licensed PARADISE LANDSCAPING ft HAULING TREESERVICE pruning 0 324-42- 1 hauling trash, concrete and everything you need to haul for a low low price Tree services. We do cutting, topping and trimming trees and haul It away for very dependable prices We do landscape and ground maintenance so get ', ready for spring and guaranteed. trimming, 298-870- 1 SHAPING, pruning, topping, removal, for a free estimate and free hauling and clean up. Call Karl 298-041- 3 or references DO summer. and pain sufLearn to relax STRESS WE Cynthia Roofing & Remodeling mowing, pruning, power raking and clean-u- p work, etc. pm Donald 0 317-4- edging, 47-5- 5 guaranted Weekly mow, trim lawns; get ready, in perience Call Vicki or Professional, Call after 5 30 298-122- 6 Father and Son Service at low prices. We have many years ex- is 1 Torstar. Mountain Rod En- 20 books $50 cyclopedia QUARTER gelding 5 Professional GUARANTEED TAXES PREPARED HOME OR office. YOUR GARDEN DOCTOR 18 YEARS EXPERIENCE RESIDENTIAL - com- edge, licensed, 1 Club, NEEDLEWORK 2 CARE NEEDED? bonded and insured. We also offer gift certificates, a unique gift togive for those special occasions to someone Your love. you guaranteed Janet at care. Riding Carale 331-4- YARD TREES AND SHRUBS 7 BOOKKEEPERS TELEMARKETERS Join a progressive leam of professional stylists in Ihe Styling Salons ol X Penney We oiler TrPonno?? SECRETARIES LEGAL SECRETARIES DATA ENTRY Histories, again. Hansen years. Green broke, good size, mans horse, nice looking, $650 or trade on good ladies horse. 292-677- 1 after 5 p m. B 0. 47.49 yard Thanks it owner REG. cleanup and hauling. Call tor free estimate, Ron 295-711- 7 47 57 deposits 42-4- 9 PAY BACK trimming weeding, misc. pm 0 weekly lawn maintenance, mowing removing satisfaction CARE tree CLEANUP, removal, American hands, great CANYON CREEK STABLES HORSE BOARDING and rentals, full service and 298-935- 2 and shrub 1 2 THANK YOU THANKS to the lady in a brown and tan truck with a shell, that followed me from 400 No. in Btfl. last Wed. March 25 to Chase Lane in Cent, to tell me I had lost a hub cap from my red Chev. convertible did go back and I did find must see to appreciate Call between 9 a m 331-4- MANY color, 47-4- 9 LAWN YARD Each and every employee of the is trained, company reliable, REGISTERED Pant, 15 3 47 SPRING Centerville STOCK cluding power raking, clean-uCall Joel, 295-574- industrial using WORD PROCESSING EXPERIENCED TYPIST MAILINGS, Reports, mercial. 6 42 1 1 50 PERCENT OFF OF misc. gift items, ceramics, cards, unicorns, music boxes, stuffed toys and much more' All at 50 Off. Morning Star Discount 120 W. Parrish Square, HORSE power hauling, FOR BEST deals on your care lawn needs in- Call chemicals. 324-42- 1 tree landscaping. 27 years AND 2 Electrical HOUSEHOLD At- BACK HOE Wray 328-S- I 331-4- 12 Experienced PARKING LOT STRIPING NEW for STRIPES Kleemng Company, Rick at 298-876- work. debts thru 317-41- 6 appearance. Professional PROBLEMS: MONEY specialize in hard water ...The Clipper . reports. THE EMERALD DUCK HOUSEKEEPING CO. INC. WE CLEAN homes and businesses, on a regular e basis. We or a work for you, doing what need done! We you best deals 298-935- quarterly 295-4- 544-963- 5 331-42- Call 47' (801)261-219- spring cleanup, estimates free. Call Bob $25.00. pony op- nformation. mowing, Allen, working to get those bugs out and create a better product. Please bear with us! ATTENTION!! TAX PREPARATION GUARANTEED 0 RESIDENTIAL-COMMERICA- 47-4- 9 for the glitches were powerrakmg, mowing, clean up. spring Residential, commercial. fruit trees, grapes, shrubs, teach and roses and-o- r you howto. USU Master Gardener grad. 451-237- 9 profesional Were sorry Ap- Farmers' PAINTING & wallpapering, carpenters, AND including Reasonable rates. after 5 p m. 295-930- 1 . 9 bookkeeping, A My Little Pony Party for your childs I'll bring the birthday HAVE Multi-levalways find. distributors wanted tor hair regrower, wrinkle repair, acne product, and other proven Free iproducts. PSM YARD MAINTENANCE accurate quality, 1 331 portunity that others yard care and landscape needs. Call 595-691no at Estimates SECRETARIAL duties, letter word processing, of new computer classified ad setting equipment. Student Call Exchange Please BUSINESS THE WE DO IT tilling, Intercultural HUNDREDS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED REFERENCE for all your rake, family Australian, European, Scandinavian high school exchange students arriving in Become a host August family for American experience send qualifications to box 675, Farmington, Utah, 310-41- 4 4 84025 old WONDERUL A would supply I inventory. walls, your MISCELLANEOUS would like to work required. all ALL 47-5- 7 47-5- 7 windows and carpets for rate a low reasonable Call For free estimate 47.57 17. Ron 295-7- with Brides and Decorate the wedding but don't have the inventory, I can make you a great offer. You would need a closed in truck but no money haul lots, garage, construction debris, obligation. clean 47-4- 9 IF YOU the basements, concrete removal, garage, etc show and HOUSECLEANING SPRING CLEANING. We'll - ANDY'S HAUL UNDER dean sun, Purebred rabbits Pet and Cages quality supplies 292-229- 6 SECONO INCOME & ANYTHING 6 available weeks with the arrival pliances refinished and repaired. 13 years Custom experience. match, colors and finish. 331-4- 2 292-81 Call 58 Chapter welders, PIPEFITTERS, FURNITURE back 317-40- 7 HIRING IMMEDIATELY! the wheel these past few re-invent- ing walls, decks retaining and much more for a free estimate please call Dan Loveland at 298-183331-4- CLEAN FARMLAND SOIL, courteous experienced drivers will deliver 2 yards Pickups loaded. Use your Mastercard, Visa or American Express. Call Terra-We298-467Serving home owners and landscape contractors. Financing Weve been Architect would like to help you With your landscape needs. We specialize tn all facets of landscape including: systems, HANDY TOP SOIL BEAUTIFUL DARK No one ever said inventing the wheel was easy! Days, planting, System. Call minilop Pedigreed HAVE a successful business in Salt Lake to and are looking opening another in the South Davis area, but we are looking for a partner with floral design or interior design experience. If interested send your please background information to Designs, 725 E 2100 All So , SLC, 84106 letters will receive a reply COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE new and I will save you hundreds of All work is dollars1!! guaranteed. Free 47 55 4 bid 4 CALL NOW 319-41- 6 condos and apartment complexes, commercial, residential, weekly ground maintenance service GROUNDWATER PROBLEMS Sat. sprinkler We SYSTEM and SPRINKLER work Quality install or repair. New or material. Call for your new system, 295-123- 6 relandscape. Sod or seed 47 lawns, fencing, ties, after 4pm tree and shrub planting. 7 design, tree edging. mowing, LOPS LOVABLE WE ' fertilize, services, pup 47 49 298-570- OPPORTUNITIES shrubs, complete hedges, monthly care NEW HOME? ABOUT a CUTE BLUE Heeler Free to good home BUSINESS power-rak- trimming, leaves, raking Sprinkler scape 9 WEEDING, 47-5- 7 HOW LOVELAND LANDSCAPE LandPROFESSIONAL and out. and rough 298-567- 6 SPRING GENERAL CLEANUP ftMAINTEN. PROFESSIONAL ALL type 4 31747 4 Call 331414 concrete removal and disposal. Topsoil For free estimate call returns. Barbara com- Excavation, 298-519- (evenings) 0 4 hauling, for large businesses, friendly personal service. Accurate tax, ask for LICENSED EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR WATER AND sewer service lines Jeri (days) 2 rales sod, Bookkeeping and small 9 317-4- hauled 331-4- . quarterly puter prepared by CPA with 14 years experience. Your home or business. Fast service Reasonable rates. 1987 Kent taxes projected. 298-359- - on CALL evenings, HOME - checked any work weeding, mowing, edging, trees, top and trim, flower bed, new TAXES PREPARED STATE FEDERAL, and remodeling basement to attic by remarkable creations. Call 298-902- 1 for free estimate. Also upon request design consultation by Vivian. 324423 TAXES computer-spellin- g RAKING and tilling done at reasonable POWER of 7 331-4- INCOME satisfaction guaranteed. Forappt. Call 292-137- DO 9 FOR LANDSCAPING LARGE 8' QUANTITY $5 50 ea. will delv. Also cut ties for steps and etc 326-4- 7 295-28- 8 5 no PROMPT SERVICES WHERE QUALITY COUNTS GO WITH this familiar and dependable name in the Davis County area SPRING CLEAN UP OUR SPECIALTY power-rakin- 7 COMMERCIAL CARPET CLEANING THE KLEENING Company. Call Rick at 298-876- 7 QUALITY ROTCTILLING CUSTOM Troy-bil- t tilling pruning and tree topfor free ping. Call estimate, experience and fast services. Hauling, congarbage, limbs, struction etc. debris, THE ELECTRONICS CONNECTION VCR AND TV rates SECRETARY PROF. LANDSCAPING TREE SERVICES THIS IS the time for 7 331-4- experienced 47-4324-4- HAULING , 47-5- 5 295-860- & 295-155- 0 319- - HANDY ANDYS LANDSCAPINGS 5hr WITH A $1 5min 4 Call Johnson Associates 324-41- 4 295-563- 6 CUSTOM 4 7 R. C job too small I. Calf Gary 0 310-4- rates reasonable your car pentry, QUALITY 47-4- 9 experience REMODELING, REPAIR & new construction. Free 292-484- 7 dependable 544-191- 2 available. JOHNS BROS. construction, residential, commercial. Licensed contractor, general 331-4- 47 singers, Border Fancies, Fife Fancies, Glosters, Mountain WarHartz blers, Closed Bands, most experience, GUARANTEED CANARIES prepared, over 30 years R.R. TIES References Years of estimate experience est Licensed team clean house Becky Laura 414 will now to get your pruning done Call Dan Loveland for a free at 298-183- 1 LARGE house will care for elderly lady 20 298-750- INCOME TAXES PROFESSIONALLY 324-42- 1 PRUNING ARRANGEMENTS 6 HAVE Bountiful a Call 47-5- 7 298-778- 0 MAKE years experience 15 percent, discount on contracts 3 before May HONEST RELIABLE sister hauling etc. (Retaining wall) railroad tie, rock wall, cedar fence, we do fence repairs WEEKLY or MONTHLY LAWN CARE CALL NOW for your new 47 HAIRSTYLIST out, Complete 5 Gerry, business appointment; or residential etc. Free est. IS A specialty, honest, yard free for pulling trees trimming, 331-42- 8 remodeling, weekly professional touch. raking, cleaning, your not a sideline. hauling, care Call estimate 298-141- , PROF. LANDSCAPING CALL NOW for appointment for spring yard 47 414 IS now hiring a licensed Social Service Worker 25 hrswk., BA Clean-up- conversions Work guaranteed, 12 yrs strainers. IRONING WITH IRONING JOHNS BROS. DO YOU 4 residental. manual 4 1 HOLSTEIN family Bred, has given twins, 6 years old 750 1 Call 47.49 cow clean walls, your windows and carpets tor rate a low reasonable Call For free estimate 47 57 Ron 295-7- 1 17. automatic repairs, ACHE certified Hypnotherapist WHIPPLE LAWNCARE & MAINTENANCE COMMERCIAL AND WILL 7 295-154- 7 and STALLATION STOCK HOUSECLEANING SPRING CLEANING. We'll COMPLETE 292-695- 4257 298-461- 2 0 CLEANING 295-300- 3 331-4- Cleaners, Carpet Anderson Sunrise guaranteed. and ceilings spray texture removal Call for professional services call 295-275- 0 Frank Smedley, do 331 7 CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING SATISFACTION 9 PAINTING RESIDENTIAL! INTERIOR, custom work exterior Also new construction, 331-43- 0 NURSE LPN NEEDED for 2 days small in per week UTAH'S Free fertilizing 331 430 319-40- 7 maintenance $3 50 hr., plus 50 cents hour season bonus and incentive - work Ogden to Bountiful. Call after 8 00 298-886- 6 no evenings 326-4- 7 part time Retail Oil Helen; Experienced e miss you sprays, tree and shrub 47-4- cultivating see Hate to me CMS Landscape plicants CARE DORMANT ARBOR persons in Call Julie 295-030- 4 292-065- 2 nursing home. trimming, weeding, WORK recuperating their home NEEDED IN SOMEONE Woods Cross area to watch my If two children part-tim- e YOUNG in 298-876- 7 HOUSE CLEANING 47-4- 9 773-024- 5 Rick at retaining wall with R R. ties or landscaping boards Yard clean-u- p Company. WANT 317-40- 9 live-i- respon-sibilit- KLEENING Call 47 EXPERIENCED nurses aid will care for elderly or Farmington Courthouse MANAGEMENT TRAINEE EXPANDING gardening business is seeking to train the right person to OFFICE CLEANING THE includes landscaping grading, refill, sod, manual or seeded, automatic sprinkler, 331-4- H 7 , Excellent necessary 47-4- 9 3 331-4- licensed affordable, plumber x GOOD LAWN SPRINKLER IN- and Pam Sufferers Learn to relax with Hypnosis. Call STRESS HORSE SERVICES SERVICES PLUMBING REPAIRS AND installation, references Loan loan underwriting, two-- 3 year work with convemonal, & FHA VA loan unor processing and processor Ex- MIAMI 3 EXPERIENCED SDCH 298-461- Building, SERVICES BILL'S PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING AND YARD WORK DO WE professional esti- room additions, wooden basements, fences, decks, Poppe Call 292-032position. lor appointment BUILDING PHONE SALES SALARY ComPLUS SPECIALIZED-FRE- mates, with collection experience M ust be able to type 50 wpm. Full time area 4 7 to WANTED at FULL-TIM- E SERVICES SERVICES 295-922- $10 per day MORTGAGE BANKING GOVERNMENT JOBS $400 TO $1600 weekly Immediate openings Ext. 1548 for current Federal GRANDMA BABYSITTING 324-42- LABORS 330-4- 7 LOVING HELP 47-4- 9 benefit and salary; Mortgage 292-891- 1 plications to work in my small retail store Must be 18 years or older and free to work 5 evenings a week and some Sat Permanent employment if WANTED SECRETARY derwriting ap- 8 tend children, L t, lao Mr'niL unvia-ncrLCA-juuniM- Returnable Ratet Computerized . Call Far Aa Afpmtmewt Ron 4656609 BerrieeeeeD e( leaiiBf , JUr riwiHWiwInp 2ss north m woe BmrffalnS-M- H mum |