Show LEGAL AN ABUSE last tuesday I 1 wryte wrote a thodis on the donovan cage my was tae perpetuate the mcemery 0 os the grand as 0 some novae ol 01 0 the meo men wha fee gired i that munee cipal drama JL I abbot the greet great a 0 the beety attorney at the vera ol 01 u cutin his freen the captain he seemed tas tae it as abbot the name as it he be had bad been drafted tac lae rang tee venezuela tae fecht the bu not got oot 0 01 the after the same name casbin tie as has bac mody anither brave mao man under warlike be gora gofa substitute the principal ai ithe substitute are the thick anja an the thin GP the leegal fraternity they illustrate the truth a 0 the abe sayin that theress no things la in nature exactly alike injure yin in represents in his bis kolpus the principle ol 01 0 ex the ither that a 0 elongation I 1 oanna say ay that about their mental construction ant they were in ibis bia case came a unit in yae partook iler they were balau choked wl wip grief when the substitute made his bis apology for accept in the be pose eslon us u secondary prosecutor 01 0 obis 1 big sold auld treat ita it a wonder the janitor 0 3 the cort room tell as a thame that 0 oldna soom oom tao tae on out oot or they wad be crooned by a flood us 0 tears about tae bunt barat fro fra abe son een L 2 the catty attorneys attorney proxy maybe it was because ol 01 0 the mag distance bis between tween the reservoir an the outlets that the be deluge aldna tak place or no unlikely his bia grief was see sae deep that tie greet the beavin us 0 bis bia breest breast must hae bae been tae look at but I 1 mon oraw draw the curtain doon on tifis picture 1 0 I burnso mettery mee mete aery ery noo I 1 bae nae tae ony ody body hadid sympathy for jy else eise in a bad plight but the silly exhibit exhibitions ioas noo referred lae la are nae Lhing but leagai sl averin totally unworthy oa 01 0 a dignified iOD i in my opo enion the court that pur pai mite alts them tae be indulged in by its officers Is better bertei fitted for or ma ama ticks sticks thin in the juchli mont eats theres there yao yae legal cicat wha never make apologies they ire no lu in his line holever Ho oever its ito no because he be ab he geia muir mair cause for them bem than V a me begal gal fraternity put when I 1 say bay that its no tae me tell his bis name every fu person in the state will ken wha it is I 1 hae bae nae lase refer ence noo tae like the aba fhlug up their bats bate an yell every time he be blaw his bin nose none every member os 0 the profession aba reads the reports 0 the abe cases in which he be fiegure they ire 03 0 yas yae kind mun charely be disgusted heres a specimen sludge judge to witness wit nesa fiercely s when a gentleman gets a lo in a abar he be canna help him self diz he be address him ferociously what has baa ferocity to due wa rale legal la Is it possible that theres no a judge i is the state that has baa the courage tso two poo a bomb astus furioso irae the back us a high horse horae on he rides ower the bonnie fairden 0 common COMMOD dac decency ency I 1 cn can mak allos allowance nce for the pair gap aap holds wha scarcely ken hen sense free frae nou no u sense but nane fr high wha ernail abusive argumentative contortions eions to be hurled at witnesses to in a coort and omit tore to rebuke buko the perpetrator op 0 the outrage rage when the choleric outbursts include assertions tao tae the leffeck that it if yae jae peace officer shouts anither officer lor for actins under instructions instructional us his file leader d r he wad be justified he be proclaims himsel a leegal unar anarchist chist there is ie in ma holever ho oever yae feature 0 as the maetter tuat make nis big volcanic eruptions less dangerous dan geroue than they wad Ither otherwise wise be tae probability that emmist folk think that he be diana believe mair than halt half 0 os bis big aln air utterances utterance duncan |