Show written for N paper a BY THE PEOPLE believing that it will be of interest inte reet to the public to investigate and if necessary criticise criticism critic ise the actions of our or lawmakers and perhaps to make surges slone concerning the making of laws I 1 make bold to ask you to please publish this article in ID your valuable paver pacer first I 1 way may ask to where are we dri drifting fing Is it into socialism or are we drifting into anarchism from observations made by myself and others it appears to us as it if nearly all the laws law that are sow now being passed not only by our own Legisla legislature tuce in etab but lo in the various stales of the U aulon tilon to is class legislation giving to a small portion of our citizens special rights and privileges over that of the otner I 1 understood 4 that according to the constitution of our country all the power granted to the legislative bodies to is received directly from the she people and that bat the people are the ones to ti be governed by the laws made by our legislators if so go then she he neomle have a right to have a direct voice in the making ot of the laws wat that they must muss be governed by hence choy bey have a right to request or demand that chat the legislature pass such laws as the masses of the people desire it if they do not do as their constituents re quest them to do fraere should be some way of removing them or what is still better let no bill of importance be enacted and become a law until i it has been referred back to the people for their sanction and approval I 1 refer to the referendum this would be a government of the people for the people and by the people and in tact act this would be a true republican form of govero government ment it may seem at ai first sight might but in reality it 11 is ian not otso so switzerland has this system of law making and it to is recognized as t tue best and most just republican arm of government upon the earth it was advocated by the Il lustrous and immortal abraham lincoln who said you can trust all the people a great deal more than you can trust some of them antipathy between rich and poor between the classes and mosses masses was uever never more intense or irreconcilable than at this moment special privileges and unequal opportunities are blotting out fraternal feelings and in many circles of man idea is but a meaningless jest the passion for or gold Is the delirium of the age an and its corrupting and polluting touch is visible everywhere it Is is making scoundrels of gentlemen our churches universities perhaps courts anu and councils legislature etc furnish evidence or of its if contaminating sod and de basing influences where will this stop sto apparently it will go on from bad to worse unless the mass of the people arise arias io in their might and through the polls voice their sentiments and inake a radical reform in our system of 01 lawmaking law making and abd government direct legislation is the one thing that maut be beai adopted au opted before any important re form is likely to 0 o be made it is I 1 think be some acme of human legislation for when the me people rule absolutely then tyranny of government will dig die appear distrust the man or men who distrust dla the me people is an old saying but a good one all reformers can unite on this platforms platform democrats Demo orata pro single incle sll erstes jabor I 1 a boru bor u n I 1 on into all lances mon meo everybody who believe in a government of for and by the she people perhaps I 1 have written too lengthy an article but I 1 am in earnest ear neat and desire not only the good and freedom of all in our state but also the freedom of all men respectfully JUSTI Cm |