Show NEWS OF THE STATE the moroni operative cooperative co oo store at mi roul roni county has re kocor borated for a period of twenty fiat years and has raised the capital stock irom r om to 8 george city Is securing a water supply from cottonwood creek washington county more than man has been peat already and the stream must be brought beveral miles yet the tag creek is ie eighteen miles milea from the city coalville Co alville times time george and ted wilde oo on Wein erday in killing near bear Hoyt eville that has been committing oom such depredations around that neighborhood as running off with sheep and like animals for some time past while the animal killed was not unusually large for a 0 ugar it was a very strong and tiao tina drome deome specimen men and was sold abold to a party in silt bait like ephraim enterprise just ajuntas juntas as people were golno coln to church on sunday after uton P T POL poulson and james coo con nors got into their semi drunken brawl on main street they were promptly taken in charge by marshal bual beal who incarcerated them n the oily city bastile bas at 10 on monday worming they appeared before justice christensen who promptly flood fined them 40 each in default of payment of the fine they will board at the ibe city altya Is expense and probably be made to put in their lefeure leasure time working od on the street brigham city bugler miss isabelle forrest For reet a lady about nineteen years of age the oldest daughter of john cpr rest came near bear losing iser her life thurs lay she and her sister lizzle went over to their james forrest place to gather some parsley seeing some cho chocolate calate drops in the window she picked them up and ate them la in a hort abort time she grew deathly ill III and was attacked by severe the doctor was called and found the young lady in imminent danger she had teen been poisoned by eating chocolates which contained cont strychnine that bad been set for mice mica friday min mies isabelle was waa out of danger and rapidly improving fillmore progress what might have proved a disastrous fire occurred at the Fillmore dairy early monday morning the stovepipe evidently be came red hot at the place where it through the ceiling cel ling and when niels iverson the operative arrived quite a little blaze bad started por for very little damage was done some of the millard young men eul eel all torn up here etere to is january and part of february gone and not one retty girl garl bus popped the the situation atlon is discouraging and the fellows begin to bonior whether the new woman is not growing deat and able to take care of herself mt mg pleasant pyramid john coates oates arrived home monday evening irom from the ibe sheep herds in millard county w here he ce has spent the winter so far he reports sheep in fine condition much better that tor for several seasons season pasi abot at this time of year the winter baving been very favorable peed food out on the deserts is first class but bat is unavailable at present on account of lack of moisture it if si a good heavy snow fall would come it would prove a boon to the flocke flocks A number are already beginning to follow the snow limit northward mr coates says the season is unusually advanced in southern utah farmers being now engaged in putting in grain as tar far north as sevier county |