Show THE PROPOSED constitutional CONSTITUTION A 1 AMENDMENT THE situation in utah directs the attention of several eastern papers towards the proposed constitutional 41 amendment now pending in congress the contention to is that after the adoption of the amend amendment me nt all valid objection to making utah a sovereign would be removed the amend amendment met referred to reads as aa follows no state shall ahall pass any law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting hi bi the free exercise thereof or use its property or credit or any money raised by taxation or authorize either to be used for the purpose of founding maintaining or aiding by appropriation payment for services expenses or other wise any church religious denomination or religious society or any institution society or undertaking which is in whole or in part under sectarian or cal control an amendment of a similar kind was introduced in the house of re bep in 1875 it is s said that general grant was tile InAl instigator gator of I 1 it it pawed passed the house by an almost unanimous vote but was waa subsequently defeated in the senate in 1876 the st louis national democratic boji oo 00 bention and the cincinnati national Ite republican publican convention both adopted dranks in their platforms urging ab solute separation of church and bt state at the present time the public school question is beco minea a rather vexed wie one in many of the eastern stated he amendment if adopted would effectually actually settle the issue pertaining to the appropriation of part of the school taxes for parochial and private schools it would also albo disqualify ammy religious institutions now receiving t otate to and municipal aid in a more or indirect way from taxation the pending measure was introduced 0 o the house by mr springer of t iiii illinois I 1 and in the senate by mr J platt tt of connecticut it is now in the hands of the ju committee of jc aach house |