Show NUMBER AND OF INDIANA A answering jewerl na a series of questions as aa to the indians indiana their cumber ru their reer their land allotments their cost coat to the government and the pre briety ot of compelling them to support themselves the bt paul pioneer prow gives a great deal of information which to the average reader will be interesting if not quite new at the time there are more than a hundred reservations there are indians on reservations and bixb all As AB a general rule In India diatra irB are not noll allowed to leave their reservation ap but to whom allotments are age made and every indian who has baa left ble tribe and la is living lu in a olville olvil civilized ls way Is ie dve declared lared to be a lull jull citizen of the united states but such citizenship does doea oot inot impair his rights to tribal or of other property when allotments allot menta of land are made each bead of a fam family illi la Is entitled to acres acree each person over el abLeen years or olt ago age la Is entitled to 40 bad each orphan under eighteen years yeara of ago age is ie entitled tin titled to 40 it coots about a year ty rort the It indians idian but bin of this about abbot comes comee from treaty 4 aon from trust unda funds belonging to the Inci indians lans themselves and from the aae ale of their lands it la Is generally uld held that it would be a good idea to make the indians work and earn their 1 own support and the white man wio MR ean originate a plan to make them all do it will be ranked among the greatest inventors invent ore of majern colern times much success in this line bag baa been attained in utah where more than anywhere elagin the auntry cu honest attempts attempt have bava been made to civilize the abo origines and teach them the arts of peace in the nation at large about indians more or less lega do earn their livelihood but the bulk of them like so BO many of their w white bite brethren have hare an ineradicable aversion ave relon to tull |